Why doesnt' probe execute? - functional-programming

Why does Probe not execute? This is not the whole program, but should be sufficient code to find an answer. Yes, I already scoured Stack Overflow for an answer but there is not much help for Prolog. It is part of a minesweeper game.
play :-
play(M) :-
N is M + 1,
Suf <- N,
display_board(visible), nl,
format("Your ~d~a move~n", [N,Suf]),
retrieve('Coordinates? ', [A,B]),
format("DEBUG: probing at coordinates [~d,~d]~n", [A, B]),
!, probe(A,B),
probe(X, Y) :-
write("enter probe"),
located_at(Who, X, Y, C),
C = 'b',
write('should probe '),
write('at ['),
write(X), write(','), write(Y), write(']'), nl.
:- style_check(+singleton).

Let us step back and first try to find out: Why does the program not even compile?
When consulting the program you posted, I get:
ERROR: file.pl:6:6: Syntax error: Operator expected
This is the line that says:
Suf <- N
That's not valid Prolog syntax.
Therefore, I suggest to fix this first.
In fact, I further get:
Warning: file.pl:14: Singleton variables: [Who]
That's also not a good sign. But the ERROR is more severe, preventing compilation of the whole clause.


Julia CUDA: UndefVarError: parameters not defined

I have a program for doing Fourier series and I wanted to switch to CuArrays to make it faster. The code is as follows (extract):
#Arrays I want to use
coord = CuArray{ComplexF64,1}(complex.(a[:,1],a[:,2]))
#Array of indexes in the form [0,1,-1,2,-2,...]
n=[((-1)^i)div(i,2) for i in 1:grado]
#Array of functions I need for calculations
base= [x -> exp(π * im * i * x / L) / L for i in n]
base[i](1.) #This line is OK
base[i](-1:.1:1) #This line is OK
base[i].(t) #This line gives error!
base[i].(CuArray{Float64,1}(t)) #This line gives error!
And the error is:
GPU broadcast resulted in non-concrete element type Any.
This probably means that the function you are broadcasting contains an error or type instability.
If I change it like this
base= [(x::Float64) -> (exp(π * im * i * x / L) / L)::ComplexF64 for i in n]
the same lines still give error, but the error now is:
UndefVarError: parameters not defined
Any idea how I could fix this?
Thank you in advance!
Package information:
(#v1.6) pkg> st CUDA
Status `C:\Users\marce\.julia\environments\v1.6\Project.toml`
[052768ef] CUDA v2.6.2
P.S.: This other function has the same problem:
function integra(inizio, fine, arr)
integrale -= (first(arr)+last(arr))/2
integrale *= h
The first and easier problem is that you should take care to declare global variables to be constant so that the compiler can assume a constant type: const L = 2. A mere L = 2 allows you to do something like L = SomeOtherType(), and if that type can be Anything, so must the return type of your functions. On the CPU that's only a performance hit, but it's a no-no for the GPU. If you actually want L to vary in value, pass it in as an argument so the compiler can still infer types within a function.
Your ::ComplexF64 assertion did actually force a concrete return type, though the middle of the function is still type unstable (check with #code_warntype). The second problem you ran into after that patch was probably caused by this recently patched conflict between ExprTools.jl and LLVM.jl. Seems like you just need to update the packages or maybe reinstall them.

Idris impossible keyword proves a wrong proposition

data Even: Nat -> Type where
EvenZ: Even Z
EvenS: Even n -> Even (n + 2)
lemma1: Even Z
lemma1 = EvenZ
-- total
-- lemma2: Even Z
-- lemma2 impossible -- Idris says 'lemma2 is a valid case' and I agree with you
lemma3: Even 2
lemma3 = EvenS EvenZ
lemma4: Even 2 -> Void
lemma4 x impossible -- what does it work?
lemma5: Even 1 -> Void
lemma5 x impossible
I wrote some proofs on Even.
lemma1, lemma2 and lemma3 are ok, but lemma4 looks strange to me.
AFAIK, both lemma3 and lemma4 can not be provable at the same time.
I expected impossible keyword in lemma4 not to work and expected Idris to show me some error messages about the wrong usage of impossible.
Is impossible an unsafe keyword that can be used to assert to type checker?

Prolog, issues with base case failing

I'm currently writing a prolog A* search function, and ran into an issue with one of my queries. So I decided to manually test the base case, as that's where the trace was failing.
write(woo empty).
I manually ran:
but it just fails.
Any help would be appreciated.
[Child] (a 1-element list) cannot unify with [c(1,1,p(1,2)),[]] (a 2-elements list).
That's why it is failing.
You can manually test in the interactive interpreter that those two terms fail to unify:
?- addAChild([Child],[],[Child]) = addAChild([c(1,1,p(1,2)),[]],[],A).
and then you can inspect recursively which part is failing.
The term name (addAChild) and the arity (3) is the same, so we can rule off this issue.
Then proceed to unify each argument:
?- [Child] = A.
A = [Child].
?- [] = [].
?- [Child] = [c(1,1,p(1,2)),[]].

Prolog, working with recursion [duplicate]

I wanted to write evaluating predicate in Prolog for arithmetics and I found this:
eval(A+B,CV):-eval(A,AV),eval(B,BV),CV is AV+BV.
eval(A-B,CV):-eval(A,AV),eval(B,BV),CV is AV-BV.
eval(A*B,CV):-eval(A,AV),eval(B,BV),CV is AV*BV.
Which is great but not very DRY.
I've also found this:
:- op(100,fy,neg), op(200,yfx,and), op(300,yfx,or).
positive(Formula) :-
positive(Formula) :-
Formula =.. [_,Left,Right],
?- positive((p or q) and (q or r)).
?- positive(p and (neg q or r)).
Operator is here matched with _ and arguments are matched with Left and Right.
So I came up with this:
eval(Formula, Value) :-
Formula =.. [Op, L, R], Value is Op(L,R).
It would be DRY as hell if only it worked but it gives Syntax error: Operator expected instead.
Is there a way in Prolog to apply operator to arguments in such a case?
Your almost DRY solution does not work for several reasons:
Formula =.. [Op, L, R] refers to binary operators only. You certainly want to refer to numbers too.
The arguments L and R are not considered at all.
Op(L,R) is not valid Prolog syntax.
on the plus side, your attempt produces a clean instantiation error for a variable, whereas positive/1 would fail and eval/2 loops which is at least better than failing.
Since your operators are practically identical to those used by (is)/2 you might want to check first and only then reuse (is)/2.
eval2(E, R) :-
R is E.
isexpr(BinOp) :-
BinOp =.. [F,L,R],
isexpr(N) :-
% admissibleop(/).
Note that number/1 fails for a variable - which leads to many erroneous programs. A safe alternative would be
t_number(N) :-

Prolog recursion overflow

It leads to the stackoverflow(not the site)! It shouldn't because of the cut(!). Does it work in SWI-Prolog?
Please note that both definitions (the OP's and pad's) do not terminate for a query like fact(0,N). But also fact(1,2) does not terminate. It should fail. And for fact(N, F) it gives only one correct answer, but there should be infinitely many. Using cuts for such purpose is very tricky. The cleanest way to fix this is to add the goal N > 0 to the rule and have a fact fact(0,1). There is an even better way, provided you use SWI-Prolog: Use library(clpfd). In the documentation, you find n_factorial/2 already defined. It can be used for queries like:
?- n_factorial(47, F).
F = 258623241511168180642964355153611979969197632389120000000000
; false.
?- n_factorial(N, 1).
N = 0
; N = 1
; false.
?- n_factorial(N, 3).
