Assume I have the following string (filename):
a <- "X/ZHEB100/TKN_VAR29380_timely_p1.txt"
which consists of several parts (here is given p1)
or another one
b <- "X/ZHEB100/ZHN_VAR29380_timely.txt"
which consists of only one part (so no need to label any p)
How can I extract the Identifier, which is the three letters before the VARXXXXX (so in case one it would be TKN, in case two it would be ZHN) PLUS the part identifier, if available?
So the result should be:
case1 : TKN_p1
case2 : ZHN
I know how to extract the first identifier, but I cannot handle the second one at the same time.
My approach so far:
sub(".*(.{3})_VAR29380_timely(.{3}).*","\\1\\2", a)
sub(".*(.{3})_VAR29380_timely(.{3}).*","\\1\\2", b)
but this adds .tx incorrectly in the second case.
You are not using anchors and matching the last 3 characters right after timely without checking what these characters are (. matches any character).
I suggest
sub("^.*/([A-Z]{3})_VAR\\d+_timely(_[^_.]+)?\\.[^.]*$", "\\1\\2", a)
^ - start of string
.*/ - part of string up to and including the last /
([A-Z]{3}) - 3 ASCII uppercase letters captured into Group 1
_VAR\\d+_timely - _VAR + 1 or more digits + _timely
(_[^_.]+)? - an optional Group 2 capturing _ + 1 or more chars other than _ and .
\\. - a dot
[^.]* - zero or more chars other than .
$ - end of string.
Replacement pattern contains 2 backreferences to both the capturing groups to insert their contents to the replaced string.
R demo:
a <- "X/ZHEB100/TKN_VAR29380_timely_p1.txt"
a2 <- sub("^.*/([A-Z]{3})_VAR\\d+_timely(_[^_.]+)?\\.[^.]*$", "\\1\\2", a)
[1] "TKN_p1"
b <- "X/ZHEB100/ZHN_VAR29380_timely.txt"
b2 <- sub("^.*/([A-Z]{3})_VAR\\d+_timely(_[^_.]+)?\\.[^.]*$", "\\1\\2", b)
[1] "ZHN"
Just another solution, for something different from Wiktor's already working solution:
library( magrittr )
data <- c( a, b )
First get the "ID" values by splitting on "/", taking the last value, and taking the first 3 characters of that:
ID <- strsplit( data, "/" ) %>%
sapply( tail, n = 1 ) %>%
substr( 1, 3 )
Then get the "part" values by splitting out both "timely" and ".txt", and taking the last element (which may be an empty string):
part <- strsplit( data, "timely|.txt" ) %>%
sapply( tail, n = 1 )
Now just paste them together for the result:
output <- paste0( ID, part )
[1] "TKN_p1" "ZHN"
Or, if you'd rather not create the intermediate objects:
output <- strsplit( data, "/" ) %>%
sapply( tail, n = 1 ) %>%
substr( 1, 3 ) %>%
paste0( strsplit( data, "timely|.txt" ) %>%
sapply( tail, n = 1 ) )
How to write a function that accepts a DNA sequence (as a single string) and a number “n >= 2” and returns a vector with all DNA subsequences (as strings) that start with the triplet “AAA” or “GAA” and end with the triplet “AGT” and have at least 2 and at most “n” other triplets between the start and the end.
the answer is c=(“GAACCCACTAGT”, “AAATTTGGGAGT”).
e.g, n=10
here is a possible approach.
it uses a regex based on 2 -> n repetitions of three [A-Z] as it's core.
library( stringr )
#sample data
#set constants
start <- c("AAA", "GAA")
end <- "AGT"
n <- 10 # << set as desired
#build regex
regex <- paste0( "(", paste0( start, collapse = "|" ), ")", paste0( "([A-Z]{3}){2,", n, "}" ), end )
#for n = 10, this looks like: "(AAA|GAA)([A-Z]{3}){2,10}AGT"
stringr::str_extract_all( dna, regex )
# n = 2
# [[1]]
# n = 10
# [[1]]
can someone help with these regular expressions?
I want three expressions: total_v,, all
I can't just capture elements before the third _, it is more complex than that:
Should yield share_v_hskill_wc, mean and plus
The first match is for all characters between the second and the penultimate _, the second match takes all between the penultimate and the last _ and the third takes everything after the last _
We can use sub to capture the groups and create a delimiter, to scan
f1 <- function(str_input) {
scan(text = sub("^[^_]+_(.*)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)$",
"\\1,\\2,\\3", str_input), what = "", sep=",")
#[1] "total_v" "" "all"
#[1] "share_v_hskill_wc" "mean" "plus"
If it is a data.frame column
df1 %>%
extract(col1, into = c('col1', 'col2', 'col3'),
# col1 col2 col3
#1 total_v all
#2 share_v_hskill_wc mean plus
str1 <- ""
str2 <- "d_share_v_hskill_wc_mean_plus"
df1 <- data.frame(col1 = c(str1, str2))
Here is a single regex that yields the three groups as requested:
The idea is to use a lookaround, plus an explict match for the first group, an everything-but batch in the middle, and another explicit match for the last part.
You may need to adjust the start and end anchors if those strings show up in free text.
You can use {unglue} for this task :
x <- c("", "d_share_v_hskill_wc_mean_plus")
pattern <- "d_{a}_{b=[^_]+}_{c=[^_]+}"
unglue_data(x, pattern)
#> a b c
#> 1 total_v all
#> 2 share_v_hskill_wc mean plus
what you want basically is to extract a, b and c from a pattern looking like "d_{a}_{b}_{c}", but where b and c are made of one or more non underscore characters, which is what "[^_]+" means in regex.
I have a pairs of strings included in a data frame:
df <- data.frame(str = c("L_V1_ROI-L_MST_ROI",
Each pair is separated by - symbol with the exception of the last pair which contains three - symbols and should be separated into substrings L_p9-46v_ROI and L_a9-46v_ROI.
A task is to split these pairs into substrings according to the separator. To do this I simply use:
df %>% separate(data = df, col = str, into = c("str1", "str2"), sep = "-")
which gives the following result:
str1 str2
4 L_V8_ROI L_4_ROI
5 L_p9 46v_ROI
Warning message:
Too many values at 1 locations: 5
As expected, the problem lies in the 5th pair which has more than one - symbol.
Question: what is the regex to match the proper separator?
My partial solution is pasted below, but I hope that there should be more intelligent solution.
my_split <- function(string, pattern) {
## Match start end end position of the "_ROI-"
position <- str_locate(string = string, pattern = pattern)
start <- position[1]
end <- position[2]
## Extract substrings
substring1 <- substr(my_str, 1, start + 3)
substring2 <- substr(my_str, end + 1, nchar(string))
return(list(substring1, substring2))
## Toy example
my_str <- "L_p9-46v_ROI-L_a9-46v_ROI"
my_split(string = my_str, pattern = "_ROI-")
[1] "L_p9-46v_ROI"
[1] "L_a9-46v_ROI"
I have character vector of the following form (this is just a sample):
where as can be seen above, the first part is always some combination of alphanumeric and punctuation marks, then there are parentheses with a number inside. I want to create a numeric vector which will store the values inside the parentheses, and each number should have name attribute, and the name attribute should be the string before the number. So, for example, I want to store 10, 0, 34, inside a numeric vector and their name attributes should be, R1Ng, test, n.Ex1T, respectively.
I can always do something like this to get the numbers and create a numeric vector:
counts <- regmatches(data, gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+", data))
But, how can I extract the first string part, and store it as the name attribute of that numberic array?
How about this:
x <- c("R1Ng(10)", "test(0)", "n.Ex1T(34)")
data.frame(Name = gsub( "\\(.*", "", x),
Count = as.numeric(gsub(".*?\\((.*?)\\).*", "\\1", x)))
# Name Count
# 1 R1Ng 10
# 2 test 0
# 3 n.Ex1T 34
Or alternatively as a vector
setNames(as.numeric(gsub(".*?\\((.*?)\\).*", "\\1", x)),
gsub( "\\(.*", "", x ))
# R1Ng test n.Ex1T
# 10 0 34
Here is another variation using the same expression and capturing parentheses:
temp <- c("R1Ng(10)", "test(0)", "n.Ex1T(34)")
data.frame(Name=gsub("^(.*)\\((\\d+)\\)$", "\\1", temp),
count=gsub("^(.*)\\((\\d+)\\)$", "\\2", temp))
We can use str_extract_all
lst <- str_extract_all(x, "[^()]+")
Or with strsplit from base R
lst <- strsplit(x, "[()]")
If we need to store as a named vector
sapply(lst, function(x) setNames(as.numeric(x[2]), x[1]))
# R1Ng test n.Ex1T
# 10 0 34
x <- c("R1Ng(10)", "test(0)", "n.Ex1T(34)")
I have this vector myvec. I want to remove everything after second ':' and get the result. How do I remove the string after nth ':'?
myvec<- c("chr2:213403244:213403244:G:T:snp","chr7:55240586:55240586:T:G:snp" ,"chr7:55241607:55241607:C:G:snp")
We can use sub. We match one or more characters that are not : from the start of the string (^([^:]+) followed by a :, followed by one more characters not a : ([^:]+), place it in a capture group i.e. within the parentheses. We replace by the capture group (\\1) in the replacement.
sub('^([^:]+:[^:]+).*', '\\1', myvec)
#[1] "chr2:213403244" "chr7:55240586" "chr7:55241607"
The above works for the example posted. For general cases to remove after the nth delimiter,
n <- 2
pat <- paste0('^([^:]+(?::[^:]+){',n-1,'}).*')
sub(pat, '\\1', myvec)
#[1] "chr2:213403244" "chr7:55240586" "chr7:55241607"
Checking with a different 'n'
n <- 3
and repeating the same steps
sub(pat, '\\1', myvec)
#[1] "chr2:213403244:213403244" "chr7:55240586:55240586"
#[3] "chr7:55241607:55241607"
Or another option would be to split by : and then paste the n number of components together.
n <- 2
vapply(strsplit(myvec, ':'), function(x)
paste(x[], collapse=':'), character(1L))
#[1] "chr2:213403244" "chr7:55240586" "chr7:55241607"
Here are a few alternatives. We delete the kth colon and everything after it. The example in the question would correspond to k = 2. In the examples below we use k = 3.
1) read.table Read the data into a data.frame, pick out the columns desired and paste it back together again:
k <- 3 # keep first 3 fields only, c(read.table(text = myvec, sep = ":")[1:k], sep = ":"))
[1] "chr2:213403244:213403244" "chr7:55240586:55240586"
[3] "chr7:55241607:55241607"
2) sprintf/sub Construct the appropriate regular expression (in the case below of k equal to 3 it would be ^((.*?:){2}.*?):.* ) and use it with sub:
k <- 3
sub(sprintf("^((.*?:){%d}.*?):.*", k-1), "\\1", myvec)
[1] "chr2:213403244:213403244" "chr7:55240586:55240586"
[3] "chr7:55241607:55241607"
Note 1: For k=1 this can be further simplified to sub(":.*", "", myvec) and for k=n-1 it can be further simplified to sub(":[^:]*$", "", myvec)
Note 2: Here is a visualization of the regular regular expression for k equal to 3:
Debuggex Demo
3) iteratively delete last field We could remove the last field n-k times using the last regular expression in Note 1 above like this:
n <- 6 # number of fields
k < - 3 # number of fields to retain
out <- myvec
for(i in seq_len(n-k)) out <- sub(":[^:]*$", "", out)
If we wanted to set n automatically we could optionally replace the hard coded line setting n above with this:
n <- count.fields(textConnection(myvec[1]), sep = ":")
4) locate position of kth colon Locate the positions of the colons using gregexpr and then extract the location of the kth subtracting one from it since we don't want the trailing colon. Use substr to extract that many characters from the respective strings.
k <- 3
substr(myvec, 1, sapply(gregexpr(":", myvec), "[", k) - 1)
[1] "chr2:213403244:213403244" "chr7:55240586:55240586"
[3] "chr7:55241607:55241607"
Note 3: Suppose there are n fields. The question asked to delete everything after the kth delimiter so the solution should work for k = 1, 2, ..., n-1. It need not work for k = n since there are not n delimiters; however, if instead we define k as the number of fields to return then k = n makes sense and, in fact, (1) and (3) work in that case too. (2) and (4) do not work for this extension but we can easily get them to work by using paste0(myvec, ":") as the input instead of myvec.
Note 4: We compare performance:
.read.table =, c(read.table(text = myvec, sep = ":")[1:k], sep = ":")),
.sprintf.sub = sub(sprintf("^((.*?:){%d}.*?):.*", k-1), "\\1", myvec),
.for = { out <- myvec; for(i in seq_len(n-k)) out <- sub(":[^:]*$", "", out)},
.gregexpr = substr(myvec, 1, sapply(gregexpr(":", myvec), "[", k) - 1),
order = "elapsed", replications = 1000)[1:4]
test replications elapsed relative
2 .sprintf.sub 1000 0.11 1.000
4 .gregexpr 1000 0.14 1.273
3 .for 1000 0.15 1.364
1 .read.table 1000 2.16 19.636
The solution using sprintf and sub is the fastest although it does use a complex regular expression whereas the others use simpler or no regular expressions and might be preferred on grounds of simplicity.
ADDED Added additional solutions and additional notes.