DirectShow: Stream positions after mixing in VMR9 - directshow

I use two pins for mixing in VMR9. IVMRMixerControl9 gives us two methods for its control: SetOutputRect() and GetOutputRect(). But those methods work with normalized values in composition space.
Is there any way to know the real position of each stream after mixing?


Adapt geometry on printed points

I draw a vectorial geometry with some calibration points around it.
I print this geometry and then I physically scan the printed calibration points (I can't scan the geometry, I can only scan the calibration points).
When I acquire these points, these aren't in their position anymore because of some print error or bad print calibration.
The question is:
Is there any algorithm that helps me to adapt the original geometry in base of the new points scanned?
In practice I need to warp the geometry in order to obtain the real geometry printed on the paper with the same print error that I have on the calibration points.
The distortion is given by the physical distortion of the material (not paper but cloth) during the print process. I can't know how much the material will distort during the print.
Yes, there are algorithms to help you with that. In general you need to learn/find the transformation between the two images that you have.
Typical geometrical transformations are affine transformations (shift, scale, rotation, shear, reflections) which need at least three control points or piecewise local linear/ local weighted mean which need at least 4-6 control points. The more control points you have, the better in general.
Given a set of control points in one image and the corresponding set of control points in the other image there are algorithms for finding the optimal transformation between if you specify a class (affine or piecewise local linear). See for example fitgeotrans in Matlab. I don't know how exactly it solves the problem by I guess by some kind of optimization. It should be easy to find available implementations for other programming languages (Python, C, Java).
What remains is finding the correspondence between the control points in the two images. For a few images you may be able to do that by hand, but in the general case you might want to automatize this as well. General image registration algorithms like imregister should do well for your images. They give you a good initial estimate for the transformation (may already be sufficient) so that then identification of the corresponding point pairs is trivial (always take the nearest) and allow refining.
So I advice you to first just try to register the images (gray scale data) with an identity transformation as starting value. Then identify corresponding point pairs and refine the transformation either using an affine or a piecewiece/local transformation. Then apply the transformation on the geometry to get the printed geometry. Depending on your choice of programming languages you will find many implementations that do the job.

How to resize an existing point cloud file?

I am trying to enlarge a point cloud data set. Suppose I have a point cloud data set consisting of 100 points & I want to enlarge it to say 5 times. Actually I am studying some specific structure which is very small, so I want to zoom in & do some computations. I want something like imresize() in Matlab.
Is there any function to do this? What does resize() function do in PCL? Any idea about how can I do it?
Why would you need this? Points are just numbers, regardless whether they are 1 or 100, until all of them are on the same scale and in the same coordinate system. Their size on the screen is just a visual representation, you can zoom in and out as you wish.
You want them to be a thousandth of their original value (eg. millimeters -> meters change)? Divide them by 1000.
You want them spread out in a 5 times larger space in that particular coordinate system? Multiply their coordinates with 5. But even so, their visual representations will look exactly the same on the screen. The data remains basically the same, they will not be resized per se, they numeric representation will change a bit. It is the simplest affine transform, just a single multiplication.
You want to have finer or coarser resolution of your numeric representation? Or have different range? Change your data type accordingly.
That is, if you deal with a single set.
If you deal with different sets, say, recorded with different kinds of sensors and the numeric representations differ a bit (there are angles between the coordinate systems, mm vs cm scale, etc.) you just have to find the transformation from one coordinate system to the other one and apply it to the first one.
Since you want to increase the number of points while preserving shape/structure of the cloud, I think you want to do something like 'upsampling'.
Here is another SO question on this.
The PCL offers a class for bilateral upsampling.
And as always google gives you a lot of hints on this topic.
Beside (what Ziker mentioned) increasing allocated memory (that's not what you want, right?) or zooming in in visualization you could just rescale your point cloud.
This can be done by multiplying each points dimensions with a constant factor or using an affine transformation. So you can e.g switch from mm to m.
If i understand your question correctly
If you have defined your cloud like this
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
in fact you can do resize
cloud->points.resize (cloud->width * cloud->height);
Note that doing resize does nothing more than allocate more memory for variable thus after resizing original data remain in cloud. So if you want to have empty resized cloud dont forget to add cloud->clear();
If you just want zoom some pcd for visual puposes(i.e you cant see what is shape of cloud because its too small) why dont you use PCL Visualization and zoom by scrolling up/down

Organized point cloud from stereo

I am working with disparity maps (1024 x 768) obtained via stereo and I am able to get point clouds with XYZRGB pcl::Points. However not all pixels from the disparity map are valid depth hence there will never be 1024x768 = 786432 XYZRGB points. Fortunately I am able to save the point clouds unorganized (i.e. height=1). Unfortunately, some normal estimation methods etc, are tailored for organized pointclouds. How can I create organised pointclouds from this ?
I believe that this is not possible.
First of all unorganized point cloud (PC) is just list of points in random order written in file
On the other hand organized PC carries information of in which order orginal points were obtained by depth camera and some other information. This information is stored in lets call it grid.
Once you destroy this grid omiting some points theres no algorithm that can put it back together as it originally was
You can use other methods which provides PCL that doesnt take OPC as an argument. Result will be same as if you would use organized point cloud only little bit slower (depends on size of your input cloud)
I assume that you do have the calibration parameters that are necessary to transform the image points and their depth into 3D points, right?
In this case, you simply create a 2D point cloud and do the following for each pixel of the disparity map:
If the point is valid:
set the corresponding point in the point cloud to the 3D point
set the corresponding point in the cloud to NaN (i.e. a 3D point with NaN as coordinates)

Rendering massive amount of data

I have a 3D floating-point matrix, in worst-case scenario the size could be (200000x1000000x100), I want to visualize this matrix using Qt/OpenGL.
Since the number of elements is extremely high, I want to render them in a way that when the camera is far away from the matrix, I just show a number of interesting points that gives an approximation of how the matrix look like. When the camera gets closer, I want to get more details and hence more elements are calculated.
I would like to know if there are techniques that deals with this kind of visualization.
The general idea is called level-of-detail rendering and is a whole science in itself.
For your domain i would recommend two steps:
1) Reduce the number of cells by averaging (arithmetic-mean function) them in cubes of different sizes and caching those cubes (on disk as well as RAM). "Different" means here, that you have the same data in multiple sizes of cubes, e.g. coarse-grained cubes of 10000x10000x10000 and finer cubes of 100x100x100 cells resulting in multiple levels-of-detail. You have to organize these in a hierarchical structure (the larger ones containing multiple smaller ones) and for this i would recommend an Octree:
2) The second step is to actually render parts of this Octree:
To do this use the distance of your camera-point to the sub-cubes. Go through the cubes and decide to either enter the sub-cube or render the larger cube by using this distance-function and heuristically chosen or guessed threshold-values.
(2) can be further optimized but this is optional: To optimize this rendering organize the to-be-rendered cube's into layers: The direction of the layers (whether it is in x, y, or z-slices) depends on your camera-viewpoint to which it should be near-perpendicular. Then render each slice into a texture and voila you only have to render a single quad with that texture for each slice, 1000 quads are no problem to render.
Qt has some way of rendering huge number of elements efficiently. Check the examples/demo that is part of QT.

Very general question about the implementation of vectors, vertices, edges, rays, lines & line segments

This is just a LARGE generalized question regarding rays (and/or line segments or edges etc) and their place in a software rendered 3d engine that is/not performing raytracing operations. I'm learning the basics and I'm the first to admit that I don't know much about this stuff so please be kind. :)
I wondered why a parameterized line is not used instead of a ray(or are they??). I have looked around at a few cpp files around the internet and seen a couple of resources define a Ray.cpp object, one with a vertex and a vector, another used a point and a vector. I'm pretty sure that you can define an infinate line with only a normal or a vector and then define intersecting points along that line to create a line segment as a subset of that infinate line. Are there any current engines implementing lines in this way, or is there a better way to go about this?
To add further complication (or simplicity?) Wikipedia says that in vector space, the end points of a line segment are often vectors, notably u -> u + v, which makes alot of sence if defining a line by vectors in space rather than intersecting an already defined, infinate line, but I cannot find any implementation of this either which makes me wonder about the validity of my thoughts when applying this in a 3d engine and even further complication is created when looking at the Flash 3D engine, Papervision, I looked at the Ray class and it takes 6 individual number values as it's parameters and then returns them as 2 different Number3D, (the Papervision equivalent of a Vector), data types?!?
I'd be very interested to see an implementation of something which actually uses the CORRECT way of implementing these low level parts as per their true definitions.
I'm pretty sure that you can define an infinate line with only a normal or a vector
No, you can't. A vector would define a direction of the line, but all the parallel lines share the same direction, so to pick one, you need to pin it down using a specific point that the line passes through.
Lines are typically defined in Origin + Direction*K form, where K would take any real value, because that form is easy for other math. You could as well use two points on the line.
