Google Analytics - CORS issue in iOS 10 - google-analytics

We have Google Analytics (UA) deployed through Google Tag Manager. Recently we have been experiencing an issue with some pages not reporting in iOS 10. Looking into it, it seems the request is being rejected due to a CORS issue:
> XMLHttpRequest cannot load
> Cross-origin redirection denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
> policy.
The error occurs on some pages but not others:
Example page with the error:
Example page with no error:
Does anyone have a clue as to why this may be happening?


Linkedin API not working on any Google App Engine sites

When I try to use Linkedin to login to my site on Google App Engine I get a 999 error. I think it must be blocked there because on my local machine the login does work fine.
Some other sites on app engine seem to have the same problem. My only conclusion is that the ip range of app engine must have been banned by linked on purpose or by accident. I think it must be by accident because of how many sites this must affect.
I do not think that it is only related to the Google App Engine, but rather kinda strict blocking policy at LinkedIn. Check out this post here: 999 Error Code on HEAD request to LinkedIn
It seems that LinkedIn also blocks request based on user-agent.
and HTTP Error 999: Request denied
and How to avoid "HTTP/1.1 999 Request denied" response from LinkedIn?

Google Analytics is sayng:No hits! Either your site is not receiving any sessions or it is not tagged correctly

According to google analytic my site is not receiving hits. I have added the google analytic code in the head section of the site, in all the pages.
When I checked the site using Google Tag Assistant, it gave an error that "No HTTP response detected". What does this mean? Is this the reason why my site is not receiving hits?
"No HTTP response detected" means that no information is sent to the Google Analytics tracking servers (actually rather that it does not arrive there), so yes, that is the reason why you do not see any interactions in Google Analytics.
One possible reason is that you have an adblocker (this would be part of the complete error message).
If I recall correctly the same error will show up in the Tag Assistant if you have entered a wrong value for the cookie domain, so you might want to check that is set correctly when you create the tracker (setting it to auto is usually the easiest way):
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');
Have a look at your browsers developement tools, the browser console will probably have additional error messages.
No Hits
First detected: Mar 27, 2022 10:59:58 PM
Last detected: Jun 15, 2022 10:46:48 AM
Property is not receiving hits. Either your site is not receiving any sessions or it is not tagged correctly.
Google Tag Assistant Recordings can help you ensure that your site is tagged correctly.
Learn more:

Google's own demo of their Analytics API forbidden by SAMEORIGIN

I'm just getting started looking at the Google Analytics API which should allow me to embed some Analytics data into a page. I have found two pages containing almost identical demo code, both created by Google themselves:
and neither of them works. Nothing loads, and the error message in the Console is:
Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.
Can anyone explain why this would be? The Client ID isn't the problem, I've double-checked, and there are no restrictions on referrers. This happens when the code is place in a live public web page, not locally on an intranet or localhost page.

Google API cannot display Analytics API options

In the Google Developer Console I'm trying to access the Analytics API but it hangs at this page:
Opening the console shows the following error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.
Any help or guidance is much appreciated, thank you!

Google Analytics Report Stops Working on drupal

I am using this module for some time and it worked fine. But suddenly it stops fetching analytics data. When I saw the report, it was showing message as
Code: 403 - Error: Forbidden - Message: usageLimitsuserRateLimitExceededUnregUser Rate Limit Exceeded. Please sign up
Please help me
This error message indicates that your application is not registered to use the google analytics api and so you were only having a low grace quota meant for testing and you have exceeded that. Check the official documentation to know about this error message and how to enable the api in the console.
