Can you please give me an example for Switch Connection Using Telnet library on Robot framework - robotframework

I Don't how to use the Switch connection for the following test case.
Following one is my test case...So for this how can i switch the connections from R1 to R2 & again to R2 :
*** Settings ***
Library Telnet
*** Variables ***
${username1} naveen
${password1} kumar
${username2} hi
${password2} bye
*** Test Cases ***
Open Connection ${R1} prompt=username prompt=password alias=conn01
Write ${username1}
Write ${password1}
Read Until >
Write enable
Read Until Password
Write ${password1}
Write R1
Read Until \#
Write show ip route
Read Until \#
Open Connection ${R2} prompt=username prompt=password alias=conn02
Write ${username2}
Write ${password2}
Read Until >
Write enable
Read Until Password
Write ${password2}
Write R2
Read Until \#
Write show ip route
Read Until \#
Switch Connection conn01
Switch Connection conn02

If you wish to change a previously set variable, the Set Variable keyword should do just fine, assuming the variable only needs to be available in its native context. Otherwise, Set Global Variable is what you're looking for.
Example of use of Set Variable:
*** Test Cases ***
Change a Variable
${thing} = Set Variable some
${thing} = Set Variable some1
Log to Console ${thing}
Variables declared in a variable table (like you did) can be declared based on other variables, so if you don't care if a variable is global, just declare it locally to keep the mutability.


How do I find if a variable has been defined?

How do I find out if a variable has been defined in my Robot Framework script? I am doing API testing, not UI testing. I have a complex set up and tear-down sequence and, since I am interacting with multiple computers through the script, it is important to know the current state if a fatal error has occurred. I could track what I have done with some complex set of meta variables or a variable tracking list, but I would prefer to query if a particular variable has been defined and if so take the appropriate tear-down steps.
A simplified version is something like:
*** Test Cases ***
Check monitor
${monitored}= Connect to Monitor ${Monitor IP Address} ${User name} ${password}
${peer connected}= Connect to Monitor ${Peer IP Address} ${User name} ${password}
Get Information from Monitor ${IP Address}
Send Info to Peer ${buffer1}
Report back to Monitor ${Monitor IP Address}
We are assuming that the tear-down closes the connections. I want to close any connections that are open, but if I failed to open the peer connection I will close the monitor connection and fail on closing the monitor connection.
I am trying to determine if ${peer connected} is defined. Can I look into Robot Framework's variable storage to see if it is there (in that dictionary?)?
You can call Get Variables to get a dictionary of all variables, then check whether the variable you're interested in is in the dictionary.
*** Test cases ***
${foo}= set variable hello, world
${variables}= Get variables
Should be true "\${foo}" in $variables
Should not be true "\${bar}" in $variables
There a pretty straightforward approach - the built-in keyword Get Variable Value returns python's None (by default) if there is no such variable defined:
${the var}= Get Variable Value ${peer connected}
${is set}= Set Variable If """${the var}""" != 'None' ${True} ${False}
I am fine with this approach. In case the variable is not defined, the test case does not fail....
${variables} Get variables
${status} Run Keyword And Return Status Evaluate $new_table in $variables
${new_table} Set variable if ${status}==${FALSE} new_tbl ${new_table}
Also possible is:
${variables} Get Variables
IF "\${dataPluginVersion}" in "${variables}"
No Operation
${dataPluginVersion} Set Variable 0
${variables} Get Variables
IF not "\${dataPluginVersion}" in "${variables}"
${dataPluginVersion} Set Variable 0
A shorter way:
[Tags] TEST
Variable Should Not Exist \${TESTDEVICE_SSH_CONNECTION}
Variable Should Exist \${TEST_NAME}
This method is more readable and less verbose than using "Get Variables" keyword, IMHO
Reference: Robotframework built-in keywords

Using Winsock (TCP/IP) functions in ATEASY development enviroment

I am using WsReceive() function of the ATEasy framework and wanted to ask what is the meaning of the values "aioDefault
and aioDisableWsReceiveEarlyReturn" of "enMode" parameter?
I found this in the ATEASY documentation:
If enMode, input receive mode includes aioDisableWsReceiveEarlyReturn,
it prevents WsReceive from an "early return" when there is a momentary
interruption in the data being received.
And this from the online help of ateasy (By a tip of an expert from the ateasy forum) :
If sEos parameter is an empty string and aioDisableWsReceiveEarlyReturn mode flag is not used (default case), the function will return immediately if characters are found in the input buffer, and the timeout will be ignored. Using the aioDisableWsReceiveEarlyReturn flag will ensure that the function will return only if the timeout is reached or all lBytes characters were received.

Reboot and stop image booting with C-Kermit

I'm currently using c-kermit with a serial connector to my ARM-Board. So, if I type reboot into the c-kermit connected terminal, the Board reboots. Okay, then I type Space, while it boots, to get into U-Boot. This works fine.
But I want to write a script for it. So, if I execute this script I'm already in the U-boot terminal.
My currently used .kermrc is the following:
set line /dev/ttyUSB3
set speed 115200
set carrier-watch off
set handshake none
set flow-control none
set file type bin
set file name lit
set rec pack 1000
set send pack 1000
set window 5
input "reboot"
input " "
input " "
output instead of input also doesn't work.
Please check, if the below link helps you some how.

How to check which SQL query is so CPU intensive

Is there any possible way to check which query is so CPU intensive in _sqlsrv2 process?
Something which give me information about executed query in that process in that moment.
Is there any way to terminate that query without killing _sqlsrv2 process?
I cannot find any official materials in that subject.
Thank You for any help.
You could look into client database-request caching.
Code examples below assume you have ABL access to the environment. If not you will have to use SQL instead but it shouldn't be to hard to "translate" the code below
I haven't used this a lot myself but I wouldn't be surprised if it has some impact on performance.
You need to start caching in the active connection. This can be done in the connection itself or remotely via VST tables (as long as your remote session is connected to the same database) so you need to be able to identify your connections. This can be done via the process ID.
Generally how to enable the caching:
/* "_myconnection" is your current connection. You shouldn't do this */
FIND _myconnection NO-LOCK.
FIND _connect WHERE _connect-usr = _myconnection._MyConn-userid.
/* Start caching */
_connect._Connect-CachingType = 3.
/* End caching */
_connect._Connect-CachingType = 0.
You need to identify your process first, via top or another program.
Then you can do something like:
/* Assuming pid 21966 */
FIND FIRST _connect NO-LOCK WHERE _Connect._Connect-Pid = 21966 NO-ERROR.
DISPLAY _connect.
You could also look at the _Connect-Type. It should be 'SQLC' for SQL connections.
FOR EACH _Connect NO-LOCK WHERE _Connect._connect-type = "SQLC":
DISPLAY _connect._connect-type.
Best of all would be to do this in a separate environment. If you can't at least try it in a test environment first.
Here's a good guide.
You can use a Select like this:
c."_Connect-PID" as 'PID',
c."_connect-ipaddress" as 'IP',
pub."_connect" c
c."_Connect-CacheInfo" is not null
But first you need to enable connection cache, follow this example

Serial port access in vxworks not working

I am in a need to send data thru serial port in vxworks. I am using the following code. But
it is not working.can anyone point out what went wrong?
int f;
printf("Error opening serial port.");
return 1;
after running this code, no data is comming thru serial port but instead it comes thru
terminal(Tornado shell). The system has two serial devices /tyCo/1 and /tyCo/0. I tried them both, but the problem persists.
Thanks in adavnce
Have you set the baud rate?
if (iocl(m_fd, FIOBAUDRATE, rate )) == ERROR )
//throw error
It is possible that you are using the wrong name for the device, and that Tornado Shell is set to your default device. From
If a matching device name cannot be found, then the I/O function is directed
at a default device. You can set this default device to be any device in the
system, including no device at all, in which case failure to match a device
name returns an error. You can obtain the current default path by using
ioDefPathGet( ). You can set the default path by using ioDefPathSet( ).
The 3rd parameter of "open" command is, if I am not wrong, the mode. I do not really understand what it is needed for in vxworks, except for code comparability with UNIX. In short -try to give some value like 0644 or 0666. I think this will help.
