Kentor:[KeyNotFoundException: No Idp with entity id "" found.] - kentor-authservices

We have a requirement to enable SAML SSO login, we are implementing SSO using Kentor HttpModule.
I'm facing an issue when the Idp calls my application. The kentor service throws The given key was not present in the dictionary. Here the idp is ADFS.
We tried using the stubidp and it works fine.
Below is my Saml configuration
private static IdentityProvider CreateAuthServicesOptions()
var spOptions = GetServiceProviderOptions();
var idp = new IdentityProvider(new EntityId(""), spOptions)
AllowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse = true,
Binding = Saml2BindingType.HttpPost,
//LoadMetadata = true,
SingleSignOnServiceUrl = new Uri("")
new X509Certificate2(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase + "/ADFSService.cer"));
return idp;
private static SPOptions GetServiceProviderOptions()
var cultureInfo = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
var spOptions = new SPOptions
EntityId = new EntityId(""),
ReturnUrl = new Uri(""),
X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadOnly | OpenFlags.OpenExistingOnly);
X509Certificate2Collection cers = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, "‎FDDAF5EAA6E2B232E0012C0E77955C13246D2DF4", false);
Kentor.AuthServices.ServiceCertificate ser = new Kentor.AuthServices.ServiceCertificate();
ser.Certificate = cers[0];
ser.Use = Kentor.AuthServices.CertificateUse.Signing;
//spOptions.ServiceCertificates.Add(new X509Certificate2(
// AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase + "/ADFSService.cer"));
return spOptions;
protected void OnAuthenticateRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
var application = (HttpApplication)sender;
// Strip the leading ~ from the AppRelative path.
var appRelativePath = application.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath;
appRelativePath = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appRelativePath))
? appRelativePath.Substring(1)
: string.Empty;
if (application.Request != null)
Kentor.AuthServices.Configuration.Options op = new Options(GetServiceProviderOptions());
Options = op;
var modulePath = Options.SPOptions.ModulePath;
if (appRelativePath.StartsWith(modulePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var commandName = appRelativePath.Substring(modulePath.Length);
var command = CommandFactory.GetCommand(commandName);
var commandResult = command.Run(
new HttpRequestWrapper(application.Request).ToHttpRequestData(),
if (!commandResult.HandledResult)
commandResult.Apply(new HttpResponseWrapper(application.Response));


ASP.NET WEB API cant upload multipart/form-data (image) to Web server

After uploading image through ASP.NET WEB API successfuly through localhost . I uploaded my project to the hosting server but this time i got the error as
an error has occured
This is my controller
tutorEntities entities = new tutorEntities();
public HttpResponseMessage ImageUp()
var httpContext = (HttpContextWrapper)Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"];
img std = new img();
// std.Title = httpContext.Request.Form["Title"];
// std.RollNo = httpContext.Request.Form["RollNo"];
// std.Semester = httpContext.Request.Form["Semester"];
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();
var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request;
if (httpRequest.Files.Count > 0)
string random = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string url = "/UserImage/" + random + httpRequest.Files[0].FileName.Substring(httpRequest.Files[0].FileName.LastIndexOf('.'));
string path = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(url);
std.Path = "http://localhost:2541/" + url;
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
Ensure that AppPoolIdentity user has write permissions on the UserImage folder. Also, catch the exception in code for debugging:
try {
var httpContext = (HttpContextWrapper)Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"];
img std = new img();
// std.Title = httpContext.Request.Form["Title"];
// std.RollNo = httpContext.Request.Form["RollNo"];
// std.Semester = httpContext.Request.Form["Semester"];
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();
var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request;
if (httpRequest.Files.Count > 0)
string random = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string url = "/UserImage/" + random + httpRequest.Files[0].FileName.Substring(httpRequest.Files[0].FileName.LastIndexOf('.'));
string path = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(url);
std.Path = "http://localhost:2541/" + url;
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
catch(Exception ex) {
var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
Content = new StringContent(ex.ToString()),
ReasonPhrase = "Error"
throw new HttpResponseException(response);

FCM PushNotification to iOS device from .NET

Is it possible to use Firebase's FCM to send apns push notifications to an ios device?
Desired Workflow:
iOS app sends request to my .NET server to provide it the push token. My .NET server will handle all push notifications. So I assume this would be http requests to firebase and firebase would send out the notification?
Is this workflow possible?
I have worked with Android Applications using Firebase's FCM.. so i think there must be way to work with ios.
here is the snippet of code for sending push notification using fcm in c#.
NotifBooking objnotif = new NotifBooking();
string ApplicationID = "AIzaSyCBM20ZXXXXXXXXXXjog3Abv88";
string SENDER_ID = "962XXXXXXX";
var value = "Alert :" + Message + ""; //message text box
WebRequest tRequest;
tRequest = WebRequest.Create(""); tRequest.Method = "post";
tRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8";
tRequest.Headers.Add(string.Format("Authorization: key={0}", ApplicationID)); tRequest.Headers.Add(string.Format("Sender: id={0}", SENDER_ID));
tRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
var data1 = new
to = "" + dt.Rows[i]["RegId"].ToString().Trim() + "",//Device RegID
priority = "high",
notification = new
body = Message,
title = Heading,
is_background = true,
image = "",
appicon = "",
sound = "default"
data = new
//body = Message,
//title = "Test FCM",
//appicon = "myicon",
image = ""
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var json = serializer.Serialize(data1);
Byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
tRequest.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
using (Stream dataStream = tRequest.GetRequestStream())
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
using (WebResponse tResponse = tRequest.GetResponse())
using (Stream dataStreamResponse = tResponse.GetResponseStream())
using (StreamReader tReader = new StreamReader(dataStreamResponse))
String sResponseFromServer = tReader.ReadToEnd();
string str = sResponseFromServer;
} = json;
You should get device token from Firebase and register the current user in backend side with the same token.
After that, you can send push notifications from your backend.
Put this code in AppDelegate class.
Call InitAPNS() from FinishedLaunching.
public override void RegisteredForRemoteNotifications(UIApplication application, NSData deviceToken)
//TODO: save token and register one in backend side
Settings.DeviceTokenFCM = InstanceId.SharedInstance.Token;
public override void DidReceiveRemoteNotification(UIApplication application, NSDictionary userInfo, Action<UIBackgroundFetchResult> completionHandler)
private void ShowPushMessage(NSDictionary userInfo)
if (userInfo != null)
var apsDictionary = userInfo["aps"] as NSDictionary;
var alertDictionary = apsDictionary?["alert"] as NSDictionary;
var body = alertDictionary?["body"].ToString();
var title = alertDictionary?["title"].ToString();
var window = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow;
var vc = window.RootViewController;
var alert = UIAlertController.Create(title, body, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
alert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel, null));
vc.PresentViewController(alert, animated: true, completionHandler: null);
catch (Exception ex)
private void InitAPNS()
// Monitor token generation
if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(10, 0))
UNUserNotificationCenter.Current.RequestAuthorization(UNAuthorizationOptions.Alert | UNAuthorizationOptions.Sound | UNAuthorizationOptions.Sound, (granted, error) =>
if (granted)
else if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(8, 0))
var pushSettings = UIUserNotificationSettings.GetSettingsForTypes(
UIUserNotificationType.Alert | UIUserNotificationType.Badge | UIUserNotificationType.Sound,
new NSSet());
UIRemoteNotificationType notificationTypes = UIRemoteNotificationType.Alert | UIRemoteNotificationType.Badge | UIRemoteNotificationType.Sound;
private void TokenRefreshNotification(object sender, NSNotificationEventArgs e)
private void ConnectToFCM()
var tokenFirebase = InstanceId.SharedInstance.Token;
////registation token in background thread
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() =>
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenFirebase))
Firebase.CloudMessaging.Messaging.SharedInstance.SetApnsToken(tokenFirebase, ApnsTokenType.Production);
Messaging.SharedInstance.ShouldEstablishDirectChannel = true;
IOS push Notification using C#.I have worked with Android Applications using Firebase's is the snippet of code for sending push notification using fcm in c#.
namespace push
public partial class pushios : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SendPushNotification(txtDeviceToken.Text, txtMessage.Text);
private void SendPushNotification(string deviceToken,string message)
//Get Certificate
var appleCert = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Files/Certificate/IOS/Production_Certificate.p12"));
// Configuration (NOTE: .pfx can also be used here)
var config = new ApnsConfiguration(ApnsConfiguration.ApnsServerEnvironment.Production, appleCert, "1234567890");
// Create a new broker
var apnsBroker = new ApnsServiceBroker(config);
// Wire up events
apnsBroker.OnNotificationFailed += (notification, aggregateEx) =>
aggregateEx.Handle(ex =>
// See what kind of exception it was to further diagnose
if (ex is ApnsNotificationException)
var notificationException = (ApnsNotificationException)ex;
// Deal with the failed notification
var apnsNotification = notificationException.Notification;
var statusCode = notificationException.ErrorStatusCode;
string desc = $"Apple Notification Failed: ID={apnsNotification.Identifier}, Code={statusCode}";
Label1.Text = desc;
string desc = $"Apple Notification Failed for some unknown reason : {ex.InnerException}";
// Inner exception might hold more useful information like an ApnsConnectionException
Label1.Text = desc;
// Mark it as handled
return true;
apnsBroker.OnNotificationSucceeded += (notification) =>
Label1.Text = "Apple Notification Sent successfully!";
var fbs = new FeedbackService(config);
fbs.FeedbackReceived += (string devicToken, DateTime timestamp) =>
if (deviceToken != "")
apnsBroker.QueueNotification(new ApnsNotification
DeviceToken = deviceToken,
Payload = JObject.Parse(("{\"aps\":{\"badge\":1,\"sound\":\"oven.caf\",\"alert\":\"" + (message + "\"}}")))
catch (Exception)
I have worked with Android Applications using Firebase's FCM..
namespace pushios.Controllers
public class HomeController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult SendMessage()
var data = new {
to = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
data = new
confId= "6565",
pageTitle= "test",
pageFormat= "",
dataValue= "",
title= "C#",
webviewURL= "",
priority = "high",
notificationBlastID = "0",
status = true
return Ok();
public void SendNotification(object data)
var Serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var json = Serializer.Serialize(data);
Byte[] byteArray = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
public void SendNotification(Byte[] byteArray)
String server_api_key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SERVER_API_KEY"];
String senderid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SENDER_ID"];
WebRequest type = WebRequest.Create("");
type.Method = "post";
type.ContentType = "application/json";
type.Headers.Add($"Authorization: key={server_api_key}");
type.Headers.Add($"Sender: id={senderid}");
type.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
Stream datastream = type.GetRequestStream();
datastream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
WebResponse respones = type.GetResponse();
datastream = respones.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(datastream);
String sresponessrever = reader.ReadToEnd();
catch (Exception)

Windows Phone 8 Basic Authentication

I have hosted a Windows Web API using a basic authentication header with username and password.
I'm trying to create a login form that takes a username and password and sends back a token.
so i have the following code.
I'm using a Attributed method
public class BasicAuthenticationAttribute : System.Web.Http.Filters.ActionFilterAttribute
private IPromiseRepository promiseRepository;
public BasicAuthenticationAttribute()
this.promiseRepository = new EFPromiseRepository(new PropellorContext());
//repository = promiseRepository;
public BasicAuthenticationAttribute(IPromiseRepository promiseRepository, INewsFeedRepository newsfeedRepository)
this.promiseRepository = promiseRepository;
public override void OnActionExecuting(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
if (actionContext.Request.Headers.Authorization == null)
actionContext.Response = new System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
string authToken = actionContext.Request.Headers.Authorization.Parameter;
string decodedToken = authToken;
// Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(authToken));
string username = decodedToken.Substring(0, decodedToken.IndexOf(":"));
string password = decodedToken.Substring(decodedToken.IndexOf("^")+1);
string APIToken = decodedToken.Substring(decodedToken.IndexOf("="));
APIToken = APIToken.Replace("=", string.Empty);
password = password.Replace("=", string.Empty);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(APIToken))
password = password.Replace(APIToken, string.Empty);
if (username != null && password != null)
var user = promiseRepository.GetUserByName(username);
var salt = user.PasswordSalt;
System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed HashTool = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed();
Byte[] PasswordAsByte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Concat(password, salt));
Byte[] EncryptedBytes = HashTool.ComputeHash(PasswordAsByte);
var hashedpass = Convert.ToBase64String(EncryptedBytes);
if (hashedpass == user.Password)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.APIToken))
String guid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
user.APIToken = guid;
if (user != null)
user = promiseRepository.GetUserByUserID(user.UserID);
HttpContext.Current.User = new GenericPrincipal(new ApiIdentity(user), new string[] { });
if (APIToken != null)
if (user.APIToken == APIToken)
var userbytoken = promiseRepository.GetUserByAPIToken(APIToken);
HttpContext.Current.User = new GenericPrincipal(new ApiIdentity(userbytoken), new string[] { });
catch (Exception)
actionContext.Response = new System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
This works with Fiddler when the correct credentials are passed
I'm attempting to produce the same authentication in my windows phone application.
Passes a username and password into the basic authentication http header.
However I'm not sure how to do this after a large amount of diggging on the internet alot of the exmaples are windows phone 7 and certain methods don't exist anymore.
This is the code i have arrived at.
private void Login1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://localhost:5650/api/start");
NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName.Text + ":^",password.Text + "=");
request.Credentials = credentials;
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(GetSomeResponse), request);
Hopefully someone can guide me into the right direction.
it should be simple in principle :(
Here is a sample using HttpClient:
public static async Task<String> Login(string username, string password)
HttpClient Client = new HttpClient();
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(StringToAscii(string.Format("{0}:{1}", username, password))));
var response = await Client.GetAsync(new Uri(new Uri(""), "/login"));
var status= await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<String>();
return status;
And of course you can find the ToBase64String function on the internet. The tricky part here is the Authorization header.

Where to put general language adjustment?

Well, the title says it all.
I do the following now in my LanguageFilterAttribute class:
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var request = filterContext.HttpContext.Request;
string currentUrl = request.RawUrl;
var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(request.RequestContext);
string baseurl = urlHelper.Content("~");
string currentLanguageFromUrl = currentUrl.Split('/')[1];
string currentLanguageFromCulture = CultureHelper.CheckCulture();
var currentLanguageFromCookie = request.Cookies["_culture"];
var possibleCultures = UnitOfWork.CulturesRepository.GetListOfCultureNames();
if (possibleCultures.All(culture => currentLanguageFromUrl != culture))
string cultureName;
string newUrl;
if (currentLanguageFromCookie != null)
cultureName = currentLanguageFromCookie.Value;
newUrl = baseurl + cultureName;
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(newUrl);
if (currentLanguageFromCulture != null)
cultureName = currentLanguageFromCulture;
newUrl = baseurl + cultureName;
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(newUrl);
cultureName = possibleCultures[0];
newUrl = baseurl + cultureName;
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(newUrl);
Which sets the language when you select a new one from the dopdown on the shared Layout page (this works btw, selecting a different language triggers respectively, the above and below class correctly).
public static void SetCulture(string culture)
var cultureCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["_culture"] ?? new HttpCookie("_culture");
cultureCookie.Value = culture;
var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
cultureCookie.Domain = request.Url.Host;
cultureCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1);
cultureCookie.Path = "/";
CultureInfo info = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(culture.ToString());
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = info;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = info;
The problem with this is, as you can guess, I will have to apply the [LanguageFilter] attribute on all my controllers.
Isn't there a file where I can place this that will change my language every time I go to another page?
When a new application thread is started, its current culture and
current UI culture are defined by the current system culture, and not
by the current thread culture.
Isn't this your case?

Parameter has all propertys after webrequest

I have a really simple ASP.NET Api Controller with one method.
public HttpResponseMessage<User> Post(User user)
return new HttpResponseMessage<User>(new User() { Name = "New User at Server" });
My debugger says that the method is called but the problem is that the parameter "user" has all its content set to null; I am using Fiddler to look at request and response.. and all looks good.
This is my service code in the client.
public void AddUser(Models.User user, Action<Models.User> ShowResult)
var uiThreadScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
string url = "http://localhost:4921/User";
Uri uri = new Uri(url, UriKind.Absolute);
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
var sendWebPost = Task.Factory.FromAsync<Stream>(request.BeginGetRequestStream, request.EndGetRequestStream, null)
.ContinueWith(task =>
Tuple<string, string>[] stringToSend = { Tuple.Create<string, string>("user", ObjectToJson<Models.User>(user)) };
var bytesToSend = GetRequestBytes(stringToSend);
using (var stream = task.Result)
stream.Write(bytesToSend, 0, bytesToSend.Length);
).ContinueWith(task =>
Task.Factory.FromAsync<WebResponse>(request.BeginGetResponse, request.EndGetResponse, null)
.ContinueWith<WebResponse>(task2 => { ValidateResponse(task2); return task2.Result; })
.ContinueWith<Models.User>(task3 => {return JsonToObject<Models.User>(task3);})
.ContinueWith(task4 => { TryClearWorking(); ShowResult(task4.Result); }, uiThreadScheduler);
public static string ObjectToJson<T>(T obj) where T : class
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream);
serializer.WriteObject(stream, obj);
sr.BaseStream.Position = 0;
string jsonString = sr.ReadToEnd();
return jsonString;
protected static byte[] GetRequestBytes(Tuple<string, string>[] postParameters)
if (postParameters == null || postParameters.Length == 0)
return new byte[0];
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var key in postParameters)
sb.Append(key.Item1 + "=" + key.Item2 + "&");
sb.Length = sb.Length - 1;
return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
Anyone who can give me some ideas where to start to look for errors.....
You need to set the Content-Length header.
