Google Analytics V4: get all events for each session - google-analytics

Is it possible to get all events for each session ?
- event1
- event2
- event3
- event1
- event2
Thanks for your help !


Render fullcalendar event ordering of overlapping events when start or end time is not same

Currently I am able to do event ordering with based on custom priority of events but this worked only when events start and end time is same.
Is there any way where I can order overlapping events when there start/end time is not same ?
Event1: start-time = 13:00, end-time = 14:00, priority=2
Event2: start-time = 13:30 and end-time= 14:30, priority=1
I show Event2 should be one left and Event1 on right.
Normally it is Event1 on left and Event2 on right according to their start time.

Full Calendar slot showing 2 hours from start time for single slot

I have calander for reminder. So im using start time only. not end time. Im giving one text field for start time.
Example : start time : 10.30 am means in week , it shows 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.
So how can i show this to only 10:30am to 11:00 am ?
Use defaultTimedEventDuration property:
defaultTimedEventDuration: '00:30:00',

Fullcalendar - event shows wrong end date by one day

I have training events from database and their start and end dates are in this format "YYYY-MM-DD". For example is:
'title':'English Training',
But when it is rendered in calendar, it shows wrong end date
I tried adding 12hours on endDate (*just like the answer * here) , and yes it works but now I'm unable to extend the day for an event.
I want to fix this wrong end date issue without losing the capability to extend events. Do you know any solution or hacks?
Adding 12 hours on the endDate of your event won't make it an allDay event anymore, which is why you will loose the ability to extend your event in month view.
However, adding 1 day on the endDate will work perfectly as :
Your event will remain an allDay event (so it will remain extendable)
Your endDate will become 2015-05-24 (understood by FullCalendar as 2015-05-24T00:00:00) which means that your event will end at the very first minute of 2015-05-24 which is what you want.
To conclude : if you want an allDay event to end at midnight of day1, you have to set its endDate as day2 !

should I use Omniture event serialization for multi-category tracking under same user session

I would like to use a single Omniture event for category visits. When a user visit a page So I do
s.evar1 = categoryA ( this gets populated dynamically via JS script) = event1,event2
I have setup my
event1 to record once per visit (let Omniture do dedup)
event2 to always record (want to know category popularity)
Now when the a the same above user visits to categoryB page under the above code gets fired with categoryB as evar1. What happens to event1? Does it get recorded or it doesn't cos Omniture already received value for the session and it will just ignore it?
Is it where I should serialisation? I can pass an id e.g event1:1234 but the problem is my ID gets generated every time a user reloads the page or go back and forth from that page. How can I track 2 category visit event under same session using single event?
Thank you
If you've specifically set event1 to record once per visit using report suite settings, any subsequent hits to event1 in that same visit are ignored.
If you'd like to serialize event1 to only record once per visit per category, you could use event ID serialization, pull the visitor ID data from the cookie and append it with the category they are browsing. For example, when they visit category A, you'd set:"event1:[visitorID]+[categoryA]";
And when they visit category B:"event1:[same visitorID]+[categoryB]";
If they visit the same category multiple times, event1 is only recorded once. If they visit 5 different categories, event1 is triggered 5 times (once for each category visited).

fullCalendar read data for 40 days

fullCalendar readdata for 40 days
I want to use fullcalendar, something like this url
and for data sourse I use method
$("#calendar").fullCalendar("addEventSource", ''/control/action/?parameters');
where $evtUrl - is url with data filter spacified without date period.
debugging action in I see 2 parameters added
[start] => 2014-09-28
[end] => 2014-11-09
But I expected date period for current week(7 days), but it looks like that form today 10-18 period is -20 and +20 days
If there is a way to set period in seven days and change it by clicking to left/right button ?
When adding an EventSource the startParam and endParam are sent automatically according to your current view on the calendar. Docs
