How to build an ellipsoid in a ten-dimensional space? - r

I have two sets of points in the ten-dimensional space (or 2 data frames with 1000 rows and 10 columns). I need to construct two 95% confidence ellipsoids and calculate intersection volume between them. Maybe someone can help me?
The first set of points is a and there are only two variables in ellipse construction, but I need 10:
a <- read.csv("Y:/1.csv", header=FALSE, sep=";")
x <- a$V1
y <- a$V2
with(a, dataEllipse(x, y, level=0.95, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1))
enter image description here
or another way I know to build the confidence ellipse for 2-dimensional space:
x <- a$V1
y <- a$V2
qplot(data = a, x, y) + stat_ellipse()
enter image description here
I can't find some tools to construct ellipsoids in the 10-dimensional space and calculate intersection volume.


Shrink convex hull

I have a bunch of points in 2D space and have calculated a convex hull for them. I would now like to "tighten" the hull so that it no longer necessarily encompasses all points. In the typical nails-in-board-with-rubber-band analogy, what I'd like to achieve is to be able to tune the elasticity of the rubber band and allow nails to bend at pressure above some limit. That's just an analogy, there is no real physics here. This would kind-of be related to the reduction in hull area if a given point was removed, but not quite because there could be two points that are very close to each-other. This is not necessarily related to outlier detection, because you could imagine a pattern where a large fractions of the nails would bend if they are on a narrow line (imagine a hammer shape for example). All of this has to be reasonably fast for thousands of points. Any hints where I should look in terms of algorithms? An implementation in R would be perfect, but not needed.
EDIT AFTER COMMENT: The three points I've labelled are those with largest potential for reducing the hull area if they are excluded. In the plot there is no other set of three points that would result in a larger area reduction. A naive implementation of what I'm looking for would maybe be to randomly sample some fraction of the points, calculate the hull area, remove each point on the hull iteratively, recalculate the area, repeat many times and remove points that tend to lead to high area reduction. Maybe this could be implemented in some random forest variant? It's not quite right though, because I would like the points to be removed one by one so that you get the following result. If you looked at all points in one go it would possibly be best to trim from the edges of the "hammer head".
Suppose I have a set of points like this:
x <- runif(20)
y <- runif(20)
plot(x, y)
Then it is easy to find the subset points that sit on the convex hull by doing:
ss <- chull(x, y)
This means we can plot the convex hull by doing:
lines(x[c(ss, ss[1])], y[c(ss, ss[1])], col = "red")
Now we can randomly remove one of the points that sits on the convex hull (i.e. "bend a nail") by doing:
bend <- ss[sample(ss, 1)]
x <- x[-bend]
y <- y[-bend]
And we can then repeat the process of finding the convex hull of this new set of points:
ss <- chull(x, y)
lines(x[c(ss, ss[1])], y[c(ss, ss[1])], col = "blue", lty = 2)
To get the point which will, on removal, cause the greatest reduction in area, one option would be the following function:
shrink <- function(coords)
ss <- chull(coords[, 1], coords[, 2])
outlier <- ss[which.min(sapply(seq_along(ss),
function(i) Polygon(coords[ss[-i], ], hole = FALSE)#area))]
coords[-outlier, ]
So you could do something like:
coords <- cbind(x, y)
new_coords <- shrink(coords)
new_chull <- new_coords[chull(new_coords[, 1], new_coords[, 2]),]
new_chull <- rbind(new_chull, new_chull[1,])
plot(x, y)
lines(new_chull[,1], new_chull[, 2], col = "red")
Of course, you could do this in a loop so that new_coords is fed back into shrink multiple times.
Calculate a robust center and variance using mcd.cov in MASS and the mahalanobis distance of each point from it (using mahalanobis in psych). We then show a quantile plot of the mahalanobis distances using PlotMD from modi and also show the associated outliers in red in the second plot. (There are other functions in modi that may be of interest as well.)
x <- runif(20)
y <- runif(20)
m <- cbind(x, y)
mcd <-
md <- mahalanobis(m, mcd$center, mcd$cov)
stats <- PlotMD(md, 2, alpha = 0.90)
(continued after screenshot)
and we show the convex hull using lines and the outliers in red:
ix <- chull(m)
lines(m[c(ix, ix[1]), ])
wx <- which(md > stats$halpha)
points(m[wx, ], col = "red", pch = 20)
Thank you both! I've tried various methods for outlier detection, but it's not quite what I was looking for. They have worked badly due to weird shapes of my clusters. I know I talked about convex hull area, but I think filtering on segment lengths yields better results and is closer to what I really wanted. Then it would look something like this:
shrink <- function(xy, max_length = 30){
to_keep <- 1:(dim(xy)[1])
centroid <- c(mean(xy[,1]), mean(xy[,2]))
while (TRUE){
ss <- chull(xy[,1], xy[,2])
ss <- c(ss, ss[1])
lengths <- sapply(1:(length(ss)-1), function(i) sum((xy[ss[i+1],] - xy[ss[i],])^2))
# This gets the point with the longest convex hull segment. chull returns points
# in clockwise order, so the point to remove is either this one or the one
# after it. Remove the one furthest from the centroid.
max_point <- which.max(lengths)
if (lengths[max_point] < max_length) return(to_keep)
if (sum((xy[ss[max_point],] - centroid)^2) > sum((xy[ss[max_point + 1],] - centroid)^2)){
xy <- xy[-ss[max_point],]
to_keep <- to_keep[-ss[max_point]]
xy <- xy[-ss[max_point + 1],]
to_keep <- to_keep[-ss[max_point + 1]]
It's not optimal because it factors in the distance to the centroid, which I would have liked to avoid, and there is a max_length parameter that should be calculated from the data instead of being hard-coded.
No filter:
It looks like this because there are 500 000 cells in here, and there are many that end up "wrong" when projecting from ~20 000 dimensions to 2.
Note that it filters out points at tips of some clusters. This is less-than-optimal but ok. The overlap between some clusters is true and should be there.

how to get point set (x,y) in a desired area in r

The figure is the plot of x,y set in a excel file, total 8760 pair of x and y. I want to remove the noise data pair in red circle area and output a new excel file with remain data pair. How could I do it in R?
Using #G5W's example:
Make up data:
x = runif(8760, 0,16)
y = c(abs(rnorm(8000, 0, 1)), runif(760,0,8))
XY = data.frame(x,y)
Fit a quantile regression to the 90th percentile:
qq <- rq(y~ns(x,20),tau=0.9,data=XY)
Compute and draw the predicted curve:
xvec <- seq(0,16,length.out=101)
pp <- predict(qq,newdata=data.frame(x=xvec))
Keep only points below the predicted line:
XY2 <- subset(XY,y<predict(qq,newdata=data.frame(x)))
You can make the line less wiggly by lowering the number of knots, e.g. y~ns(x,10)
Both R and EXCEL read and write .csv files, so you can use those to transfer the data back and forth.
You do not provide any data so I made some junk data to produce a similar problem.
x = runif(8760, 0,16)
y = c(abs(rnorm(8000, 0, 1)), runif(760,0,8))
XY = data.frame(x,y)
One way to identify noise points is by looking at the distance to the nearest neighbors. In dense areas, nearest neighbors will be closer. In non-dense areas, they will be further apart. The package dbscan provides a nice function to get the distance to the k nearest neighbors. For this problem, I used k=6, but you may need to tune for your data. Looking at the distribution of distances to the 6th nearest neighbor we see that most points have 6 neighbors within a distance of 0.2
XY6 = kNNdist(XY, 6)
So I will assume that point whose 6th nearest neighbor is further away are noise points. Just changing the color to see which points are affected, we get
TYPE = rep(1,8760)
TYPE[XY6[,6] > 0.2] = 2
plot(XY, col=TYPE)
Of course, if you wish to restrict to the non-noise points, you can use
NonNoise = XY[XY6[,6] > 0.2,]

How to find the smallest ellipse covering a given fraction of a set of points in R?

I'm wondering: Is there some function/clever way to find the smallest ellipse covering a given fraction of a set of 2d points in R? With smallest I mean the ellipse with the smallest area.
Clarification: I'm fine with an approximately correct solution if the number of points are large (as I guess an exact solution would have to try all combinations of subsets of points)
This question might sound like a duplicate of the question Ellipse containing percentage of given points in R but the way that question is phrased the resulting answer does not result in the smallest ellipse. For example, using the solution given to Ellipse containing percentage of given points in R:
x <- runif(6)
y <- runif(6)
dataEllipse(x,y, levels=0.5)
The resulting ellipse is clearly not the smallest ellipse containing half of the points, Which, I guess, would be a small ellipse covering the three points up in the top-left corner.
I think I have a solution which requires two functions, cov.rob from the MASS package and ellipsoidhull from the cluster package. cov.rob(xy, quantile.used = 50, method = "mve") finds approximately the "best" 50 points out of the total number of 2d points in xy that are contained in the minimum volume ellipse. However, cov.rob does not directly return this ellipse but rather some other ellipse estimated from the best points (the goal being to robustly estimate the covariance matrix). To find the actuall minimum ellipse we can give the best points to ellipsoidhull which finds the minimum ellipse, and we can use predict.ellipse to get out the coordinates of the path defining the hull of the elllipse.
I'm not 100% certain this method is the easiest and/or that it works 100% (It feels like it should be possible to avoid the seconds step of using ellipsoidhull but I havn't figured out how.). It seems to work on my toy example at least....
Enough talking, here is the code:
# Using the same six points as in the question
xy <- cbind(x, y)
# Finding the 3 points in the smallest ellipse (not finding
# the actual ellipse though...)
fit <- cov.rob(xy, quantile.used = 3, method = "mve")
# Finding the minimum volume ellipse that contains these three points
best_ellipse <- ellipsoidhull( xy[fit$best,] )
# The predict() function returns a 2d matrix defining the coordinates of
# the hull of the ellipse
lines(predict(best_ellipse), col="blue")
Looks pretty good! You can also inspect the ellipse object for more info
## 'ellipsoid' in 2 dimensions:
## center = ( 0.36 0.65 ); squared ave.radius d^2 = 2
## and shape matrix =
## x y
## x 0.00042 0.0065
## y 0.00654 0.1229
## hence, area = 0.018
Here is a handy function which adds an ellipse to an existing base graphics plot:
plot_min_ellipse <- function(xy, points_in_ellipse, color = "blue") {
fit <- cov.rob(xy, quantile.used = points_in_ellipse, method = "mve")
best_ellipse <- ellipsoidhull( xy[fit$best,] )
lines(predict(best_ellipse), col=color)
Let's use it on a larger number of points:
x <- runif(100)
y <- runif(100)
xy <- cbind(x, y)
plot_min_ellipse(xy, points_in_ellipse = 50)
This sounds very much like a 2D confidence interval. Try You will probably need to run it on each combination of N points, then choose the smallest result.

Defining color of 3D points plot based on distance in R

Suppose I generate some three-dimensional Gaussian samples and I plot these with plot3D. I want to color the points depending on their distance to the center of the cloud. By this I mean that I want to give them a color between white (= far away from the center) and somecolor (very close to the center).
I am aware of functions like colorRamp and colorRampPalette but I'm not sure how to use these in this specific situation. Any help would be appreciated!
Edit This is what I have so far:
#generate two 3D point clouds
cloud1 <- rmnorm(100,mean=c(1,1,1),varcov=diag(.25,3))
cloud2 <- rmnorm(75, mean=c(3,3,3),varcov=diag(.5,3))
The resulting plot:
But now I want to let points that are further away from the center to be less black/red.
You can try something like that:
cloud1 <- rmnorm(100,mean=c(1,1,1),varcov=diag(.25,3))
# for an euclidean distance but a manhalobis distance should be more appropriated
aux <- colSums((t(cloud1)-colMeans(cloud1))^2)
col1 <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "white"))
# i used quantiles but equal interval could be used to
cols1 <- col1(11)[findInterval(aux, quantile(aux, seq(0,1,0.1)), right=T)]
# with equal interval
cols1 <- col1(11)[findInterval(aux, seq(min(aux), max(aux), le=10))]
plot3d(cloud1,box=F, col=cols1)

Generating multidimensional data

Does R have a package for generating random numbers in multi-dimensional space? For example, suppose I want to generate 1000 points inside a cuboid or a sphere.
I have some functions for hypercube and n-sphere selection that generate dataframes with cartesian coordinates and guarantee a uniform distribution through the hypercube or n-sphere for an arbitrary amount of dimensions :
GenerateCubiclePoints <- function(nrPoints,nrDim,center=rep(0,nrDim),l=1){
x <- matrix(runif(nrPoints*nrDim,-1,1),ncol=nrDim)
x <-
names(x) <- make.names(seq_len(nrDim))
is in a cube/hypercube of nrDim dimensions with a center and l the length of one side.
For an n-sphere with nrDim dimensions, you can do something similar, where r is the radius :
GenerateSpherePoints <- function(nrPoints,nrDim,center=rep(0,nrDim),r=1){
#generate the polar coordinates!
x <- matrix(runif(nrPoints*nrDim,-pi,pi),ncol=nrDim)
x[,nrDim] <- x[,nrDim]/2
#recalculate them to cartesians
sin.x <- sin(x)
cos.x <- cos(x)
cos.x[,nrDim] <- 1 # see the formula for n.spheres
y <- sapply(1:nrDim, function(i){
} else {
y <-
names(y) <- make.names(seq_len(nrDim))
in 2 dimensions, these give :
From code :
T1 <- GenerateCubiclePoints(10000,2,c(4,3),5)
T2 <- GenerateSpherePoints(10000,2,c(-5,3),2)
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
Also check out the copula package. This will generate data within a cube/hypercube with uniform margins, but with correlation structures that you set. The generated variables can then be transformed to represent other shapes, but still with relations other than independent.
If you want more complex shapes but are happy with uniform and idependent within the shape then you can just do rejection sampling: generate data within a cube that contains your shape, then test if the points are within your shape, reject them if not, then keep doing this until there are enough points.
A couple of years ago, I made a package called geozoo. It is available on CRAN.
It has many different functions to produce objects in N-dimensions.
p = 4
n = 1000
# Cube with points on it's face.
# A 3D version would be a box with solid walls and a hollow interior.
# Hollow sphere
sphere.hollow(p, n)
# Solid cube
cube.solid.random(p, n)
cube.solid.grid(p, 10) # evenly spaced points
# Solid Sphere
sphere.solid.random(p, n)
sphere.solid.grid(p, 10) # evenly spaced points
One of my favorite ones to watch animate is a cube with points along its edges, because it was one of the first objects that I made. It also gives you a sense of distance between vertices.
# Cube with points along it's edges.
Also, check out the website: It contains pictures and downloadable data sets.
Hope it meets your needs!
df <- data.frame(
x = runif(1000),
y = runif(1000),
z = runif(1000)
x y z
1 0.7522104 0.579833314 0.7878651
2 0.2846864 0.520284731 0.8435828
3 0.2240340 0.001686003 0.2143208
4 0.4933712 0.250840233 0.4618258
5 0.6749785 0.298335804 0.4494820
6 0.7089414 0.141114804 0.3772317
df <- data.frame(
radius = runif(1000),
inclination = 2*pi*runif(1000),
azimuth = 2*pi*runif(1000)
radius inclination azimuth
1 0.1233281 5.363530 1.747377
2 0.1872865 5.309806 4.933985
3 0.2371039 5.029894 6.160549
4 0.2438854 2.962975 2.862862
5 0.5300013 3.340892 1.647043
6 0.6972793 4.777056 2.381325
Note: edited to include code for sphere
Here is one way to do it.
Say we hope to generate a bunch of 3d points of the form y = (y_1, y_2, y_3)
Sample X from multivariate Gaussian with mean zero and covariance matrix R.
(x_1, x_2, x_3) ~ Multivariate_Gaussian(u = [0,0,0], R = [[r_11, r_12, r_13],r_21, r_22, r_23], [r_31, r_32, r_33]]
You can find a function which generates Multivariate Gaussian samples in an R package.
Take the Gaussian cdf of each covariate (phi(x_1) , phi(x_2), phi(x_3)). In this case, phi is the Gaussian cdf of our variables. Ie phi(x_1) = Pr[x <= x_1] By the probability integral transform, these (phi(x_1) , phi(x_2), phi(x_3)) = (u_1, u_2, u_3), will each be uniformly distrubted on [0,1].
Then, take the inverse cdf of each uniformly distributed marginal. In other words take the inverse cdf of u_1, u_2, u_3:
F^{-1}(u_1), F^{-2}(u_2), F^{-3}(u_3) = (y_1, y_2, y_3), where F is the marginal cdf of the distrubution you are trying to sample from.
