How to deactivate Order function in Wordpress - wordpress

I am now building my own website that will show some pictures to users.
That's like ebay but unable to buy any items.
Just click and contact to the seller.
Here are 2 screenshots.
For example, click the first item, then the second page will show up.
Like the screenshot, I do Not want to see the 'Add to cart'. Instead of that, I want to see this, Contact the seller then it will show the seller's phone number.
I installed woocommerece & WV vendors plugins.
If you have any good suggestion, It will be appreciated.

Woocommerece is for selling items. If you are trying to create a lookalike shop site, I'd recommend:
Creating a custom post type for the products
Create custom fields for all the properties of your product & seller information.
Style the page as you wish.
Woocommerece is totally not necessery here.


How to link pricing table with affiliate product?

I have a pricing table on my home page that lists 3 nutrition plans. Each of these plans is actually an affiliate product. Currently, I've manually added the affiliate link to each of the buttons (which redirects to the affiliate website by clicking a button), without using woocomerce products.
I have another page called Plans in which I use the product grid widget from Elementor, which automatically adds my external products that are added to Woocomerce product list (links are the same as in the pricing table product list).
So here I got totally confused due to lack of my experience. Here are the problems:
I can't use some kind of grid on my homepage as well (for additional widget cost and design reasons), but I will need to edit 2 places if an affiliate link would change.
In addition to that, I'm not sure if WooCommerce will be able to
track which products sell the best because it's not actually
directly coupled, it's just a link. Or I'm wrong here and Woocomerce
will only look into the affiliate link?
I would be able to live with changing 2 places in the future, but I'm totally not sure about the second one.I tried to dig deep into that, but only found information with an actual products and not affiliate ones, which is not the case in my scenario.

I want some custom changes on my product page

I want the selling price placed in the next line and after the next line Inclusive of all taxes (this is a custom text which display in every product)
I want My variation selection option next line after the price & before the add to cart.
as it is as an amazon product page. can anyone help me with it, I’ve searched a lot on google but it’s not working.
Product Page Link -
I'm new to this group so if I'm posted the wrong question then am apologize in advanced
It looks like you're using the Flatsome theme which lets you build custom layouts for your product pages. Here's a detailed tutorial that guides you through it
Here's the relevant step-by-steps for you:
Go to Your WP Dashboard -> Blocks -> Add New
Create a new block called Product Layout
Go to Theme Options -> Shop -> Product Page
Enable "Custom" in the product page layout options
Now visit an existing product on the frontend of the website
Hover over Edit Product and select "Edit Product Layout with UX Builder"
You'll now be able to drag and drop the different options into the desired location.

How to code bulk order form in wordpress

We developing a website for wholesale marketer,
In this when user click on products for eg. if user see t-shirt, he can choose multiple sizes, colors at a time and if user select 3 sizes for a product then in an increment box value show as 3
is this possible in wordpress without using paid plugin.
Have a look at this free plugin
It has Lightbox view for more details on the same page for each product also.

Create custom product filter with wordpress woo commerce

I have educational website which sales the management and computer courses online.I am using woo commerce to sale a product(course) all courses shows on program page.
On home page i have to display search filter which will search the product by category,attribute.And after search the product i have to redirect on program page and display filtered product here.Like bellow scenario i am looking for.
my requirement is to search by product category-> attribute-attribute Bellow is structure
1) product Category:- Finance,Marketing,Agriculture
2)Product Attribute(Skills):-Performance management,Team Building,Ms-office
3)(Duration)Sub attribute terms of Attribute(Skills):- Short Time ,Long Time
user will first select category,then select skill,and the duration on home page after that user will filter the result and redirect on program page and display search result here.
The home page filter will look like this.
Is this possible with WordPress ,woo commerce filter's or using any plugin.
Maybe Filter Custom Fields and Taxonomies can help you.
There is a free version in the WordPress repository
But you will probably need the PRO version
More information about the plugin can be found here:

Advanced Wordpress categories listing

well at least for me this is advanced. I have one jewerly site with brands. For now i have fixed number of brands like 10 of them. I want each brand to have its own page with unique header/image/title/logo. When u enter brand landing page you see brand products. Click on read more hows product details page. Problem is that client want later to add himself new category new brand. And brand must be shown under menu and one slider on homepage. What is best way to do it ? What is proper way. So you have main menu -> our collections -> addlers for example. I want to list there all products from Adler but have unique header then other brands.
Link is ->
Thanks a lot
Ok, this is how we do it in our blog.
Install the following plugins:
Than create a brand Page and use the shortcode of the widget on page plugin. Set up the widget with ultimate posts. Now you can filter by category or something.
