Call particular method in Julia [duplicate] - julia

The problem is the following:
I have an abstract type MyAbstract and derived composite types MyType1 and MyType2:
abstract type MyAbstract end
struct MyType1 <: MyAbstract
struct MyType2 <: MyAbstract
I want to specify some general behaviour for objects of type MyAbstract, so I have a function
function dosth(x::MyAbstract)
println(1) # instead of something useful
This general behaviour suffices for MyType1 but when dosth is called with an argument of type MyType2, I want some additional things to happen that are specific for MyType2 and, of course, I want to reuse the existing code, so I tried the following, but it did not work:
function dosth(x::MyType2)
x = MyType2("")
dosth(x) # StackOverflowError
This means Julia did not recognize my attempt to treat x like its "supertype" for some time.
Is it possible to call an overloaded function from the overwriting function in Julia? How can I elegantly solve this problem?

You can use the invoke function
function dosth(x::MyType2)
invoke(dosth, Tuple{MyAbstract}, x)
With the same setup, this gives the follow output instead of a stack overflow:
julia> dosth(x)
There's a currently internal and experimental macro version of invoke which can be called like this:
function dosth(x::MyType2)
Base.#invoke dosth(x::MyAbstract)
This makes the calling syntax quite close to what you wrote.


Plotting an float array in julia

I have the following code
using Plots
function test()::nothing
A::Array{Float64,1} = rand(Float64,100)
Which I run in julia like this
julia> include("main.jl")
test (generic function with 1 method)
julia> test()
ERROR: MethodError: First argument to `convert` must be a Type, got nothing
[1] test() at /path/to/main.jl:85
[2] top-level scope at REPL[2]:1
Why do I get the error First argument to convert must be a Type, got nothing ?
Well, this problem is related to the fact that you were using nothing in annotation, but correct type is Nothing (note capital N). nothing is an object, Nothing is a type of this object.
So you should use something like
function test()::Nothing
A::Array{Float64,1} = rand(Float64, 100)
Note, that I had to add nothing as return value and explicit display to show actual plot.
But, to be honest, main problem is not the Nothing, but overspecialization. Type annotations in functions do not speed up calculations, you should use them only when they are really needed, for example in multiple dispatch.
Idiomatic code looks like this
function test()
A = rand(100)
Note, that I removed all extra annotations and unnecessary Float64 in rand, since it is default value.

Is there a way to forcefully use a hidden default constructor in Julia?

I want to serialize and deserialize Julia objects from an external package. Some of these objects only have restricted inner constructors, like in the following example:
module ExternalModule
struct SillyType
function SillyType(i::Int)
To reconstruct objects/structs from the stored values (here, to reconstruct the SillyType using a float), I need to call the default constructor, which is not available:
julia> ExternalModule.SillyType(2.0)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Main.ExternalModule.SillyType(::Float64)
The Julia documentation says
If any inner constructor method is defined, no default constructor
method is provided: it is presumed that you have supplied yourself
with all the inner constructors you need.
Is there a way around this to somehow forcefully call the missing default constructor? And what would be the least dirty approach for this?
I think the new function inside the inner constructor of SillyType is what you want to call? It is normally only allowed in inner constructors, but if you forge it using macros, it will still run. Try this:
julia> macro new(args...)
return Expr(:new, args...)
#new (macro with 1 method)
julia> #new(SillyType, 4.)

Parametric functors in Julia

Starting 0.6 it is possible to create parametric methods in Julia using where syntax. According to the release notes of 0.6 version, where syntax
can be used anywhere a type is accepted
Now consider the following contrived example:
function (rng::R)() where {R <: Range}
return first(rng)
which, when I attempt to compile it, gives the following error:
ERROR: function type in method definition is not a type
So my question is what is the proper way to create parametric functors in Julia 0.6+?
Ohkay, I get what you are trying to do basically. To understand functors here is a short example code.
julia> struct Student
julia> function (::Student)()
println("Callable of Student Type!")
julia> object = Student("JuliaLang")
julia> object()
Callable of Student Type!
but when I try to create the parametric functors, it throws out the error similar to yours!
julia> function (::T)() where {T <: Student}
println("Callable of Student Type!")
ERROR: function type in method definition is not a type
This problem is actually still OPEN as a issue as #gnimuc rightly pointed out.
You mix up two things
parametric methods e.q. julia> same_type(x::T, y::T) where {T} = true
function-like objects e.g. julia> function (p::Polynomial)(x) ... end
To my knowledge there is no "parametric function-like objects"
However, the following code should be the same of what you intend.
Julia> function (rng::Range)()
return first(rng)
cannot add methods to an abstract type
The current docu does not mention any limitation of function-like objects to concrete type, but unfortunately Julia doesn't accept it anyway.

Julia macro expansion order

I would like to write a macro #unpack t which takes an object t and copies all its fields into local scope. For example, given
immutable Foo
foo = Foo(42,pi)
the expression #unpack foo should expand into
i = foo.i
x = foo.x
Unfortunately, such a macro cannot exist since it would have to know the type of the passed object. To circumvent this limitation, I introduce a type-specific macro #unpackFoo foo with the same effect, but since I'm lazy I want the compiler to write #unpackFoo for me. So I change the type definition to
#unpackable immutable Foo
which should expand into
immutable Foo
macro unpackFoo(t)
return esc(quote
i = $t.i
x = $t.x
Writing #unpackable is not too hard:
macro unpackable(expr)
if expr.head != :type
error("#unpackable must be applied on a type definition")
name = isa(expr.args[2], Expr) ? expr.args[2].args[1] : expr.args[2]
fields = Symbol[]
for bodyexpr in expr.args[3].args
if isa(bodyexpr,Expr) && bodyexpr.head == :(::)
elseif isa(bodyexpr,Symbol)
return esc(quote
macro $(symbol("unpack"*string(name)))(t)
return esc(Expr(:block, [:($f = $t.$f) for f in $fields]...))
In the REPL, this definition works just fine:
julia> #unpackable immutable Foo
julia> macroexpand(:(#unpackFoo foo))
i = foo.i
x = foo.x
Problems arise if I put the #unpackFoo in the same compilation unit as the #unpackable:
julia> #eval begin
#unpackable immutable Foo
foo = Foo(42,pi)
#unpackFoo foo
ERROR: UndefVarError: #unpackFoo not defined
I assume the problem is that the compiler tries to proceed as follows
Expand #unpackable but do not parse it.
Try to expand #unpackFoo which fails because the expansion of #unpackable has not been parsed yet.
If we wouldn't fail already at step 2, the compiler would now parse the expansion of #unpackable.
This circumstance prevents #unpackable from being used in a source file. Is there any way of telling the compiler to swap steps 2. and 3. in the above list?
The background to this question is that I'm working on an iterator-based implementation of iterative solvers in the spirit of Algorithms like MinRes require quite a number of variables in the corresponding state object (8 currently), and I neither want to write state.variable every time I use a variable in e.g. the next() function, nor do I want to copy all of them manually as this bloats up the code and is hard to maintain. In the end, this is mainly an exercise in meta-programming though.
Firstly, I would suggest writing this as:
immutable Foo
where unpackable is a function which takes the type, constructs the appropriate expression and evals it. There are a couple of advantages to this, e.g. that you can apply it to any type without it being fixed at definition time, and the fact that you don't have to do a bunch of parsing of the type declaration (you can just call fieldnames(Foo) == [:f, :i] and work with that).
Secondly, while I don't know your use case in detail (and dislike blanket rules) I will warn that this kind of thing is frowned upon. It makes code harder to read because it introduces a non-local dependency; suddenly, in order to know whether x is a local or global variable, you have to look up the definition of a type in a whole different file. A better, and more general, approach is to explicitly unpack variables, and this is available in MacroTools.jl via the #destruct macro:
#destruct _.(x, i) = myfoo
# now we can use x and i
(You can destruct nested data structures and indexable objects too, which is nice.)
To answer your question: you're essentially right about how Julia runs code (s/parse/evaluate). The whole block is parsed, expanded and evaluated together, which means in your example you're trying to expand #unpackFoo before it's been defined.
However, when loading a .jl file, Julia evaluates blocks in the file one at a time, rather than all at once.
This means that you can happily write a file like this:
macro foo()
and run julia foo.jl or include("foo.jl") and it will run fine. You just can't have a macro definition and its use in the same block, as in your begin block above.
Try having a look at Parameters package by Mauro ( It has an #unpack macro and the accompanying machinery similar to what you suggest you need.

julia introspection - get name of variable passed to function

In Julia, is there any way to get the name of a passed to a function?
x = 10
function myfunc(a)
# do something here
assert(myfunc(x) == "x")
Do I need to use macros or is there a native method that provides introspection?
You can grab the variable name with a macro:
julia> macro mymacro(arg)
julia> #mymacro(x)
julia> #assert(#mymacro(x) == "x")
but as others have said, I'm not sure why you'd need that.
Macros operate on the AST (code tree) during compile time, and the x is passed into the macro as the Symbol :x. You can turn a Symbol into a string and vice versa. Macros replace code with code, so the #mymacro(x) is simply pulled out and replaced with string(:x).
Ok, contradicting myself: technically this is possible in a very hacky way, under one (fairly limiting) condition: the function name must have only one method signature. The idea is very similar the answers to such questions for Python. Before the demo, I must emphasize that these are internal compiler details and are subject to change. Briefly:
julia> function foo(x)
bt = backtrace()
fobj = eval(current_module(), symbol(Profile.lookup(bt[3]).func))
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo(1)
Let me re-emphasize that this is a bad idea, and should not be used for anything! (well, except for backtrace display). This is basically "stupid compiler tricks", but I'm showing it because it can be kind of educational to play with these objects, and the explanation does lead to a more useful answer to the clarifying comment by #ejang.
bt = backtrace() generates a ... backtrace ... from the current position. bt is an array of pointers, where each pointer is the address of a frame in the current call stack.
Profile.lookup(bt[3]) returns a LineInfo object with the function name (and several other details about each frame). Note that bt[1] and bt[2] are in the backtrace-generation function itself, so we need to go further up the stack to get the caller.
Profile.lookup(...).func returns the function name (the symbol :foo)
eval(current_module(), Profile.lookup(...)) returns the function object associated with the name :foo in the current_module(). If we modify the definition of function foo to return fobj, then note the equivalence to the foo object in the REPL:
julia> function foo(x)
bt = backtrace()
fobj = eval(current_module(), symbol(Profile.lookup(bt[3]).func))
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo(1) == foo
fobj.env.defs returns the first Method entry from the MethodTable for foo/fobj
Base.decl_arg_parts is a helper function (defined in methodshow.jl) that extracts argument information from a given Method.
the rest of the indexing drills down to the name of the argument.
Regarding the restriction that the function have only one method signature, the reason is that multiple signatures will all be listed (see in the MethodTable. As far as I know there is no currently exposed interface to get the specific method associated with a given frame address. (as an exercise for the advanced reader: one way to do this would be to modify the address lookup functionality in jl_getFunctionInfo to also return the mangled function name, which could then be re-associated with the specific method invocation; however, I don't think we currently store a reverse mapping from mangled name -> Method).
Note also that (1) backtraces are slow (2) there is no notion of "function-local" eval in Julia, so even if one has the variable name, I believe it would be impossible to actually access the variable (and the compiler may completely elide local variables, unused or otherwise, put them in a register, etc.)
As for the IDE-style introspection use mentioned in the comments: foo.env.defs as shown above is one place to start for "object introspection". From the debugging side, Gallium.jl can inspect DWARF local variable info in a given frame. Finally, JuliaParser.jl is a pure-Julia implementation of the Julia parser that is actively used in several IDEs to introspect code blocks at a high level.
Another method is to use the function's vinfo. Here is an example:
function test(argx::Int64)
vinfo = code_lowered(test,(Int64,))
test (generic function with 1 method)
julia> test(10)
The above depends on knowing the signature of the function, but this is a non-issue if it is coded within the function itself (otherwise some macro magic could be needed).
