How to highlight a selected row in *ngFor? - css

I couldn't find something that will help me to solve this issue in Angular2. I'd like to set a css class when I select a row. (without using jQuery)
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover">
<tr *ngFor="let item of companies" (click)="selectedCompany(item, $event)">
I'm using Angular2 final release

There are plenty of solutions to do this, one of them is you can store the current company when clicked.
In the *ngFor you check if the current item is the currentCompany and you add the class highlighted or whatever class you wish if its the same company.
export class TableComponent {
public currentCompany;
public selectCompany(event: any, item: any) {
this.currentCompany =;
And then on your template:
<tr *ngFor="let item of companies" (click)="selectCompany($event, item)"
[class.highlighted]=" === currentCompany">
Another solution if you wish to have multiple highlighted companies you can add a property highlighted to your item. Then on selectCompany() you just set the property to true. On your check you do [class.highlighted]="item.highlighted".

I know this was answered a while ago, but to expand on the accepted answer, you could also use [ngClass]="{'class_name': === currentCompany }". The table hover may need to be removed as it may hide the background color change
<tr *ngFor="let item of companies" (click)="selectCompany($event, item)" [ngClass]="{'class_name': === currentCompany }" >
Then css
.class_name{ background-color: yellow; }

Related event handler for table click is called twice

I have a table with some column in a mvc core project.
My view file looks like this
<div class="panel-body">
<table class="table table-bordered table-responsive table-hover">
#foreach (var item in Model.Items)
<tr onclick="location.href='#(Url.Action("ShowItemDetails", "Item", new {Id = item.FilmId}))'">
<td>#Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", "Show", new { id = item.Id }) | #Html.ActionLink("Rate this", "RateItem", new { id = item.Id }) </td>
The problem is that when i click on a row, the controller method ShowItemDetails is called twice(!).
I can not see from the code above why this happens. Also, clicking on Edit or Rate this calls first ShowItemDetails and then immediately Edit or RateItem method in controller. Any suggestion how this can be solved?
Clicking on Edit or Rate this calls first ShowItemDetails and then immediately Edit or RateItem method because Edit is under a table row and on tablerow, you have called showitemdetails, when you click on td , it gets first executed row action then td action.that's why it get called twice.
I hope, you want to show details and edit options with data of table and Edit is controller name.
Tweak your table code like below:
#foreach (var item in Model.Items)
<td>#Html.ActionLink("Show Details","ShowItemDetails","Item",new {Id = item.FilmId})</td>
<td>#Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", "Show", new { id = item.Id }) | #Html.ActionLink("Rate this", "RateItem", new { id = item.Id }) </td>
The problem seems to be caused be something i thought was irrelevant
having a null image cause the method to be called twice. Setting it to
solves this.
Need to add code to check for Model.Image != null
Very strange!!

semantic ui - how to style table headings

So I have built a table in semantic-ui. very simple. however styles dont seem to apply to my table in certain aspects and i cant get the headings to map over the columns. see the below screenshot
the L column is fine but the others are a bit wonky and name is just well off. how can i adjust the styles so make this work?
I have tried to add a width to the div my table sits in but it just extends it without altering the table body or head
here is the code:
<div className="tableContainer">
<h1> Table </h1>
<table className="ui striped table">
<th className="headings">Ranks</th>
<th className="headings">Name</th>
<th className="headings">P</th>
<th className="headings">W</th>
<th className="headings">L</th>
{this.props.players.sort(function(a, b) {
return (a.rank) - (b.rank);
}).map(function(player, index) {
index +=1;
return <tr key={index} className="table-rows">
<td className="stats">{player.rank}</td>
<td className="stats">{}</td>
<td className="stats">{player.played}</td>
<td className="stats">{player.wins}</td>
<td className="stats">{player.losses}</td>
}, this)}
If you are working in Reactjs, you should use Semantic-UI's reactjs package: Semantic-UI React. In the Table section, you can see that certain properties are passed through props. You can set the column number with columns prop. And under the Table.Header tab, you can see that there's a className prop. You can use it to style your header. For reference, visit: Semantic-UI React Table.

Bootstrap Table: data-href doesn't work after re-sorting

I’m using Bootstrap Table
All rows in the table are linked with data-href=.
All links work correctly after the table is loaded, but when I re-sort the table (i.e. click on "URL" column header), the links no longer work.
Any ideas how to fix it?
Here is a test code:
<table class="table" id="lst_art_adm"
<th data-field="site" data-sortable="true">Site</th>
<th data-field="url" data-sortable="true">URL</th>
<tr id="tr-id-1" class="mrow" data-href="">
<td id="td-id-1" data-sortable="true">Google</td>
<tr id="tr-id-2" class="mrow" data-href="">
<td id="td-id-2" data-sortable="true">Yahoo</td>
$(".mrow").on("click", function (e) {
window.location = $(this).data("href");
And the jsfiddle
I found a solution myself :)
The table must be included in a div element, i.e. class="mytable".
Then the jquery should be changed like this:
$(".mytable").on("click", ".table tbody tr", function()
window.location = $(this).data("href");
Then the function will found the row after re-sorting.

Changing CSS classes within Ember and SortMixin

I have a table which I have applied sorting to but to complete this task I would like the classes to change to show carets going up or down based on the sorting.
As you can see I have used the standard SortableMixin within Ember to get the sorting functionality but I'm having trouble changing the class of the individual element which has been clicked.
App.CampaignsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
sortProperties: ["id"],
sortAscending: true,
actions: {
sortBy: function(property){
if (this.get("sortProperties")[0] === property){
} else {
this.set("sortProperties", [property]);
this.set("sortAscending", true)
The table I'm I've applied the actions to is below:
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
<th {{action "sortBy" "name"}}><i {{bind-attr class=":fa sortAscending:fa-caret-up:fa-caret-down"}}></i>Campaign Name</th>
<th {{action "sortBy" "campaign_code"}}><i {{bind-attr class=":fa sortAscending:fa-caret-up:fa-caret-down"}}></i>Campaign Code</th>
I'm using the sortAscending boolean to dictate what CSS class will appear. My problem is if I click the first heading, the classes on the second heading also change.
How do I get the CSS to change only on the heading that I have clicked?
Your <th> now has state (whether it's sorted, and whether it's ascending or descending), so you should wrap it up in a component. Something like this
{{#sortable-th property='name' action='sortBy'}}
Campaign Name
The component's template
// templates/components/sortable-th.js
<i {{bind-attr class=":fa sortAscending:fa-caret-up:fa-caret-down"}}></i>
and code
// components/sortable-th.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
sortAscending: true,
click: function() {
this.sendAction('action', this.get('property'), this.get('sortAscending'));
That's just a rough outline, try the implementation yourself. But that's how I would start thinking about it.

href cell in a data grid Dojo

i cant find how put a cell with an href in a dojo toolkit datagrid, the version od dojo that am using is 1.6
this is my table
<table id="billsGrid" dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" data-dojo-props="escapeHTMLInData:false">
<th field="name" width="auto">name</th>
<th field="description" width="auto">Description</th>
<th field="activity" width="auto">activity</th>
am getting the data with Json.
You can use formatter function to format a cell. For example, you can declare a JavaScript object that contains all the formatting function.
var myFormatters = {
formatLink : function(value, index) {
return "<a href='#'>" + value + "</a>";
Then in the grid,
<table id="billsGrid" dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" data-dojo-props="escapeHTMLInData:false" formatterScope="myFormatters" >
<th formatter="formatLink" field="name" width="auto">name</th>
<th field="description" width="auto">Description</th>
<th field="activity" width="auto">activity</th>
You don't need to create a scope object for the formatters, then this formatting functions should be in the global scope and then you can omit the formatterScope attribute in the grid.
dojo grid is escaping html tags by default for security reasons, you can simply enable html tags doing this:
<table dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" escapeHTMLInData="false" ...>
or this if your grid is added programatically
escapeHTMLInData: false
more info here:
