I tried to use the Report RPTCORTMAIL but no matter what I choose no mail is send.
I chose a period and a person with errors but the protocol shows "0 mails send".
Even when I don't enter a person nothing happens.
While debugging I saw that the table PERNR_TAB_LANG is empty at the moment the receivers should be picked.
Am I doing something wrong? I'm thankful for every hint.
This report is used to tell employees to correct their errors from time evaluation (via IT2011). There are several reasons no employees are selected:
1) B1 Cluster timestamp is higher than last run of report (which means there no current errors to be sent)
2) There are no errors in B2 Cluster (check FEHLER table)
I am new to Looker and trying to create my first alert. The requirement is simple when a status field (calculated field) is greater than 1 looker should send an email. Though a couple of records value is more than 1 still not sending an alert. I didn’t schedule a delivery, just created an alert.
FYI: Row count exceeds 5000
I wanted the Looker to check every 15 min if the calculated field is greater than 1.
attached is the Snap of the alert
Can anyone please help me with what needs to be done?
Your setup looks correct. Check your permission and do a test run before scheduling the email.
I am using BizTalk 2016 with Feature Update 3 (CU7), and the BizTalk Server Administration Console version 3.12.774.0
In the BizTalk Group I go to the Parties Node
Select a Party and go to it's Agreement in the Agreements list
Open the Agreement and go to the second tab (outgoing settings e.g. BizTalkApp->ThirdParty)
Go to Transaction Set Settings -> Envelopes
There is one envelope record. Go to this an change one of the values, e.g. GS4 - change from CCYYMMDD to YYMMDD
Click Apply
BizTalk displays the error Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (Microsoft.BizTalk.Administration.EdiText)
You cannot apply any changes to Envelope GS values because of this error. Changes to other agreement properties such as Interchange Settings -> Identifiers can be saved fine.
Has anyone come across this error before? How can we get past it?
It turns out that this error was caused by the fact I didn't have any value entered in the GS1 dropdown. Once I had entered this value in the row then other changes to the row could be saved.
Biztalk suspends instances of messages where the format or value of GS segments do not match those specified in the envelopes tab. So this means that I will have to analyse all the EDI documents we are receiving from our external party and make sure the GS1 values they use are covered. If there are more than one type of GS1 value used I will have to enter multiple rows in the Envelopes list.
I already checked Stackoverflow for an answer, but I only found question related to showing a timestamp in PowerBI Desktop, which is pretty different from the behaviour in the PowerBI Service, e.g. see
How to display current date and time in power bi visuals?
Visualizing last refresh date in power bi
I don't want to see in my report the timestamp of the current date
and time, since I already have this in the status bar of my
operating system.
I don't want to see in my report the timestamp of
the last "report" refresh, when only the measures get updated (like
in the Service).
I don't want to see the timestamp of last re-import
of (most-likely unchanged) data in the Desktop/Service.
What I want to see in my report is the timestamp of the last "dataset" refresh in the Service, which cannot be achived by a measure, but a M-function only!
The problem now is that the Service runs in UTC time, while I'm of cause interested in local time, and all the M-functions to convert a datetimezone number only only accept a fixed time-shift in hours, but do not consider daylight savings.
How would a solution look like to properly overcome this deficit and to show the proper local time of the dataset refresh in a PBI Service report?!
For whatever reason, Microsoft hasn't built in native daylight saving handling yet but please vote for them to fix this here.
However, various people have suggested workarounds involving defining the dates/times when DST changes things or referencing an external oracle.
As a workaround I've been pulling the proper local time from worldtimeapi.org so far, see e.g. this PowerQuery M-script:
Source = Json.Document(
#"Converted to Table" = Record.ToTable(Source),
#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(
#"Converted to Table", each ([Name] = "datetime")),
#"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Filtered Rows",{"Name"}),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(
#"Removed Columns",{{"Value", type datetimezone}}),
#"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(
#"Changed Type",{{"Value", "Europe/Berlin"}})
#"Renamed Columns"
However, I just realized that this has become somewhat obsolete meanwhile:
In the PowerBI Service switch the New Look to ON and then in the title bar next to the report name you get e.g. "Data updated 26/04/20" and in the drop-down menu you can even see the exact update time.
In my Devstack setup there was a issue in displaying details in the Rating section.
Pricing was configured correctly, During Instance creation Rate is displayed in the instance creation window.
But after creation of instance I am checking the Rating section for rates or cost.
It was not displaying the value as needed.
I checked the DB table (rated_data_frames) in Cloudkitty.
It doesn't have the necessary values immediately.
I was continuously checking for some hours consecutively.
But I can be able to see that Cloudkitty DB is getting updated with the values after some hours from instance creation.
That is after some hours, it is getting added in table regarding the Instance created.
So that in Front-end also it got displayed.
I want to know why it is happening.
Is there any solution for the same to get the results immediately.
Simply I need to get the results immediately in rating section.
I can be able to see that in cloudkitty.conf file section is there as follows:
# Rating period in seconds. (integer value)
#period = 3600
#wait_periods = 2
If changing this will help us.?
I have created a simple workflow in CRM 2011 which checks a field value in one entity and creates a new record in a different entity. Sometimes however, the creation doesn't occur, it just seems that the condition is not met when it should be.
Consider an entity called "Car" which has a text field called "Task". This Task field will always be saved with 1 of 4 possible values: "", "Add", "Change", "Delete".
This value is used to determine how the workflow should process.
The workflow is set to fire when a different field is changed - "Driver".
The workflow is setup like this...
- Condition
- If "Task" == "Add"
- create new record
- Else if "Task" == "Change"
- create new record
- Else if "Task" == "Delete"
- create new record
- Reset "Task" to ""
NOTE: the created record is using different values depending on "Task"
I can see that the workflow is always fired when expected, and both the "Condition" and the "Reset" are processed. The problem is that sometimes (although, not so far today) no record is created - this suggests that none of the IF conditions are met. However, I have no reason to explain why. I can see that the field "Task" is always set as expected prior to the save (exact spelling/casing and all)
So, are there any known issues with CRM workflows that could explain this? Is there a more indepth way to debug these issues? (i.e. check the value of "Task" at time on "Condition" checks)
I am wondering is it possible that the "Reset" part of the workflow is somehow being processed before the condition? and there for the condition is checking a blank field.
Any help will be greatly appreciated, Thanks
Unfortunately, I have not experienced this issue again since the first time when I created the workflow.
However, some good techniques where offered in comments as to how this sort of issue could be debugged - thanks to those people!
Firstly, you can turn on Entity Auditing which will help you track down what is going wrong.
Another option would be to send an email from the workflow with the current data values for debugging, or add a final "else" clause to send emails when none of the conditions have been met (perhaps a good fail safe addition to have even when it does seem to all be working) - I like this second option as it is more "out of the box" thinking ;)
Anyway here you can find information on sending emails from within a CRM workflow