Dynamic routing file SF2 - symfony

I am currently stuck on the multi-site management in Symfony2.
I have a Symfony2 project that allows multiple sites. Everything works fine but I block on managing files "routing".
My /app/config/routing.yml file I wish I could load the correct file routing.yml compared to the domain name:
resource: "%MY_DOMAIN%/routing.yml"
Unfortunately I can not put variable %my_domain% a file routing so I do not see how to fix this ...
The structure:
app/config/routing.yml is redirected to my %my_domain%

So 1) base locale you can specify in app/parameters.yml
like this:
locale: en
where locale: en default locale.
2) In default app/routing.yml file you should specify link for routing in your bundle like this:
resource: "#fobRentalBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /
3) In my src/fob/RentalBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml route looks like:
pattern: /{_locale}/offers/new
defaults: { _controller: fobRentalBundle:Offer:new }
_locale: en|spa


Add optional _locale to routes

I'd like to prefix all my urls by an optional _locale. BTW, I'm handling fr and en.
The point is, when _locale is given I'll use it thanks to symfony Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest, if not I'll use the locale saved in the database thanks to my own listener (priority: 15) which runs immediately after the previous one.
What I've tried so far is the following:
resource: 'locale_prefixed_routing.yml'
prefix: /{_locale}
And locale_prefixed_routing.yml imports bundles routings.
/fr/url/example works but /url/example does not and returns 404 page.
How do I tell symfony to use the locale in the url, if does not exist use the one in the database?
I suppose your routes are defined like this in your locale_prefixed_routing.yml :
path: /
Actually routes like /url/example without any locale are not defined in your routing because you ask to prefix all the routes loaded in locale_prefixed_routing.yml by the locale. So it is normal to get an error when requesting such a route without locale.
You can try to make another routing file named non_localized_routing.yml containing the same routes except that you will use specific defaults.
Example :
path: /url/example
_controller: FrameworkBundle:Redirect:urlRedirect
path: /{_locale}/url/example
permanent: true
Tell me if it permits you to get rid of your problem, I haven't test it yet.
For me it sounds weird to store the locale in the database when the locale is not provided by the user. You can simply add a default one:
default_locale: en

Symfony2 & EmberJS: how to make both prod and dev (/app_dev.php/...) urls working?

Say my application currently responds to the /products route just fine. How do I setup Ember.JS so that /app_dev.php/products would be the same route?
If I understand your problem right, you need to generate Symf route via js instead of static "/products" route?
If so you should use FOSJsRoutingBundle https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSJsRoutingBundle
Just set option "expose" to your routing as:
pattern: /products
defaults: { _controller: ProductBundle:Products:index }
expose: true
then you can generate the route depends on env from javascript as:

symfony/Routing - import yml resource twice

I'm trying to enable optional locale placeholder for all the routes without duplicating everything. My routes look like this:
prefix: /
resource: "routes-site.yml"
prefix: /{_locale}
resource: "routes-site.yml"
defaults: {_locale: pl}
_locale: 'en'
But I get only site_i18n working. Why I cannot import same resource multiple times?
It's Symfony 2.2
Because the routes have same route name, the later import overrides routes from the first one.
Have a look at: BeSimpleI18nRoutingBundle. It allows you even localize the whole path, but in this case, you will just need localize prefix.

SonataAdminBundle - How to change route to dashboard?

I have installed Symfony 2.2.0 with SonataAdminBundle. Now I'd like to change default dashboard route from /dashboard to /.
How to do it in a right way?
You can use as below into your app/config/routing.yml file:
pattern: /admin/
defaults: { _controller: SonataAdminBundle:Core:dashboard }
You can try this
Create a copy of the sonata route file
and make necessary changes. Save the file in one of your bundles
In your app/config/routing.yml refer to this route file
resource: '#AcmeAdminBundle/Resources/config/routing/sonata_admin.xml'
prefix: /admin

Routing : Import a routing.yml resource with a prefix and requirements not work

I try to load a localized_routes.yml inside the main routing.yml file with :
resource: "routing_localized.yml"
prefix: /{_locale}
requirements: { _locale : fr|es|it|de }
But it doesnt work at all, the requirements are not in the generated URL checks and so I can use any locale I want .... I see in the Symfony source that only the prefix are taken, not requirements or defaults values, is it an issue ?
