I'm trying to calculate the rolling mean of the previous k non-NA values within the dplyr/tidyverse framework. I've written a function that seems to work but was wondering if there's already a function from some package (which will probably be much more efficient than my attempt) doing exactly this. An example dataset:
tmp.df <- data.frame(
x = c(NA, 1, 2, NA, 3, 4, 5, NA, NA, NA, 6, 7, NA)
Let's say I want the rolling mean of the previous 3 non-NA values. Then the output y should be:
x y
2 1 NA
3 2 NA
5 3 NA
6 4 2
7 5 3
8 NA 4
9 NA 4
10 NA 4
11 6 4
12 7 5
13 NA 6
The first 5 elements of y are NAs because the first time x has 3 previous non-NA values is on row 6 and the average of those 3 elements is 2. The next y elements are self-explanatory. Row 9 gets a 4 because the 3 previous non-NA values of x are in rows 5, 6, and 7 and so on.
My attempt is this:
roll_mean_previous_k <- function(x, k){
res <- NA
lagged_vector <- dplyr::lag(x)
lagged_vector_without_na <- lagged_vector[!]
previous_k_values <- tail(lagged_vector_without_na, k)
if (length(previous_k_values) >= k) res <- mean(previous_k_values)
to be used as follows (using the slide_dbl function from the slider package):
tmp.df %>%
y = slider::slide_dbl(x, roll_mean_previous_k, k = 3, .before = Inf)
which gives the desired output. However, I'm wondering if there's a ready-made, and (as mentioned before) more efficient way of doing this. I should mention that I know of rollmean and roll_mean from the zoo and RcppRoll packages respectively, but unless I'm mistaken, they seem to work on a fixed rolling window with the option of dealing with NA values (e.g ignoring them). In my case, I want to "extend" my window to include k non-NA values.
Any thoughts/suggestions are welcome.
Thank you to all contributors. First of all, I had not mentioned that my datasets are indeed much larger and run often so any performance improvements are most welcome. I therefore ran the following simulation to check execution times, before deciding which answer to accept. Note, that some of the answers needed small tweaks to return the desired output, but if you feel that your solution is misrepresented (and therefore is less efficient than intended) feel free to let me know and I'll edit accordingly. I've used G. Grothendieck's trick from his answer below, to remove the need for if-else checks regarding the length of the lagged , non-NA vector.
So here's the simulation code:
test_vector <- sample(x = 100, size = 1000, replace = TRUE)
test_vector[sample(1000, size = 250)] <- NA
# Based on GoGonzo's answer and the runner package
f_runner <- function(z, k){
x = z,
f = function(x) {
mean(`length<-`(tail(na.omit(head(x, -1)), k), k))
# Based on my inital answer (but simplified), also mentioned by GoGonzo
f_slider <- function(z, k){
function(x) {
mean(`length<-`(tail(na.omit(head(x, -1)), k), k))
.before = Inf
# Based on helios' answer. Return the correct results but with a warning.
f_helios <- function(z, k){
reduced_vec <- na.omit(z)
unique_means <- rollapply(reduced_vec, width = k, mean)
start <- which(![k] + 1
repeater <- which( + 1
repeater_cut <- repeater[(repeater > start-1) & (repeater <= length(z))]
final <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(z)))
index <- start:length(z)
final[setdiff(index, repeater_cut)] <- unique_means
final[(start):length(final)] <- na.locf(final)
# Based on G. Grothendieck's answer (but I couldn't get it to run with the performance improvements)
f_zoo <- function(z, k){
function(x, k){
mean(`length<-`(tail(na.omit(head(x, -1)), k), k))
# Based on AnilGoyal's answer
f_purrr <- function(z, k){
~ ifelse(
length(tail(na.omit(z[1:(.x -1)]), k)) == k,
mean(tail(na.omit(z[1:(.x -1)]), k)),
# Check if all are identical #
# f_helios(test_vector, 10),
f_purrr(test_vector, 10),
f_runner(test_vector, 10),
f_zoo(test_vector, 10)
FUN = identical,
f_slider(test_vector, 10),
# Run benchmarking #
# f_helios(test_vector, 10),
f_purrr(test_vector, 10),
f_runner(test_vector, 10),
f_slider(test_vector, 10),
f_zoo(test_vector, 10)
And the results:
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
f_purrr(test_vector, 10) 31.9377 37.79045 39.64343 38.53030 39.65085 104.9613 100 c
f_runner(test_vector, 10) 23.7419 24.25170 29.12785 29.23515 30.32485 98.7239 100 b
f_slider(test_vector, 10) 20.6797 21.71945 24.93189 26.52460 27.67250 32.1847 100 a
f_zoo(test_vector, 10) 43.4041 48.95725 52.64707 49.59475 50.75450 122.0793 100 d
Based on the above, and unless the code can be further improved, it seems as the slider and runner solutions are faster. Any final suggestions are more than welcome.
Many thanks for your time!!
With runner it will be something like mean of 3-elements tail window of non-na values. You can achive the same result with slider
tmp.df <- data.frame(
x = c(NA, 1, 2, NA, 3, 4, 5, NA, NA, NA, 6, 7, NA)
# using runner
tmp.df$y_runner <- runner(
x = tmp.df$x,
f = function(x) {
# using slider
tmp.df$y_slider <- slider::slide_dbl(
function(x) {
.before = Inf
# x y_runner y_slider
# 1 NA NaN NaN
# 2 1 1.0 1.0
# 3 2 1.5 1.5
# 4 NA 1.5 1.5
# 5 3 2.0 2.0
# 6 4 3.0 3.0
# 7 5 4.0 4.0
# 8 NA 4.0 4.0
# 9 NA 4.0 4.0
# 10 NA 4.0 4.0
# 11 6 5.0 5.0
# 12 7 6.0 6.0
# 13 NA 6.0 6.0
rollapplyr. Regarding the comment about rollmean in the question, zoo also has rollappy and rollapplyr (right aligned) and those allow different widths (and offsets) for each component of the input by specifying a vector (as we do here) or list for width -- see ?rollapply for more info. We use a relatively naive vector of widths below and also show some improved width vectors which run faster.
Operation Create a Mean function which takes a vector, removes the last element and all NA's and takes the last k elements of what is left extending it to k elements with NA's as needed. Finally take the mean of that. We use rollapplyr to apply that to x with a width of seq_along(x).
Performance improvements. With this small data the following likely don't make much difference but if you have larger data you could try these which might improve the speed:
replace na.omit with na_rm from the collapse package
replace the second argument of rollapplyr with the code shown here.
The idea here is that the sum of the lengths of the k+1 longest runs of NA plus k+1 forms a bound on the number of elements that we need to consider. This (plus using na_rm) ran about 25% faster as the code in the question on a problem when I tried it with 1300 rows (formed from 100 copies of the data in the question) and does not add much extra code.
pmin(with(rle(, sum(tail(sort(lengths[values]), k+1)))+k+1, seq_along(x))
replace the second argument of rollapplyr with w where w is shown here. The idea here is to use findInterval to find the element k non-NA's back which provides an even tigher bound. This one (plus using na_rm) ran nearly twice as fast as the code in the question when tried with the same 1300 rows at the expense of adding 2 more lines of code.
tt <- length(x) - rev(cumsum(rev(!
w <- seq_along(tt) - findInterval(tt - k - 1, tt)
Code. With the data in the question the code below (not using the above improvements) ran slightly faster (not a lot) than the code in the question based on my benchmarking and it is only two lines of code.
Mean <- function(x, k) mean(`length<-`(tail(na.omit(head(x, -1)), k), k))
tmp.df %>% mutate(y = rollapplyr(x, seq_along(x), Mean, k = 3))
x y
2 1 NA
3 2 NA
5 3 NA
6 4 2
7 5 3
8 NA 4
9 NA 4
10 NA 4
11 6 4
12 7 5
13 NA 6
Since I am not aware of a ready-made way of computing your output in any standard library, I came up with the implementation roll_mean_k_efficient below, which seems to speed up your computations considerably. Note that this implementation makes use of the rollapply and the na.locf methods from the zoo package.
rm(list = ls())
x = rep(c(NA, 1, 2, NA, 3, 4, 5, NA, NA, NA, 6, 7, NA), 100)
# your sample (extended)
tmp.df <- data.frame(
x = rep(c(NA, 1, 2, NA, 3, 4, 5, NA, NA, NA, 6, 7, NA), 100)
# enhanced implementation
roll_mean_k_efficient <- function(x, k){
reduced_vec = na.omit(x)
unique_means = rollapply(reduced_vec, width=k, mean)
start = which(![k] + 1
repeater = which( + 1
repeater_cut = repeater[(repeater > start-1) & (repeater <= length(x))]
final <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(x)))
index = start:length(x)
final[setdiff(index, repeater_cut)] <- unique_means
final[(start):length(final)] <- na.locf(final)
# old implementation
roll_mean_previous_k <- function(x, k){
res <- NA
lagged_vector <- dplyr::lag(x)
lagged_vector_without_na <- lagged_vector[!]
previous_k_values <- tail(lagged_vector_without_na, k)
if (length(previous_k_values) >= k) res <- mean(previous_k_values)
# wrapper function for the benchmarking below
roll_mean_benchmark = function(){
res = tmp.df %>%
y = slider::slide_dbl(x, roll_mean_previous_k, k = 3, .before = Inf)
# some benchmarking
benchmark(roll_mean_k_efficient(x = x, k=3),
replications = 100)
Furthermore, I extended your example vector x to get some more reliable benchmark results via the benchmark function from the rbenchmark package.
In my case the benchmark runtimes that are printed after running the code are:
test elapsed replications
2 roll_mean_benchmark() 4.463 100
1 roll_mean_k_efficient(x = x, k = 3) 0.039 100
Without using zoo. In tidyverse fashion, you can also do it using purrr::map
tmp.df %>% mutate(y = map(seq_along(x), ~ ifelse(length(tail(na.omit(tmp.df$x[1:(.x -1)]), 3)) ==3,
mean(tail(na.omit(tmp.df$x[1:(.x -1)]), 3)),
x y
2 1 NA
3 2 NA
5 3 NA
6 4 2
7 5 3
8 NA 4
9 NA 4
10 NA 4
11 6 4
12 7 5
13 NA 6
I have a vector of threshold values, thresholds, and another vector, x. I'd like to create a new vector, say vec_sum, of the same length as thresholds, that stores, for each element of thresholds, the sum of values of x larger than this element.
What is the fastest way of doing this?
The naive way I'm doing it is
vec_sum <- rep(NA,length(thresholds))
for(i in seq_along(thresholds))
vec_sum[i] <- sum(x[x>thresholds[i]])
In case it helps, thresholds is already sorted.
Here is another solution using cumsum:
f1 <- function(v, th){
v2 <- v[order(v)]
v2s <- rev(cumsum(rev(v2)))
return(v2s[findInterval(th, v2) + 1])
Here are some tests and comparison with the other answer (as well as the example data) by Ronak:
f2 <- function(x, thresholds){
if (all(x < thresholds[1])) return(rep(0, length(thresholds)))
if (all(x > thresholds[length(thresholds)])) return(rep(sum(x), length(thresholds)))
findInterval(x, thresholds, = TRUE), sum)[-1]))))
test_th <- c(3, 5, 10)
test_x <- c(2, 3, 1, 19, 4, 6, 5, 15, 7:14, 16:18, 20)
vec_sum <- rep(NA,length(test_th))
for(i in seq_along(test_th)) {
vec_sum[i] <- sum(test_x[test_x>test_th[i]])
all(dplyr::near(f1(test_x, test_th), vec_sum))
# [1] TRUE
all(dplyr::near(f2(test_x, test_th), vec_sum))
# [1] TRUE
test_x <- rnorm(10000)
test_th <- sort(rnorm(100)) ## f2 requires sorted threshold values
vec_sum <- rep(NA,length(test_th))
for(i in seq_along(test_th)) {
vec_sum[i] <- sum(test_x[test_x>test_th[i]])
all(dplyr::near(f1(test_x, test_th), vec_sum))
# [1] TRUE
all(dplyr::near(f2(test_x, test_th), vec_sum))
# [1] FALSE
# Warning message:
# In x - y : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
a = f1(test_x, test_th),
b = f2(test_x, test_th)
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# a 587.116 682.864 900.3572 694.713 703.726 10647.206 100
# b 1157.213 1203.063 1260.0663 1223.600 1258.552 2143.069 100
Not sure if this is any faster, but we can use findInterval to cut x by thresholds. We take sum of each group using tapply and take cumsum in reverse.
findInterval(x, thresholds, = TRUE), sum)[-1]))))
Tested on
thresholds <- c(3, 5, 10)
x <- c(2, 3, 1, 19, 4, 6, 5, 15, 7:14, 16:18, 20) #1:20 in random order
vec_sum <- rep(NA,length(thresholds))
for(i in seq_along(thresholds)) {
vec_sum[i] <- sum(x[x>thresholds[i]])
#[1] 204 195 155
Using the proposed solution
findInterval(x, thresholds, = TRUE), sum)[-1]))))
#[1] 204 195 155
Explaining the answer. findInterval returns groups where each value of x belongs
findInterval(x, thresholds, = TRUE)
#[1] 0 0 0 3 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
We use tapply to get sum of each group
tapply(x, findInterval(x, thresholds, = TRUE), sum)
# 0 1 2 3
# 6 9 40 155
0-group should be excluded since they are smaller than all the values of threshold (hence -1). Group 2 should also contain sum from group 1 and group 3 should contain sum of group 1 and 2. So we reverse the sequence and take cumsum
cumsum(rev(tapply(x, findInterval(x, thresholds, = TRUE), sum)[-1]))
# 3 2 1
#155 195 204
To get it in original order and to match it with threshold we reverse it again
rev(cumsum(rev(tapply(x, findInterval(x, thresholds, = TRUE), sum)[-1])))
# 1 2 3
#204 195 155
Edge Cases :
If there are all values below threshold or all values above threshold, we might need to do an extra check and return the following.
if (all(x < thresholds[1])) rep(0, length(thresholds))
if (all(x > thresholds[length(thresholds)])) rep(sum(x), length(thresholds))
I have a large data frame that is taking to long to compute a for loop, I've tried removing all computations to time the for loop but I still have an inefficient code. I'm new to R but I think there should be a better way of coding my for loop.
If you could provide some guidance it would be appreciated.
My dataFrame has 2,772,807 obs of 6 variables.
Simplified code (Still takes long):
dataFlights <- read_delim("U.S._DOT_O&D_Monthly_Traffic_Report.tsv",
"\t", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)
dataFlights["Connections"] = ""
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(dataFlights), style = 3)
for (row in 1:nrow(dataFlights)) {
dataFlights[row,7] <- 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, row)
Original Code:
#Reads DOT public flight information for 2017 & 2018,
#and computes the number of connections
#per route (Cp#1 or Cp#2) into a new column. Possible results 0,1, or 2 connections.
dataFlights <- read_delim("U.S._DOT_O&D_Monthly_Traffic_Report.tsv",
"\t", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)
dataFlights["Connections"] = ""
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(dataFlights), style = 3)
for (row in 1:nrow(dataFlights)) {
if([row,2]) &[row,3])){
dataFlights[row,7] <- 0
} else if ([row,2]) |[row,3])) {
dataFlights[row,7] <- 1
} else {
dataFlights[row,7] <- 2
setTxtProgressBar(pb, row)
As indicated in the comments, this can be done effortlessly with ifelse
# data
n <- 1e+6
dataFlights <- data.frame(x1 = runif(n),
x2 = sample(c(runif(n/2), rep(NA, n/2)), n),
x3 = sample(c(runif(n/2), rep(NA, n/2)), n),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# conditions
na_2 <-, 2))
na_3 <-, 3))
na_sum <- na_2 + na_3
# ifelse
dataFlights$x4 <- ifelse(na_sum == 2, 0, ifelse(na_sum == 1, 1, 2))
# x1 x2 x3 x4
# 1 0.2875775 NA NA 0
# 2 0.7883051 0.4415287 NA 1
# 3 0.4089769 NA 0.3130298 1
# 4 0.8830174 0.3077688 NA 1
# 5 0.9404673 NA NA 0
# 6 0.0455565 0.5718788 NA 1
where for simplicity I set column 4 as opposed to column 7.
Few suggestions:
dataFlights["Connections"] = ""
In this piece, if you use NA instead of "", it will keep the data size smaller. For comparison, I created a 3,000,000 x 3 matrix to see size. With only one column different, the one with "" had size 268Mb but the one with NA was only about 60Mb. Smaller the size, faster it will be to index.
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(dataFlights), style = 3)
for (row in 1:nrow(dataFlights)) {
dataFlights[row,7] <- 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, row)
In each iteration, you are assigning 1 to a matrix / data.frame cell. This assignment is a computationally expensive step. For your example, this can be completely vectorized. Here are few ways to get 7th column to replace your for loop
col7.rowSums = rowSums(![, 2:3]))
col7.sapply = sapply(1:nrow(dataFlights), function(x) sum(![x, 2:3])))
col7.apply = apply(![, 2:3]), 1, sum)
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
for.loop 52604.86 56768.5590 58810.55595 58137.651 60064.056 81958.717 100
rowSums 35.87 49.2225 61.23889 53.845 72.010 139.409 100
sapply 49756.32 53131.1065 55778.95541 54414.455 56154.496 102558.473 100
apply 997.21 1060.5380 1225.48577 1135.066 1254.936 3864.779 100
I am looking for a function which takes a vector and keeps dropping the first value until the sum of the vector is less than 20. Return the remaining values.
I've tried both a for-loop and while-loop and can't find a solution.
vec <- c(3,5,3,4,3,9,1,8,2,5)
short <- function(vec){
for (i in 1:length(vec)){
while (! < 20)){
vec <- vec[i+1:length(vec)]
The expected output should be:
which is less than 20.
Looking at the expected output it looks like you want to drop values until sum of remaining values is less than 20.
We can create a function
drop_20 <- function(vec) {
tail(vec, sum(cumsum(rev(vec)) < 20))
#[1] 1 8 2 5
Trying it on another input
#[1] 9 10
Breaking down the function, first the vec
vec = c(3,5,3,4,3,9,1,8,2,5)
We then reverse it
#[1] 5 2 8 1 9 3 4 3 5 3
take cumulative sum over it (cumsum)
#[1] 3 8 11 15 18 27 28 36 38 43
Find out number of enteries that are less than 20
cumsum(rev(vec)) < 20
sum(cumsum(rev(vec)) < 20)
#[1] 4
and finally subset these last enteries using tail.
A slight modification in the code and it should be able to handle NAs as well
drop_20 <- function(vec) {
tail(vec, sum(cumsum(replace(rev(vec),, 0)) < 20))
vec = c(3, 2, NA, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, NA, 1, 2)
#[1] 3 4 9 NA 1 2
The logic being we replace NA with zeroes and then take the cumsum
You need to remove the first value each time, so your while loop should be,
while (sum(x, na.rm = TRUE) >= 20) {
x <- x[-1]
#[1] 1 8 2 5
base solution without loops
not my most readable code ever, but it's pretty fast (see benchmarking below)
rev( rev(vec)[cumsum( replace( rev(vec), rev(vec) ), 0 ) ) < 20] )
#[1] 1 8 2 5
note: 'borrowed' the NA-handling from #Ronak's answer
sample data
vec = c(3, 2, NA, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, NA, 1, 2)
Sotos = {
while (sum(vec, na.rm = TRUE) >= 20) {
vec <- vec[-1]
Ronak = tail(vec, sum(cumsum(replace(rev(vec),, 0)) < 20)),
Wimpel = rev( rev(vec)[cumsum( replace( rev(vec), rev(vec) ), 0 ) ) < 20]),
WimpelMarkus = vec[rev(cumsum(rev(replace(vec,, 0))) < 20)]
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# Sotos 2096.795 2127.373 2288.15768 2152.6795 2425.4740 3071.684 100
# Ronak 30.127 33.440 42.54770 37.2055 49.4080 101.827 100
# Wimpel 13.557 15.063 17.65734 16.1175 18.5285 38.261 100
# WimpelMarkus 7.532 8.737 12.60520 10.0925 15.9680 45.491 100
I would go with Reduce
vec[Reduce(f = "+", x = vec, accumulate = T, right = T) < 20]
##[1] 1 8 2 5
Alternatively, define Reduce with function sum with the conditional argument na.rm = T in order to hanlde NAs if desired:
vec2 <- c(3, 2, NA, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, NA, 1, 2)
vec2[Reduce(f = function(a,b) sum(a, b, na.rm = T), x = vec2, accumulate = TRUE, right = T) < 20]
##[1] 3 4 9 NA 1 2
I find the Reduce option to start from right (end of the integer vector), and hence not having to reverse it first, convenient.
I have two vectors, A and B. For every element in A I want to find the index of the first element in B that is greater and has higher index. The length of A and B are the same.
So for vectors:
A <- c(10, 5, 3, 4, 7)
B <- c(4, 8, 11, 1, 5)
I want a result vector:
R <- c(3, 3, 5, 5, NA)
Of course I can do it with two loops, but it's very slow, and I don't know how to use apply() in this situation, when the indices matter. My data set has vectors of length 20000, so the speed is really important in this case.
A few bonus questions:
What if I have a sequence of numbers (like seq = 2:10), and I want to find the first number in B that is higher than a+s for every a of A and every s of seq.
Like with question 1), but I want to know the first greater, and the first lower value, and create a matrix, which stores which one was first. So for example I have a of A, and 10 from seq. I want to find the first value of B, which is higher than a+10, or lower than a-10, and then store it's index and value.
sapply(sapply(seq_along(a),function(x) which(b[-seq(x)]>a[x])+x),"[",1)
[1] 3 3 5 5 NA
This is a great example of when sapply is less efficient than loops.
Although the sapply does make the code look neater, you are paying for that neatness with time.
Instead you can wrap a while loop inside a for loop inside a nice, neat function.
Here are benchmarks comparing a nested-apply loop against nested for-while loop (and a mixed apply-while loop, for good measure). Update: added the vapply..match.. mentioned in comments. Faster than sapply, but still much slower than while loop.
test elapsed relative
1 for.while 0.069 1.000
2 sapply.while 0.080 1.159
3 vapply.match 0.101 1.464
4 nested.sapply 0.104 1.507
Notice you save a third of your time; The savings will likely be larger when you start adding the sequences to A.
For the second part of your question:
If you have this all wrapped up in an nice function, it is easy to add a seq to A
# Sample data
A <- c(10, 5, 3, 4, 7, 100, 2)
B <- c(4, 8, 11, 1, 5, 18, 20)
# Sample sequence
S <- seq(1, 12, 3)
# marix with all index values (with names cleaned up)
indexesOfB <- t(sapply(S, function(s) findIndx(A+s, B)))
dimnames(indexesOfB) <- list(S, A)
Lastly, if you want to instead find values of B less than A, just swap the operation in the function.
(You could include an if-clause in the function and use only a single function. I find it more efficient
to have two separate functions), B) # [1] 3 3 5 5 6 NA 8 NA NA, B) # [1] 2 4 4 NA 8 7 NA NA NA
Then you can wrap it up in one nice pacakge
rangeFindIndx(A, B, S)
# A S
# 10 1 3 2
# 5 1 3 4
# 3 1 5 4
# 4 1 5 NA
# 7 1 6 NA
# 100 1 NA NA
# 2 1 NA NA
# 10 4 6 4
# 5 4 3 4
# ...
(Notice they depend on reshape2)
rangeFindIndx <- function(A, B, S) {
# For each s in S, and for each a in A,
# find the first value of B, which is higher than a+s, or lower than a-s
# Create gt & lt matricies; add dimnames for melting function <- sapply(S, function(s), B)) <- sapply(S, function(s), B))
dimnames( <- dimnames( <- list(A, S)
# melt the matricies and combine into one
gtltMatrix <- cbind(melt(, melt($value)
# clean up their names
names(gtltMatrix) <- c("A", "S", "", "")
} <- function(A, B) {
lng <- length(A)
ret <- integer(0)
b <- NULL
for (j in seq(lng-1)) {
i <- j + 1
while (i <= lng && ((b <- B[[i]]) < A[[j]]) ) {
i <- i + 1
ret <- c(ret, ifelse(i<lng, i, NA))
c(ret, NA)
} <- function(A, B) {
lng <- length(A)
ret <- integer(0)
b <- NULL
for (j in seq(lng-1)) {
i <- j + 1
while (i <= lng && ((b <- B[[i]]) > A[[j]]) ) { # this line contains the only difference from
i <- i + 1
ret <- c(ret, ifelse(i<lng, i, NA))
c(ret, NA)