meteor simple reactive var - meteor

I'm working in meteor trying to use a reactive var to switch the content in the main panel between two tabs. I've been able to test the content successfully on it's own so I'm fairly confident the issue lies in the reactive var code. Specifically I think the issue is with the tab: function() but after many searches and reading documentation I haven't found a solution.
The relevant js:
Template.content.onCreated( function() {
this.currentTab = new ReactiveVar('form');
tab: function() {
return Template.instance().currentTab.get();
'click .nav li': function (event, template) {
var currentTab = $( ).closest( "li" );
currentTab.addClass( "active" );
$( ".nav li" ).not( currentTab ).removeClass( "active" );
The relevant html:
<template name ="content">
<ul class ="nav">
<li data-template="form">Form</li>
<li data-template="results">Results</li>
{{ > Template.dynamic template=tab}}

{{ > Template.dynamic template=tab}}
This is calling the tab helper to get a string that is the name of the template you want to show here. It should work the first time because you start out by setting the value of currentTab to "form".
To change the template that gets shown, you need to change the value of currentTab to a string matching the name of the new template. You're not doing that.
This is where you should be doing that. Instead you're calling set() on the currentTab property of Template, which I don't think exists. Template with a capital T is a Meteor object, not the template instance that I think you're trying to refer to. And to set a new value for currentTab, you actually need to provide a value. Like so: {
'click .nav li': function(event, instance) {
//logic to decide which template you want to show
//and put the name of that template in templateName


Can Ractive events work in markup rendered with the triple-stash syntax?

If I have the following in my Ractive template:
<span on-click='handleClick'>click me</span>
Then I can listen for the click with this:
handleClick:function() {
alert("clicked!") ;
But lets say I have that same markup stored in a string variable called clicklyspan:
app.set("clicklyspan", "<span on-click='handleClick'>click me</span>")
and I render it in the template using the triple-stash syntax:
The handleClick listener no longer gets fired. Is there anything I can do to force some kind of update to the rendered template so that the listener works? Say, after I do that app.set() call?
Here's a fiddle demonstrating the problem.
I have never used Ractive, but I did some research and it seems you have to use partials, like this:
var app = new Ractive({
el: 'container',
template: '#template',
data: {
myFunction: function() {
var template = '<a on-click="handleClick">I can now be clicked as well!</a>';
if (!this.partials.myFunction) {
this.partials.myFunction = template;
else {
this.resetPartial('myFunction', template);
return 'myFunction';
You will also need to use this instead of the triple mustache:
{{> myFunction() }}
Here's the corresponding jsfiddle.
Of course, replace myFunction with whatever name you like.
Related question I found useful:
RactiveJS events on tripple mustache

Best way to prevent a template helper to be rerun when it is unnecessary?

I'm trying to prevent a template helper to be rerun when it is unnecessary. I made a simple application to illustrate this behavior:
Let's say I want to display some items that contain only a title and a description.
<template name="Tests">
{{#each items}}
{{> TestsItems}}
<template name="TestsItems">
<div class="title">{{title}}</div>
<div class="description">{{description}}</div>
I have autopublish enabled.
items: function () {
return Items.find();
description: function () {
// I'm using this helper to do some updates
// on a jQuery plugin when the description field change.
// see example 1:
console.log("The description is run");
return this.description;
When a new update is made on the title field only, you can see that the description helper is rerun. What I'm trying to achieve is to only rerun this helper when there is a new value for the description field and not every time a field has changed in the document.
As {{#constant}} and {{#isolate}} are deprecated, how can I get this behavior in the latest Meteor versions?
Note 1: Create a new subtemplate including the description does not fix the problem.
I would avoid side effects in template helpers. Instead I would use an autorun:
Template.TestItems.rendered = function () {
var _id =;
this.autorun(function () {
// Select only the description field, so that we only
// trigger a re-run if the description field changes
var description = Items.findOne(_id, {fields: {description: 1}}).description;
// update the JQuery plugin

How to pass functions to capture events in custom component in Meteor with Blaze

I want to know how to bind/set template-passed-parameter-value to click event of an item in the template in Meteor.
I'm using Meteor with Blaze UI package. My main idea is to build a re-usable custom components in Meteor with Blaze template engine.
I have the following component which is working fine at the moment but I want this to be more customizable and remove some dependencies.
This is my component template named postLinks
<template name="postLinks">
<div id="link-popover-wrapper" >
<ul class="link-popover">
{{#each linkOptions}}
<li><a tabindex="-1" class="link-action" id="link-{{value}}" href="#">{{label}}</a>
This postLinks component is used in the myPostItem helper.{
'click .post-item-link-picker': function (evt, tmpl) {
var tmpPostId = this._id;
var tempData = {linkOptions:[{label:'Favorite', value : 'favorite'},{label:'Wish list', value : 'wishlist'},{label:'Later', value : 'later'}, {label:"Read", value:"read"}]};
var linkContent = Template.postLinks(tempData);
content: linkContent, html: true, placement: 'bottom', trigger: "manual",
template: "UI_POPOVER_TEMPLATE"});
'click .link-action': function (evt, tmpl) {
//.... some code here to update link selection in db
Above code is working fine and I want to improve it to have following
Pass item click event externally to be bind to link-action like
After above two changes it will look like :{
'click .post-item-link-picker': function (evt, tmpl) {
var tmpPostId = this._id;
var tempData = { itemClick:function(){}, linkOptions:[{label:'Favorite', value : 'favorite'},...]};
var linkContent = Template.postLinks(tempData);
content: linkContent, html: true, placement: 'bottom', trigger: "manual",
template: "UI_POPOVER_TEMPLATE"});
I lack knowledge how/where to bind that passed event handling function to link-action elements in template or helper. I really appreciate if anybody could help to find a way to do that.
You go the other way around and use jQuery event triggering system, so{
'click .link-action': function (evt, tmpl) {
$('post-link-action', this /* extra data */);
This event can be easily catched in any parent template:
<template name="someOtherTamplate">
{{> myPostItem}}
'post-link-action': function (evt, tmpl, extra) {
// the user of your component can define their custom behavior here
Please note that the event extra parameter will only be supported in the next Meteor release. Currently (0.8.0) it is included in the devel branch.

in Meteor, how do i update a property on only one instance of a template?

If I have an {{# each}} binding in Meteor, and I want to update a property on only one instance of the template inside the #each. How would I do that? I've tried setting a value on the "template" object inside the events map, but that doesn't seem to be reactive. I've also tried binding to a Session property, but that will cause every instance to update instead of just the one I want...
for example:
{{#each dates}}
{{> dateTemplate}}
<template name="dateTemplate">
<span style="color: red;">{{errorMsg}}</span> <--- how do i update errorMsg?
'click': function(event, template) {
template.errorMsg = 'not valid'; <--- this doesn't do anything
'click': function(event, template) {
template.errorMsg = function() { return 'not valid';} <--- this also doesn't do anything
You don't have to use handlebars for this, because its not something that needs reactivity to pass the message through, reactive variables work best with db data, or data that would be updated by another client over the air.
You could use JQuery (included by default) to update it, it can also get a bit fancier:
<template name="dateTemplate">
<span style="color: red;display: none" class="errorMessage"></span>
'click': function(event, template) {
$(template.find('.errorMessage')).html('Your Error Message').slideDown();
Ive edited it so the error is hidden by default, and slides down with an animation
I'm experimenting handling this by passing a different reactive object to each instance of the template. Then the template can bind to the reactive object (which is unique per instance) and we don't have any extra boilerplate.
It ends up looking like this:
Initial render:
// (I actually pass getContext an identifier so I always get the same context for the same template)
JS: = {
'click .yes' : function() {
this.reactive.set('selection', 'yes');
'click .no' : function() {
this.reactive.set('selection', 'no');
Template.poll.selection = function(arg) {
return this.reactive.get('selection');
<template name="poll">
Your selection on this poll is {{selection}}
<button class='yes'>YES</button>
<button class='no'>NO</button>
template.errorMsg should be a function that returns your error.{
'click': function(event, template) {
template.errorMsg = function() { return 'not valid'; };

Is it possible to use session.get() as part of a selector in Meteor event maps?

I would like to add specific event only to elements that match a certain criteria, in this case, if the element is selected in the session or not.. Here's some example code:{
'click Session.get("selected_team") .win': function () {
Teams.update(Session.get("selected_team"), {$inc: {won: 1, score : 5, played: 1}});
This looks for the selected team in the session & then updates that item. Does that make sense? Is there a better way to achieve what I want?
In the leaderboard example, the selected player is given a css class of "selected", so all you need to do is:{
'click .selected': function () {
console.log('clicked on the selected player:',;
You can use the same pattern for other elements that you might want to trigger events on conditionally: assign a particular css class to them (or not) depending on the condition.
If you prefer not to add a css class to elements through the templates (for whatever reason), you're better off simply checking your condition in Javascript:{
'click': function () {
if (Session.get("selected_player") === this._id) {
console.log('clicked on the selected player:',;
It won't work the way you're writing it since you've included the Session.get statement as part of the string. Something like this might work:{
'click ' + Session.get("selected_team") + ' .win': function() {}
...but I wouldn't recommend it. Instead you should probably do something like this:{
'click .team': function() {
Teams.update(, {...});
Template.leaderboard.teams = function() {
return Teams.find({});
In your view:
<template name="leaderboard">
{{#each teams}}
<div class="team">{{team}}</div>
Each .team still remembers its context within the leaderboard template, referred to as this inside the event handler, so you can just pass to the query.
