Why isn't my DNS pointing to my Digital Ocean droplet server? - nginx

I have my Google Domains DNS configures to point to my Digital Ocean droplet, but my site will not load. I should at least get a notice that my NGINX proxy server is receiving the request, but I'm not. I usually use NameCheap, but I thought Google might be better, and I'm having trouble getting it to work.
However, When I visit my site, the page says that the site can't be reached. [Site is unavailable][3]
Any insights?
Thanks in advance.

Your domain name tannerplauche.com works fine for me. Apparently, it's just propagation time on your end. When you change the DNS, the changes do not take effect instantly. Normally, your local ISP's server updates data every 24-48 hours. Once the cache on the local ISP's server is cleared, you will see the website on your end as well.
In the meantime, you may bypass propagation by checking your domain name via proxy server. Here ist he link: https://kproxy.com/


Restart VM Instance in Google Cloud After Clicking "Stop"

I am having a mild panic attack and could use some help.
I was emailed by Google telling me I need to change my machine type in my VM Instance. So I logged in, it told me I needed to stop the instance to make that change. I stopped the instance and then realized I'm not using the deprecated F1-Micro, so I just hit Play to restart the instance.
It restarts, has the reassuring green symbol, but my wordpress site can't be accessed.
I tried connecting via SSH and it seems like the data is there, I can navigate to the wordpress folder.
Can someone please advise on what I need to do to get the site running?
EDIT: More Info
Checking status of NGINX server shows it is "active (running)"
When visiting the web address, it loads for a very long time and then goes to an error page that just says "This site can't be reached the site took too long to respond. try checking connection and the proxy and the firewall. ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT"
I found the issue.
The Google documentation suggests your IP address will remain. Whether that is standard or not, my IP address changed, so once I updated my DNS records I was back online.

Unable to direct Route53 records to new server

I am trying to point a domain from a website (radicalxchange.org) currently hosted by Firebase to a new version hosted in a Digital Ocean droplet. The name servers are managed by AWS Route53. When I change the A record in Route53 to my D.O. droplet IP address (, the site immediately stops loading. I've tried to wait a few hours but it never connects.
I should note that Route53 contains a lot of other stuff related to our site (CNAME, MX & TXT records) however I've been under the impression that the only thing necessary to route website traffic to the new IP is the A record. What am I doing wrong?
Well, your Digital Ocean droplet is kind of misconfigured:
1) from current hosting, you have permanent redirect to https (and if your browser have that already cached, it will immediately go to https://radicalxchange.org), and you don't have https configured in your new hosting
2) Even if you use clean browser, your new http://radicalxchange.org will redirect you to, which is quite strange.
I suggest you hardcode radicalxchange.org entry in your hosts file, and test thoroughly, and only then make DNS changes.

How long does it take for Cloudflare to start resolving a site?

I tried to switch over the Cloudflare on a live site that is expected to get a ton of traffic. Unfortunately, after I switched the DNS servers over, I got 523 errors for about 20 minutes before I gave up on it. Traceroute and ping reported "unknown host" during this time. I double-checked the DNS servers cloudflare had me switch to and they were correct. I have set this up on a WordPress site using the official cloudlflare plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/cloudflare
Is it normal for a site to go down for so long when switching over? I've never used Cloudflare before.
No, it's not normal for a site to go down. The DNS change will spread but until then, unless you changed other things about your site, people should still be redirected to your origin from your old DNS.
A 523 error suggests a problem with your origin. I'd suggest contacting cloudflare. It's actually possible the PLUGIN is the issue, as cloudflare's default behavior generally fine for a static wordpress site.

Website accessible from everywhere except for client's network

My client has a website that is showing some strange behavior. The site is built in ASP.Net and used to be hosted on their internal network. It's now been moved to a different server outside their network. They have other sites hosted on the same server, some built using DotNetNuke, and some classic ASP. All these sites are hosted on one application server, with a database (SQL Server 2008) on a separate server (which is on the same network as the application server). They share the application server, and the database server.
Now that this site has been moved to the outside server, they can't access it. I can, and so can others that I work with (from different IPs, across the country). But the client can't from their network. They can access the landing page subsite.clientdomain.com (no db access), but nothing else. So, for instance, there's a link to subsite.clientdomain.com/folder. When they click that link, the URL changes to subsite.com/folder, which does not work. For myself and others not at the client site, the URL does not change and opens with no problems.
I didn't write the site, and didn't even know it existed before this problem cropped up, so I know very little more than this. Any help is appreciated.
I'm going to go with Martijn B's answer. There's a DNS issue on the internal network. Somewhere on of the DNS servers is a definition that maps http://companywebsite to an ip address like or whatever.
I would open a command prompt on your PC and type
ping new_website_name.com
Take a look at the IP address that comes back. You can also do an nslookup on new_website_name.com that will give you more information. If you (person A) gets one IP address and Person B (inside the network) gets a different IP address....there is definitely a DNS issue on the internal network.
You're going to have to do some network tracing to determine exactly where any redirection is occurring. Given that the problem is only manifested in certain locations, it is likely that it is a function of network configuration in that location (as previously suggested). Without understanding exactly what redirection is occurring, it would be unwise to make configuration changes that might make the problem worse or introduce new issues.
A DNS server cannot AFAIK redirect to a different URL. So something is redirecting from subsite.clientdomain.com/folder to subsite.com/folder, which could be caused by a HTTP redirect. This can be triggered by the software/website itself or by IIS.

Why can I see my website even though it's down?

I'm wondering if anyone knows how this happens? My website is down, but every computer on my internet connection/router can see it. I've cleared my cache etc, but another computer in the house shouldn't be seeing a site that's offline. How weird?
It's hosted remotely, not on my network or anything.
The first question to ask yourself is, how certain are you that it's down? If computer A can access it and computer B cannot, either one could be "right":
The site could be down, and computer A could be looking at a cached version from the ISP.
The site could be up, but computer B could be having general internet connectivity problems, or problems accessing this site in particular (bad DNS cache, etc.)
One way to tell is to add some new content to the site (via FTP or an in-place content management system like wordpress, for example) and see if the computer that can access it (computer A) can see the changes. If so, then you're looking at a "live" site, where the pages are being served directly from the server. (If the server is active and runs web software like PHP or ASP, then that would be another way to "prove" that the site is up and running).
Do you know the IP address of your web server?
Do you have direct access to the Internet on port 80?
Tell if your server is up or down by doing the following
telnet 80
Where is your web server's IP address. On windows the screen will go blank if the server answers. Then type
GET / HTTP/1.0
And hit enter twice. You should see the content of your default page. If your running as a virtual host, you'll probably need to use HTTP/1.1 and the Hostname tag.
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: www.yourservername.com
There is one return after HTTP/1.1 and two returns after your hostname. If you get content (the correct content) back from your web server it is definitely not down. If the server fails to connect then your web server is really down, and the content your computers are seeing could be any of the following:
local page cache
local proxy server
ISP proxy server
local ARP poisoning attack redirecting you to attacker's local web server which mirrored your site.
DNS poisoning to direct your browsers to someone else's web server which mirrored your site.
If your site is up, but geographically separated folks can't see your site, it is most likely a DNS issue or an ISP level routing issue.
A good tool to check for DNS issues is OpenDNS's CacheCheck. As for the routing issue, the best bet is to call your web hosting company and see if they've had any other complaints from their other customers, or if they are currently working on a routing issue.
Internet provider cache maybe.
What DNS servers are your friends using? Same as yours?
Your ISP is probably caching the content.
i know it's down cause i asked my friends in other locations to look at it. then i ran a test using this site i found.
i'm switching hosts and we're dealing with my main domain name. that's the other reason i expected this interuption. i just want to know when it's finally switched.
is ISP cache a bad thing?
