return list of dataframe from inside a function to apply rbind using - r

Below is a trimmed version of my script. I am hoping my function will return me a list per loop iteration, so that I can rbind all the list to form a new data frame, but when I am executing this script, I keep getting the error:"rbind", listofdfs) : object 'listofdfs' not found
Thank you all for your help.
drv<- dbDriver("MyDataBase")
host="DB_Location",port=number,user="MyName",password= "Password")
dates <- seq(as.Date(as.character(Sys.Date() - 33)), as.Date(as.character(Sys.Date() - 1)), by=1)
for(i in 1:length(dates){
data<-dbGetQuery(con, sprintf("select X,Y,Z from TABLE where date>=date('%s')", dates[i])
df<"rbind", listofdfs)
I have a small simplified example to refer, please refer to the dates variable from above
for(i in 1:length(dates))
return(my_list) }
now running,my_list(dates))
returns error could not find function "my_list" and running,my_list_function(dates)) works but is only giving 33.
Thanks again for help.

listofdfs is a variable that is declared within your function. Therefore it is not defined outside of its body.
but because it is returned by the function, you can access it by calling the function itself:
df<"rbind", my_function(dates))
Also on to make you small example work:
for(i in 1:length(dates))


How to handle variable not defined error in r

Is there a way to evade variable not defined error in r? For example the code below throws variable not defined error.
for(i in length(someList)){
Can I check if a variable exists first before executing the code above. A pseudocode would look like this:
if(someList exists){
for(i in length(someList)){
} else cat("The variable does not exist")
Are you looking for the exists function?
someList <- list(1,2,3)
if (exists("someListNot")){
for(i in length(someListNot)){
if (exists("someList")){
for(i in 1:length(someList)){
You can use the exists("myVariable") function to check existence.
Also make sure your loop is really looping! If you use for (i in length(variable) it will only use the last index of your variable instead of looping over it.
You code could look something like this:
if ( exits("myVariable")){
for(i in seq_len(length(someList))){

Unable to update data in dataframe

i tried updating data in dataframe but its unable to get updating
//Initialize data and dataframe here
/Updating data in dataframe here
for(i in 1:length((user_data)))
for(j in i:length(user_data))
writedata=function( seqnn,challng)
newRow <- data.frame(Sequence=seqnn,Challenge=challng,countno=1)
//view data here
I've modified your code to what I believe will work. You haven't provided sample data, so I can't verify that it works the way you want. I'm basing my attempt here on a couple of common novice mistakes that I'll do my best to explain.
Your writedata function was written to be a little loose with it's scope. When you create a new function, what happens in the function technically happens in its own environment. That is, it tries to look for things defined within the function, and then any new objects it creates are created only within that environment. R also has this neat (and sometimes tricky) feature where, if it can't find an object in an environment, it will try to look up to the parent environment.
The impact this has on your writedata function is that when R looks for baskets.df in the function and can't find it, R then turns to the Global Environment, finds baskets.df there, and then uses it in rbind. However, the result of rbind gets saved to a baskets.df in the function environment, and does not update the object of the same name in the global environment.
To address this, I added an argument to writedata that is simply named data. We can then use this argument to pass a data frame to the function's environment and do everything locally. By not making any assignment at the end, we implicitly tell the function to return it's result.
Then, in your loop, instead of simply calling writedata, we assign it's result back to baskets.df to replace the previous result.
for(i in 1:length((user_data)))
for(j in i:length(user_data))
if(user_data$challenge_sequence[i] == user_data$challenge_sequence[j] &&
user_data$challenge[i] == user_data$challenge[j])
baskets.df <- writedata(baskets.df,
writedata=function(data, seqnn,challng)
newRow <- data.frame(Sequence = seqnn,
Challenge = challng,
countno = 1)
rbind(data, newRow)
I'm not sure what you're programming background is, but your loops will be very slow in R because it's an interpreted language. To get around this, many functions are vectorized (which simply means that you give them more than one data point, and they do the looping inside compiled code where the loops are fast).
With that in mind, here's what I believe will be a much faster implementation of your code
# challenge_indices will be a matrix with TRUE at every place "challenge" and "challenge_sequence" is the same
challenge_indices <- outer(user_data$challenge_sequence, user_data$challenge_sequence, "==") &
outer(user_data$challenge, user_data$challenge, "==")
# since you don't want duplicates, get rid of them
challenge_indices[upper.tri(challenge_indices, diag = TRUE)] <- FALSE
# now let's get the indices of interest
index_list <- which(challenge_indices,arr.ind = TRUE)
# now we make the resulting data set all at once
# this is much faster, because it does not require copying the data frame many times - which would be required if you created a new row every time.
baskets.df <- with(user_data, data.frame(
Sequence = challenge_sequence[index_list[,"row"]],
challenge = challenge[index_list[,"row"]]

Getting Error "could not find function "assign<-" inside of colnames()

I'm using assign() to assign some new data frames from some other data frame. I then want to name some of the columns in the new data frame. When I use assign() to create the new data frames it works fine. But when I use the assign() inside of colnames() is gives the error 'Error "could not find function "assign<-".'
Here's my snippet of code(abbreviated of course):
for(i in 1:value) {
assign(Name[i], Old.Data.Frame[Old.Data.Frame$1 == Index[i]]) #I'm going to call this line of code 'New Data Frame' for brevity
for(j in 1:ncol(New Data Frame)) {
colnames(New Data Frame)[j] = as.character(Old.Data.Frame[3,j])
I do all this assign() stuff because the names of the Old Data Frame constantly change and I can create any concrete variables in my code, only the dimentions of the frame stay the same.
The only error in this code is that R cannot "find function assign<- in colnames(...". I'm flustered because assign() had just worked in the line before, any help is appreciated, thanks!
You have a list of variable names in Name, which you assign a value (your code block).
for(i in 1:value) { assign(Name[i], Old.Data.Frame[Old.Data.Frame$1 == Index[i]]) }
Could you then try (note I'm separating this code block for debugging purposes):
for(i in 1:value) { colnames(get(Names[i])) <- as.character(Old.Data.Frame[3,] }
get will retrieve the data (data.frame) assigned to the variable name Names[i] (character)

Loop works outside function but in functions it doesn't.

Been going around for hours with this. My 1st question online on R. Trying to creat a function that contains a loop. The function takes a vector that the user submits like in pollutantmean(4:6) and then it loads a bunch of csv files (in the directory mentioned) and binds them. What is strange (to me) is that if I assign the variable id and then run the loop without using a function, it works! When I put it inside a function so that the user can supply the id vector then it does nothing. Can someone help ? thank you!!!
#read files
id<-str_pad(id,3,pad = "0")
for (i in id) {
Your function is missing a return value. (#Roland)
pollutantmean<-function(id=1:332) {
#read files
id<-str_pad(id,3,pad = "0")
for (i in id) {
Your mistake was that you did not specify in your function what you want to get out from the function. In R, you create objects inside of function (you could imagine it as different environment) and then specify which object you want it to return.
With my comment about accepting my answer, I meant this: (...To mark an answer as accepted, click on the check mark beside the answer to toggle it from greyed out to filled in...).
Consider even an lapply and which would not need return being last line of function:
pollutantmean <- function(id=1:332) {
id <- str_pad(id,3,pad = "0")
direct_files <- paste0("/Users/ped/Documents/LearningR/", id, ".csv")
allfiles <-, lapply(direct_files, read.csv))
ok, I got it. I was expecting the files that are built to be actually created and show up in the environment of R. But for some reason they don't. But R still does all the calculations. Thanks lot for the replies!!!!
#read files
id2<-str_pad(id,3,pad = "0")
direct<-paste("/Users/pedroalbuquerque/Documents/Learning R/",directory,sep="")
for (i in id2) {
#averaging polutants
mean(allfiles[,pollutant],na.rm = TRUE)

R code does not work when called from function

HI i just started learning R and finding this problem to be really interesting where I just run a code directly without wrapping in a function it works but when I place it inside a function it doesn't work, What can be possible reason?
count <- 0
for(i in fg_data$particulars) {
count <- count +1
if(grepl(colName, i) && fg_data$value[count] > 0.0){
fg_data[,colName][count] <- as.numeric(fg_data$value[count])
} else {
fg_data[,colName][count] <- 'NA'
Where I am creating new column named volume it this string exists in particulars column.
I have added a comment where solution given by another question does not work for me, Please look at my comment below.
Finally I got it working but reading another answer on SO, here is the solution:
fill_column <- function(colName){
count <- 0
for(i in fg_data$particulars) {
count <- count +1
if(grepl(colName, i) && fg_data$value[count] > 0.0){
fg_data[,colName][count] <- as.numeric(fg_data$value[count])
} else {
fg_data[,colName][count] <- 'NA'
fg_data = fill_column('volume')
Now reason, Usually in any language when we modify global object inside any function it reflects on global object immediately but in R we have to return the modified object from function and then assign it again to global object to see our changes. or another way for doing this is to assign local object from within the function to global context using envir=.GlobalEnv.
