Error with Fiware-Cygnus installation via yum - centos6

i am trying to install the Fireware Cygnus via yum
yum install cygnus-ngsi
But in the middle i got some erros.
Transaction Check Error:
file /usr/cygnus/init.d/cygnus from install of cygnus-common-1.2.0-0.gbd4790e.x86_64 conflicts with file from package cygnus-0.13.0-0.g0c6765f.x86_64
i checked the /usr directory but there is nothing with /cygnus/init.d and so on...
It is possible that there have been something before but who knows.
I also tried to clean yum repo but the error still exists. Does anyone have an idea ?

Try the following command in order to remove all Cygnus stuff:
sudo rpm -e -vv --allmatches --nodeps --noscripts --notriggers cygnus
sudo rpm -e -vv --allmatches --nodeps --noscripts --notriggers cygnus-ngsi
The first command will remove everything regarding Cygnus pre release 1.0.0, the second one will remove everything post release 1.0.0.
Hope this helps!
NOTE: from Cygnus 1.0.0 the code was split into cygnus-common, a library of common utils and classes for all Cygnus agents, and cygnus-ngsi, a NGSI specific agent (after that, other contributors have added more agents to Cygnus , such as cygnus-twitter by Universidad Politécnica de Valencia). That's why before release 1.0.0 Cygnus was installed as yum install cygnus and after 1.0.0 it is installed as yum install cygnus-ngsi.


EPEL & Codeready-builder AWS EC2 RHEL8

I am running an EC2 instance with a RHEL8 AMI.
I am looking to install R on the instance and I believe I need the EPEL package and to enable the codeready builder through the following two commands
sudo dnf install -y
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled rhui-codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-rpms
more info at (
I can download epel (first line) fine but when I run the second line I get the following:
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
Error: No matching repo to modify: rhui-codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-rpms.
Also when I try to run the following, I get the following:
This system has no repositories available through subscriptions.
and for completeness, this is the error when i try to install R
$sudo yum install -y R
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:52:36 ago on Mon 04 May 2020 01:17:58 AM UTC.
Problem: package R-3.6.3-1.el8.x86_64 requires R-devel = 3.6.3-1.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
- package R-devel-3.6.3-1.el8.x86_64 requires R-core-devel = 3.6.3-1.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides openblas-devel needed by R-core-devel-3.6.3-1.el8.x86_64
- nothing provides texinfo-tex needed by R-core-devel-3.6.3-1.el8.x86_64
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
Does anyone have any ideas or has solved this same problem?
I worked this out just after writing it...
For anyones reference, it seems AWS had their command written wrongly.
Still download epel package as shown above
sudo dnf install -y
and instead of the following from AWS website
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled rhui-codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-rpms
You can use
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-rpms
Then go ahead with sudo yum install -y R

How to install newer version of R on Amazon Linux 2

For whatever reason, Amazon moved R to the so-called "Extras Library" so you can't install R using sudo yum install -y R anymore. Instead, you have to do sudo amazon-linux-extras install R3.4. As a result, I can only install R 3.4.3 when the newest stable release is 3.6.1, and so many R libraries can't even be installed because the version is too low. Is there any good and clean way to install the latest version of R and skip Amazon's package manager? Thanks!
Use amazon-linux-extras which installs R4.0.2:
amazon-linux-extras install R4
You may need root:
sudo amazon-linux-extras install R4
I've tried setting up R 3.6.x on a docker container that uses the amazonlinux image. My approach was to get the R source file from the below link and install from source
cd /tmp/
tar -zxf R-3.6.3.tar.gz
cd /tmp/R-3.6.3
./configure --without-libtiff --without-lapack --without-ICU --disable-R-profiling --disable-nls
make install
you will need to yum install some dependencies, like 'make', which doesn't seem to come with aws amazonlinux docker image (which i think mirrors the EC2 instance AMI image you are referring to).
The above kind of worked for me in that i had a working R3.6 installation, but it didnt allow me use it with rshiny server, so i'm reverting to the shipped 3.4.3 version.
tl;dr: you'll probably have to manually download the source files and install the desired R version from source, and throw in some build dependencies as well.
Try this on Amazon Linux 2
yum -y install
yum -y install R
Amazon Linux 2 Image contains extras library that can be used as well. Follow the guide here.
sudo amazon-linux-extras enable R3.4
sudo yum clean metadata && sudo yum install R3.4

Prestashop 1.7 -To avoid internationalization data inconsistencies upgrade the symfony/intl component

Prestashop 1.7 gives following warning during installation:
To avoid internationalization data inconsistencies upgrade the symfony/intl component.
How do I upgrade symfony/intl on Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04?
composer update in the prestashop folder, received Composer could not find a composer.json file
Currently I ignored this warning, is it safe to ignore it, what side effects I should expect?
Symfony relies on the ICU (International Components for Unicode) and ideally you want your version to match the version they require.
First, check what is the latest version of the ICU available, as off June 2019, this is v64.2.
Check which version of the ICU you are currently running with php -i and look for your the intl section where you will find the ICU version you are running.
Finally, check which version of the ICU you will need, based on your PrestaShop version:
1.7.5.x - ICU v63.1
1.7.4.x - ICU v62.1
1.7.3.x - ICU v60.1
1.7.2.x - ICU v59.1
1.7.1.x - ICU v58.2
1.7.0.x - ICU v57.1`
Ok, once you have figured that out, let's upgrade your ICU to the right version, the one matching your PrestaShop version.
Find which version of the php-intl package you are currently running:
sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | grep '\-intl'
In my case it was php7.2-intl, remove it:
sudo apt-get remove php7.2-intl
Install phpize:
sudo apt install php7.2-dev
Next, download this script that will assist us and set the right permissions:
sudo wget
sudo chmod +x ./
Check the available releases:
sudo ./ versions
Download and Install the version you are interested in (62.1 in our case), this step can take a while (~10-15min), depending on your server capabilities:
sudo ./ install v62.1
Once successfully completed, let's edit 20-intl.ini:
sudo touch /etc/php/7.2/cli/conf.d/20-intl.ini && sudo bash -c 'echo "" > /etc/php/7.2/cli/conf.d/20-intl.ini' && sudo touch /etc/php/7.2/apache2/conf.d/20-intl.ini && sudo bash -c 'echo "" > /etc/php/7.2/apache2/conf.d/20-intl.ini'
Restart Apache2:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Let's clean up by removing the install folder and phpize:
sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove php7.2-dev
rm -rf /tmp/icu-install
Finally, let's check again our current version of the ICU with php -i.
You should now be all set, I hope this helps!

How to install MariaDB on RHEL 7 server?

Given cat /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo is:
# MariaDB 10.3 RedHat repository list - created 2018-08-29 05:52 UTC
name = MariaDB
baseurl =
When I do
sudo yum install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client
I got:
Loaded plugins: search-disabled-repos
No package MariaDB-server available.
* Maybe you meant: mariadb-server
No package MariaDB-client available.
Error: Nothing to do
I'm using
Why am I not able to install mariadb on my RHEL7 server?
yum list mariadb
Loaded plugins: search-disabled-repos
Available Packages
mariadb.x86_64 1:5.5.60-1.el7_5 uofa_repos
Is this because i'm only looking at uofa_repos repository somehow? How do I install mariadb correctly?
After adding the Repo, as you did, run: (This should force reload the repository)
sudo yum clean all
Then run: (This will list the available repository for MariaDB).
sudo yum list --showduplicates MariaDB-server
This will show something like:
Available Packages
Now pay Attention to the name of the package (sudo yum install is case sensitive) so in this example run:
sudo yum install mariadb-server
(Not MariaDB-server)
If you check the baseurl as given you will notice things are not named as you might expect them to be;
It looks like you should specify something along the lines of yum install MariaDB-10.3.9-centos73-x86_64-<foo> in order to install from that specific repo.
If you got this error: No package MariaDB-server and No package MariaDB-client. Just comment this line in /etc/yum.conf (add # at the beginning...)

Install R latest verison on ubuntu 16.04

So I tried to install R (after repairing ubuntu on my system) using following command :
sudo apt-get install r-base-core
sudo apt-get install r-recommended
It installs R 3.2 , but the latest version of R currently available to use is R 3.4, any idea why it is not installing R 3.4 ?
I lately installed R.3.4 manually, it works fine. just curious to know why it didn't installed at the first place using the command.
Follow these steps:
Add this entry deb xenial/ to your /etc/apt/sources.list file.
Run this command in shell: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E084DAB9.
Update and install: sudo apt update; sudo apt install r-base.
I wrote a post that explains each step in detail (update: also covers installing R on Ubuntu 18.04); here's the link.
It installs 3.2 because that's the default in the Ubuntu 16.04 repository. If you want the most up to date version of R for Ubuntu it's best to follow the instructions at the cran page for R on Ubuntu.
The xenial-cran35/ version of the repo does NOT work if you have a "default release" set in apt, as is the case in some distros that work on top of Ubuntu, such as Mint. For my Mint distro, there exists a file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01ubuntu inside of which it declares the Default-Release "xenial"; What this means is that, since r-base exists in the ubuntu repo at version 3.2, with release "xenial", it'll never use the 3.6 branch from the other repo, because the release name for that repo is "xenial-cran35". You need to edit that file to change the default release to "xenail-cran35", or do something more pointed using apt preference files (
This is basically R's fault for having a poorly formatted repo. They should have had 2 repos, each of which had a "xenial" release folder, one url for their 3.2 branch work and one for the 3.5+ branch work. Instead they have one repo, and have bastardized the "release name" instead, which just sort of happens to work for base Ubuntu, but won't work if you have non-base configuration of apt in this way.
