Attempting to remove a row in R using variable names - r

I am trying to remove some rows in a for loop in R. The conditional involves comparing it to the line below it, so I can't filter within the brackets.
I know that I can remove a row when a constant is specified: dataframe[-2, ]. I just want to do the same with a variable: dataframe[-x, ]. Here's the full loop:
for (j in 1:(nrow(referrals) - 1)) {
k <- j + 1
if (referrals[j, "Client ID"] == referrals[k, "Client ID"] &
referrals[j, "Provider SubCode"] == referrals[k, "Provider SubCode"]) {
referrals[-k, ]
The code runs without complaint, but no rows are removed (and I know some should be). Of course, if it I test it with a constant, it works fine: referrals[-2, ].

You need to add a reproducible example for people to work with. I don't know the structure of your data, so I can only guess if this will work for you. I would not use a loop, for the reasons pointed out in the comments. I would identify the rows to remove first, and then remove them using normal means. Consider:
set.seed(4499) # this makes the example exactly reproducible
d <- data.frame(Client.ID =, 20, replace=T),
Provider.SubCode =, 20, replace=T))
# Client.ID Provider.SubCode
# 1 1 1
# 2 1 4
# 3 3 2
# 4 4 4
# 5 4 1
# 6 2 2
# 7 2 2 # redundant
# 8 3 1
# 9 4 4
# 10 3 4
# 11 1 3
# 12 1 3 # redundant
# 13 3 4
# 14 1 2
# 15 3 2
# 16 4 4
# 17 3 4
# 18 2 2
# 19 4 1
# 20 3 3
redundant.rows <- with(d, Client.ID[1:nrow(d)-1]==Client.ID[2:nrow(d)] &
Provider.SubCode[1:nrow(d)-1]==Provider.SubCode[2:nrow(d)] )
# Client.ID Provider.SubCode
# 1 1 1
# 2 1 4
# 3 3 2
# 4 4 4
# 5 4 1
# 6 2 2
# 8 3 1 # 7 is missing
# 9 4 4
# 10 3 4
# 11 1 3
# 13 3 4 # 12 is missing
# 14 1 2
# 15 3 2
# 16 4 4
# 17 3 4
# 18 2 2
# 19 4 1
# 20 3 3

Using all information given by you, I believe this could be a good alternative:
duplicated.rows <- duplicated(referrals)
Then, if you want the duplicated results run:
referrals.double <- referrals[duplicated.rows, ]
However, if you want the non duplicated results run:
referrals.not.double <- referrals[!duplicated.rows, ]
If you prefer to go step by step (maybe it's interesting for you):
duplicated.rows.Client.ID <- duplicated(referrals$"Client ID")
duplicated.rows.Provider.SubCode <- duplicated(referrals$"Provider SubCode")
referrals.not.double <- referrals[!duplicated.rows.Client.ID, ]
referrals.not.double <- referrals.not.double[!duplicated.rows.Client.ID, ]


Placing multiple outputs from each function call using apply into a row in a dataframe in R

I have a function that I repeat, changing the argument each time, using apply/sapply/lapply.
Works great.
I want to return a data set, where each row contains two (or more) variables from each iteration of the function.
Instead I get an unusable list.
do <-function(x){
a <- x+1
b <- x+2
over <- [1:6]
final <- lapply(over, do)
Any suggestions?
Without changing your function do, you can use sapply and transpose it.
data.frame(t(sapply(over, do)))
# X1 X2
#1 2 3
#2 3 4
#3 4 5
#4 5 6
#5 6 7
#6 7 8
If you want to use do in current form with lapply, we can do, lapply(over, do))
You could also try, final))
# a b
# 1 2 3
# 2 3 4
# 3 4 5
# 4 5 6
# 5 6 7
# 6 7 8
See ?Reduce and ?rbind for information about what they'll do.
You could also modify your final expression as
final <-, lapply(over, do)))
# a b
# 1 2 3
# 2 3 4
# 3 4 5
# 4 5 6
# 5 6 7
# 6 7 8

Repeat vector to fill down column in data frame

Seems like this very simple maneuver used to work for me, and now it simply doesn't. A dummy version of the problem:
df <- data.frame(x = 1:5) # create simple dataframe
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
df$y <- c(1:5) # adding a new column with a vector of the exact same length. Works out like it should
x y
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
df$z <- c(1:4) # trying to add a new colum, this time with a vector with less elements than there are rows in the dataframe.
Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, "z", value = 1:4) :
replacement has 4 rows, data has 5
I was expecting this to work with the following result:
x y z
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 1
I.e. the shorter vector should just start repeating itself automatically. I'm pretty certain this used to work for me (it's in a script that I've been running a hundred times before without problems). Now I can't even get the above dummy example to work like I want to. What am I missing?
If the vector can be evenly recycled, into the data.frame, you do not get and error or a warning:
df <- data.frame(x = 1:10)
df$z <- 1:5
This may be what you were experiencing before.
You can get your vector to fit as you mention with rep_len:
df$y <- rep_len(1:3, length.out=10)
This results in
x z y
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 1
5 5 5 2
6 6 1 3
7 7 2 1
8 8 3 2
9 9 4 3
10 10 5 1
Note that in place of rep_len, you could use the more common rep function:
df$y <- rep(1:3,len=10)
From the help file for rep: and rep_len are faster simplified versions for two common cases. They are not generic.
If the total number of rows is a multiple of the length of your new vector, it works fine. When it is not, it does not work everywhere. In particular, probably you have used this type of recycling with matrices:
data.frame(1:6, 1:3, 1:4) # not a multiply
# Error in data.frame(1:6, 1:3, 1:4) :
# arguments imply differing number of rows: 6, 3, 4
data.frame(1:6, 1:3) # a multiple
# X1.6 X1.3
# 1 1 1
# 2 2 2
# 3 3 3
# 4 4 1
# 5 5 2
# 6 6 3
cbind(1:6, 1:3, 1:4) # works even with not a multiple
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 1 1 1
# [2,] 2 2 2
# [3,] 3 3 3
# [4,] 4 1 4
# [5,] 5 2 1
# [6,] 6 3 2
# Warning message:
# In cbind(1:6, 1:3, 1:4) :
# number of rows of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 3)

R - Subset dataframe to include only subjects with more than 1 record

I'd like to subset a dataframe to include all records for subjects that have >1 record, and exclude those subjects with only 1 record.
Let's take the following dataframe;
mydata <- data.frame(subject_id = factor(c(1,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,8,9,9,9,10)),
variable = rnorm(15))
The code below gives me the subjects with >1 record using duplicated();
duplicates <- mydata[duplicated(mydata$subject_id),]$subject_id
But I want to retain in my subset all records for each subject with >1 record, so I tried;
Which does not return the result I'm expecting.
Any ideas?
A data.table solution
subject_id <- as.factor(c(1,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,8,9,9,9,10))
variable <- rnorm(15)
mydata<, variable))
setDT(mydata)[, .SD[.N > 1], by = subject_id] # #Thanks David.
# subject_id variable
# 1: 4 -1.3325937
# 2: 4 -0.4465668
# 3: 5 0.5696061
# 4: 5 -2.8897176
# 5: 6 -0.8690183
# 6: 6 -0.4617027
# 7: 9 -0.1503822
# 8: 9 -0.6281268
# 9: 9 1.3232209
A simple alternative is to use dplyr:
dfr <- data.frame(a=sample(1:2,10,rep=T), b=sample(1:5,10, rep=T))
dfr <- group_by(dfr, b)
# Source: local data frame [10 x 2]
# Groups: b
# a b
# 1 2 4
# 2 2 2
# 3 2 5
# 4 2 1
# 5 1 2
# 6 1 3
# 7 2 1
# 8 2 4
# 9 1 4
# 10 2 4
filter(dfr, n() > 1)
# Source: local data frame [8 x 2]
# Groups: b
# a b
# 1 2 4
# 2 2 2
# 3 2 1
# 4 1 2
# 5 2 1
# 6 2 4
# 7 1 4
# 8 2 4
Here you go (I changed your variable to var <- rnorm(15):
x1 <- c(names(table(mydata$subject_id)[table(mydata$subject_id) > 1]))
x2 <- which(mydata$subject_id %in% x1)
subject_id var
4 4 0.3951076
5 4 -2.4129058
6 5 -1.3309979
7 5 -1.7354382
8 6 0.4020871
9 6 0.4628287
12 9 -2.1744466
13 9 0.4857337
14 9 1.0245632
> mydata[mydata$subject_id %in% mydata[duplicated(mydata$subject_id),]$subject_id,]
subject_id variable
4 4 -1.3325937
5 4 -0.4465668
6 5 0.5696061
7 5 -2.8897176
8 6 -0.8690183
9 6 -0.4617027
12 9 -0.1503822
13 9 -0.6281268
14 9 1.3232209
I had to edit your data frame a little bit:
subject_id <- as.factor(c(1,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,8,9,9,9,10))
variable <- rnorm(15)
mydata<, variable))
Now to get all the rows for subjects that appear more than once:
| duplicated(mydata$subject_id, fromLast = TRUE), ]
# subject_id variable
# 4 4 -1.3325937
# 5 4 -0.4465668
# 6 5 0.5696061
# 7 5 -2.8897176
# 8 6 -0.8690183
# 9 6 -0.4617027
# 12 9 -0.1503822
# 13 9 -0.6281268
# 14 9 1.3232209
Edit: this would also work, using your duplicates vector:
mydata[mydata$subject_id %in% duplicates, ]

Count and label observations per participant using loop

I have repeated-measures data.
I need to create a loop that will incrementally count each observation, within a participant, and label it.
I am new to writing loops. My logic was to say, for each item in the list of unique ids, count each row in that, and apply some function to that row.
Could someone point our what I am doing wrong?
data$Ob <- 0
for (i in unique(data$id)) {
count <- 1
for (u in data[data$id == i,]) {
data[data$id ==u,]$Ob <- count
count <- count + 1
You can also use ave:
data <- data.frame(id = sample(4, 10, TRUE))
data$Ob = ave(data$id, data$id, FUN=seq_along)
id Ob
1 2 1
2 2 2
3 3 1
4 4 1
5 1 1
6 4 2
7 4 3
8 3 2
9 3 3
10 1 2
# Generate some dummy data
data <- data.frame(Ob=0, id=sample(4,20,TRUE))
# Go through every id value
for(i in unique(data$id)){
# Label observations
data$Ob[data$id == i] = 1:sum(data$id == i)
Be aware though that for loops are notoriously slow in R. In this simple case they work fine, but should you have millions and millions of rows in your data frame you'd better do something purely vectorized.
But you don't need a loop...
data <- data.frame (id = sample (4, 10, TRUE))
## id
## 1 3
## 2 4
## 3 1
## 4 3
## 5 3
## 6 4
## 7 2
## 8 1
## 9 1
## 10 4
data$Ob [order (data$id)] <- sequence (table (data$id))
## id Ob
## 1 3 1
## 2 4 1
## 3 1 1
## 4 3 2
## 5 3 3
## 6 4 2
## 7 2 1
## 8 1 2
## 9 1 3
## 10 4 3
(works also with character or factor IDs)
(isn't R just cool!?)

Performing calculations on binned counts in R

I have a dataset stored in a text file in the format of bins of values followed by counts, like this:
var_a 1:5 5:12 7:9 9:14 ...
indicating that var_a took on the value 1 5 times in the dataset, 5 12 times, etc. Each variable is on its own line in that format.
I'd like to be able to perform calculations on this dataset in R, like quantiles, variance, and so on. Is there an easy way to load the data from the file and calculate these statistics? Ultimately I'd like to make a box-and-whisker plot for each variable.
You could use readLines to read in the data file
.x <- readLines(datafile)
I will create some dummy data, as I don't have the file. This should be the equivalent of the output of readLines
## dummy
.x <- c("var_a 1:5 5:12 7:9 9:14", 'var_b 1:5 2:12 3:9 4:14')
I split by spacing to get each
#split by space
space_split <- strsplit(.x, ' ')
# get the variable names (first in each list)
variable_names <- lapply(space_split,'[[',1)
# get the variable contents (everything but the first element in each list)
variable_contents <- lapply(space_split,'[',-1)
# a function to do the appropriate replicates
do_rep <- function(x){[1],x[2])}
# recreate the variables
variables <- lapply(variable_contents, function(x){
.list <- strsplit(x, ':')
unlist(lapply(lapply(.list, as.numeric), do_rep))
names(variables) <- variable_names
you could get the variance for each variable using
lapply(variables, var)
## $var_a
## [1] 6.848718
## $var_b
## [1] 1.138462
or get boxplots
boxplot(variables, ~.)
Not knowing the actual form that your data is in, I would probably use something like readLines to get each line in as a vector, then do something like the following:
# Some sample data
temp = c("var_a 1:5 5:12 7:9 9:14",
"var_b 1:7 4:9 3:11 2:10",
"var_c 2:5 5:14 6:6 3:14")
# Extract the names
NAMES = gsub("[0-9: ]", "", temp)
# Extract the data
temp_1 = strsplit(temp, " |:")
temp_1 = lapply(temp_1, function(x) as.numeric(x[-1]))
# "Expand" the data
temp_1 = lapply(1:length(temp_1),
function(x) rep(temp_1[[x]][seq(1, length(temp_1[[x]]), by=2)],
temp_1[[x]][seq(2, length(temp_1[[x]]), by=2)]))
names(temp_1) = NAMES
# $var_a
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
# $var_b
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
# $var_c
# [1] 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
