Dynamic Email Subject and Body in Docusign Powerforms in c# - asp.net

Team,Docusign ,
I am using Email and Direct Mode for Powerforms in C#.NET and sending documents for signing using powerforms links and appending all custom tags as query string
for e.g.
//This is just an example, emails are sending perfectly.
but I have a requirement where, I need to change Email Subject and Email body as per different type of companies.
For e.g. if a CompanyType: Member, then EmailSubject: "Memebers Need to Sign NDA", and Mail Body : "Dear Member, Please sign... large text"
If CompanyType :Prospect , then different wordings for Subject and Mail Body.
Right now , I have to hard code single mail wordings and bound to use same email subject and body for both types of company and I can't change it dynamically.
I don't want to create separate powerform templates again for mebertype and prospecttype and under each again one for EmailMode and another for DirectMode.
Do you have any solution ?

You could switch to using the API directly.
Powerforms don't provide the capability you're requesting.


Can we change email content for bcc only Using SendGrid Personalization?

I have an email for customer, Its bcc we have the Subscriber's company Email.Email Contain a link to web page.Now the problem is the link is passing IsCustomer=true which becomes the reason for a function to be executed.I want to replace IsCustomer=true with IsCustomer=false or disable the link for BCC only.
I do not have an option to send two separate emails.
Technically, the requirement seems weird to me as why we should be able to change the email content of same email for recipient and BCC.
I have studied the personalizations topic here and I am doubtful about this.
Is there any way to achieve that?

Bigcommerce how to get query string from url to store into global variable

My task is the following, I need a way to store a query string value of s and pass it to the merchants Order Confirmation email.
consider the following,...mybigcommerce.com?s=fb.
Let's say that my client posts his website link to facebook and adds in a query string of s with a value of FB (facebook).
The desired result would be that on the initial load of the page, the query string would be saved as a cookie(or in Bigcommerce's case a global or store front variable)
Once I have it saved, I now know that you just simply append the variable to the email template.
example output:
email template source : %name_of_variable%.
My problem is, however, I don't see how to store the value into a variable.
Can I accomplish this without using the API, or for that matter can I do this using the API?
Thank you in advanced, I hope I have provided enough information.
Unfortunately, you cannot create your own variable in the email templates. The variables used here have been created and are supported by code within the core application. As such, it would require a core application change to extend existing functionality/add a variable. There isn't a way for you to write to an existing variable either.

What data can I save in my database to verify a user with Google sign in API?

I need to store data related to a (Google) user in my database. I tried to store the id_token, but later found out that the part after the '.' changed. What can be used instead, or can I just save the part infront of the "." from the id_token?
Thanks Steven Soneff
Use the 'sub' field of the ID token, it is invariant for the Google user https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/android/backend-auth#calling-the-tokeninfo-endpoint
The ID token have three parts; the header, body and signature, divided by a '.' (header.body.signature). Each part is encoded with base64. If you decode the body, you will get a JSON like this:
...you can safely retrieve and use the user's unique Google ID from the sub claim
So you can save the sub in your database to identify your user

Edit Email with Dynamic fields

My website has automatic email to users and there is some dynamic fields in email text. I mean, it automatically extract name family and prefix of each user and send it them.
for example:
dear prefix name family: ->
dear Dr John Smith:
you account is active.
Now i want to add the capability of editing this email context to admin part. The problem is some fields are dynamic. my code is like this:
bodyMsg.Append( " Dear "+prefix+name+family+", thank you for accepting our request.Your username is your email and here is your Password :" + password);
As you see, name, family, prefix and password are dynamically change. Now admin needs to edit email context. He should do that from his control panel in a Rad Editor. For example change the place of name or family in email context.
What i need is when admin used key words such as prefix, name or family the system detect the dynamic fields. and the email edited with dynamic fields place.
can any body help me?
Last time I had to do something similar, I let them use predefined template-words in their text.
"Dear {prefix} {name} {family}, thank you for accepting....".
Afterwards I replaced the template-words in the text with the values.
We do this stuff with mailtemplates that needs to be sent by an app.
The templates are created by someone and stored in the database.
They've got documentation with a list of dynamic fields they can use in the mailtemplate, like in the example below: {ReplaceWithName}.
In my app I'll replace those dynamic fields with the appropriate data:
Person person = GetPersonInfo(); //Gets the information of the person
string body = GetBodyFromDatabase(); //Retreives the created mailtemplate
body = body.Replace("{ReplaceWithName}", (person.Firstname + " " + person.Lastname)); //Do this for each dynamic field
mailMessage.Body = body;
This will of course put some responsibility to the user that creates those templates.

How to obtain the read receipt and store inside a string?

In my project i have created a site from where my users or clients can send some documents to other users.
I also want to see if the recepient has read the mail/has the mail been sent.
Now i want to store the value of the result ie either "Sent" in case the mail has been successfully delivered. And "Viewed" when the mail has been opnened or read by the recepient.
I have done this code
MailMessage mailme = new MailMessage();
mailme.DeliveryNotificationOptions = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnSuccess;
As i said above i want to store the value "Sent" or "Viewed" inside a string. Further ill store the values inside my tables.
How do i get the desired result. Basically i need to get the delivery report and report if the mail has been viewed.
Also i want to get the date as well as time when the mail was viewed by the recepient.
Thank you.
You might be looking for this:
mailme.Headers.Add("Disposition-Notification-To", "yourmail#mail.com");
where "yourmail#mail.com" should get a mail if the mail was read.
