I have a data from of dates and values. I am trying to get the fourth highest value per year using dplyr and order or multiple aggregate statements. I want the date that the fourth highest value occurred on as well as the value in a data frame for all years.
Here is my script:
timeozone <- import(i, date="DATES", date.format = "%Y-%m-%d %H", header=TRUE, na.strings="NA")
colnames(timeozone) <- c("column","date", "O3")
timeozone %>%
mutate(month = format(date, "%m"), day = format(date, "%d"), year = format(date, "%Y")) %>%
group_by(month, day, year) %>%
summarise(fourth = O3[order(O3, decreasing = TRUE)[4] ])
I am not sure what is wrong with what I've got above. Any help would be appreciated.
Dates Values
11/12/2000 14
11/13/2000 16
11/14/2000 17
11/15/2000 21
11/13/2001 31
11/14/2001 21
11/15/2001 62
11/16/2001 14
Another option with base (and using the iris data again) would be to split the variable by the group, then order it and extract the fourth element. For example
petals <- split(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Species)
sapply(petals, function(x) x[order(x)][4])
or, actually, even more succinctly with tapply
tapply(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Species, function(x) x[order(x)][4])
Using the sample data above, you could extract the full row (or just the date, if you wanted), as follows.
date <- c("11/12/00", "11/13/00", "11/14/00", "11/15/00", "11/13/01",
"11/14/01", "11/15/01", "11/16/01")
value <- c(14, 16, 17, 21, 31, 21, 62, 14)
date_splt <- strsplit(date, "/")
year <- sapply(date_splt, "[", 3)
d <- data.frame(date, value, year)
d_splt <- split(d, d$year)
lapply(d_splt, function(x) x[order(x$value), ][4, ])
Since you didn't provide reproducible data, here is an example using iris. You will need to group by your years instead of by Species but the same ideas apply.
You can do it relatively directly with dplyr if you are not wedded to aggregate:
iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarise(fourth = Petal.Length[order(Petal.Length, decreasing = TRUE)[4] ])
Species fourth
1 setosa 1.7
2 versicolor 4.9
3 virginica 6.6
You can confirm that the values are correct using:
by(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Species, sort)
Using nth, following the suggestion of #tchakravarty :
iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarise(fourth = nth(sort(Petal.Length), -4L))
Gives the same value as above.
I'm trying to create a new variable which equals the latest month's value minus the previous month's (or 3 months prior, etc.).
A quick df:
country <- c("XYZ", "XYZ", "XYZ")
my_dates <- c("2021-10-01", "2021-09-01", "2021-08-01")
var1 <- c(1, 2, 3)
df1 <- country %>% cbind(my_dates) %>% cbind(var1) %>% as.data.frame()
df1$my_dates <- as.Date(df1$my_dates)
df1$var1 <- as.numeric(df1$var1)
For example, I've tried (partially from: How to subtract months from a date in R?)
df2 <- df1 %>%
mutate(dif_1month = var1[my_dates==max(my_dates)] -var1[my_dates==max(my_dates) %m-% months(1)]
I've also tried different variations of using lag():
df2 <- df1 %>%
mutate(dif_1month = var1[my_dates==max(my_dates)] - var1[my_dates==max(my_dates)-lag(max(my_dates), n=1L)])
Any suggestions on how to grab the value of a variable when dates equal the second latest observation?
Thanks for help, and apologies for not including any data. Can edit if necessary.
Edited with a few potential answers:
#this gives me the value of var1 of the latest date
df2 <- df1 %>%
mutate(value_1month = var1[my_dates==max(my_dates)])
#this gives me the date of the second latest date
df2 <- df1 %>%
mutate(month1 = max(my_dates) %m-%months(1))
#This gives me the second to latest value
df2 <- df1 %>%
mutate(var1_1month = var1[my_dates==max(my_dates) %m-%months(1)])
#This gives me the difference of the latest value and the second to last of var1
df2 <- df1 %>%
mutate(diff_1month = var1[my_dates==max(my_dates)] - var1[my_dates==max(my_dates) %m-%months(1)])
mutate requires the output to be of the same length as the number of rows of the original data. When we do the subsetting, the length is different. We may need ifelse or case_when
df1 %>%
mutate(diff_1month = case_when(my_dates==max(my_dates) ~
my_dates %m-% months(1)))
NOTE: Without a reproducible example, it is not clear about the column types and values
Based on the OP's update, we may do an arrange first, grab the last two 'val' and get the difference
df1 %>%
arrange(my_dates) %>%
mutate(dif_1month = diff(tail(var1, 2)))
. my_dates var1 dif_1month
1 XYZ 2021-08-01 3 -1
2 XYZ 2021-09-01 2 -1
3 XYZ 2021-10-01 1 -1
I have a data frame with COVID data and I'm trying to make a column calculating the number of recovered people based off of the number of positive tests.
My data has a location, a date, and the number of tests administered/positive results/negative results each day. Here's a few lines using one location as an example (the real data has several months worth of dates):
loc date tests pos neg active
spot1 2020-04-10 1 1 0 5
spot1 2020-04-11 2 1 1 6
spot1 2020-04-12 0 0 0 6
spot1 2020-04-13 11 1 10 7
I want to make a new column that cumulatively counts each positive test in each location 14 days after it is recorded. On 2020-04-24, the 5 active classes are not active anymore, so I want a recovered column with 5. For each date I want the newly nonactive cases to be added.
My first thought was to try it in a loop:
df1 <- df %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(date)) %>%
group_by(loc) %>%
mutate(rec = for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
#getting number of new cases
x <- df$pos[i]
#add 14 days to the date
d <- df$date + 14
df$rec <- sum(x)
As you can see, I'm not the best at writing for loops. That gives me a bunch of numbers, but bear very little meaningful relationship to the data.
Also tried it with map_dbl:
df1 <- df %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(date)) %>%
group_by(loc) %>%
mutate(rec = map_dbl(date, ~sum(pos[(date <= . + 14) & date >= .])))
Which resulted in the same number printed on the entire rec column.
Any suggestions? (Sorry for the lengthy explanation, just want to make sure this all makes sense)
Your sample data shows that -
you have all continuous dates despite 0 tests (12 April)
Active column seems like already a cumsum
Therefore I think you can simply use lag function with argument 14
example code
df %>% group_by(loc) %>% mutate(recovered = lag(active, 14)) %>% ungroup()
You could use aggregate to sum the specific column and then applying
cut in order to set a 14 day time frame for each sum:
df <- data.frame(loc = rep("spot1", 30),
date = seq(as.Date('2020-04-01'), as.Date('2020-04-30'),by = 1),
test = seq(1:30),
positive = seq(1:30),
active = seq(1:30))
output <- aggregate(positive ~ cut(date, "14 days"), df, sum)
Console output:
cut(date, "14 days") positive
1 2020-04-01 105
2 2020-04-15 301
3 2020-04-29 59
my solution:
date_seq <- seq(as.Date("2020/04/01"), by = "day", length.out = 30)
pos <- rpois(n = 60, lambda = 10)
mydf <-
data.frame(loc = c(rep('loc1', 30), rep('loc2', 30)),
date = date_seq,
pos = pos)
getPosSum <- function(max, tbl, myloc, daysBack = 14) {
max.Date <- as.Date(max)
sum(tbl %>%
filter(date >= max.Date - (daysBack - 1) &
date <= max.Date & loc == myloc) %>%
result <-
mydf %>%
group_by(date, loc) %>%
mutate(rec = getPosSum(max = date, tbl = mydf, myloc = loc))
data %>%
mutate(date = as_date(date),
cut = cut(date, '14 days') %>%
group_by(loc) %>%
arrange(cut) %>%
mutate(cum_pos = accumulate(pos, `+`)) # accumulate(pos, sum) should also work
As a general rule of thumb, avoid loops, especially within mutate - that won't work. Instead of map_dbl you should check out purrr::accumulate. There's specialized functions for this in R's base library such as cumsum and cummin but their behavior is a lot less predictable in relation to purrr's.
I'm trying to use dplyr in R to difference a variable between two dates.
An simplified example:
# Simple script to test calculating the difference of a column between two dates
dataA <- as.tibble(ymd('2020-01-01') + days(seq(0:45)))
colnames(dataA) = c('date')
dataA <- dataA %>% mutate(xvar = seq(0:45))
#add the difference in xvar between two dates
dataA <- dataA %>% mutate(startd = date, endd=date+days(3))
dataA <- dataA %>% group_by(date) %>%
filter(date >= startd & date <= endd) %>% mutate(vardiff = last(xvar)-first(xvar))
I've tried a number of different possibilities for this last statement but can't get the calculation I'm looking for. What I'm trying to achieve is the difference in xvar between January 5th and January 2nd and so on for the entire time series. How can this be achieved using dplyr statements?
We can use findInterval and this should also work when there are no exact matches
dataA %>%
mutate(vardiff = xvar[findInterval(endd, date)] -
xvar[findInterval(startd, date)])
Or in base R
transform(dataA, vardiff = xvar[findInterval(endd, date)] -
xvar[findInterval(startd, date)])
You can use match to get index of startd and endd to get corresponding xvar and subtract them:
dataA %>%
mutate(vardiff = xvar[match(endd, date)] - xvar[match(startd, date)])
This can also be written in base R using transform :
transform(dataA, vardiff = xvar[match(endd, date)] - xvar[match(startd, date)])
I apologize for my bad English, but I really need your help.
I have a .csv dataset with two columns - year and value. There is data about height of precipitation monthly from 1900 to 2019.
It looks like this:
year value
190001 100
190002 39
190003 78
190004 45
201912 25
I need to create two new datasets: the first one with the data for every year from July (07) to September (09) and the second one from January (01) to March (03).
Also I need to summarize this data for every year (it means I need only one value per year).
So I have data for summer 1900-2019 and winter 1900-2019.
You can use the dplyr and stringr packages to achive what you need. I created a mock data set first:
df <- data.frame(time = 190001:201219, value=runif(length(190001:201219), 0, 100))
After that, we create two separate columns for month and year:
df$year <- as.numeric(str_extract(df$time, "^...."))
df$month <- as.numeric(str_extract(df$time, "..$"))
At this point, we can filter:
df_1 <- df %>% filter(between(month,7,9))
df_2 <- df %>% filter(between(month,1,3))
... and summarize:
df <- df %>% group_by(year) %>% summarise(value = sum(value))
dat <- tribble(
~year, ~value,
190001, 100,
190002, 39,
190003, 78,
190004, 45)
Splitting the year variable into a month and year variable:
dat_prep <- dat %>%
mutate(month = str_remove(year, "^\\d{4}"), # Remove the first 4 digits
year = str_remove(year, "\\d{2}$"), # Remove the last 2 digits
across(everything(), as.numeric))
dat_prep %>%
filter(month %in% 7:9) %>% # For months Jul-Sep. Repeat with 1:3 for Jan-Mar
group_by(year) %>%
summarize(value = sum(value))
I extract my data
fluo <- read.csv("data/ctd_SOMLIT.csv", sep=";", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
I display in three columns : the day, the month and the year based on the original date : Y - m - d
fluo$day <- day(as.POSIXlt(fluo$DATE, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
fluo$month <- month(as.POSIXlt(fluo$DATE, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
fluo$year <- year(as.POSIXlt(fluo$DATE, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
This is a part of my data_frame:
Then, I do summarise and group_by in order to apply the function :
prof_DCM = fluo[max(fluo$FLUORESCENCE..Fluorescence.),2]
=> I want the depth of the max of FLUORESCENCE measured for each month, for each year.
mean_fluo <- summarise(group_by(fluo, month, year),
prof_DCM = fluo[max(fluo$FLUORESCENCE..Fluorescence.),2])
mean_fluo <- arrange(mean_fluo, year, month)
But it's not working ...
The values of prof_DCM still the same all along the column 3 of the data_frame:
Maybe try the following code.
mean_fluo <- fluo %>%
group_by(month,year) %>%
filter(FLUORESCENCE..Fluorescence. == max(FLUORESCENCE..Fluorescence.)) %>%
You can select the variables you want to keep with 'select'
mean_fluo <- fluo %>%
group_by(month,year) %>%
filter(FLUORESCENCE..Fluorescence. == max(FLUORESCENCE..Fluorescence.)) %>%