Front: ACF copy date from one field to another with jquery - wordpress

I have three fields created via ACF with Datepicker: event start date, event end date and survey start date.
What I want to achieve is when I set date via datepicker on event start date, then this date is copied to event end date and survey start date.
I googled almost everything and no code is working. Actually, the nearest working solution is below:
acf.add_action('load', function( $el ){
var $field_start_date = $el.find('.acf-field-5800010541984');
var $field_end_date = $el.find('.acf-field-5800014941985 .input-alt');
$field_start_date.change(function() {
var $field_start_date_value = $('#acf-field_5800010541984').val();
$('#acf-field_5800014941985').datepicker( 'setDate', $field_start_date_value );
Value is copied to another field (event end date) – attribute value is changing – but copied value doesn't show on input.
BTW, $('#acf-field_5800014941985').datepicker('update'); doesn't work too.
Like Leeloo in The Fifth Element – "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeese. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp"
Best regards,


How to change date format in Google Forms Response?

I have a Google Forms to get my delivery order from customer and on the forms I have Date field.
The response of the forms will be filled automatically to order document per response.
I use this scripts:
function autoFill(e) {
var timestamp = e.values[0];
var nama = e.values[1];
var tglBuat = e.values[10];
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(MY_TEMPLATE_FILE_ID);
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(OUTPUT_FOLDER_ID);
var copy = file.makeCopy(nama+"_"+timestamp, folder);
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(copy.getId());
var body = doc.getBody();
body.replaceText('#NamaLengkap#', tglBuat);
body.replaceText('#TanggalDibuat#', tglBuat);
The flow is simple like this:
I prepared Template file for the Order Document paper
Customer will fill the forms
Form result will be kept in certain Google Spreadsheet
The script above on the (3), will be triggered everytime (2) submitted
Voila, I have Order Document filled with customer order details
My template file are something like this:
Customer Name: #NamaLengkap#
Order Date: #TanggalDibuat#
My problem is here in date format, I want the output on my template file using this format "26 August 2020", but the google form only give this format "08/26/2020".
How do I changes it?
I read some article about changing the email format before filling the form, but i don't think this is good solution. Because customer wont care at all.
You just need to take your date and convert it to a Date String Javascript object as shown below:
function myFunction() {
var shortDate = new Date("03/25/2015");
var longDateFormat = shortDate.toDateString();
I hope this has helped you. Let me know if you need anything else or if you did not understood something. :)

Fullcalendar - Remove day suffix in dayGridMonth View when using Japanese

When setting locale to Japanese in Fullcalendar and use dayGridMonth View, for each day cell suffix "日"(means day) is added.
I want to remove this day suffix letter, so that the appearance of the cell would be just numbers.
I looked through the document but I couldn't find it.
This behavior can be checked in official demo by setting locale to "ja".
I want my day cells to show only numbers, without suffix.
I have read the source code of FullCalendar. It uses Intl.DateTimeFormat to convert date format as below.
I couldn't find how to customize the format. A possible dirty hack is to fork the repository and remove "日" character after following code.
html = html.replace('日', '');
There's a option called dayCellDidMount in FullCalendar, which could be called for do something after dayCell has been added.
So you could replace the original dayText with your custom Text when call this.
code for example:
var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, {
dayCellDidMount: function(info){
var day = moment('DD') // custom the text for example
// hide the original one
var originElement = info.el.querySelectorAll(".fc-daygrid-day-number")
originElement.forEach(e => e.classList.add("d-none") );
// insert new text
var targetElement = info.el.querySelectorAll(".fc-daygrid-day-top");
targetElement.forEach(e => e.innerHTML = day );
and then you can customize css .fc-daygrid-day-top for the view.

Fullcalendar permit selectOverlap for one day

I'm using Fullcalendar and I need to allow event overlap for one day: the last still event day can overlap on the first new event day.
For resizing and drop I resolved in this way:
eventOverlap: function(stillEvent, movingEvent) {
var a = movingEvent.start.startOf('day');
var b = stillEvent.end.startOf('day');
if(a.unix() == b.unix()){
return true;
return false;
Now I need to do the same on selecting, according to documentation, I have to use selectOverlap option by define a function, but differently of eventOverlap, this function not have an argument that include the current selection period, then I don't know how to make the check.
Somebody can say me how to do so?
UPDATE 19/05/2017:
I opened an issue on github's project repository here

Fullcalendar: getting "Va.time is undefined" when trying to assign a moment to event.end

I'm using FullCalendar and it is working fine.
I allow users to drag events, but sometimes I need to force the event to start on a specific date. For example, some events MUST start on a Monday, so if a user drags it to a different weekday, I'll force the event move to the previous Monday.
So, on the eventDrop callback, I have something like:
eventDrop: function(event, delta, revertFunc) {
if (/*must force new event start date*/) {
var duration = event.end.diff(event.start, 'd');
event.start = moment('2015-07-01');
event.end = moment('2015-07-01').add(duration, 'd');
Some explaining:
I must calculate the original duration, because when I change the
start date, Fullcalendar assumes the end date is the same and changes
the event duration accordingly. So it forces me to assign a new end
date (is there another way to do this?)
assigning a new date to event.start works fine
assigning a new date to event.end always returns:
TypeError: Va.time is undefined
Am I missing something, or maybe overcomplicating things?
Is the error a bug?
Thanks in advance for helping me on this!
Just modify the existing moment like this:
eventDrop: function (event) {; //Move the startdate to day 1 (Monday, 0 = Sunday); //Also move the enddate to Monday
I'm not sure what causes the error. It looks like it has to be something to do with setting a new momentjs object in either the event.start or event.end.

Drupal hook to change date CCK field value

I need to send out a reminder email the DAY BEFORE a Calendar Event as well as the DAY AFTER. Unfortunately, I can't use Rules Scheduler, because the Tokens can't be manipulated with PHP. It doesn't work if I have
[node:field_event_date-datetime] -1 day
as the scheduled time.
What I've ended up doing is creating two "dummy" date fields for DAY BEFORE and DAY AFTER, and I'm trying to hook into the form, grabbing the event date, using some PHP like strtotime() to add/subtract a day, and make these the values that would go into the database.
I've tried linking to the #submit part of the form, but in phpMyAdmin, all values are NULL.
For this code i haven't even changed the date, I'm just trying to get values to appear in the database.
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == "event_node_form") {
$form['#submit'][] = '_mymodule_after_build';
// Makes the fields invisible
$form["field_event_day_before"]["#access"] = FALSE;
$form["field_event_day_after"]["#access"] = FALSE;
function _mymodule_after_build($form, &$form_state) {
$eventcopy = array();
// copy the value part from the Event
$eventcopy = $form['field_event_date'][0]['#value'];
// without doing any PHP yet, simply copy the values. Doesn't show up in db.
$form['field_event_day_before'][0]['#value'] = $eventcopy;
return $form;
I've read the tutorials about using Rules Scheduler with CCK and
I'm also following Schedule email to go out based on CCK date field - not working for me
Am I using the right hooks? How do I intercept the inputted date value properly?
I don't think you are approaching your problem the correct way. If you want to try to go down the path you are proposing then you would want to look at hook_nodeapi(). You can add some code for the 'insert' and/or 'save' (or maybe even 'presave') operations so you can update your $node->field_event_day_before'][0]['#value'] and $node->field_event_day_after'][0]['#value'] fields based on the event_date value.
However, you really don't want to add extra fields for date before and date after when you can just calculate those from the event_date.
What I think the better solution is to just implement hook_cron() and have that function handle querying for all events in your database whose event day is TODAY() +1. For all those results, send out an email. Do another query that looks for any event whose event_date is TODAY() - 1 and send out an email for those results. You'll want to make sure you only run this process once in every 24 hour period.
I want to share the answer, thanks to help from the community. If you run into this same problem, try this:
function mymodule_form_event_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
// hide these dummy fields, will fill in programatically
$form["field_event_day_before"]["#access"] = FALSE;
$form["field_event_day_after"]["#access"] = FALSE;
function mymodule_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL){
switch ($op) {
//if the node is inserted in the database
case 'insert':
if($node->type == 'event') {
// Day before (+10 hours because I'm in Hawai`i, far from GMT)
$daybefore = strtotime('-1 day +10 hours', strtotime($node->field_event_date[0]['value']));
$daybefore = date('Y-m-j\TH:i:s', $daybefore);
$node->field_event_day_before[0]['value'] = $daybefore;
// Day after (+10 hours because I'm in Hawai`i)
$dayafter = strtotime('+1 day +10 hours', strtotime($node->field_event_date[0]['value']));
$dayafter = date('Y-m-j\TH:i:s', $dayafter);
$node->field_event_day_after[0]['value'] = $dayafter;
The rules scheduler can then take tokens from the day_before/day_after fields, and you can use their interface for scheduling.
You can do this by using the rules module, i did this in my one project, basically you have to create two rules, one for one day before, and another for one day after. Let me know if you want any clarification.
