Drupal 7.52: Text editor not appearing anymore - drupal

Adding in new content on Drupal 7.52:
After the latest browser updates of Firefox and Chrome the text editor TiNYMCE does not appear anymore. All I see are the text areas. Switching between 'Full HTML' and 'Filtered HTML' does not make a difference.
Everything was working fine on Firefox 49.
Now on version 50 I see this error in the console:
The resource from "[SERVER ADDRESS]/misc/jquery.once.js?v=1.2”
was blocked due to MIME type mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
Can anyone help here? I tried to install a different editor, but that did not change anything.

The browser is expecting the MIME type of the file to be set. I'd check the source to make sure the appropriate MIME type is being set for the file. here's a list of MIME types for you: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-foundations/mime-types-complete-list/ -- head down to the .js section and compare it against your source, first checking jquery.once.js.
Also, check this https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Content-Type-Options


How to add styles to NetlifyCMS editor preview

I am in the process of integrating Netlify CMS to a Gatsby site. Right now, while editing or creating content, a preview of the content appears to the right of the screen in plain text. Is it possible to use the same styles for both the main page and the preview page so that they both look same?
I assume since the preview page gets rendered using the page template and the page template comes with its own styles, there would be no need for an extra stylesheet.
I've tried linking the stylesheets using CMS.registerPreviewStyle("link/to/my/css/file"); but nothing changes.
The developer console returns the error
Refused to apply style from 'https://my-site-name.com/admin/cms.css'
because its MIME type ('text/html')" is not a supported stylesheet
MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled."
However when I try to load the style sheet directly, I get a 404 error showing that it does not exist.
What you are doing is correct, just make sure that the path is right. For example, make sure that your CSS files are nested in the static folder.

Open PDF in browser instead of downloading it

After uploading a PDF to the Media Archive, I am trying to link to it from a page on a site.
While editing content, I use the hyperlink tool then select the PDF I want to link to via the URL input box.
After saving and publishing the content, clicking the link downloads the PDF and I don't see any apparent way to make this view-able in the browser by using the current Media ID Composite provides. When rendered, we get this:
Is there a way that I can reference a PDF without using the Media ID and simply use the file name instead?
Here is the Request/Response header info:
After reading what Pauli Østerø said, I understand the problem but am still not able to think of a solution.
I can get the PDF to view in the browser by adding ?download=false to the href URL via Developer Tools. But when I try to add ?download=false to the href through Composite, it doesn't take affect and I get the console output: "Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/pdf: "http://c1.wittenauers.com/media/4afb7bc8-f703-469d-a9b2-a524d8f93dcb/ryc7iw/CompositeDocumentation.PDF"."
Here is the network trace that was asked for by Pauli. In the image, I included the bit where I add ?download=false to the URL, in source view, just in case there could be another way to add it.
Edit: URL and headers for the page.
Here is the link to the page that contains the link:
Here is the headers for the page containing the link:
From what you're experiencing, it seems to me that Composite have gotten the MIME type of your uploaded file wrong, and is therefor not correctly telling the browser that this file is a pdf, and the browser doesn't know what to do with it.
Try deleting the file and uploading it again.
Try add ?download=false and the end of the href to the file. You prob. need to go into source mode of the content editor.
This is the exact line in the Source Code which is responsible for this behavior, and the logic is as follows
If there is no Querystring named download, the attachment is determined by the Mime Type. Only png, gif and jpeg will be shown inline, the rest will be shown as attachment.
If there is a Querystring named download with a value of false, it will override the Mime Type check and always force the Content-Disposition to be inline.
I made a quick test here to show that the behaviour is a expected. At least in my Chrome browser in Windows 8
Force download: https://www.dokument24.dk/media/9fdd29da-dde8-41f7-ba4c-1117059fdf06/z8srMQ/test/Prisblad%202015%20inkl%20moms.pdf
Show in browser: https://www.dokument24.dk/media/9fdd29da-dde8-41f7-ba4c-1117059fdf06/z8srMQ/test/Prisblad%202015%20inkl%20moms.pdf?download=false
Expanding on Pauli's answer, you can add the following snippet to your page template to automatically add the '?download=false' to all pdf links.
$("a").each(function () {
if (this.href.includes(".pdf")) {
this.href = this.href + "?download=false";

CSS not rendered in IE 10

CSS files not rendered in IE 9 and 10 but works good in compatibility mode.
I am the following error get "SEC7113: CSS was ignored due to mime type mismatch" in IE 10 .
wherein i don't get a content-type in my response header!
Further this is on my local.
Any suggestions could be appreciated.
It has an answer, summary would be:
As due to MIME type mismatch css was ignored in IE 9 and 10. The MIME type can be correct by utility called File TypesMan It is freeware created by NirSoft. It turned out that the MIME type of .css had been changed to text/plain, preventing IE from rendering my styles. using FileTypesMan to change it back to text/css fixed the problem.
Download FileTypesMan from the NirSoft site. Use the links near the bottom of the page to select the correct version for your operating system (there are different versions for 32-bit, 64-bit, and Windows 98/ME).
Unzip the files to a local folder, and double-click FileTypesMan.exe.
When FileTypesMan has finished listing all file types, scroll down in the top pane to find .css.
Double-click to edit the settings.
Change the value to text/css in the MIME Type field in the dialog box that opens.
Click OK. Job done.
IE 10 should now behave itself (well, at least as far as rendering style sheets is concerned).
Not my work: Its not my own search, you can see this here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18791928/1762944
I hope this fixed you!
I was wondering that you are not writing type="text/css" but you said, that you are! So I found this the next helpfull article! It has the same issue as yours. SEC7113: CSS was ignored due to mime type mismatch
I just did a simple Google search for the issue, and this was the first result! You should have searched for the issue.
Please ensure that the CSS file gets delivery with the correct "Content-Type" from the server. It must be "text/css". Use the developer console to determine the current type.
Potentially you need to adjust/create the MIME type mapping (e.g. for httpd).
Try to specify the attribute type="text/css" in your tag. Place your style tag in <head> section.
I was having similar problem with an embedded micro-controller (not a lot of control over the server changing content type). Not sure if this applies but I found going into Settings->Compatibility View Settings and adding the IP (site) address the CSS was accepted and the page rendered properly.

IE9 standard view no load CSS

I have this problem and maybe I'm not the only..
If I test my website on FF, Chrome, Safari, IE7, IE8 is perfect.
On IE9 (standard view) It doesn't load CSS files. If I switch on Compatibilty view it works fine...
How can I show the CSS on the standard view as well?
IE9 is known to reject stylesheets which are not sent using "text/css" MIME type. This is a new security enhancement, but it's catching a few people off guard. Is your CSS file dynamically generated? Make sure its getting passed as 'text/css'.
More info: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2011/03/27/http-406-not-acceptable-php-ie9-standards-mode-accepts-only-text_2f00_css-for-stylesheets.aspx
Another try:: It's not just 'text/css' in the doc that needs to be correct, you need to make sure your local IIS is sending it with the proper headers. "If a style sheet is ignored due to an incorrect MIME-type, your site may fail to render as expected. Text, images, or other features may lack the desired styling. If a style sheet is ignored because it does not bear the correct MIME-type, a notification will be logged in the IE9 F12 Developer Tools console."
IE9 Not applying linked style sheets
I'm assuming your local web server is running IIS. If so, just map the .css file extension to the "text/css" MIME type. Like this...
In IIS v7.x:
Click "MIME Types". You should see a list of file extensions and the associated MIME type.
There should be an entry for the ".css" extension with MIME type = "text/css".
If not, add it by right-clicking anywhere on the list -> Add... -> type in the ".css" extension and "text/css" MIME type.
In IIS v6:
Right-click the server node -> Properties -> "MIME Types...". You should see a list of file extensions and associated MIME the type.
There should be an entry for the ".css" extension with MIME type = "text/css".
If not, add it by clicking "New..." -> type in the ".css" extension and the "text/css" MIME type.
Likely a typing error in the way you include the stylesheet. Is the URL correct, and is the tag closed properly?
We got this kind of problem with a web project, and the trick was to force IE9 to emulate the website/application
as it was IE8.
To avoid to use IE9's compatibilty mode,put into the code this tag
after the tag like this :
< head>
< meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8">
< /head>
be sure to put it as the first tag after <head>, if not it doesn't work
I was also facing the same problem, then I moved my css file to static server(or any other domain) and used the new url.
It worked for me, see if this can solve the problem for you too.
I fixed this issue by setting the encoding at the top of my stylesheet
#charset "UTF-8";

css file still not loading

I'm still having problems with loading the style sheet for these pages. Works fine in Safari but ff and IE, no joy:
http://www.mainstayprojects.com/teardrop.html andb
Although i am more clear as to what's causing this problem, thanks the the answers to my previous posting (stackoverflow.com/questions/3273655/css-file-not-loading), I am at a loss to how to fix the issue. I have re-saved many times with different doctypes and content type meta tag as well as saving the file as a charset=utf-8 file but have not been able make any headway!
Really need some help.
Your server is still claiming the HTML document is ISO-8859-1 (although the document itself looks like UTF-8).
Meanwhile the stylesheet appears to be UTF-8, the server fails to state what encoding it is, and the first line of the stylesheet claims that it is UTF-16.
Pick an encoding
Configure your editor to use it
Configure your server to specify it
If you put any information about the encoding at the document level — get it right!
