How to plot multiple datasets with errbar? - r

This is what I have done so far
m1 <- read.table("mt7.1r1.rp", header = FALSE)
m2 <- read.table("mt7.1r2.rp", header = FALSE)
m3 <- read.table("mt7.2r1.rp", header = FALSE)
m4 <- read.table("mt7.2r2.rp", header = FALSE)
xmin <- floor(min(per1,per2,per3,per4))
xmax <- ceiling(max(per1,per2,per3,per4))
ymin <- floor(min(ixxr,ixxi))
ymax <- ceiling(max(ixxr,ixxi))
errbar(per1,ixxr,ixxr+erxx,ixxr-erxx,col='red',xlabel='Per (s)',ylabel='Zxx/Zxy')
par(new = T)
But i got image
Y-axis from two datasets are overlapping. How to prevent this?
I want to have a unique axis in min,max range with one single label.
Should I group the data before the plotting or...?

Adding yaxt = 'n' to one of the two plots (I did it for the first one) you do not report the y axis. For having just one y label, use first ylab = NA, then set the y label in the second plot (or viceversa).
errbar(per1,ixxr,ixxr+erxx,ixxr-erxx,col='red', xlab='Per (s)',
yaxt = 'n', ylab = NA)
errbar(per1,ixxi,ixxi+erxx,ixxi-erxx,col='green', ylab = 'ixxr and ixxi')
It would be good practice to compute the common range of the y values and setting it through ylim, so to be sure that everything will be shown on the plot.


Calculate intersection point of two density curves in R

I have two vectors of 1000 values (a and b), from which I created density plots and histograms. I would like to retrieve the coordinates (or just the y value) where the two plots cross (it does not matter if it detects several crossings, I can discriminate them afterwards). Please find the data in the following link. Sample Data
xlim = c(min(c(a,b)), max(c(a,b)))
hist(a, breaks = 100,
freq = F,
xlim = xlim,
xlab = 'Test Subject',
main = 'Difference plots',
col = rgb(0.443137, 0.776471, 0.443137, 0.5),
border = rgb(0.443137, 0.776471, 0.443137, 0.5))
hist(b, breaks = 100,
freq = F,
col = rgb(0.529412, 0.807843, 0.921569, 0.5),
border = rgb(0.529412, 0.807843, 0.921569, 0.5),
add = T)
Using locate() is not optimal, since I need to retrieve this from several plots (but will use that approach if nothing else is viable). Thanks for your help.
We calculate the density curves for both series, taking care to use the same range. Then, we compare whether the y-value for a is greater than b at each x-value. When the outcome of this comparison flips, we know the lines have crossed.
df <- merge(, from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2])[c("x", "y")]),, from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2])[c("x", "y")]),
by = "x", suffixes = c(".a", ".b")
df$comp <- as.numeric(df$y.a > df$y.b)
df$cross <- c(NA, diff(df$comp))
points(df[which(df$cross != 0), c("x", "y.a")])
which gives you

Histogram to decide whether two distributions have the same shape in R [duplicate]

I am using R and I have two data frames: carrots and cucumbers. Each data frame has a single numeric column that lists the length of all measured carrots (total: 100k carrots) and cucumbers (total: 50k cucumbers).
I wish to plot two histograms - carrot length and cucumbers lengths - on the same plot. They overlap, so I guess I also need some transparency. I also need to use relative frequencies not absolute numbers since the number of instances in each group is different.
Something like this would be nice but I don't understand how to create it from my two tables:
Here is an even simpler solution using base graphics and alpha-blending (which does not work on all graphics devices):
p1 <- hist(rnorm(500,4)) # centered at 4
p2 <- hist(rnorm(500,6)) # centered at 6
plot( p1, col=rgb(0,0,1,1/4), xlim=c(0,10)) # first histogram
plot( p2, col=rgb(1,0,0,1/4), xlim=c(0,10), add=T) # second
The key is that the colours are semi-transparent.
Edit, more than two years later: As this just got an upvote, I figure I may as well add a visual of what the code produces as alpha-blending is so darn useful:
That image you linked to was for density curves, not histograms.
If you've been reading on ggplot then maybe the only thing you're missing is combining your two data frames into one long one.
So, let's start with something like what you have, two separate sets of data and combine them.
carrots <- data.frame(length = rnorm(100000, 6, 2))
cukes <- data.frame(length = rnorm(50000, 7, 2.5))
# Now, combine your two dataframes into one.
# First make a new column in each that will be
# a variable to identify where they came from later.
carrots$veg <- 'carrot'
cukes$veg <- 'cuke'
# and combine into your new data frame vegLengths
vegLengths <- rbind(carrots, cukes)
After that, which is unnecessary if your data is in long format already, you only need one line to make your plot.
ggplot(vegLengths, aes(length, fill = veg)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2)
Now, if you really did want histograms the following will work. Note that you must change position from the default "stack" argument. You might miss that if you don't really have an idea of what your data should look like. A higher alpha looks better there. Also note that I made it density histograms. It's easy to remove the y = ..density.. to get it back to counts.
ggplot(vegLengths, aes(length, fill = veg)) +
geom_histogram(alpha = 0.5, aes(y = ..density..), position = 'identity')
On additional thing, I commented on Dirk's question that all of the arguments could simply be in the hist command. I was asked how that could be done. What follows produces exactly Dirk's figure.
hist(rnorm(500,4), col=rgb(0,0,1,1/4), xlim=c(0,10))
hist(rnorm(500,6), col=rgb(1,0,0,1/4), xlim=c(0,10), add = TRUE)
Here's a function I wrote that uses pseudo-transparency to represent overlapping histograms
plotOverlappingHist <- function(a, b, colors=c("white","gray20","gray50"),
breaks=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL){
} else {
dist = ahist$breaks[2]-ahist$breaks[1]
breaks = seq(min(ahist$breaks,bhist$breaks),max(ahist$breaks,bhist$breaks),dist)
xlim = c(min(ahist$breaks,bhist$breaks),max(ahist$breaks,bhist$breaks))
ylim = c(0,max(ahist$counts,bhist$counts))
overlap = ahist
for(i in 1:length(overlap$counts)){
if(ahist$counts[i] > 0 & bhist$counts[i] > 0){
overlap$counts[i] = min(ahist$counts[i],bhist$counts[i])
} else {
overlap$counts[i] = 0
plot(ahist, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=colors[1])
plot(bhist, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=colors[2], add=T)
plot(overlap, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=colors[3], add=T)
Here's another way to do it using R's support for transparent colors
a=rnorm(1000, 3, 1)
b=rnorm(1000, 6, 1)
hist(a, xlim=c(0,10), col="red")
hist(b, add=T, col=rgb(0, 1, 0, 0.5) )
The results end up looking something like this:
Already beautiful answers are there, but I thought of adding this. Looks good to me.
(Copied random numbers from #Dirk). library(scales) is needed`
The result is...
Update: This overlapping function may also be useful to some.
hist0 <- function(...,col='skyblue',border=T) hist(...,col=col,border=border)
I feel result from hist0 is prettier to look than hist
hist2 <- function(var1, var2,name1='',name2='',
breaks = min(max(length(var1), length(var2)),20),
main0 = "", alpha0 = 0.5,grey=0,border=F,...) {
colh <- c(rgb(0, 1, 0, alpha0), rgb(1, 0, 0, alpha0))
if(grey) colh <- c(alpha(grey(0.1,alpha0)), alpha(grey(0.9,alpha0)))
max0 = max(var1, var2)
min0 = min(var1, var2)
den1_max <- hist(var1, breaks = breaks, plot = F)$density %>% max
den2_max <- hist(var2, breaks = breaks, plot = F)$density %>% max
den_max <- max(den2_max, den1_max)*1.2
var1 %>% hist0(xlim = c(min0 , max0) , breaks = breaks,
freq = F, col = colh[1], ylim = c(0, den_max), main = main0,border=border,...)
var2 %>% hist0(xlim = c(min0 , max0), breaks = breaks,
freq = F, col = colh[2], ylim = c(0, den_max), add = T,border=border,...)
legend(min0,den_max, legend = c(
ifelse(nchar(name1)==0,substitute(var1) %>% deparse,name1),
ifelse(nchar(name2)==0,substitute(var2) %>% deparse,name2),
"Overlap"), fill = c('white','white', colh[1]), bty = "n", cex=1,ncol=3)
legend(min0,den_max, legend = c(
ifelse(nchar(name1)==0,substitute(var1) %>% deparse,name1),
ifelse(nchar(name2)==0,substitute(var2) %>% deparse,name2),
"Overlap"), fill = c(colh, colh[2]), bty = "n", cex=1,ncol=3) }
The result of
par(mar=c(3, 4, 3, 2) + 0.1)
hist2(rnorm(10000,2),rnorm(10000,3),breaks = 50)
Here is an example of how you can do it in "classic" R graphics:
## generate some random data
carrotLengths <- rnorm(1000,15,5)
cucumberLengths <- rnorm(200,20,7)
## calculate the histograms - don't plot yet
histCarrot <- hist(carrotLengths,plot = FALSE)
histCucumber <- hist(cucumberLengths,plot = FALSE)
## calculate the range of the graph
xlim <- range(histCucumber$breaks,histCarrot$breaks)
ylim <- range(0,histCucumber$density,
## plot the first graph
plot(histCarrot,xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
col = rgb(1,0,0,0.4),xlab = 'Lengths',
freq = FALSE, ## relative, not absolute frequency
main = 'Distribution of carrots and cucumbers')
## plot the second graph on top of this
opar <- par(new = FALSE)
plot(histCucumber,xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ## don't add axes
col = rgb(0,0,1,0.4), add = TRUE,
freq = FALSE) ## relative, not absolute frequency
## add a legend in the corner
fill = rgb(1:0,0,0:1,0.4), bty = 'n',
border = NA)
The only issue with this is that it looks much better if the histogram breaks are aligned, which may have to be done manually (in the arguments passed to hist).
Here's the version like the ggplot2 one I gave only in base R. I copied some from #nullglob.
generate the data
carrots <- rnorm(100000,5,2)
cukes <- rnorm(50000,7,2.5)
You don't need to put it into a data frame like with ggplot2. The drawback of this method is that you have to write out a lot more of the details of the plot. The advantage is that you have control over more details of the plot.
## calculate the density - don't plot yet
densCarrot <- density(carrots)
densCuke <- density(cukes)
## calculate the range of the graph
xlim <- range(densCuke$x,densCarrot$x)
ylim <- range(0,densCuke$y, densCarrot$y)
#pick the colours
carrotCol <- rgb(1,0,0,0.2)
cukeCol <- rgb(0,0,1,0.2)
## plot the carrots and set up most of the plot parameters
plot(densCarrot, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = 'Lengths',
main = 'Distribution of carrots and cucumbers',
panel.first = grid())
#put our density plots in
polygon(densCarrot, density = -1, col = carrotCol)
polygon(densCuke, density = -1, col = cukeCol)
## add a legend in the corner
fill = c(carrotCol, cukeCol), bty = 'n',
border = NA)
#Dirk Eddelbuettel: The basic idea is excellent but the code as shown can be improved. [Takes long to explain, hence a separate answer and not a comment.]
The hist() function by default draws plots, so you need to add the plot=FALSE option. Moreover, it is clearer to establish the plot area by a plot(0,0,type="n",...) call in which you can add the axis labels, plot title etc. Finally, I would like to mention that one could also use shading to distinguish between the two histograms. Here is the code:
p1 <- hist(rnorm(500,4),plot=FALSE)
p2 <- hist(rnorm(500,6),plot=FALSE)
plot(0,0,type="n",xlim=c(0,10),ylim=c(0,100),xlab="x",ylab="freq",main="Two histograms")
And here is the result (a bit too wide because of RStudio :-) ):
Plotly's R API might be useful for you. The graph below is here.
#add username and key
p <- plotly(username="Username", key="API_KEY")
#generate data
x0 = rnorm(500)
x1 = rnorm(500)+1
#arrange your graph
data0 = list(x=x0,
name = "Carrots",
opacity = 0.8)
data1 = list(x=x1,
name = "Cukes",
opacity = 0.8)
#specify type as 'overlay'
layout <- list(barmode='overlay',
plot_bgcolor = 'rgba(249,249,251,.85)')
#format response, and use 'browseURL' to open graph tab in your browser.
response = p$plotly(data0, data1, kwargs=list(layout=layout))
url = response$url
filename = response$filename
Full disclosure: I'm on the team.
So many great answers but since I've just written a function (plotMultipleHistograms() in 'basicPlotteR' package) function to do this, I thought I would add another answer.
The advantage of this function is that it automatically sets appropriate X and Y axis limits and defines a common set of bins that it uses across all the distributions.
Here's how to use it:
# Install the plotteR package
# Set the seed
# Create random samples from a normal distribution
distributions <- list(rnorm(500, mean=5, sd=0.5),
rnorm(500, mean=8, sd=5),
rnorm(500, mean=20, sd=2))
# Plot overlapping histograms
plotMultipleHistograms(distributions, nBins=20,
colours=c(rgb(1,0,0, 0.5), rgb(0,0,1, 0.5), rgb(0,1,0, 0.5)),
las=1, main="Samples from normal distribution", xlab="Value")
The plotMultipleHistograms() function can take any number of distributions, and all the general plotting parameters should work with it (for example: las, main, etc.).

R plot,why is introducing of axis limits creating havoc?

My code
r1 <- read.table("mt7.1r1.rp", header = FALSE)
r2 <- read.table("mt7.1r2.rp", header = FALSE)
r3 <- read.table("mt7.2r1.rp", header = FALSE)
r4 <- read.table("mt7.2r2.rp", header = FALSE)
xmin <- floor( min(per1,per2,per3,per4))
xmax <- ceiling( max(per1,per2,per3,per4))
rhoaxy = r2[3]
phaxy = r2[5]
rhoayx = r3[3]
phayx = r3[5]
rhoaxx = r1[3]
phaxx = r1[5]
rhoayy = r4[3]
phayy = r4[5]
plot(per2,rhoaxy, col='red', xlab='Per (s)', ylab = 'Rho-xy/yx',ylim=c(ymin, ymax))
plot(per3,rhoayx, col='green', xaxt='n', xlab= NA, yaxt = 'n', ylab = NA)
The image I got
If I delete ylim
My question is,why are the axis limits changing the image content?The values from the second image correspond to proper data values.The first image is with values that do not represent rhoaxy and rhoayx.
It is difficult to test without the data, but my guess is that, on the second plot, the Y axis is not the same, although the Y axis is not plot.
So you've got the superposition of 2 plot, with a different Y axis.
If you want the same ylim on both plot, add ylim=c(ymin, ymax) on the second plot also.
If it does not work, please provide data example, so we can test.

r program grouping 3 histograms into one grouped histogram [duplicate]

I am using R and I have two data frames: carrots and cucumbers. Each data frame has a single numeric column that lists the length of all measured carrots (total: 100k carrots) and cucumbers (total: 50k cucumbers).
I wish to plot two histograms - carrot length and cucumbers lengths - on the same plot. They overlap, so I guess I also need some transparency. I also need to use relative frequencies not absolute numbers since the number of instances in each group is different.
Something like this would be nice but I don't understand how to create it from my two tables:
Here is an even simpler solution using base graphics and alpha-blending (which does not work on all graphics devices):
p1 <- hist(rnorm(500,4)) # centered at 4
p2 <- hist(rnorm(500,6)) # centered at 6
plot( p1, col=rgb(0,0,1,1/4), xlim=c(0,10)) # first histogram
plot( p2, col=rgb(1,0,0,1/4), xlim=c(0,10), add=T) # second
The key is that the colours are semi-transparent.
Edit, more than two years later: As this just got an upvote, I figure I may as well add a visual of what the code produces as alpha-blending is so darn useful:
That image you linked to was for density curves, not histograms.
If you've been reading on ggplot then maybe the only thing you're missing is combining your two data frames into one long one.
So, let's start with something like what you have, two separate sets of data and combine them.
carrots <- data.frame(length = rnorm(100000, 6, 2))
cukes <- data.frame(length = rnorm(50000, 7, 2.5))
# Now, combine your two dataframes into one.
# First make a new column in each that will be
# a variable to identify where they came from later.
carrots$veg <- 'carrot'
cukes$veg <- 'cuke'
# and combine into your new data frame vegLengths
vegLengths <- rbind(carrots, cukes)
After that, which is unnecessary if your data is in long format already, you only need one line to make your plot.
ggplot(vegLengths, aes(length, fill = veg)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2)
Now, if you really did want histograms the following will work. Note that you must change position from the default "stack" argument. You might miss that if you don't really have an idea of what your data should look like. A higher alpha looks better there. Also note that I made it density histograms. It's easy to remove the y = ..density.. to get it back to counts.
ggplot(vegLengths, aes(length, fill = veg)) +
geom_histogram(alpha = 0.5, aes(y = ..density..), position = 'identity')
On additional thing, I commented on Dirk's question that all of the arguments could simply be in the hist command. I was asked how that could be done. What follows produces exactly Dirk's figure.
hist(rnorm(500,4), col=rgb(0,0,1,1/4), xlim=c(0,10))
hist(rnorm(500,6), col=rgb(1,0,0,1/4), xlim=c(0,10), add = TRUE)
Here's a function I wrote that uses pseudo-transparency to represent overlapping histograms
plotOverlappingHist <- function(a, b, colors=c("white","gray20","gray50"),
breaks=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL){
} else {
dist = ahist$breaks[2]-ahist$breaks[1]
breaks = seq(min(ahist$breaks,bhist$breaks),max(ahist$breaks,bhist$breaks),dist)
xlim = c(min(ahist$breaks,bhist$breaks),max(ahist$breaks,bhist$breaks))
ylim = c(0,max(ahist$counts,bhist$counts))
overlap = ahist
for(i in 1:length(overlap$counts)){
if(ahist$counts[i] > 0 & bhist$counts[i] > 0){
overlap$counts[i] = min(ahist$counts[i],bhist$counts[i])
} else {
overlap$counts[i] = 0
plot(ahist, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=colors[1])
plot(bhist, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=colors[2], add=T)
plot(overlap, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=colors[3], add=T)
Here's another way to do it using R's support for transparent colors
a=rnorm(1000, 3, 1)
b=rnorm(1000, 6, 1)
hist(a, xlim=c(0,10), col="red")
hist(b, add=T, col=rgb(0, 1, 0, 0.5) )
The results end up looking something like this:
Already beautiful answers are there, but I thought of adding this. Looks good to me.
(Copied random numbers from #Dirk). library(scales) is needed`
The result is...
Update: This overlapping function may also be useful to some.
hist0 <- function(...,col='skyblue',border=T) hist(...,col=col,border=border)
I feel result from hist0 is prettier to look than hist
hist2 <- function(var1, var2,name1='',name2='',
breaks = min(max(length(var1), length(var2)),20),
main0 = "", alpha0 = 0.5,grey=0,border=F,...) {
colh <- c(rgb(0, 1, 0, alpha0), rgb(1, 0, 0, alpha0))
if(grey) colh <- c(alpha(grey(0.1,alpha0)), alpha(grey(0.9,alpha0)))
max0 = max(var1, var2)
min0 = min(var1, var2)
den1_max <- hist(var1, breaks = breaks, plot = F)$density %>% max
den2_max <- hist(var2, breaks = breaks, plot = F)$density %>% max
den_max <- max(den2_max, den1_max)*1.2
var1 %>% hist0(xlim = c(min0 , max0) , breaks = breaks,
freq = F, col = colh[1], ylim = c(0, den_max), main = main0,border=border,...)
var2 %>% hist0(xlim = c(min0 , max0), breaks = breaks,
freq = F, col = colh[2], ylim = c(0, den_max), add = T,border=border,...)
legend(min0,den_max, legend = c(
ifelse(nchar(name1)==0,substitute(var1) %>% deparse,name1),
ifelse(nchar(name2)==0,substitute(var2) %>% deparse,name2),
"Overlap"), fill = c('white','white', colh[1]), bty = "n", cex=1,ncol=3)
legend(min0,den_max, legend = c(
ifelse(nchar(name1)==0,substitute(var1) %>% deparse,name1),
ifelse(nchar(name2)==0,substitute(var2) %>% deparse,name2),
"Overlap"), fill = c(colh, colh[2]), bty = "n", cex=1,ncol=3) }
The result of
par(mar=c(3, 4, 3, 2) + 0.1)
hist2(rnorm(10000,2),rnorm(10000,3),breaks = 50)
Here is an example of how you can do it in "classic" R graphics:
## generate some random data
carrotLengths <- rnorm(1000,15,5)
cucumberLengths <- rnorm(200,20,7)
## calculate the histograms - don't plot yet
histCarrot <- hist(carrotLengths,plot = FALSE)
histCucumber <- hist(cucumberLengths,plot = FALSE)
## calculate the range of the graph
xlim <- range(histCucumber$breaks,histCarrot$breaks)
ylim <- range(0,histCucumber$density,
## plot the first graph
plot(histCarrot,xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
col = rgb(1,0,0,0.4),xlab = 'Lengths',
freq = FALSE, ## relative, not absolute frequency
main = 'Distribution of carrots and cucumbers')
## plot the second graph on top of this
opar <- par(new = FALSE)
plot(histCucumber,xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ## don't add axes
col = rgb(0,0,1,0.4), add = TRUE,
freq = FALSE) ## relative, not absolute frequency
## add a legend in the corner
fill = rgb(1:0,0,0:1,0.4), bty = 'n',
border = NA)
The only issue with this is that it looks much better if the histogram breaks are aligned, which may have to be done manually (in the arguments passed to hist).
Here's the version like the ggplot2 one I gave only in base R. I copied some from #nullglob.
generate the data
carrots <- rnorm(100000,5,2)
cukes <- rnorm(50000,7,2.5)
You don't need to put it into a data frame like with ggplot2. The drawback of this method is that you have to write out a lot more of the details of the plot. The advantage is that you have control over more details of the plot.
## calculate the density - don't plot yet
densCarrot <- density(carrots)
densCuke <- density(cukes)
## calculate the range of the graph
xlim <- range(densCuke$x,densCarrot$x)
ylim <- range(0,densCuke$y, densCarrot$y)
#pick the colours
carrotCol <- rgb(1,0,0,0.2)
cukeCol <- rgb(0,0,1,0.2)
## plot the carrots and set up most of the plot parameters
plot(densCarrot, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = 'Lengths',
main = 'Distribution of carrots and cucumbers',
panel.first = grid())
#put our density plots in
polygon(densCarrot, density = -1, col = carrotCol)
polygon(densCuke, density = -1, col = cukeCol)
## add a legend in the corner
fill = c(carrotCol, cukeCol), bty = 'n',
border = NA)
#Dirk Eddelbuettel: The basic idea is excellent but the code as shown can be improved. [Takes long to explain, hence a separate answer and not a comment.]
The hist() function by default draws plots, so you need to add the plot=FALSE option. Moreover, it is clearer to establish the plot area by a plot(0,0,type="n",...) call in which you can add the axis labels, plot title etc. Finally, I would like to mention that one could also use shading to distinguish between the two histograms. Here is the code:
p1 <- hist(rnorm(500,4),plot=FALSE)
p2 <- hist(rnorm(500,6),plot=FALSE)
plot(0,0,type="n",xlim=c(0,10),ylim=c(0,100),xlab="x",ylab="freq",main="Two histograms")
And here is the result (a bit too wide because of RStudio :-) ):
Plotly's R API might be useful for you. The graph below is here.
#add username and key
p <- plotly(username="Username", key="API_KEY")
#generate data
x0 = rnorm(500)
x1 = rnorm(500)+1
#arrange your graph
data0 = list(x=x0,
name = "Carrots",
opacity = 0.8)
data1 = list(x=x1,
name = "Cukes",
opacity = 0.8)
#specify type as 'overlay'
layout <- list(barmode='overlay',
plot_bgcolor = 'rgba(249,249,251,.85)')
#format response, and use 'browseURL' to open graph tab in your browser.
response = p$plotly(data0, data1, kwargs=list(layout=layout))
url = response$url
filename = response$filename
Full disclosure: I'm on the team.
So many great answers but since I've just written a function (plotMultipleHistograms() in 'basicPlotteR' package) function to do this, I thought I would add another answer.
The advantage of this function is that it automatically sets appropriate X and Y axis limits and defines a common set of bins that it uses across all the distributions.
Here's how to use it:
# Install the plotteR package
# Set the seed
# Create random samples from a normal distribution
distributions <- list(rnorm(500, mean=5, sd=0.5),
rnorm(500, mean=8, sd=5),
rnorm(500, mean=20, sd=2))
# Plot overlapping histograms
plotMultipleHistograms(distributions, nBins=20,
colours=c(rgb(1,0,0, 0.5), rgb(0,0,1, 0.5), rgb(0,1,0, 0.5)),
las=1, main="Samples from normal distribution", xlab="Value")
The plotMultipleHistograms() function can take any number of distributions, and all the general plotting parameters should work with it (for example: las, main, etc.).

Using Bxp function in R with varwidth

I am quite new to R programming and have been given the task of representing some data in a boxplot. We were only provided the five figure summary of the data, i.e the lowest value, lower quartile,median,upper quartile,highest value. We are also told the amount of samples (n).
I read bxp was a function similar to boxplot but drew the boxplot based upon this five figure summary.
However, I know varwidth can be used to change the width of boxes proportionate to N, yet it does not seem to work here as all boxes are the same length. This is what I need help with.
MORSEYear1 <- c(18.2,58.5,64.4,73.4,91.1)
MORSEYear2 <- c(22.3,56.4,64.3,75.7,97.4)
MORSEYear3 <- c(29.1,57.9,66.6,73.4,86.0)
MathStatYear1 <- c(46.8,54.8,66.1,71.4,84.1)
MathStatYear2 <- c(35.1,47.8,57.8,65.7,82.8)
MathStatYear3 <- c(32.6,56.3,61.1,75.6,89.4)
MORSE1<-list(stats=matrix(MORSEYear1,MORSEYear1[5],MORSEYear1[1]), n=139)
MORSE2<-list(stats=matrix(MORSEYear2,MORSEYear2[5],MORSEYear2[1]), n=132)
MORSE3<-list(stats=matrix(MORSEYear3,MORSEYear3[5],MORSEYear3[1]), n=131)
MS1 <- list(stats=matrix(MathStatYear1,MathStatYear1[5],MathStatYear1[1]), n= 21)
MS2 <- list(stats=matrix(MathStatYear2,MathStatYear2[5],MathStatYear2[1]), n=20)
MS3 <- list(stats=matrix(MathStatYear3,MathStatYear3[5],MathStatYear3[1]), n= 14)
bxp(MORSE1, xlim = c(0.5,6.5),ylim = c(0,100),varwidth= TRUE, main = "Graph comparing distribution of marks across different years of MORSE and MathStat",ylab = "Marks", xlab = "Course and year of study (Course,Year)", axes = FALSE)
bxp(MORSE2, xlim = c(-0.5,5.5), ylim = c(0,100),axes= TRUE, varwidth=TRUE)
bxp(MORSE3, xlim = c(-1.5,4.5), ylim = c(0,100), varwidth=TRUE, axes = FALSE)
bxp(MS1, xlim = c(-2.5,3.5), ylim = c(0,100), varwidth=TRUE, axes = FALSE)
bxp(MS2, xlim = c(-3.5,2.5), ylim = c(0,100), varwidth=TRUE, axes = FALSE)
bxp(MS3, xlim = c(-4.5,1.5), ylim = c(0,100), varwidth=TRUE, axes = FALSE)
NOTE: My supervisor said to use par(new=T) and change the xlim to plot multiple graphs using bxp(), if someone could verify if this is the best method or not that would be great!
Stumbled upon the same problem, without much experience with R.
The varwidth argument of the bxp() function requires multiple boxplots being plotted at once. Adding to an initial plot does not count, as no readjustment is possible after the fact.
The question is how to construct a multidimensional z argument for bxp(). To answer this, a look at the result of something like boxplot(c(c(1,1),c(2,2))~c(c(11,11),c(22,22))) helps.
First, a generic example with made-up data to aid anyone that lands here:
# data
d1 <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
d2 <- c(1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34)
# summaries (generated with quantile and structured accordingly)
z1 <- list(
stats=matrix(quantile(d1, c(0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.85))),
z2 <- list(
stats=matrix(quantile(d2, c(0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.85))),
# merging the summaries appropriately
z <- list(
# check result
# call bxp with needed parameters ("at" can/should also be used here)
In the case of the original question, one should merge MORSE# and MS#. The code is far from optimal - there might be a better way to merge and a function for this can be written, but the aim is ugly clarity and simplicity:
z <- list(
stats=cbind(MORSE1$stats, MORSE2$stats, MORSE3$stats, M1$stats, M2$stats, M3$stats),
n=c(MORSE1$stats, MORSE2$n, MORSE3$n, M1$n, M2$n, M3$n)
