Handlebars.compile is not a function - meteor

Has anyone had this issue with handlebars & meteor?
Uncaught TypeError: Handlebars.compile is not a function
I have added the handlebars package.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

The handlebars package is deprecated, recommended is spacebars
I think it might work better


the library ArduinoJson has no member named parseObject for StaticJsonDocument?

I have just move to 6v from 5.8.0v of the library. And im get this error
'class ArduinoJson691_000::StaticJsonDocument<160u>' has no member named
is there a way that a can fix this?
use this arduinojson assistance
this will generate the code for you, for a given json object

iron:router returning route path twice?

I'm accessing iron:router in a helper which builds breadcrumbs, but oddly I'm getting two objects returned when I do this:
console.log(typeof Router.current().route.path(this));
I get back:
The object is null btw...
Does anyone know why? I think it has something to do with reactivity but I don't know where to look to begin.
I don't really know the answer for this, but easiest breadcrumbs are Iron.Location.get().path.split("/")
While this is not a direct answer to your question, this tutorial covers a lot about iron:router: http://kukuruku.co/hub/javascript/meteor-how-to-build-a-todo-list

JSONstring to Java Object without using any external library

I m using GWT and want to convert that jsonString to java POJO object without using any kind of external library. can any one help me ..
Any help will be appreciated..
Thank you..
us this way so that you can iterate all value and set it to POJO object...
Try this one
will get you easy solution....good luck

Can we use PHP inbuilt function inside Twig File in Symfony

Hi Can anyone Please let me know can we use php inbuilt function inside a twig file.if not then why.
What is the way then to access php inbuilt function inside a twig file.
Because in a application in 100 of time we need to check many conditions basis of php inbuilt function.I have tried in_array() function to check multiple vaslue selected in a multiple dropdown list but i am getting error Is_array() not defined.
Please help
As #DonCallisto Said, There is some PHP equivalent function exists in twig not all. So you cant call a php function from twig template. You may have to use a existing equivalent or need to create one if not exists.
One of the main reason is SoC. Template is for presentation layer of your application. So twig made available tools(filter,functions, global variables) to do that.
Know the differences
Though you have date function in twig. its not the same date function you have in php. To achieve a similar functionality you may have to use same or different approach in twig then php. for instance you can achieve php's in_array functionality using the twig's Containment Operator
What is the way
Now come to last part of your question:
What is the way then to access php inbuilt function inside a twig file?
I think you already know the short answer from #DonCallisto. You can create your own extension. And define what function you needed. Or if you are crazy enough to access all php builtin function from your template, you can use this Extension. It will allow you to call any php functions by prefixed with php_. for example if you like to call in_array function, then you can call like php_in_array() from your template.
Happy coding!
Twig have some php builtin functions equivalent. For instance in_array() php function is in twig function. Check it out
If you don't find some builtin, you need to write your own twig exstension

KDevelop building plugin problems with undefined reference

I'm getting undefined reference to KDevelop::IPlugins. I know this means i'm missing the libary but I'm not sure which library this is. Where would I find this .so that I am missing?
KDevelop::IPlugin is defined in libkdevplatforminterfaces.so ("kdevplatforminterfaces" to cmake).
