R shiny: validate(need()) with dateRangeInput - r

I've read the help pages and shiny webpages on validate() and need() 10 times, googled all variations I could think of, but I simply cannot find what is wrong with my code.
The only thing I require is for my app to show a custom error instead of the (empty) plot when a user inputs a wrong date range = 2nd date earlier than the 1st.
output$plotTemp <- renderPlot({
validate(need(input$datums[1] < input$datums[2], "error: end date earlier than start"))
isolate({buttonFeedbackServer("button", { # if validate = ok, run functions
weerstation <- which(weerstations == input$weerstation)
temperatuur(input$datums, weerstation) # create plot
I get this error now: no applicable method for 'validate' applied to an object of class "NULL"
I bet it's gonna be something stupid, but I spent hours and hours on this without seeing it...
Without validate() everything works perfect, so it's no mistake in other code.
My R, Rstudio and all packages have been updated last week.

Other packages, including jsonlite have a validate function. This error can occur when you accidentally are using a validate function from a different package. Try using shiny::validate instead to make sure you are using the correct validate.


Importing a file only if it has been modified since last import and then save to a new object

I am trying to create a script that I run about once a week. The goal is that it will go out and check an MS Excel file that a co-worker manages. It then tests to see if the date the file was modified is newer then the last time it was imported. If it is newer, it will import the file (I am using readxl package - WONDERFUL!) into a new object that is a named with the date the original Excel file was last modified included in the object name. I have everything working except for the assignment of the imported data.frame to a new object that includes the date.
An example of the code I am using is:
First I create an object with a path pointing to the file of interest.
pfdFilePath <- file.path("H:", "3700", "3780", "002-00", "3.
Project Information", "Program", "RAH program.xls")
after testing to verify the file has been modified, I have tried simple assignment ("test" is just an example for simplification):
paste("df-", as.Date(file.info(pfdFilePath)$mtime), sep = "") <- "test"
But that code produces an error:
Error in paste("df-", as.Date(file.info(pfdFilePath)$mtime), sep = "") <- "test" :
target of assignment expands to non-language object
I then try the assign function:
assign(paste("df-", as.Date(file.info(pfdFilePath)$mtime), sep = ""), "test")
Running this code creates an object that looks to be okay, but when I evaluate it, or try using str() or class() I get the following error:
Error in df - df-2016-08-09 :
non-numeric argument to binary operator
I am pretty sure this is an error that has to do with the environment I am using assign, but being relatively new to R, I cannot figure it out. I understand that the assign function seems to be frowned upon, but those warnings seem to centered on for-loops vs. lapply functions. I am not really iterating within a function though. Just a dynamically named object whenever I run a script. I can't come up with a better way to do it. If there is another way to do this that doesn't require the assign function, or a better way to use assign function , I would love to know it.
Thank you in advance, and sorry if this is a duplicate. I have spent the entire evening digging and can't derive what I need.
Abdou provided the key.
assign(paste0("df.", "pfd.", strftime(file.info(pfdFilePath)$mtime, "%Y%m%d")), "test01")
I also converted to the cleaner paste0 function and got rid of the dashes to avoid confusion. Lesson learned.
Works perfectly.

Problems with reassignInPackage

I am trying to understand the way the YourCast R package works and make it work with my data.
For example, if a function produces errors, I
get the source code of that function using YourCast:::bad.fn
add outputs of critical
values at critical stages
use reassignInPackage(name="original.fn", package="YourCast", value="my.fn")
Once I find the cause of the error, I fix it in the function and reassign it in the package.
However, for some strange reason this does not work for non-hidden functions.
For example:
This will print the hidden function check.depvar. One line if (all(ix == 1:3)) will produce an error message if any of the x is missing.
Thus, I change the whole function to the following and replace the original formula:
mzuba.check.depvar <- function(formula)
return (grepl("log[(]",as.character(formula)[2]))
Now YourCast:::check.depvar will print my version of that function, and everything is fine.
YourCast::yourcast or YourCast:::yourcast or simply yourcast will print the non-hidden function yourcast. Suppose I want to change that function as well.
Now, YourCast::yourcast and YourCast:::yourcast will print the new, modified version but yourcast still gives the old version!
That might not a problem if I could simply call YourCast::yourcast instead of yourcast, but that produces some kind of error that I can't trace back because suddenly R-Studio does not print error messages at all anymore!, although it still does something if it is capable to:
> Uagh! do something!
> 1 + 1
[1] 2
> Why no error msg?
Restarting the R-session will solve the error-msg problem, though.
So my question is: How do I reassign non-hidden functions in packages?
Furthermore (this would faciliate testing a lot), is there a way to make all hidden functions available without using the ::: operator? I.e., How to export all functions from a package?

R Functions: Print Warning Only on First Call of Function

So I'm trying to write a function that prints an error message, but only on the first time the user calls the function. If they open R, load the library, and call the function, it will print a warning message. If they call the function again, it will not print this warning message. If they close R and do the same process, it will print the warning message for the first call and not on the second. I understand the idea of the basic warning() function in R, but I don't see any documentation in the help file for this kind of condition. Does anyone know of a function or a condition that could be used with the warning() function that would be able to solve this? Thanks! I am working on a project where the professor in charge needs this for some sort of copyright thing and he wants it to be this way.
One package that does this is quantmod. When you use the getSymbols function, it warns you about the upcoming change to the defaults. It does so using options.
"getSymbols" <- function(Symbols=NULL,...) {
if(getOption("getSymbols.warning4.0",TRUE)) {
# transition message for 0.4-0 to 0.5-0
' As of 0.4-0,',sQuote('getSymbols'),'uses env=parent.frame() and\n',
'auto.assign=TRUE by default.\n\n',
'This behavior will be phased out in 0.5-0 when the call will\n',
'default to use auto.assign=FALSE. getOption("getSymbols.env") and \n',
'getOptions("getSymbols.auto.assign") are now checked for alternate defaults\n\n',
'This message is shown once per session and may be disabled by setting \n',
'options("getSymbols.warning4.0"=FALSE). See ?getSymbol for more details'))
#rest of function....
So they check for an option named "getSymbols.warning4.0" and default to TRUE if not found. Then if it's not found, they display a message (you may display a warning) and then set that option to FALSE so the message will not display next time.
Lots of packages have messages that popup and since there is a mechanism for detecting second efforts at loading futher calls to library or require are silently ignored. They often are using .onLoad(libname, pkgname). See

How to display to console a custom function summary/introduction?

This is probably a trivial matter but I just hope to see if there's is a better way to do this.
I wrote a custom function and would like it to display a summary or introduction text to console when I enter it without any parameters, i.e. name-of-custom-function(). Apart from showing me the arguments list (something a simple str() can do), I intended it as a reminder for myself in future.
To resolve this currently, I set the first argument to default NULL and run an 'if' statement to check for NULL. My question is: Does R have a built-in function/method to set certain user-specified text as the default introduction when writing custom functions, or do I have to handle it myself (e.g. using my 'is.null test') within the function itself?
A sample code is shown below:
myprint <- function(x=NULL, y, ...)
writeLines( "\nNOTE: This function prints to console what the user keys in.\nmyprint() Function ver 0.1")
} ### End of myprint() function ###
I couldn't find similar questions/resources online. I found https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19226816/how-can-i-view-the-source-code-for-a-function & https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20924877/inputs-into-r-functions-an-easier-display, but the issues are not the same.
Would appreciate any help given. Thanks in advance!

Save package settings between sessions

Is there a definitive way to save options or information pertaining to a certain package between sessions?
For example say somebody made a game and released it as an R package. If they wanted to save high scores and not have them reset each time R started a new session what would be the best way to do this? Currently I can only think of storing a file in the users home directory but I'm not sure if I like that approach.
This may be an approach. I created a dummy package with a dummy function (any function I create is bound to be a dummy function) and a data set I called scores that I set as follows:
scores <- NA
Then I created the package with the scores data set.
Then I used the following to change the data set from within R.
loc <- paste0(find.package("new"), "/Data")
unlink(paste0(loc, "/scores.rda"), recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE)
scores <- 10
save(scores, file=paste0(loc, "/scores.rda"))
Then when I unloaded the library and re loaded agin the data set now says:
> scores
[1] 10
Could this be modified to do what you want? You'd have to have it save in between somehow but am not sure on how to do this without messing with .Last function.
It appears this option is not viable in that when you compile as a package and use lazy load it saves the data sets as:
RData.rbd, RData.rbx, not as .rda files. That means the approach I use above is kinda worthless in that we want it to automatically be recognized.
This approach works and I tried it on a package I made. You can't do lazy load of the data and you have to either explicitly use data(scores) or use data(scores) inside of the function you're calling. I also assigned scores to .scores int he global.env the first time it was created and used exists inside the function to see if it exists. If `.scores. existed I assigned that to scores within the function. Once you unload the library and laod again you never have to worry about that again.
Maybe an alternative is to save this as a function somehow that can be altered using Josh's advice here: Permanently replacing a function
I guess there is no way to store settings without saving them to disk or a database, some way or another. It can be done silently though by putting the code below in your ~/.Rprofile. However, if you have packages that save settings in other ways than using options you need to add them manually.
I know this is exactly what you said you did not want, but it might spark some debate at least.
.Last <- function(){
my.options <- options()
save(my.options, file="~/.Roptions.Rdata")
.First <- function(){
do.call(options, my.options)
}, error=function(...){})
To my suprise try(..., silent=TRUE) gives a warning on startup if ~/.Roptions.Rdata does not exist, which is why I used tryCatch instead.
The modern answer to this problem is well explained at https://blog.r-hub.io/2020/03/12/user-preferences/
I think I will be trying the hoardr package! Here is an example that worked for me :)
x <- hoardr::hoard()
x$cache_path_set("yourpackage", type = 'user_cache_dir')
save(scores,file = file.path(x$cache_path_get(), "scores.rdata"))
#new session
x <- hoardr::hoard()
x$cache_path_set("yourpackage", type = 'user_cache_dir')
load(file = file.path(x$cache_path_get(), "scores.rdata"))
PS - you can see a working example in the rnoaa package found on at github "opensci/rnoaa". Check their R/onload.r file! I can expand if needed.
