Anyone using MDL v2? - material-design-lite

I am already using es6 and sass so I think this would be a good fit.
But there is no npm package and the root package is private.
I don't really understand how can I use it in my project, anyoyne can help?

Ended up vendoring the project (git submodule). Then building it and referencing the .js and .scss parts needed for my project.
Glad to use it.


Is there a way to get Formik to work in Internet Explorer 11 using NextJS

I've been creating a small website using NextJS. I used formik and google-map-react to validate a form and show a basic map.
IE11 is "not cooperating" in using these libraries. I've tried changing the babel config and used the next-transpile-modules package to try and provide polyfills and transpiling of the node_modules packages without result.
Any push in the right direction will be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards
After further trial and error, I found the package google-map-react to be the problem. Removing the component that uses this package solved the formik/yup errors.
With regards to google-map-react, I removed this package and used the native google maps api package (#googlemaps/js-api-loader => see documentation for usage).
To get nextjs to transpile both packages from the node_modules, the next-transpile-modules package was added and used within next.config.js.
In the end all I had to do was edit my babel.config.json file, the next.config.js and package.json file.
Below are images of what they look like now.
add this line to package.json
Keep in mind that #babel/core, #babel/preset-env, core-js need to be installed.
I hope this solution is helpful to anybody experiencing the same problems. I also changed the title since formik wasn't the problem.

How to properly set up jfxtras iCalendarAgenda in intellij

I am trying to use the calendar plug in by jfxtras. I originally tried setting the project up as a maven project or gradle project and importing the jfxtras-all, and setting the snapshot to latest. Unfortunately it seems that iCalendarfx and iCalendarAgenda are not included in this. So I tried just downloading the zip on github. But after setting a file up that had them all in the jfxtras package it gave me a Java.lang.runtime exception. I think maybe it would be best to make a jar of these libraries but I don't really know. Any suggestions as to how to include these libraries would be helpful thanks.
I finally got it working. I included every library in maven separately. For some reason labs has to have a snapshot of 8.0-r4 instead of 8.0-r5. And then I downloaded the zip from github and just included the Java files of iCalendaragenda and iCalendar fx.

How to import the JFXtras libraries to use in an assignment project?

What's the best way of importing the JFXtras libraries (specifically, jfxtras-labs) so that I can use them in my assignment project? I need to make sure that my code is able to run on both my and my professor's computer.
I'm new to JFXtras so any guidance would be highly appreciated!
This question has nothing to do with JFXtras, but is a standard Java question: you download the appropriate jars (which is jfxtras-labs-[version].jar), plus any dependent jars (like jfxtras-common-[version].jar), and include them in Java's classpath. Build systems like Maven or Gradle make including dependencies easier, by doing the downloading and including for you.

Google Volley JAR file

I have tried creating a jar file for the Google Volley library but I keep failing. I have tried looking around for the LATEST one, and can't find any. Would it be possible if someone could kindly give me the latest jar file if possible.
Would mean a lot,
IMO you can try the Jar file from here or you can use Google Volley source code files in your project as the way I use in my GitHub sample project. Hope it helps!
The best and easiest way is to add the following dependency to your app's build.gradle file:
dependencies {
compile ''
or if you are unable to do so. The other possible solution is cloning the Volley. Clone the repository and then follow this guide to import it as a new module.
git clone

Ruby installation in project with Sass

I was wondering if someone could help me with the following problem:
I have a web project in visual studio and I am using SASS for styling. I use Grunt to execute SASS and compile the .scss files to .css files. But for this to work Ruby must be installed on my system together with a SASS module. When someone else does a checkout of my project they cannot run SASS if they don't have ruby intalled on their system with this SASS module.
Is it possible to add a ruby installation (executable) with the SASS module to my project so that when someone else does a checkout of my project they can run SASS without having ruby installed on their system.
Thx in advance for any help, also this is my first question on stackoverflow ever, tips are welcome.
(Things I have run into but will probably not work are: Less, node-sas)
I don't think you'll be able to easily add a Ruby installation executable with your project. And I don't think you should.
Have a look on libSass, which was created and maintained by Sass authors. This library allow non-Ruby users to compile Sass. You've got plenty wrappers for various languages, like .NET, Java, JS, PHP, Python...
I think this could be a workaround that fit your needs.
