Is there a way to turn on LED on chassis panel in Dell blade - laravel-blade

I have a Dell PowerEdge r630 blade which has a LED in chassis panel. I can turn it off or let it blink by running the following command:
ipmiutil -alarms -iN (N =0 for turning off, N = 255 for blinking)
I wonder if there's some commands to keep LED turned on instead of blinking. I tried some commands of ipmiutil but didn't get it work.

When reading, we see :
-iN Sets the Chassis Identify feature, which can be an LED or some
other alarm. If N=0, turn off the Chassis ID, otherwise turn
the ID on for N seconds. N=255 will turn on the ID indefi-
nitely, if it is IPMI 2.0.


How to convert between 1200 and 1200/75 baud devices? socat?

Is it possible to get a program that uses symmetrical 1200 baud to communicate over serial to a device running at 1200/75? I've tried putting socet in between to create a virtual serial device running at 1200 and set the USB serial to 1200/75 but the far end still gets garbled text:
socat -d -d pty,link=/dev/ttyvirt,raw,nonblock,echo=0,perm=0777,b1200 open:/dev/ttyUSB0,raw,nonblock,echo=0,ospeed=b1200,ispeed=b75
The ispeed and ospeed options take integer numbers as argument, so try without the 'b' prefixes!

data sending from jetson to arduino

It was successful to train from jet son-XAVIER and recognize it as cam. But I don't know how to send the information that jet son-XAVIER recognized in real time to Arduino. The objects we recognize are elk and wild boar. I know that I can only send 1 letter through communication, so elk will send e and wild boar to w. Is there a way to send it as soon as it recognizes it through real-time web cam?
There's not a lot of information here on your setup, but here's a possible solution:
I see the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier module has USB-C ports.
Buy a USB-A to USB-C cable, and plug the Arduino directly in.
I'm not sure what program/language you're using with your trained model, but I'll guess that it's python for now.
You'll want to open a Serial connection to the arduino, and you can do this with pyserial:
You can send more than just one letter, you can send entire data streams. But, if you want to just send one letter, it will do that as well.
Here's the official documentation for how to communicate with an Arduino using Python:
If you're not using python, specify your language of choice, and we can look up and see if it has a serial library.
I have never used darknet but may be this can point you in the right direction.
I have used the library sugested by Bucky and I believe you could add the serial comunication to This is what I would do:
#Add this import at begining of the file
import serial
#this is a mocked version of detect in, assuming that the labels you used are "elk" and "wildboard". You should not add this lines to the file.
def detect():
res = []
return res
r = detect()
#Add this after the 'print r' at the end of the file
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0') # open serial port. You should check what serial port is assigned to your arduino.
for obj in r:
if obj[0]=="elk" and obj[1]>=0.9: #assuming 0.9 as the minimum confident for a detection
print "found elk"
ser.write('e') # you can send a string with just one letter
elif obj[0]=="wildboard" and obj[1]>=0.9:
print "found wildboard";
ser.write('w') # you can send a string with just one letter
ser.close() # close port

How to terminate outgoing CSD call?

I have a gsm modem called iRZ. I use it for CSD call(getting meterage from meter). I call to meter like this: ATDpho0ne_number
Then I exchange data.
And finally I need to terminate this call, but how?
I tried: "+++" next "ATH", and "ATH0". But it doesn't work...
Help, please...
You did not specify the exact modem type so I tell you two options.
Option 1:
The +++ character sequence must be preceded and
followed by a pause of at least 1000 ms. The +++ characters must be entered in quick succession, all within 1000 ms.
Option 2:
You have to set up a "code word" by ATM Control utility and that code word will switch back the modem to AT mode and then you can issue the ATH command.

NodeMCU Lua Amica v2 DeepSleep function

how can i put the NodeMCU Lua Amica v2 into deepSleep mode?
I read in much posts that it is just ESP.deepSleep() but in my case it doesn't work.
Because I want to make a simple weather station with humidity and temperature and the NodeMCU sends the data to Ubidots every hour and in the rest of the time I want it to be in deepSleep mode for better battery life, because I only use a powerbank.
Thanks for answers
dont forget when you wake up the esp, the code restart at beginning (write all your code in setup() and execute the ESP.deepSleep
the syntax of this function is (i suppose you are using the library)
ESP.deepsleep(duration, [wifi_state])
duration is in microsecond so duration = 1000000 * lapseInSecond
if you dont put wifi_state, is the default mode
if you put RF_DISABLED you dont use Wifi
so 1 hour = 3600 * 1000000 microseconds hope you could use int or long on 32 bits

G510 FIBOCOM some at commands return ERROR in some commands

I use two FIBOCOM G510 GSM modems but one of them returns ERROR in some commands like:
AT+CMGF=1\r, AT+CPIN=? returns ERROR.
But some like ATE0\r, AT+CLIP=1\r, AT+CBAUD?\r returns OK.
I use baudrate 115200.
R2:\r\n+CBAUD: 115200\r\n\r\nOK\r\n
Is there something I should set first or is it simcard issue or modem fault?
My other unit works good but I tested it 3 months ago and I think I would use some additional commands to prepare.
I am confuse what's its wrong?
I checked sim card wiring for 3rd time and I found cardinal mistake. Socket was upside down and even wires was connected to the "right place" it did not comunicate.
After rewiring modem starts to work well.
R5:\r\n+CPIN: READY\r\n\r\nOK\r\n
