WordPress Multisite - Different admin theme on different site - wordpress

I want to set different color on the dashboard of each site (in my multisite). For example the first site is based on the user's preference, but the second one always use Midnight theme.
Is there a way to set this in functions.php?

Just found it on other's question. Put this on functions.php.
add_filter('get_user_option_admin_color', 'change_admin_color');
function change_admin_color($result) {
if(get_current_blog_id() === 2) {
return 'midnight';
else {
return $result;


Give access to only two (/home, /inbox) page for a particular user with specific role in wordpress

I want to give only two page (/home, /inbox) access to my user with role "Vendor", if user tries to access other pages than it will automatically redirect to "/inbox" page, I put the below code to achieve the functionality but after adding this to function.php, site again n again redirect and finally dies with message "Page isn't properly redirected". please suggest what is wrong with my tried code or any other solution.
function vendor_redirect() {
global $post;
if(current_user_can('Vendor') && !in_array($post->slug,array("home","inbox"))) {
add_action('template_redirect', 'vendor_redirect');
The main issue the way I tried to get the page slug, the correct way to get the slug is "$post->post_name". also I put exit after wp_safe_redirect as well because codex suggest that:
function vendor_redirect() {
global $post;
if(current_user_can('Vendor') && !in_array($post->post_name,array("home","inbox"))) {
wp_safe_redirect(get_permalink(get_page_by_path( 'inbox' )));
add_action('template_redirect', 'vendor_redirect');

switching templates dynamically in wordpress

Right now I'm trying to switch the template that Wordpress uses depending on the device that is viewing the site.
The exact issue here is that the ONLY thing that seems to be switching are the scripts and stylesheets. The actual templates them selves (index, header, footer) stay the same.
Here is the function I'm using to do this:
function fxn_change_theme($device) {
$header = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_UA_DEVICE'];
if ($header === 'mobile') {
$theme = 'jankness-mobile';
} elseif ($header === 'tablet') {
$theme = 'jankness-tablet';
} else {
$theme = 'jankness-desktop';
return $theme;
add_filter('template', 'fxn_change_theme');
add_filter('option_template', 'fxn_change_theme');
add_filter('option_stylesheet', 'fxn_change_theme');
Also, the only filter that's doing anything seems to be 'template', the option filters don't do much. I've tried looking up what they do and it's not clear to me at the moment.
What might be the issue here?
Basically, since the code I was using was sitting in functions.php it was not able to manipulate the theme content earlier enough in the Wordpress core process. So the solution was to move the code into a very simple plugin exactly as it is, and hook in to the theme_setup point using the same code I used here.

Paid Membership Pro if statement in Wordpress theme

I'm using the www.paidmembershipspro.com plugin on my wordpress site and I want to do an if statement in my wordpress theme...
if (has membership) {
// echo
} else {
I've gone through the docs and I cannot find a solution.
According to their docs (you need to sign up to view them) you can use pmpro_hasMembershipLevel to check for level ID or name, so for example:
if(pmpro_hasMembershipLevel('12')) {
if(pmpro_hasMembershipLevel('Gold')) {
You can even check for an array of levels:

How to hide Edit | View tabs?

Can I hide the
Edit | View
tabs on top of each node ?
I've searched for this option in theme settings (both global and standard theme but I couldn't find it).
I still want to be able my customer to edit / administer content, so I cannot just remove the permission for it.
here is a very easy solution for you. (Drupal 7)
Open your page.tpl.php in your current template and search for the $tabs variable.
Remove the render code if you want to hide it completely.
If you want to display it only to administrators use this code
<?php if ($tabs and $is_admin): ?>
<div class="tabs">
<?php print render($tabs); ?>
The above code checks if the user is administrator. If it is it will render the tabs. If not it wont render them.
This really is a presentational thing, not a functionality thing, so it should be done at the theme level.
The problem with overriding theme_menu_local_tasks() is that you override/take a hatchet to the entire local task display, when you really just want to get in there with a scalpel to remove two specific local tasks. So, you need to get a little more specific.
theme_menu_local_tasks() gets the current page's local tasks and passes them to menu_local_tasks(). Here, two theme functions are used:
theme_menu_item_link(), which gets the link markup for the task
theme_menu_local_task(), which gets the <li> element for the task.
So, you can get rid of the View and Edit local tasks in a really robust way by overriding theme_menu_item_link() and theme_menu_local_task() to include your check for them:
function mytheme_menu_item_link($link) {
// Local tasks for view and edit nodes shouldn't be displayed.
if ($link['type'] & MENU_LOCAL_TASK && ($link['path'] === 'node/%/edit' || $link['path'] === 'node/%/view')) {
return '';
else {
if (empty($link['localized_options'])) {
$link['localized_options'] = array();
return l($link['title'], $link['href'], $link['localized_options']);
function mytheme_menu_local_task($link, $active = FALSE) {
// Don't return a <li> element if $link is empty
if ($link === '') {
return '';
else {
return '<li '. ($active ? 'class="active" ' : '') .'>'. $link ."</li>\n";
This way, you're relying on the menu router path, not modifying the menu router item, and achieving the result you want with minimal changes to core functionality or theming.
On the module side, you could do something that decouples the Edit's menu entry from the local tasks for the node:
function custom_menu_alter(&$items) {
$items['node/%node/edit']['type'] = MENU_CALLBACK;
The edit path is still there, but now it is not associated with the View tab. This includes the edit page itself--no View tab there.
there is a module for that: tab tamer allows to hide or disable tabs and rename them as well.
I use the following in template.php by theme (which is perhaps a little hacky, I feel I should be considering unsetting $tabs instead):
function THEME_NAME_menu_local_tasks() {
return '';
Or you could ommit:
if ($tabs) echo $tabs;
from your page.tpl.php...
View and Edit are functional features. They have a reason for being there.
The best way to "remove" them, is to "remove" that functionality alltogether. After all: why remove the interface of a piece of functionality, but not the functionality itself?
Besides, simply not printing the tabs, does not remove the url endpoints. In other words: if you don't print the edit tab, people can still access the edit page.
Again: best is to remove that functionality: The fact that you don't want the edit tab, sounds as if you don't want the edit functionality for certain users.
If so, then just remove that permission for that role. That is all. The tabs will be gone.
If, however, you simply wish to display these tabs differently, Drupal is your friends. As you may have noticed, they are called local tasks and not tabs. That is because the theme decides how to render them: The theme is the thing that decides to show them as tabs.
Simply override the theme_menu_local_tasks() to create your own HTML for the "local-tasks". And in your page-tpl, simply move the $tabs variable around to a place, where you want them.
But again: Don't try to change the behavior of the app, by removing interface-elements. That is not the right thing to do: you should change the behavior, in order to change the behavior :)
For all the people stumbling upon this question while looking for a D7 solution: As stated on https://drupal.stackexchange.com/a/77964/15055 it's hook_menu_local_tasks_alter()
* Implements hook_menu_local_tasks_alter() to unset unwanted tabs
function MYMODULE_menu_local_tasks_alter(&$data) {
foreach ($data['tabs'][0]['output'] as $key => $value) {
if ($value['#link']['path'] == 'node/%/view') {
This is not the answer to the question of what the author asked. But somehow it might be useful for others user who facing the similar problem with me. Please let me know if this is not suitable to put in here.
I get the answer from #grayside and modified a bit to hide the view | edit tab from node based on the content type I want.
function MYMODULE_menu_alter(&$items) {
$items['node/%node/view']['access callback'] = 'MYMODULE_disable_node_view';
$items['node/%node/view']['access arguments'] = array(1);
function MYMODULE_disable_node_view($node){
if($node->type == 'product'){
return false;
product is the machine name of my content type, I don't want anywant to access it including root user.
The simplest solution to hide the tabs is to add this class in your theme css
.tabs{ display:none;}
Thanks for the last answer. But be aware of this detail: if you try it as-is it cannot work: literals should be just rounded with " or ', not both of them altogether. So it should be:
* Implements hook_menu_local_tasks_alter() to unset unwanted tabs
function MYMODULE_menu_local_tasks_alter(&$data) {
foreach ($data['tabs'][0]['output'] as $key => $value) {
if ($value['#link']['path'] == "node/%/view") {
Once taken care of it, it works :)
D8 solution: If you want to hide all "local" tabs on certain pages, remember that "Tabs" is listed in the block library: find it in the "Content" region and exclude by content type, page URL or user role.

Wordpress Plug-ins: How-to add custom URL Handles

I'm trying to write a Wordpress Plug-in but can't seem to figure out how you would modify how a URL gets handled, so for example: any requests made for:
will get handled by a function in my plug-in. I'm sure this is a very simple to do, but I'm pretty new to working with Wordpress and couldn't find it in the documentation.
In order to handle just a specific URL use the code below:
add_action('parse_request', 'my_custom_url_handler');
function my_custom_url_handler() {
if(isset($_GET['myplugin']) && $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] == '/custom_url') {
echo "<h1>TEST</h1>";
add_action('parse_request', 'my_custom_url_handler');
function my_custom_url_handler() {
if( isset($_GET['myplugin']) ) {
// do something
That should set you on the right direction. parse_request happens before WordPress runs any of the complicated WordPress queries used to get the posts for the current URL.
