R code incredibly slow - r

Recently I have been working on some R scripts to do some reports. One of the tasks involved is to check if a value in a column matches any row of another dataframe. If this is true, then set a new column with logical TRUE/FALSE.
More specifically, I need help improving this code chunk:
for (i in 1:length(df1$Id)) {
df1 <- within(df1, newCol <- df1$Id %in% df2$Id)
df1$newCol <- as.factor(df1$newCol)
The dataset has about 10k rows so it does not make sense to need 6 minutes (tested with proc.time() to execute it completely, which is what it is currently happening. Also, I need to do so other types of checking, so I really need to get this right.
What am I doing wrong there that is devouring time to accomplish?
Thank you for your help!

Your code is vectorized - there is no need for the for loop. In this case, you can tell because you don't even use i inside the loop. This means your loop is executing the exact same code for the exact same result 10k times. If you delete the for wrapper around your functional line
df1 <- within(df1, newCol <- df1$Id %in% df2$Id)
you should get ~10k times speed-up.
One other comment is that the point of within is to avoid re-typing a data frame's name inside. So you're missing the point by using df1$ inside within(), and your data frame name is so short that it is longer to type within() in this case. Your entire code could be simplified to one line:
df1$newCol = factor(df1$Id %in% df2$Id)
My last comment I'm making from a state of ignorance about your application, so take it with a grain of salt, but a binary variable is almost always nicer to have as boolean (TRUE/FALSE) or integer (1/0) than as a factor. It does depend what you're doing with it, but I would leave the factor() off until necessary.


Renaming Columns with index with a For Loop in R

I am writing this post to ask for some advice for looping code to rename columns by index.
I have a data set that has scale item columns positioned next to each other. Unfortunately, they are oddly named.
I want to re-name each column in this format: SimRac1, SimRac2, SimRac3.... and so on. I know the location of the columns (Columns number 30 to 37). I know these scale items are ordered in such a way that they can be named and numbered in increased order from left to right.
The code I currently have works, but is not efficient. There are other scales, in different locations, that also need to be renamed in a similar fashion. This would result in dozens of code rows.
See below code.
names(Total)[30] <- "SimRac1"
names(Total)[31] <- "SimRac2"
names(Total)[32] <- "SimRac3"
names(Total)[33] <- "SimRac4"
names(Total)[34] <- "SimRac5"
names(Total)[35] <- "SimRac6"
names(Total)[36] <- "SimRac7"
names(Total)[37] <- "SimRac8"
I want to loop this code so that I only have a chunk of code that does the work.
I was thinking perhaps a "for loop" would help.
Hence, the below code
for (i in Total[,30:37]){
names(Total)[i] <- "SimRac(1:8)"
This, unfortunately does not work. This chunk of code runs without error, but it doesn't do anything.
Do advice.
In the OP's code, "SimRac(1:8)" is a constant. To have dynamic names, use paste0.
We do not need a loop here. We can use a vectorized function to create the names, then assign the names to a subset of names(Total)
names(Total)[30:37]<-paste0('SimRac', 1:8)

Assign a Value based on the numbers in a separate columns in R

So I kind of already know the possible solution but I don't know how to exactly go about it so please give me a bit of grace here.
I have a dataset for youtube trends that I want to read the values from two columns (likes and dislikes) and based off their contents I want an entry to be made in the new column. If the likes are higher than the dislikes I want it to be said as a 'positive' video and if it has more dislikes it should be 'negative'.
I'm primarily not sure how to go about this since most of the previous asks are based off of one column rather than two. I know some mentioned using cut, but would it still work the same?
all help is appreciated, thanks.
You can use a simple ifelse :
df$new_col <- ifelse(df$likes > df$dislikes, 'positive', 'negative')
This can also be written without ifelse as :
df$new_col <- c('negative', 'positive')[as.integer(df$likes > df$dislikes) + 1]
You can use Vectorize to create a vectorized version of a function. vfunc <- Vectorize(func) will allow you to call df$newcol <- vfunc(df$likes, df$dislikes) if your function takes two arguments and then return the result for each row in a vector that's assigned to a new column.

Adressing columns based on only parts of the name in order to simplify lines

My first question here and I am not very experienced, however I hope this question is easy enough to answer since I only want to know if what I describe in the title is possible.
I have multiple dataframes taken from online capacity tests participants did.
For all Items I have response, score, and durationvariables among others.
Now I want to delete rows where all responsevariables are NA. So I can't just use a command to delete rows with where all is NA but there are also to many columns to do it by hand. And I also want to keep the dataframe together while doing it in order to really drop the complete rows, so just extracting all responsevariables doesn't sound like a good option.
However, besides a 3digit number based on the specific items the responsevariablenames are basically the same.
So instead of writing a very long impractical line mentioning all responsevariables and to drop the row if they all contain NA is there a way to not use the full anme of a variable but only use the end of the name for example so R checks the condition for all variables ending that way?
simplified e.g: instead of
newdf <- olddf[!(olddf$item123response != NA & olddf$item131response != NA & etc),]
Can I just do something like newdf <- olddf[!(olddf$xxxresponse != NA),] ?
I tried to google an answer but I didn't know how to frame my question effectively.
Thanks in advance!
Try This
newdf <- olddf[complete.cases(olddf[, grep('response', names(olddf))]), ]

In R, dataframe[-NULL] returns an empty dataframe

I'm creating some routines in R to ease model creation and to distinguish several groups based on several parameters (ex: original watches VS fakes ones using watches common attributes).
During the proccess, I keep track of the potential excluded lines in a vector (empty at first), and I get ride of them at the end using:
model$var <- raw_data[-line_excluded,]
The problem is that if line_excluded is c() (ndlr no line exlcuded), model$var is an empty dataframe then in that case I want all the lines of the dataframe.
The only solution I have think about is the us of
if (!is.null(line_excluded)){
model$var <- raw_data[-line_excluded,]}
But that's not really pretty, and I have several tracking variables as line_excluded which need that.
Thanks for the help
You can make it in another way using setdiff(), which can deal with empty line_excluded i.e.,
model$var <- raw_data[setdiff(seq(nrow(raw_data)),line_excluded),]
You can also try:
model$var <- raw_data[!(1:nrow(raw_data) %in% line_excluded),]
This is similar to what #THomasIsCoding suggested, you look for the row numbers that are not in your line_excluded..

Executing for loop in R

I am pretty new to R and have a couple of questions about a loop I am attemping to execute. I will try explain myself as best as possible reguarding what I wish the loop to do.
for(i in (1988:1999,2000:2006)){
binding=do.call("rbind.fill",x[grep(names(x), pattern ="1988.* 4._ data=")])
First I wish for the loop to iterate over file names of data.
Specifically over the years 1988-2006 in the place where 1988 is
placed right now in the binding statement. x is a list of data files
inputted into R and the 1988 is part of the file name. So, I have
file names starting with 1988,1989,...,2006.
yields is a numeric vector and I would like to input the indices of
the vector into the function RMSE2 as indicated in the loop. For
example, over the first iteration I wish for the indices 1 to the
number of columns in binding to be used. Then for the next iteration
I want the first index to be 1 more than what the previous iteration
ended with and continue to a number equal to the number of columns in the next binding
statement. I just don't know if what I have written will accomplish
Finally, I wish to store each of these results in the vector
yearerrors and then access this vector afterwards.
Thanks so much in advance!
OK, there's a heck of a lot of guesswork here because the structure of your data is extremely unclear, I have no idea what the RMSE2 function is (and you've given no detail). Based on your question the other day, I'm going to assume that your data is in .csv files. I'm going to have a stab at your problem.
I would start by building the combined dataframe while reading the files in, not doing one then the other. Like so:
#Set your working directory to the folder containing the .csv files
#I'm assuming they're all in the form "YEAR.something.csv" based on your pattern matching
filenames <- list.files(".", pattern="*.csv") #if you only want to match a specific year then add it to the pattern match
years <- gsub("([0-9]+).*", "\\1", filenames)
df <- mdply(filenames, read.csv)
df$year <- as.numeric(years[df$X1]) #Adds the year
#Your column mean dataframe didn't work for me
cmeans <- as.data.frame(t(colMeans(df[,2:ncol(df)])))
It then gets difficult to know what you're trying to achieve. Since your datcmeans is a one row data.frame, datcmeans[1,] doesn't change anything. So if a one row from a dataframe (or a numeric vector) is an argument required for your RMSE2 function, you can just pass it datcmeans (cmeans in my example).
Your code from then is pretty much indecipherable to me. Without know what yields looks like, or how RMSE2 works, it's pretty much impossible to help more.
If you're going to do a loop here, I'll say that setting kk=kk+ncol(binding) at the end of the first iteration is not going to help you, since you've set kk=0, kk is not going to be equal to ncol(binding), which is, I'm guessing, not what you want. Here's my guess at what you need here (assuming looping is required).
yearerrors=vector("numeric", ncol(df)) #Create empty vector ahead of loop
for(i in 1:ncol(df)) {
yearerrors[i] <- RMSE2(yields[i:ncol(df)], finvec)
I honestly can't imagine a function that would work like this, but it seems the most logical adaption of your code.
