Sqlite doesn't use some indexes - sqlite

Executing the following code creates a table with two columns and adds 1 million rows. One column is INT and one is TEXT. Then it creates one index per column and one collate nocase index per column. Then it executes three queries.
The first query uses the index t2 as expected.
The second query is the same as the first one, but it adds the ESCAPE clause and doesn't use the index. The presence of unescaped % or _ should prevent the index from being (fully) used, but the presence of the ESCAPE clause itself shouldn't.
Why does the ESCAPE clause prevent the index from being used?
The third query is the same as the first one, but it doesn't use the index. The only difference is that the query uses column col_i instead of col_t which is defined as INT instead of TEXT. Sqlite doesn't prevent me from creating the index, so I would expect for it to be used.
Why isn't the index i2 used?
.timer on
CREATE TABLE tab (col_t TEXT, col_i INT);
INSERT INTO tab (col_i, col_t) WITH RECURSIVE cte (x, y) AS (SELECT hex(randomblob(16)), hex(randomblob(16)) UNION ALL SELECT hex(randomblob(16)), hex(randomblob(16)) FROM cte LIMIT 1000000) SELECT x, y FROM cte;
CREATE INDEX t ON tab (col_t);
CREATE INDEX t2 ON tab (col_t COLLATE nocase);
CREATE INDEX i ON tab (col_i);
CREATE INDEX i2 ON tab (col_i COLLATE nocase);
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE col_t LIKE 'abcabcabc';
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE col_t LIKE 'abcabcabc' ESCAPE '\';
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE col_i LIKE 'abcabcabc';

The documentation documents when the index can be used for LIKE:
The left-hand side … must be the name of an indexed column with TEXT affinity.
The right-hand side … must be … a string literal … that does not begin with a wildcard character.
The ESCAPE clause cannot appear on the LIKE operator.
The built-in functions used to implement LIKE … must not have been overloaded using the sqlite3_create_function() API.
… the column must indexed using built-in NOCASE collating sequence.
The query optimizer has to prove that using the index cannot change the meaning of the query. These rules implement the proof.
While there exist queries that would work with the index despite violating these rules, it would be necessary to extend the optimizer to be able to prove that they work.


SQLite - condition check before execute a section of script

I understand that SQLite does not have If-Else condition check, and people have been using case statements to get around it. However I want to do a if condition check before executing a certain portion of the script, like the following:
IF (condition = true)
VALUES (a, b)
From what I have been trying, case statement doesn't seem to work. Is there any way I can accomplish the above in SQLite?
Thanks for all your help!
You could perhaps use an INSERT SELECT
The second form of the INSERT statement contains a SELECT statement
instead of a VALUES clause.
A new entry is inserted into the table for
each row of data returned by executing the SELECT statement.
If a
column-list is specified, the number of columns in the result of the
SELECT must be the same as the number of items in the column-list.
Otherwise, if no column-list is specified, the number of columns in
the result of the SELECT must be the same as the number of columns in
the table.
Any SELECT statement, including compound SELECTs and SELECT
statements with ORDER BY and/or LIMIT clauses, may be used in an
INSERT statement of this form.
extract from SQL As Understood By SQLite - INSERT
INSERT into xxx
SELECT null as id,
WHEN filesize < 1024 THEN 'just a little bit'
WHEN filesize >= 1024 THEN 'quite a bit'
END AS othercolumn
FROM filesizes
WHERE filesize < 1024 * 1024
The above will insert rows into table xxx which consists of 2 columns id (rowid alias) and othercolumn according to the results (2 columns id (always set as null) and othercolumn) of the SELECT, which is selecting from the filesizes table where the value of the filesize column is less than 1024 * 1024 (1048576), thus conditionally inserting.
Furthermore, if the filesize is less than 1024 the othercolumn is set to just a little bit, if the filesize is greater than 1023 then the othercolumn is set to quite a bit. So making the conditional insert more complex.
Assuming the filesizes table were :-
The running the above would result in :-

How to query Unicode characters from SQL Server 2008

With NVARCHAR data type, I store my local language text in a column. I face a problem how to query that value from the database.
ዜናገብርኤልስ is stored value.
I wrote SQL like this
select DivisionName
from t_Et_Divisions
where DivisionName = 'ዜናገብርኤልስ'
select unicode (DivisionName)
from t_Et_Divisions
where DivisionName = 'ዜናገብርኤልስ'
The above didn't work. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix it?
You need to prefix your Unicode string literals with a N:
select DivisionName
from t_Et_Divisions
where DivisionName = N'ዜናገብርኤልስ'
This N prefix tells SQL Server to treat this string literal as a Unicode string and not convert it to a non-Unicode string (as it will if you omit the N prefix).
I still fail to understand what is not working according to you....
I tried setting up a table with an NVARCHAR column, and if I select, I get back that one, exact row match - as expected:
DECLARE #test TABLE (DivisionName NVARCHAR(100))
INSERT INTO #test (DivisionName)
VALUES (N'ዜናገብርኤልስ'), (N'ዜናገብርኤልስ,ኔትዎርክ,ከስተመር ስርቪስ'), (N'ኔትዎርክ,ከስተመር ስርቪስ')
FROM #test
WHERE DivisionName = N'ዜናገብርኤልስ'
This returns exactly one row - what else are you seeing, or what else are you expecting??
Update #2:
Ah - I see - the columns contains multiple, comma-separated values - which is a horrible design mistake to begin with..... (violates first normal form of database design - don't do it!!)
And then you want to select all rows that contain that search term - but only display the search term itself, not the whole DivisionName column? Seems rather pointless..... try this:
select N'ዜናገብርኤልስ'
from t_Et_Divisions
where DivisionName LIKE N'%ዜናገብርኤልስ%'
The LIKE searches for rows that contain that value, and since you already know what you want to display, just put that value into the SELECT list ....

SUM totals by FOR ALL ENTRIES itab keys

I want to execute a SELECT query on a database table that has 6 key fields, let's assume they are keyA, keyB, ..., keyF.
As input parameters to my ABAP function module I do receive an internal table with exactly that structure of the key fields, each entry in that internal table therefore corresponds to one tuple in the database table.
Thus I simply need to select all tuples from the database table that correspond to the entries in my internal table.
Furthermore, I want to aggregate an amount column in that database table in exactly the same query.
In pseudo SQL the query would look as follows:
SELECT SUM(amount) FROM table WHERE (keyA, keyB, keyC, keyD, keyE, keyF) IN {internal table}.
However, this representation is not possible in ABAP OpenSQL.
Only one column (such as keyA) is allowed to state, not a composite key. Furthermore I can only use 'selection tables' (those with SIGN, OPTIOn, LOW, HIGH) after they keyword IN.
Using FOR ALL ENTRIES seems feasible, however in this case I cannot use SUM since aggregation is not allowed in the same query.
Any suggestions?
For selecting records for each entry of an internal table, normally the for all entries idiom in ABAP Open SQL is your friend. In your case, you have the additional requirement to aggregate a sum. Unfortunately, the result set of a SELECT statement that works with for all entries is not allowed to use aggregate functions. In my eyes, the best way in this case is to compute the sum from the result set in the ABAP layer. The following example works in my system (note in passing: using the new ABAP language features that came with 7.40, you could considerably shorten the whole code).
report zz_ztmp_test.
perform test.
* Database table ZTMP_TEST :
* ID - key field - type CHAR10
* VALUE - no key field - type INT4
* Content: 'A' 10, 'B' 20, 'C' 30, 'D' 40, 'E' 50
types: ty_entries type standard table of ztmp_test.
* ---
form test.
data: lv_sum type i,
lt_result type ty_entries,
lt_keys type ty_entries.
perform fill_keys changing lt_keys.
if lt_keys is not initial.
select * into table lt_result
from ztmp_test
for all entries in lt_keys
where id = lt_keys-id.
perform get_sum using lt_result
changing lv_sum.
write: / lv_sum.
form fill_keys changing ct_keys type ty_entries.
append :
'A' to ct_keys,
'C' to ct_keys,
'E' to ct_keys.
form get_sum using it_entries type ty_entries
changing value(ev_sum) type i.
field-symbols: <ls_test> type ztmp_test.
clear ev_sum.
loop at it_entries assigning <ls_test>.
add <ls_test>-value to ev_sum.
I would use FOR ALL ENTRIES to fetch all the related rows, then LOOP round the resulting table and add up the relevant field into a total. If you have ABAP 740 or later, you can use REDUCE operator to avoid having to loop round the table manually:
DATA(total) = REDUCE i( INIT sum = 0
FOR wa IN itab NEXT sum = sum + wa-field ).
One possible approach is simultaneous summarizing inside SELECT loop using statement SELECT...ENDSELECT statement.
Sample with calculating all order lines/quantities for the plant:
TYPES: BEGIN OF ls_collect,
werks TYPE t001w-werks,
menge TYPE ekpo-menge,
END OF ls_collect.
DATA: lt_collect TYPE TABLE OF ls_collect.
FROM t001w
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_werks).
SELECT werks, menge
FROM ekpo
INTO #DATA(order)
WHERE werks = #lt_werks-werks.
COLLECT order INTO lt_collect.
The sample has no business sense and placed here just for educational purpose.
Another more robust and modern approach is CTE (Common Table Expressions) available since ABAP 751 version. This technique is specially intended among others for total/subtotal tasks:
+plants AS (
FROM t011w ),
+orders_by_plant AS (
SELECT SUM( menge )
FROM ekpo AS e
INNER JOIN +plants AS m
ON e~werks = m~werks
GROUP BY werks )
SELECT werks, menge
FROM +orders_by_plant
ORDER BY werks.
cl_demo_output=>display( lt_sums ).
The first table expression +material is your internal table, the second +orders_by_mat quantities totals selected by the above materials and the last query is the final output query.

Query a manual list of data items

I would like to run a query involving joining a table to a manually generated list but am stuck trying to generate the manual list. There is an example of what I am attempting to do below:
('29/12/2014', '30/12/2014', '30/12/2014') dates
Ideally I would want my output to look like:
What's your Teradata release?
FROM TABLE (STRTOK_SPLIT_TO_TABLE(1 -- any dummy value
,'29/12/2014,30/12/2014,30/12/2014' -- any delimited string
,',' -- delimiter
,tokennum INTEGER
,token VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET UNICODE) -- modify to match the actual size
) AS d
You can easily put this in a Derived Table and then join to it.
inkey (here the dummy value 1) is a numeric or string column, usually a key. Can be used for joining back to the original row.
outkey is the same as inkey.
tokennum is the ordinal position of the token in the input string.
token is the extracted substring.
Try this:
select '29/12/2014'
select '30/12/2014'
It should work in Teradata as well as in MySql.

Can the LIKE statement be optimized to not do full table scans?

I want to get a subtree from a table by tree path.
the path column stores strings like:
If I try to select all records that start with a certain path:
it tells me that the table is scanned, even though the path column is indexed :(
Is there any way I could make LIKE use the index and not scan the table?
I found a way to achieve what I want with closure table, but it's harder to maintain and writes are extremely slow...
To be able to use an index for LIKE in SQLite,
the table column must have TEXT affinity, i.e., have a type of TEXT or VARCHAR or something like that; and
the index must be declared as COLLATE NOCASE (either directly, or because the column has been declared as COLLATE NOCASE):
0|0|0|SEARCH TABLE f USING COVERING INDEX fi (path>? AND path<?)
The second restriction could be removed with the case_sensitive_like PRAGMA, but this would change the behaviour of LIKE.
Alternatively, one could use a case-sensitive comparison, by replacing LIKE 'foo/%' with GLOB 'foo/*'.
LIKE has strict requirements to be optimizable with an index (ref).
If you can relax your requirements a little, you can use lexicographic ordering to get indexed lookups, e.g.
SELECT * FROM f WHERE PATH >= 'foo/' AND PATH < 'foo0'
where 0 is the lexigographically next character after /.
This is essentially the same optimization the optimizer would do for LIKEs if the requirements for optimization are met.
