Regression in R with categorical variables - r

I'm trying to understand regression in R. I'm trying to solve an exercise wich has a 100 random male-female dataset like this:
sex sbp bmi
male 130 40.0
female 126 29.0
female 115 25.0
male 120 33.0
female 128 34.0
I want to get a numerical summary (0) plot the relation between sbp and bmi (1) and estimate beta1, beta2 and sigma parameters with R^2 (2). Then, check the goodness of the model (3) and get the confidence intervals (4)..
I think that sex is a categorical variable, so here it's my code:
as.numeric(framingham$sex) - 1
apply(framingham, 2, class)
framingham$sex <- factor (framingham$sex)
levels (framingham$sex) <- c("female", "male")
resultadoNumerico <- compareGroups(~., data = framingham)
resumenNumerico <- createTable(resultadoNumerico)
# 1
framinghamMatrix <- data.matrix(framingham)
regre <- lm(sbp ~ bmi+sex, data = framingham)
regreSum <- summary(regre)
# Sigma
# Betas
plot(framingham$bmi, framingham$sbp, xlab = "SBP", ylab = "BMI")
abline (regre)
But i think that im not doing things right... Could you help me? Thanks in advance...

To check the relation between variables try a plot called pairs.panels from psych library. It gives the distributions , scatter plot and correlation coefficients.
The sex variable here is categorical hence convert it into factor and then provide as input to your linear regression model. By alphabetical order the first level in the factor becomes your reference level and hence in the summary of model you can see only levels other than the reference level (in this case female is base -reference level)
Now create your linear model.
model <- lm(sbp ~ bmi+sex, data = framingham)
The summary gives the coefficients, intercept, standard error (95% confidence) , t-value and p-value( that indicates the significance of variables), Multiple R-squared (Goodness of fit) , Adjusted R-squared (Goodness of fit adjusted to model complexity) etc.

I've made sex-1 for the categorical variable:
regre <- lm(sbp ~ bmi+sex***-1***, data = framingham)
regreSum <- summary(regre)
And now I obtain
lm(formula = sbp ~ bmi + sex - 1, data = framingham)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-28.684 -13.025 -1.314 8.711 73.476
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
bmi 1.9338 0.3965 4.877 4.21e-06 ***
sexhombre 79.0624 11.0716 7.141 1.71e-10 ***
sexmujer 82.1020 10.5184 7.806 6.93e-12 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 18.48 on 97 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9813, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9808
F-statistic: 1700 on 3 and 97 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Maybe am I going in the right way?


How to fit a known linear equation to my data in R?

I used a linear model to obtain the best fit to my data, lm() function.
From literature I know that the optimal fit would be a linear regression with the slope = 1 and the intercept = 0. I would like to see how good this equation (y=x) fits my data? How do I proceed in order to find an R^2 as well as a p-value?
This is my data
(y = modelled, x = measured)
measured<-c(67.39369,28.73695,60.18499,49.32405,166.39318,222.29022,271.83573,241.72247, 368.46304,220.27018,169.92343,56.49579,38.18381,49.33753,130.91752,161.63536,294.14740,363.91029,358.32905,239.84112,129.65078,32.76462,30.13952,52.83656,67.35427,132.23034,366.87857,247.40125,273.19316,278.27902,123.24256,45.98363,83.50199,240.99459,266.95707,308.69814,228.34256,220.51319,83.97942,58.32171,57.93815,94.64370,264.78007,274.25863,245.72940,155.41777,77.45236,70.44223,104.22838,294.01645,312.42321,122.80831,41.65770,242.22661,300.07147,291.59902,230.54478,89.42498,55.81760,55.60525,111.64263,305.76432,264.27192,233.28214,192.75603,75.60803,63.75376)
modelled<-c(42.58318,71.64667,111.08853,67.06974,156.47303,240.41188,238.25893,196.42247,404.28974,138.73164,116.73998,55.21672,82.71556,64.27752,145.84891,133.67465,295.01014,335.25432,253.01847,166.69241,68.84971,26.03600,45.04720,75.56405,109.55975,202.57084,288.52887,140.58476,152.20510,153.99427,75.70720,92.56287,144.93923,335.90871,NA,264.25732,141.93407,122.80440,83.23812,42.18676,107.97732,123.96824,270.52620,388.93979,308.35117,100.79047,127.70644,91.23133,162.53323,NA ,276.46554,100.79440,81.10756,272.17680,387.28700,208.29715,152.91548,62.54459,31.98732,74.26625,115.50051,324.91248,210.14204,168.29598,157.30373,45.76027,76.07370)
Now I would like to see how good the equation y=x fits the data presented above (R^2 and p-value)?
I am very grateful if somebody can help me with this (basic) problem, as I found no answers to my question on stackoverflow?
Best regards Cyril
Let's be clear what you are asking here. You have an existing model, which is "the modelled values are the expected value of the measured values", or in other words, measured = modelled + e, where e are the normally distributed residuals.
You say that the "optimal fit" should be a straight line with intercept 0 and slope 1, which is another way of saying the same thing.
The thing is, this "optimal fit" is not the optimal fit for your actual data, as we can easily see by doing:
summary(lm(measured ~ modelled))
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = measured ~ modelled)
#> Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -103.328 -39.130 -4.881 40.428 114.829
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 23.09461 13.11026 1.762 0.083 .
#> modelled 0.91143 0.07052 12.924 <2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Residual standard error: 55.13 on 63 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared: 0.7261, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7218
#> F-statistic: 167 on 1 and 63 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
This shows us the line that would produce the optimal fit to your data in terms of reducing the sum of the squared residuals.
But I guess what you are asking is "How well do my data fit the model measured = modelled + e ?"
Trying to coerce lm into giving you a fixed intercept and slope probably isn't the best way to answer this question. Remember, the p value for the slope only tells you whether the actual slope is significantly different from 0. The above model already confirms that. If you want to know the r-squared of measured = modelled + e, you just need to know the proportion of the variance of measured that is explained by modelled. In other words:
1 - var(measured - modelled) / var(measured)
#> [1] 0.7192672
This is pretty close to the r squared from the lm call.
I think you have sufficient evidence to say that your data is consistent with the model measured = modelled, in that the slope in the lm model includes the value 1 within its 95% confidence interval, and the intercept contains the value 0 within its 95% confidence interval.
As mentioned in the comments, you can use the lm() function, but this actually estimates the slope and intercept for you, whereas what you want is something different.
If slope = 1 and the intercept = 0, essentially you have a fit and your modelled is already the predicted value. You need the r-square from this fit. R squared is defined as:
See this link for definition of RSS and TSS.
We can only work with observations that are complete (non NA). So we calculate each of them:
TSS = nonNA = ! & !
# residuals from your prediction
RSS = sum((modelled[nonNA] - measured[nonNA])^2,na.rm=T)
# total residuals from data
TSS = sum((measured[nonNA] - mean(measured[nonNA]))^2,na.rm=T)
[1] 0.7116585
If measured and modelled are supposed to represent the actual and fitted values of an undisclosed model, as discussed in the comments below another answer, then if fm is the lm object for that undisclosed model then
will show the R^2 and p value of that model.
The R squared value can actually be calculated using only measured and modelled but the formula is different if there is or is not an intercept in the undisclosed model. The signs are that there is no intercept since if there were an intercept sum(modelled - measured, an.rm = TRUE) should be 0 but in fact it is far from it.
In any case R^2 and the p value are shown in the output of the summary(fm) where fm is the undisclosed linear model so there is no point in restricting the discussion to measured and modelled if you have the lm object of the undisclosed model.
For example, if the undisclosed model is the following then using the builtin CO2 data frame:
fm <- lm(uptake ~ Type + conc, CO2)
we have the this output where the last two lines show R squared and p value.
lm(formula = uptake ~ Type + conc, data = CO2)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-18.2145 -4.2549 0.5479 5.3048 12.9968
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 25.830052 1.579918 16.349 < 2e-16 ***
TypeMississippi -12.659524 1.544261 -8.198 3.06e-12 ***
conc 0.017731 0.002625 6.755 2.00e-09 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 7.077 on 81 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.5821, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5718
F-statistic: 56.42 on 2 and 81 DF, p-value: 4.498e-16

Quark in producing fitted values using LM model in R

A colleague and I noticed this interesting quark in the lm function in R.
Say, I am regressing y variable on an x variable and x variable is a factor level variable with two categories (0/1).
When I run the regression and examine the fitted values, there should be two fitted values. One for the intercept and one fitted value when beta = 1.
Instead, there are more than two. Three nearly identical fitted values for the intercept and one fitted value when beta = 1.
Among those that are different, the difference occurs at the last decimal point.
What might be occurring within R that produces this quark? Why are the intercept's fitted values nearly identical but not perfectly identical?
x <- sample(c(0,1), 100, replace = T, prob = c(.5,.5))
y <- runif(100, min = 1, max = 100)
df <- data.frame(x, y)
OLS <- lm(y ~ as.factor(x), data = df)
lm(formula = y ~ as.factor(x), data = df)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-52.374 -25.163 1.776 25.521 46.571
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 54.503 4.176 13.05 <0.0000000000000002 ***
as.factor(x)1 -5.117 5.683 -0.90 0.37
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 28.33 on 98 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.008205, Adjusted R-squared: -0.001916
F-statistic: 0.8107 on 1 and 98 DF, p-value: 0.3701
49.385426930928 54.5027935733593 54.5027935733594 54.5027935733595
54 32 13 1
My hunch is that this is the product of numerical errors as outlined in the first circle of Burn's (2011) R Inferno?

How does the Predict function handle continuous values with a 0 in R for a Poisson Log Link Model?

I am using a Poisson GLM on some dummy data to predict ClaimCounts based on two variables, frequency and Judicial Orientation.
Dummy Data Frame:
data5 <-data.frame(Year=c("2006","2006","2006","2007","2007","2007","2008","2009","2010","2010","2009","2009"),
Loss = c(100000,100,2500,100000,25000,0,7500,5200, 900,100,0,50),
Model GLM:
ClaimModel <- glm(ClaimCount~JudicialOrientation+Frequency
,family = poisson(link="log"), offset=log(Exposure), data = data5, na.action=na.pass)
glm(formula = ClaimCount ~ JudicialOrientation + Frequency, family = poisson(link = "log"),
data = data5, na.action = na.pass, offset = log(Exposure))
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.7555 -0.7277 -0.1196 2.6895 7.4768
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.3493 0.2125 -1.644 0.1
JudicialOrientationNeutral -3.3343 0.5664 -5.887 3.94e-09 ***
JudicialOrientationPlaintiff -3.4512 0.6337 -5.446 5.15e-08 ***
Frequency 39.8765 6.7255 5.929 3.04e-09 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 149.72 on 11 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 111.59 on 8 degrees of freedom
AIC: 159.43
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
I am using an offset of Exposure as well.
I then want to use this GLM to predict claim counts for the same observations:
data5$ExpClaimCount <- predict(ClaimModel, newdata=data5, type="response")
If I understand correctly then the Poisson glm equation should then be:
ClaimCount = exp(-.3493 + -3.3343*JudicialOrientationNeutral +
-3.4512*JudicialOrientationPlaintiff + 39.8765*Frequency + log(Exposure))
However I tried this manually(In excel =EXP(-0.3493+0+0+LOG(10)) for observation 1 for example) and for some of the observations but did not get the correct answer.
Is my understanding of the GLM equation incorrect?
You are right with the assumption about how predict() for a Poisson GLM works. This can be verified in R:
co <- coef(ClaimModel)
p1 <- with(data5,
exp(log(Exposure) + # offset
co[1] + # intercept
ifelse(as.numeric(JudicialOrientation)>1, # factor term
co[as.numeric(JudicialOrientation)], 0) +
Frequency * co[4])) # linear term
all.equal(p1, predict(ClaimModel, type="response"), check.names=FALSE)
[1] TRUE
As indicated in the comments you probably get the wrong results in Excel because of the different basis of the logarithm (10 in Excel, Euler's number in R).

R - Regression Analysis for Logarthmic

I perform regression analysis and try to find the best fit model for the dataset diamonds.csv in ggplot2. I use price(response variable) vs carat and I perform linear regression, quadratic, and cubic regression. The line is not the best fit. I realize the logarithmic from excel has the best fitting line. However, I couldn't figure out how to code in R to find the logarithmic fitting line. Anyone can help?
Comparing Price vs Carat
model<-lm(price~carat, data = diamonds)
Model 2 uses the polynomial to compare
model2<-lm(price~carat + I(carat^2), data = diamonds)
use cubic in model3
model3 <- lm(price~carat + I(carat^2) + I(carat^3), data = diamonds)
How can I code the log in R to get same result as excel?
y = 0.4299ln(x) - 2.5495
R² = 0.8468
The result you report from excel y = 0.4299ln(x) - 2.5495 does not contain any polynomial or cubic terms. What are you trying to do? price is very skewed and as with say 'income' it is common practice to take the log from that. This also provides the R2 you are referring to, but very different coefficients for the intercept and carat parameter.
m1 <- lm(log(price) ~ carat, data = diamonds)
lm(formula = log(price) ~ carat, data = diamonds)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-6.2844 -0.2449 0.0335 0.2578 1.5642
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.215021 0.003348 1856 <2e-16 ***
carat 1.969757 0.003608 546 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.3972 on 53938 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.8468, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8468
F-statistic: 2.981e+05 on 1 and 53938 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

Linear multivariate regression in R

I want to model that a factory takes an input of, say, x tonnes of raw material, which is then processed. In the first step waste materials are removed, and a product P1 is created. For the "rest" of the material, it is processed once again and another product P2 is created.
The problem is that I want to know how much raw material it takes to produce, say, 1 tonne of product P1 and how much raw material it takes to produce 1 tonne of P2.
I know the amount of raw materials, the amount of finished product P1 and P2 but nothing more.
In my mind, this can be modelled through multivariate regression, using P1 and P2 as dependent variables and the total raw material as the independent variable and find the factors <1 for each finished product. Does this seem right?
Also, how can this be achieved using R? From googling, I've found how to conduct multivariable regression, but not multivariate regression in R.
Trying to use:
datas <- read.table("datass.csv",header = TRUE, sep=",")
rawMat <- matrix(datas[,1])
P1 <- matrix(datas[,2])
P2 <- matrix(datas[,3])
fit <- lm(formula = P1 ~ rawMat)
fit2 <-lm(formula = P2 ~ rawMat)
gave me results which is certainly not aligned with reality. Fit2, for instance returned 0,1381 which should have a value around 0,8. How can I factor in Y1 as well? Fit2 for instance more or less gave me the average P2/RawMat, but the RawMat is the same raw material used to produce both Products, so I would like to have something like 0,8 as the factor for P1, and around the same for the factor of P2.
The R output was only:
(Intercept) rawMat
-65.6702 0.1381
for fit2. Why doesn't it include "rawMat1", "rawMat2" as in J.R.'s solution?
EDIT2: datass.csv contains 3 columns - the first with the rawMaterial required to produce both Products P1 and P2, the second column represents the tonnes of P1 produces and the last column the same for P2
multivariate multiple regression can be done by lm(). This is very well documented, but here follows a little example:
rawMat <- matrix(rnorm(200), ncol=2)
noise <- matrix(rnorm(200, 0, 0.2), ncol=2)
B <- matrix( 1:4, ncol=2)
P <- t( B %*% t(rawMat)) + noise
fit <- lm(P ~ rawMat)
summary( fit )
with summary output:
Response Y1 :
lm(formula = Y1 ~ rawMat)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.50710 -0.14475 -0.02501 0.11955 0.51882
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.007812 0.019801 -0.395 0.694
rawMat1 1.002428 0.020141 49.770 <2e-16 ***
rawMat2 3.032761 0.020293 149.445 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.1978 on 97 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9964, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9963
F-statistic: 1.335e+04 on 2 and 97 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Response Y2 :
lm(formula = Y2 ~ rawMat)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.60435 -0.11004 0.02105 0.11929 0.42539
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.02287 0.01930 1.185 0.239
rawMat1 2.05474 0.01964 104.638 <2e-16 ***
rawMat2 4.00162 0.01978 202.256 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.1929 on 97 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9983, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9983
F-statistic: 2.852e+04 on 2 and 97 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
In your case with a data.frame named datas you could do something like:
datas <- data.frame( y1 = P[,1], y2=P[,2], x1 = rawMat[,1], x2 = rawMat[,2])
fit <- lm( as.matrix(datas[ ,1:2]) ~ as.matrix(datas[,3:4]) )
or instead:
fit <- with(datas, lm( cbind(y1,y2) ~ x1+x2 ))
