I have a vector 'participant' in R.
> participant
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
I am using a function 'modify' to change the contents of this vector.
modify <- function(x){
for (i in participant){
if (x[i] > 12)
print (x[i])
When I run the function as modify(participant), it runs OK, but the elements of the vector participant remain unchanged.
Any suggestion, for where am I going wrong ?
Don't use a loop.
participant <- participant - (participant > 12) * 12
If you insist on using your function, loop over the indices, let you function return the modified vector and assign it:
modify <- function(x){
for (i in seq_along(participant)){
if (x[i] > 12) x[i]=x[i]-12
participant <- modify(participant)
Of course, the loop is more difficult to write and also much slower.
Your problem is the function return. Use this solution, so the function returns the modified vector x:
modify <- function(x){
for (i in participant){
if (x[i] > 12)
(x[i] = x[i] - 12)
print (x[i])}
participant <- modify(participant)
Another solution is the ifelse function:
participant <- ifelse(participant > 12, participant - 12, participant)
How do I retrieve maximum sum of possible divisors numbers
I have a below function which will give possible divisors of number
divisors <- function(x) {
y <- seq_len(ceiling(x / 2))
y[x %% y == 0]
Divisors of 99 will give the below possible values.
[1] 1 3 9 11 33
My expected Logic :
Go from last digit to first digit in the divisors value
The last number is 33, Here next immediate number divisible by 33 is 11 . So I selected 11 , now traversing from 11 the next immediate number divisible by 11 is 1. So selected 1. Now add all the numbers.
33 + 11 + 1 = 45
Move to next number 11, Now next immediate number divisible by 11 is 1. So selected 1. Now add all the numbers.
11 + 1 = 12
Here immediate
Move to next number 9, Now next immediate number divisible by 11 is 1. So selected 1. Now add all the numbers.
9 + 3 + 1 = 13
Move to next number 3, Now next immediate number divisible by 3 is 1. So selected 1. Now add all the numbers.
Now maximum among these is 45.
Now I am struggling to write this logic in R . Help / Advice much appreciated.
Note : Prime numbers can be ignored.
For large integers, e.g., the maximum integer .Machine$integer.max (prime number), you can run the code below (note that I modified functions divisors and f a bit)
divisors <- function(x) {
y <- seq(x / 2)
y[as.integer(x) %% y == 0]
f <- function(y) {
if (length(y) <= 2) {
l <- length(y)
h <- y[l]
yy <- y[-l]
h + f(yy[h %% yy == 0])
and you will see
> n <- .Machine$integer.max - 1
> x <- divisors(n)
> max(sapply(length(x):2, function(k) f(head(x, k))))
[1] 1569603656
You can define a recursive function f that gives successive divisors
f <- function(y) {
if (length(y) == 1) {
h <- y[length(y)]
yy <- y[-length(y)]
c(f(yy[h %% yy == 0]), h)
and you will see all possible successive divisor tuples
> sapply(rev(seq_along(x)), function(k) f(head(x, k)))
[1] 1 11 33
[1] 1 11
[1] 1 3 9
[1] 1 3
[1] 1
Then, we apply f within sapply like below
> max(sapply(rev(seq_along(x)), function(k) sum(f(head(x, k)))))
[1] 45
which gives the desired output.
You can also use the following solution. It may sound a little bit complicated and of course there is always an easier, more efficient solution. However, I thought this could be useful to you. I will take it from your divisors output:
> x
[1] 1 3 9 11 33
# First I created a list whose first element is our original x and from then on
# I subset the first element till the last element of the list
lst <- lapply(0:(length(x)-1), function(a) x[1:(length(x)-a)])
> lst
[1] 1 3 9 11 33
[1] 1 3 9 11
[1] 1 3 9
[1] 1 3
[1] 1
Then I wrote a custom function in order to implement your conditions and gather your desired output. For this purpose I created a function factory which in fact is a function that creates a function:
As you might have noticed the outermost function does not take any argument. It only sets up an empty vector out to save our desired elements in. It is created in the execution environment of the outermost function to shield it from any changes that might affect it in the global environment
The inner function is the one that takes our vector x so in general we call the whole setup like fnf()(x). First element of of our out vector is in fact the first element of the original x(33). Then I found all divisors of the first element whose quotient were 0. After I fount them I took the second element (11) as the first one was (33) and stored it in our out vector. Then I modified the original x vector and omitted the max value (33) and repeated the same process
Since we were going to repeat the process over again, I thought this might be a good case to use recursion. Recursion is a programming technique that a function actually calls itself from its body or from inside itself. As you might have noticed I used fn inside the function to repeat the process again but each time with one fewer value
This may sound a bit complicated but I believed there may be some good points for you to pick up for future exploration, since I found them very useful, hoped that's the case for you too.
fnf <- function() {
out <- c()
fn <- function(x) {
out <<- c(out, x[1])
z <- x[out[length(out)]%%x == 0]
if(length(z) >= 2) {
out[length(out) + 1] <<- z[2]
} else {
x <- x[!duplicated(x)][which(x[!duplicated(x)] == z[2]):length(x[!duplicated(x)])]
# The result of applying the custom function on `lst` would result in your
# divisor values
lapply(lst, function(x) fnf()(sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)))
[1] 33 11 1
[1] 11 1
[1] 9 3 1
[1] 3 1
[1] 1
In the end we sum each element and extract the max value
Reduce(max, lapply(lst, function(x) sum(fnf()(sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)))))
[1] 45
Testing a very large integer number, I used dear #ThomasIsCoding's modified divisors function:
divisors <- function(x) {
y <- seq(x / 2)
y[as.integer(x) %% y == 0]
x <- divisors(.Machine$integer.max - 1)
lst <- lapply(0:(length(x)-1), function(a) x[1:(length(x)-a)])
Reduce(max, lapply(lst, function(x) sum(fnf()(sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)))))
[1] 1569603656
You'll need to recurse. If I understand correctly, this should do what you want:
fact <- function(x) {
x <- as.integer(x)
div <- seq_len(abs(x)/2)
factors <- div[x %% div == 0L]
maxfact <- function(x) {
factors <- fact(x)
if (length(factors) < 3L) {
} else {
return(max(factors + mapply(maxfact, factors)))
[1] 45
Suppose I have a list of numbers.
x <- c(10,12,5,23,40,27,11,4,7,25,21,7,99,45,2,10)
I want to print the first 5 numbers greater than 20 using an if condition inside a for loop reason being this is a simple reproducible example and the actual scenario requires if conditions inside for loops. Is there a way of getting the first 5 numbers greater than 20 without limiting the range? The way to find all the numbers greater than 20 would be something like this
for(i in 1:length(x)){
The problem can be also looked upon as limiting the print statement to the first 5 instances.
Can someone help?
Please note that the range of the for loop can not be limited to arrive at a solution.
Required answer would be
Using for loop, if condition and print statement/cat/writeLines is a must
Will this work:
x[x > 20][1:5]
[1] 23 40 27 25 21
Using for loop:
v <- vector()
for(i in 1:length(x)){
if(x[i] > 20){
v <- c(v,x[i])
if(length(v) == 5){
[1] 23 40 27 25 21
As it turned out that limiting the range of the for loop is allowed, this could be done with cumsum(x > 20) <= 5:
for(i in seq_len(match(5, cumsum(x > 20), length(x)))) {
if(x[i] > 20) {
#[1] 23
#[1] 40
#[1] 27
#[1] 25
#[1] 21
Or add a counter:
Variant which will break after 5 hits (thanks to #sindri-baldur):
n <- 0L
for(i in 1:length(x)){
if(x[i]>20) {
n <- n+1L
if(n == 5L) break
Variant which will make the full loop.
n <- 0L
for(i in 1:length(x)){
if(x[i]>20 & n<5) {
n <- n+1L
To get the first 5 you can use head:
head(x[x > 20], 5)
#[1] 23 40 27 25 21
Note that this will also work in cases where there are less than 5 hits. Then it will return the number of hits. E.g. try it with:
x <- c(10,12,5,23,40,27,11,4,7,25,2,7,9,4,2,10)
I wrote a recursive binary search function in R which finds the smallest element in a vector that is greater than a given value:
binary_next_biggest <- function(x, vec){
if (length(vec) == 1){
if (x < vec[1]){
} else {
} else {
mid = ceiling(length(vec)/2)
if (x < vec[mid]){
return(binary_next_biggest(x, vec[1:mid]))
} else {
return(binary_next_biggest(x, vec[mid+1:length(vec)]))
I've written this exact same function in Python with no issues (code below), but in R it does not work.
import numpy as np
def binary_next_biggest(x, arr):
if len(arr)==1:
if x < arr[0]:
return arr[0]
return None
mid = int(np.ceil(len(arr)/2)-1)
if x < arr[mid]:
return binary_next_biggest(x, arr[:mid+1])
return binary_next_biggest(x, arr[mid+1:])
Through debugging in RStudio I discovered the mechanics of why it's not working: indexing the vector in my above function is returning a vector of the same length, so that if
vec <- 1:10
and vec is indexed within the function,
the resulting vector passed to the new call of binary_next_biggest() is
6 7 8 9 10 NA NA NA NA NA
where I would expect
6 7 8 9 10
What's going on here? I know I can just rewrite it as a while loop iteratively changing indexes, but I don't understand why vector indexing is behaving this way in the code I've written. Within the interactive R console indexing behaves as expected and changes the vector length, so why would it behave differently within a function, and what would be the appropriate way to index for what I'm trying to do?
The cause of the strange behavior of the code is an error in indexing of the vector elements. The part mid+1:length(vec) should be (mid+1):length(vec) because the : operator is executed before addition.
Here is an illustration of the difference.
5 + 1:10
# [1] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
# [1] 6 7 8 9 10
There might be a reason why you're doing a binary search (simplified example of more complicated problem?), but there are easier ways to do this in R.
vec <- 1:1000
x <- 49
min(vec[which(vec > x)])
# [1] 50
Which works even if vec isn't ordered.
vec <- sample.int(1000)
min(vec[which(vec > x)])
# [1] 50
I've been set a question on the Fibonacci Sequence and although I've been successful in doing the sequence, I haven't been as lucky summing the even terms up (i.e. 2nd, 4th, 6th... etc.) My code is below as well as the part of the question I am stuck on. Any guidance would be brilliant!
Write a function which will take as an input x and y and will return either the sum of the first x even Fibonacci numbers or the sum of even Fibonacci numbers less than y.
That means the user will be able to specify either x or y but not both.
You have to return a warning if someone uses both numbers (decide
on the message to return)
y <- 10
fibvals <- numeric(y)
fibvals[1] <- 1
fibvals[2] <- 1
for (i in 3:y) {
fibvals[i] <- fibvals[i-1]+fibvals[i-2]
if (i %% 2)
To get you started since this sounds like an exercise.
I would split your loop up into steps rather than do the summing within the loop with an if statement. Since you already have the sequence code working, you can just return what is asked for by the user. The missing function would probably help you out here
f <- function(x, y) {
if (missing(y)) {
warning('you must give y')
y <- 10
fibvals <- numeric(y)
fibvals[1] <- 1
fibvals[2] <- 1
for (i in 3:y) {
fibvals[i] <- fibvals[i-1]+fibvals[i-2]
evens <- fibvals %% 2 == 0
odds <- fibvals %% 2 != 0
if (missing(x)) {
} else return(fibvals)
f(y = 20)
# [1] 3382
# [1] 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
# Warning message:
# In f(10) : you must give y
I have just started learning R and I wrote this code to learn on functions and loops.
for(i in 1:x){
return (m)
Why does this return NULL. I want i*i values to append to the end of mand return a vector. Can someone please point out whats wrong with this code.
You haven't put anything inside m <- c() in your loop since you did not use an assignment. You are getting the following -
m <- c()
You can change the function to return the desired values by assigning m in the loop.
squared <- function(x) {
m <- c()
for(i in 1:x) {
y <- i * i
m <- c(m, y)
# [1] 1 4 9 16 25
But this is inefficient because we know the length of the resulting vector will be 5 (or x). So we want to allocate the memory first before looping. This will be the better way to use the for() loop.
squared <- function(x) {
m <- vector("integer", x)
for(i in seq_len(x)) {
m[i] <- i * i
# [1] 1 4 9 16 25
Also notice that I have removed return() from the second function. It is not necessary there, so it can be removed. It's a matter of personal preference to leave it in this situation. Sometimes it will be necessary, like in if() statements for example.
I know the question is about looping, but I also must mention that this can be done more efficiently with seven characters using the primitive ^, like this
# [1] 1 4 9 16 25
^ is a primitive function, which means the code is written entirely in C and will be the most efficient of these three methods
# function (e1, e2) .Primitive("^")
Here's a general approach:
# Create empty vector
vec <- c()
for(i in 1:10){
# Inside the loop, make one or elements to add to vector
new_elements <- i * 3
# Use 'c' to combine the existing vector with the new_elements
vec <- c(vec, new_elements)
# [1] 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
If you happen to run out of memory (e.g. if your loop has a lot of iterations or vectors are large), you can try vector preallocation which will be more efficient. That's not usually necessary unless your vectors are particularly large though.