How to deploy Javafx desktop application with Hsqldb - javafx

I've completed a Java project with Hsqldb, the application works fine on my local machine, this is intended to be used as a standalone desktop application on the Windows platform. Please could you suggest any references/documentation on how to go about the deployment processes. Thanks in advance.

For deploying an embedded HSQLDB database, the only thing that can be different on the target is the location of the database files.
You define the directory where files are stored and it should be a writable directory. In this case, define the path and use it as an absolute path (which includes the drive name if any) to connect to HSQLDB.
You can also define the database connection URL to contain the user home directory path. This allows storing the database is a subdirectory of the user's home directory. See


The easiest way to access Azure File Storage?

I need to migrate an application to Azure and I have a Azure Web Application with 50gb storage space and an Azure File Storage with 250gb, that I'll use to store videos, images and other things.
My application stores the files in a folder in the same directory of my application, so It was easy to do, I didn't have to access another server, like Azure File Storage seems to be.
I have access by FTP to my app folder, like It was at the other server, but this folder only have the 50GB of storage. Does exist an way of mapping the 250gb's Azure File Storage folder to my app folder, or I'll have to change my code to use the Azure API?
Your application can work against Azure File shares without code changes. You will need to persist credentials using cmdkey, and then instead of local path, use the file share path or mounted drive within your application. For more information you can refer to:
How to use Azure Files on Windows
How to use Azure Files on Linux
I run a batch file on login which runs the following command, you can use whichever drive letter you choose:
net use <drive-letter>: /delete /y
net use <drive-letter>: \\<storage-account-name>\<share-name> /u:<storage-account-name> <storage-account-key>
An example with dummy information would look like this:
net use t: /delete /y
net use t: \\\testshare /u:accountname verylongstorageaccountkey

is it possible move App_Data catalog?

Is there a possibility to move App_Data catalog in ASP .net application? I want it to be stored at C:. I tried to change path in my Web.Config file, but all the time i get a different errors, like access to the path is denied (I have copied all the permission to my new App_data folder).
If you are attempting to store something in a specific directory like C:\, you'll need to make sure that IIS have the appropriate permissions to handle performing these actions (as generally it will only be able to access the directory of the application and IIS' root directory).
If you are debugging your application locally, you might ensure that you are running Visual Studio with Administrative Rights (i.e. Right-click > Run as Administrator) as the process spawned from it will likely not be able to access directories that would otherwise require it.
Otherwise, you can check the permissions on one of the following roles, which will vary depending on which version of IIS you are using and ensure that it has the proper permission(s) :
IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool
Generally speaking, it's not a good idea to give root access to your applications. If you are going to be using this in any kind of production manner (outside of a quick and dirty utility application running on your local machine), you should consider using a sub-directory from within your application and referencing the files from there (i.e. drop the files you are attempting to access in your Project and access them relative to your application).

How to host an ASP.NET application from within a ZIP archive using the Cassini web server?

The root issue is that we have an ASP.Net application with a deep folder structure that we run within the Cassini web server and install on customer machines using a ClickOnce deployment. However, ClickOnce imposes limits on file path lengths which is starting to cause our deployment to fail. There are also a bunch of other issues with ClickOnce (e.g. handling of binaries in the web-app's bin folder) which we have solved via 'creative' means (i.e. hacky), as such we think a nice way to side step these ClickOnce issues is to deploy the ASP.NET app as a single zip archive. To Do that Cassini and ASP.NET would need to be able to the ZIP archive as a virtual file system.
One method might be to mount the zip archive in the file system (e.g. mapped to a new drive letter); The concern there is that some customer environments will likely prevent the application from mounting a new drive.
Ideally then we're looking for some means of representing a zip as a file system that we can point Cassini and ASP.NET to, but that isn't being done by the OS.
=== Update ===
Possible options:
Unzip to a temp folder and point to that folder.
MSDN article: Virtualizing Access to Content: Serving Your Web Site from a ZIP File

Where is my SqLite Database - which is embedded within AIR application and installed in Windows 7?

Where is my SqLite Database - which is embedded within AIR application and installed in Windows 7?
Dear All,
I have a Flex AIR application with SQLite database embeded in it.
But that does not store data within the database.db file stored in C:\Program Files(86)[Program Name]\assets.
The application is running and saving data/ displaying them perfectly fine.
What is the issue? Where is the database location in windows 7
I have heared something called App_Data in win 7 - is it some where within it? if else, where is that folder?
Help Help.
C:\Users[Username]\AppData\Roaming[ApplicationName].[SomeCharacters] I think
The path provided by Florian F would be correct for a flash application, but not so for an installed AIR application.
According to the ASDocs, the following are commonly used directory locations when writing files:
File.applicationStorageDirectory—a storage directory unique to each
installed AIR application
File.applicationDirectory—the read-only directory where the
application is installed (along with any installed assets)
File.desktopDirectory—the user's desktop directory
File.documentsDirectory—the user's documents directory
File.userDirectory—the user directory
This does not mean that the application is locked down to writing to these locations, but they are a good place to look.

Execute ClickOnce application located on share, through HTTP?

i have a ClickOnce application (online only) which is deployed on a network share. People can run the application by creating a shortcut to i:\ApplicationDirectory\ApplicationName.application
where i is the letter of the drive of the networkshare.
I want to start the application over HTTP. For this, I need the .Application file to be accessible through my webserver. However I am unable to select the ApplicationDirectory as a virtual directory for IIS. I tried copying the .Application file to a virtual IIS path, but this makes the deployment corrupt (i also updated application_files reference in the .Application file). Is there a(nother) way to start a ClickOnce application, deployed on a network share, over HTTP?
First find your ClickonceKey.pfx, in other words the key used to sign assemblies.
Then find mage.exe, the utility for signing manifests that's part of the .NET Framework SDK. For VS2005, it can be found at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin.
Then create a batch file to execute mage.exe.
Then copy the contents of the network share deployment folder to a new virtual directory on the web server.
Finally, run the batch file.
The batch file should look something like this:
-update >>path to your application manifest in the virtual directory<<
-providerurl >>location of application manifest virtual directory<<
-certfile Clickoncekey.pfx -password >>your password<<
