Openstack Error: Unable to retrieve instances, volume list, snapshot list etc - openstack

I have installed devstack on ubuntu 14.04 and have rebooted Virtual Machine, but after reboot openstack is not working and getting the following errors:
Overview -> Error: Unable to retrieve usage information
Instances -> Error: Unable to retrieve instances.
Volumes -> Error: Unable to retrieve snapshot list.
Images -> Error: Unable to retrieve images.
As I have found the solution on stack overflow, there is no ./rejoin-stack to retain all the Virtual Machines
So I am trying to execute the command inside devstack directory i.e.
cd devstack
$devstack screen -c stack-screenrc
By running above command, I found that Virtual machine network interfaces are automatically created and by this the physical wired connection is getting disconnected.
I have attached the screen shot of network interfaces created.
Can anyone help me please,
Any inputs??


Why is microk8s failing to install?

I'm trying to use microk8s for my KubernetesPodOperator in my dag. Unfortunately I can't seem get it to install consistently.
I'm using homebrew to install (or reinstall) microk8s and multipass. When I execute
microk8s install --cpu=4 --mem=10000
I get the errors:
launch failed: The following errors occurred:
qemu-system-aarch64: Error: HV_BAD_ARGUMENT
launch failed: instance "microk8s-vm" already exists
An error occurred with the instance when trying to launch with 'multipass': returned exit code 2.
Ensure that 'multipass' is setup correctly and try again.
(where launch failed: instance "microk8s-vm" already exists appears several times.)
I've tried reinstalling both several times and that doesn't appear to help. Any advice?
Turns out I need to be using microk8s install --cpu=4 --mem=10 not 10000. It wants GB, not MB. My bad. I wish the error message was a little clearer though.

Cloudstack: Failed to attach volume Data to VM Nas12U41

Failed to attach volume Data to VM Nas12U41; org.libvirt.LibvirtException: internal error: unable to execute QEMU command '__com.redhat_drive_add': could not open disk image /mnt/3c164f13-17f2-3edf-b836-74299f20a559/65bcbd35-4fc5-4714-af04-4712a6a7f0e7: qcow2: Image is corrupt; cannot be opened read/write
you may want to check if the storage is healthy, and the file exists and is healthy. Depending on what filesystem and primary storage you're using you may run fsck or equivalent to recover the corrupted file. You may also want to check file permissions. Can you share your CloudStack version, output of "virsh version", "qemu-img info" on the qcow2 file and KVM host distro.
To discuss further pl join the CloudStack users mailing list and ask there

Grakn Error; trying to load schema for "phone calls" example

I am trying to run the example grakn migration "phone_calls" (using python and JSON files).
Before reaching there, I need to load the schema, but I am having trouble with getting the schema loaded, as shown here:
-Mac OS 10.15
-grakn-core 1.8.3
-python 3.7.3
The grakn server is started. I checked and the 48555 TCP port is open, so I don't think there is any firewall issue. The schema file is in the same folder (phone_calls) as where the json data files is, for the next step. I am using a virtual environment. The error is below:
(project1_env) (base) tiffanytoor1#MacBook-Pro-2 onco % grakn server start
Storage is already running
Grakn Core Server is already running
(project1_env) (base) tiffanytoor1#MacBook-Pro-2 onco % grakn console --keyspace phone_calls --file phone_calls/schema.gql
Unable to create connection to Grakn instance at localhost:48555
Cause: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException
UNKNOWN: Could not reach any contact point, make sure you've provided valid addresses (showing first 1, use getErrors() for more: Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, hashCode=5f59fd46): com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.connection.ConnectionInitException: [JanusGraph Session|control|connecting...] init query OPTIONS: error writing ). Please check server logs for the stack trace.
I would appreciate any help! Thanks!
Nevermind -- I found the solution, in case any one else runs into a similar problem. The server configuration file needs to be edited: point the data directory to your project data files (here: the phone_calls data files) & change the server IP address to your own.

Ethereum: could not open database: resource temporarily unavailable

I am getting started with Ethereum and building a Dapp (what the hell does this mean by the way?). On the basic installation of the application (, I get this error upon attempting to connect.
geth --rpc --rpccorsdomain "http://localhost:3000"
I0804 23:48:24.987448 ethdb/database.go:82] Alloted 128MB cache and 1024 file handles to /Users/( . )Y( . )/Library/Ethereum/chaindata
Fatal: Could not open database: resource temporarily unavailable
I literally just got started, I set up ethereum through homebrew and made an account with geth. Can't get past right here.
Thank you!
Your geth client is already running in the background. You can attach to it by typing:
$ geth attach
in your command line. This will allow you to run commands on the geth client console.

openstack nbd15 error information

I am trying to do an openstack deployment according to the book "openstack clouding computing cookbook2012". I did everything exactly the same as the book. Everything was fine until I ran the command:
euca-run-instances ami-00000002 -t m1.small -k openstack
to start an openstack instance.
After I ran this command, euca-describe-instances showed that the instance status was pending at first. But after a while, at the openstack computing node, I saw error message saying:
block nbd15: receive control failed (result -32)
Then euca-describe-instances showed the instance status was error.
I tried twice of the whole process (I mean start over from installing virtual machine), and the same result.
Can anybody help? I am now stuck here.
Sorry to request clarification, but what version of OpenStack are you using and what was the exact error message (please include the whole long line, perhaps with some context)? The text "receive control failed" does not appear in the nova codebase.
