Send Customised Text in textFlow from server to client - javafx

Here is the scenario. I’m a newbie dealing with JavaFX. I made an interface for messenger and implemented successfully with a server-client interaction. My Interface is like this -> TextFlow and one textField and a button. I used a text flow as a history panel where messages are shown. I used text flow because I wanted to assign the color to that text.
Here is the problem. When I selected color, say blue,for text and typed the message and hit the send button, Message got sent to the client and also got stored in server history panel with the selected color, say blue. But on the client side, the message received is in black color, not blue.
If anybody understood the scenario, please help me with your advice.
How can I store the text flow messages which are customized and to send that customized text to clients side unchanged?

why don't you do that in the client side ?
here's a little trick :
private Text returnedtxt;
private Text msgPrefix(String txt){
//Substract String
//returnedtxt = new Text (substracted);
//Apply font
//apply fill
}else if (txt.startsWith("#log")){
//Substract String
//returnedtxt = new Text (substracted);
//Apply font
//apply fill
}else if (txt.startsWith("#exp")){
//Substract String
//returnedtxt = new Text (substracted);
//Apply font
//apply fill
return returnedtxt;


InlineCssTextArea (RichTextFX) current style?

I'm trying to achieve something like rich text editor in javafx, using RichTextFX library component: InlineCssTextArea.
I've expect an API similar to this:
InlineCssTextArea area = new InlineCssTextArea();
area.setStyle("-fx-font-weight: bold;");
//now user input is bold
area.setStyle("text-decoration: underline;");
//now user input is bold and underlined
area.setStyle("-fx-font-weight: normal;");
//now user input is just underlined
But it seems, that all style changes has to be applied to a range of characters. Did I miss something? This use case seems to be the most natural one.
Do I have to track current carret position, and apply changes accordingly?

Reading Label Barcode in mvc4

I am developing a web application in which we have generated labels with barcode. Now we need to read these labels during packing stage.
I understand that Barcode scanners work as keyboard entry so I have created a View with text box to read the barcodes from labels. When I scan any label its reading barcode and automatically directing to some search page.
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.StyleNumber)
#* <input type = "text" style="border:0px;" value = "" />*#
There are 2 issues :
Automatically append row with a text box with for each label
Not to direct to some other page and have all the scanned labels on the same page to be read and used for further processing.
I have tried a lot but didn't find anything concrete. Please advise.
I'd like to suggest to move in this direction:
Obtain technical specification of barcode reader
Barcode should add some "begin and ending char" before and after the barcode read
Example if you barcode in 123456 reader can add 123456/n
where /n is new line or something else
You can monitor keydown of text field and monitor when text change and you detect ending character, at this point you can submit the form that contain your textbox. You can use javascript/Jquery
This example if the first that I've found but it can be improved for example sumitting a form without button
You can perform barcode validation on server side
At this point you can process barcode on server side and return void from controller method. Y
You can improve solution providing some better user experince for example validating barcode client side or hide the text control or submit data using jquery insted of form like this:
How to send data in to mvc controller which use ViewModel as parameter?
Pay attention on setting focus over control otherwise if user ckick mouse out of text control the text read form barcode reader isn't inserted into textbox.
I think that could be possibile develop some ActiveX but this is more invasive solution
HTML5 is your answer. But it will work in HTML5 compatible browser only. If you are targeting older version of browser you need to create Activex which is pretty old and not secure.
There is a jquery plugin for reading QR and Barcode which is worth looking into it.
Another way is doing capturing it on mobile devices with HTML5
There is a paid option also.

SWT: custom MessageBox / more text / how to get the icons?

i want to display a second, not bold, text in my MessageBox, like seen for OSX here:
Is there a way to do this with MessageBox? If not, I would create my own Dialog, problem is that i don't know how to load the appropriate icons.
Unfortunately, MessageBox is fairly constrained in its functionality. You can get the system icon from the Display class and then set it in a label:
final Image warningImage = getShell().getDisplay().getSystemImage(SWT.ICON_WARNING);
final Label imageLabel = new Label(dialogArea, SWT.NONE);

Plain text from database

I have used ckeditor in my application which enables the user to store the data in db in form of tags like
etc but i want the data to be populated in the datagrid should be a plain text irrespective of any styles.
Have a look at Html to Text Converter, but if you need to display plain text then why allow user to add html content.
Below is also a way to do this:-
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl htmlDiv = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("div");
htmlDiv.InnerHtml = htmlString;
String plainText = htmlDiv.InnerText;

Error / Validation / ToolTips in Adobe Flex

Is there any code or custom options available to achieve the following :
1> When an error occurs in a text box, the validation shows the error. Forces the user to remove the error and only then proceed to complete remaining text inputs. KEEPS the mouse focus on the Text Box.
I have used built in mx:Validator tags, but it does not coerce the user to remove the error. Instead, user can easily go ahead without rectifying the error.
2> Can the error message which generally appears as a tooltip when mouse focus moves over the text input with the error, REMAIN until the user removes error and not just be displayed on mouse hover action?
You can customize your ToolTips to show your Error. Check this link to customize your tooltip, to show your error in ToolTips
For #2, check out
Unfortunately, it is a lot of hassle if you have multiple/large forms. It is unfortunate flex doesn't provide more styling options for the error tooltip.
#1 seems to be a bad UI design. While you may not allow them to submit a form unless they enter valid information, they should be able to navigate around the form freely and fill in the information as they choose. Just my opinion.
A solution to question 1) is as follows;
Use the Validator.validateAll static method to check that all form items are valid before allowing the form to be submitted. The following snippet is taken from a good flex example which shows this
private function resetForm() :void
btnLogin.enabled = false;
private function validateUs() :void
btnLogin.enabled = (Validator.validateAll([val1,val2]).length == 0);
The complete example is here
