Is IIS Http daemon? - http

I was reading about http daemon and in order to make sense of it I tried to relate it to something I know and I thought that based on its definition it is very similar to IIS, so can we consider the IIS an HTTP daemon or does the IIS include it? I would appreciate it if anyone can clarify the relation between them.

Windows has a service called the HTTP Stack (http.sys) which is responsible for routing HTTP requests to the proper process, such as IIS.
When the IIS service runs, it registers any URLs that it wants to handle with http.sys. This makes it possible to have multiple processes share port 80 as long as they request different URLs.


What will happen if a SSL-configured Nginx reverse proxy pass to an web server without SSL?

I use Nginx to manage a lot of my web services. They listens different port, but all accessed by the reverse proxy of Nginx within one domain. Such as to access a RESTful-API server I can use http://my-domain/api/, and to access a video server I can use http://my-domain/video.
I have generated a SSL certificate for my-domain and added it into my Nginx conf so my Nginx server is HTTPS now -- But those original servers are still using HTTP.
What will happen when I visit https://my-domain/<path>? Is this as safe as configuring SSL on the original servers?
One of the goals of making sites be HTTPS is to prevent the transmitted data between two endpoints from being intercepted by outside parties to either be modified, as in a man-in-the-middle attack, or for the data to be stolen and used for bad purposes. On the public Internet, any data transmitted between two endpoints needs to be secured.
On private networks, this need isn't quite so great. Many services do run on just HTTP on private networks just fine. However, there are a couple points to take into consideration:
Make sure unused ports are blocked:
While you may have an NGINX reverse proxy listening on port 443, is port 80 blocked, or can the sites still be accessed via HTTP?
Are the other ports to the services blocked as well? Let's say your web server runs on port 8080, and the NGINX reverse proxy forwards certain traffic to localhost:8080, can the site still be accessed at or One way to prevent this is to use a firewall and block all incoming traffic on any ports you don't intend to accept traffic on. You can always unblock them later, if you add a service that requires that port be opened.
Internal services are accessible by other services on the same server
The next consideration relates to other software that may be running on the server. While it's within a private ecosystem, any service running on the server can access localhost:8080. Since the traffic between the reverse proxy and the web server are not encrypted, that traffic can also be sniffed, even if authorisation is required in order to authenticate localhost:8080. All a rogue service would need to do is monitor the port and wait for a user to login. Then that service can capture everything between the two endpoints.
One strategy to mitigate the dangers created by spyware is to either use virtualisation to separate a single server into logical servers, or use different hardware for things that are not related. This at least keeps things separate so that the people responsible for application A don't think that service X might be something the team running application B is using. Anything out of place will more likely stand out.
For instance, a company website and an internal wiki probably don't belong on the same server.
The simpler we can keep the setup and configuration on the server by limiting what that server's job is, the more easily we can keep tabs on what's happening on the server and prevent data leaks.
Use good security practices
Use good security best practices on the server. For instance, don't run as root. Use a non-root user for administrative tasks. For any services that run which are long lived, don't run them as root.
For instance, NGINX is capable of running as the user www-data. With specific users for different services, we can create groups and assign the different users to them and then modify the file ownership and permissions, using chown and chmod, to ensure that those services only have access to what they need and nothing more. As an example, I've often wondered why NGINX needs read access to logs. It really should, in theory, only need write access to them. If this service were to somehow get compromised, the worst it could do is write a bunch of garbage to the logs, but an attacker might find their hands are tied when it comes to retrieving sensitive information from them.
localhost SSL certs are generally for development only
While I don't recommend this for production, there are ways to make localhost use HTTPS. One is with a self signed certificate. The other uses a tool called mkcert which lets you be your own CA (certificate authority) for issuing SSL certificates. The latter is a great solution, since the browser and other services will implicitly trust the generated certificates, but the general consensus, even by the author of mkcert, is that this is only recommended for development purposes, not production purposes. I've yet to find a good solution for localhost in production. I don't think it exists, and in my experience, I've never seen anyone worry about it.

Servlet on one tomcat passing data to another servlet running another tomcat server?

Hi i want to know if its possible to have data being passed to another servlet running a different server (example Tomcat host port 9090) from a servlet running on tomcat server (host port 9999)?
Doing a project in java using NETBEANS.
I have searched around and tried some of the snippets of codes like HTTP Request and HTTP Connection but to no avail. Is this really possible? If yes, can anyone give me some explanation or hints what to search for in google? Im stuck.
Technically, yes I think it would be possible but I can't even begin to think of why you would want to do something like that. In the first server you would need to use a URLConnection to perform a HTTP request on the target server and then gather the response manually. This would all happen inside the doPost / doGet method of first server and is explained here: Using to fire and handle HTTP requests. This would get messy very quickly.
If you want to do interprocess communication have a look at web services they provide a much cleaner communication system and even work across different languages quite well.

Can Nginx be used instead of Gunicorn to manage multiple local OpenERP worker servers?

I'm currently using Nginx as a web server for Openerp. It's used to handle SSL and cache static data.
I'm considering extending it's use to also handle fail over and load balancing with a second server, using the upstream module.
In the process, it occurred to me that Nginx could also do this on multiple Openerp servers on the same machine, so I can take advantage of multiple cores. But Gunicorn seems to the the preferred tool for this.
The question is: can Nginx do a good job handling traffic to multiple local OpenERP servers, bypassing completely the need for Gunicorn?
Let first talk what they both are bascially.
Nginx is a pure web server that's intended for serving up static content and/or redirecting the request to another socket to handle the request.
Gunicorn is based on the pre-fork worker model. This means that there is a central master process that manages a set of worker processes. The master never knows anything about individual clients. All requests and responses are handled completely by worker processes.
If you see closely Gunicorn is Designed from Unicron, Follow the link for the detail more diff
which show the ngix and unicrom same model work on Gunicron also.
nginx is not a "pure web server" :) It's rather a web accelerator capable of doing load balancing, caching, SSL termination, request routing AND static content. A "pure web server" would be something like Apache - historically a web server for static content, CGIs and later for mod_something.

Creating a HttpModule that routes traffic to another server

I ran into a rather tricky problem at one of my clients. They have a simple router which can only forward a single port to a single machine. However, they have several applications on several servers requiring port 80.
So, I was thinking I could write a HttpModule that receives traffic and creates a HttpWebRequest to another internal server. When the HttpWebResponse comes back, the HttpModule writes the content to the HttpResponse.
Has this been done before? And does it make sense?
Take a look at Microsoft Application Request Routing Version 2.5 for IIS 7

Creating a HTTP handler for IIS that transparently forwards request to different port?

I have a public web server with the following software installed:
IIS7 on port 80
Subversion over apache on port 81
TeamCity over apache on port 82
Unfortunately, both Subversion and TeamCity comes with their own web server installations, and they work flawlessly, so I don't really want to try to move them all to run under IIS, if that is even possible.
However, I was looking at IIS and I noticed the HTTP redirect part, and I was wondering...
Would it be possible for me to create a HTTP handler, and install it on a sub-domain under IIS7, so that all requests to, say, is passed to my HTTP handler, which then subsequently creates a request to http://localhost:81/anything/here, retrieves the data, and passes it on to the original requestee?
In other words, I would like IIS to handle transparent forwards to port 81 and 82, without using the redirection features. For instance, Subversion doesn't like HTTP redirect and just says that the repository has been moved, and I need to relocate my working copy. That's not what I want.
If anyone thinks this can be done, does anyone have any links to topics I need to read up on? I think I can manage the actual request parts, even with authentication, but I have no idea how to create a HTTP handler.
Also bear in mind that I need to handle sub-paths and documents beneath the top-level domain, so needs to be handled by a single handler, I cannot create copies of the handler for all sub-directories since paths are created from time to time.
Try the Application Request Routing addon for IIS to configure IIS as a reverse proxy.
