Using content property to get favicon? - css

I'm editing the CSS of a WordPress theme in order to make it fit my needs better. I've come across what, as far as I can tell, retrieves the favicon for different social media sites.
.social-menu li a[href*=""]::before { content: '\f16e'; }
I follow that it looks for in the url I provide, but what's the content property doing? How could I change the content field to support another site, such as StackOverflow?

Like #Paulie_D said, icon fonts.
The content property is pointing to a Unicode character in a icon font set. The CSS selector is prependnig the icon (via pseudo element) to an anchor element <a> that has a link that contains
This might be a coincidence but the current version of FontAwesome uses the same unicode character \f16e for Flickr.
As far as "supporting other sites, such as StackOverflow," you'll be at the mercy of the icon font. What ever the icon font provides is what you can use.
If the site is indeed using FontAweseom then you'll have quite a few icon options available to you, including StackOverflow \f16c. Here is a list of all the FontAwesome Icons.


Can I use userstyles to add a font to ALL the font stacks in a page?

We use a script encoded in the PUA at E000-E1FF. It's not supported by any commercial fonts, but we have fonts for it. The trick is getting pages like Gmail, Facebook, Reddit, WhatsApp Web, etc. to use one of our installed fonts to display the text.
If we know the selectors for the element(s) where text is displayed, and the list of existing fonts in the stack, then we can use Stylus to override the font-family style with an updated list, adding one of our fonts.
But it would be better to use the preprocessor simply to add our font to every font-family style declaration, if possible.
How might we do that? Or is there an even better solution?

I'm looking at a css sheet for a react page, and many classes are using content to generate images, but content display in VSCode is a 

I am digging into an existing reactJS site, and many images are being rendered by using the css content property. I am looking at the css sheet in VSCode, and many classes are appearing with content listed as "". I'm not sure if I need a plugin to view the actual content, but I can't find a way to see it at this point.
I can use alter the content attribute to point to a different image, but want to know where this is being generated so I can alter it at the source. The site is setup to use Contentful, but assets there are called directly on pages, not in css.
.fa-discord:after {
content: "";
I'd like to be able to track down where this image is being stored or generated. Any help is appreciated!
That's a Font Awesome icon for Discord, and can be found here. Yes, you need to include Font Awesome on your website if you want to render any of their glyph icons. And you can easily work out whether a website is attempting to use Font Awesome glyph icons or not, as their selectors all start with fa- and replace the content.
Font Awesome icons are generated through an included CSS file, most commonly located in a folder like /fonts/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css.
This file uses unicode characters to generate the corresponding glyph representations, and the specific unicode character for the Discord icon is 392. Thus, content: "\f392" will render the relevant glyph icon.
If a box or square shows up instead of an actual glyph, that means that the font you're using doesn't incorporate that particular unicode glyph. Font Awesome rapidly expands its coverage of unicode glyphs, and you will need to update to at least Font Awesome 5.0.0 in order to use the Discord glyph.

Reason for icons (icon fonts) always in ::before pseudo-selector

Is there a reason, so many icon-Libraries (Glyhpicon, Font Awesome, Antd icons,…) put their icon in the ::before–pseudo selector? (rather than in the tag directly?)
i::before {
content: '\E60A';
Is there a reason, so many icon-Libraries (Glyhpicon, Font Awesome, Antd icons,…) put their icon in the ::before–pseudo selector?
That method has several advantages ...
makes it trivial to switch a specific icon for a different character throughout the whole site via CSS
such icons are mostly used rather as “decoration” than actual content (so this touches on the issue of accessibility as well)
you can't insert content in an actual element itself, that is reserved for pseudo elements (thanks #Mr Lister for this one)

CSS content attribute, what it means

wanted to put a social icons on my site, when looking for some i ran across this site:
A site with a social icons that i want to adapt
then i saw that they are not images:
I don't know that css attribute "content"- what is it?
what is \e006, is it a font? looked at the site resources but didn't see anything related.
and looked for it on google "css content attribute" and "css \e006" But no luck.
The ::before selector inserts content before the content of the selected class that is .icon-instagram. We use the content property to specify the content to insert. You can only use the content property with pseudo-elements like :after and :before.
In your case, \e006 is a UTF-8 character. What happens is, whenever something has the class .icon-instagram applied to it, it will append this character before it. This is what it means by the pseudo-element :before. It might be a glyphicon. (Instagram icon).

CSS: font-family, if not one font, then none at all

So, I know that this isn't something that is normally a good idea for a website, but I have a special purpose/intent for such a use:
I have a multilingual dictionary that I'm working with online, where I need one of the languages to be in a specific font, from a file that I specify locally. However, I want this language to be rendered ONLY in this font, as if it is rendered using any other font, it will render incorrectly. That's all fine and dandy, and I can load the file in CSS and whatnot.
But I want to make it so that if it can't load that file, either for one reason or another, or something goes wrong, it can't go to another font. Basically, render this text using this font, and if you can't do that, don't just try and render it with Arial or whatever is the default -- show me blocks, show me a stark something.
I've spent a bit looking around, but am not sure what in CSS I would be using for this. Suggestions/help? Thanks :)
As an update to this question, since April 2013 there exists the Adobe Blank Font, which can be used for that purpose.
You may build a cross-browser css with FontQuirrel WebfontGenerator and the Adobe Blank font files.
If you just need the font in OpenType format you can use this single css file with the already embedded font
You can't do this. Text is text and text has to have a font that it is to be rendered in. If you really want, there's probably some weird JavaScript function that can detect the actual font being used for the text and if it doesn't match the one you want, then you can hide it or something. But in the end, your only option is to have the text displayed in some obscure font, or completely hide the text. If the text is visible, it has to be rendered using some font.
You could also theoretically create your own font where all the characters are just blank, but that seems highly illogical and such a waste of resources to make people download a font just so it can display meaningless emptiness.
There is no "don't render fonts" option. It's a font, it needs to be rendered, or else it's hidden visually in the DOM.
You could use Javascript to find out the font being applied to a certain block, and if it's not the font you want, just hide it. Or display a message.
Another solution is somehow specify the content to be empty. For example, I'm trying to override the +/- character that a Webix tree displays using Font Awesome:
#lhn-tree-container .webix_tree_open:before {
content: '';
This only works with the :before and :after pseudo-elements though.
