Unable to toggle Arduino State from HIGH to LOW after delay - arduino

Arduino make use of the following:
1. IR sensor
2. LED Light
3. MotorFan
4. Relay
hence, when user approaches the IR sensor, it will give a serialPrint of '1' since it has detected proximity, this will then toggle the state of LED and motorfan from LOW to HIGH. However, after 5s, the state of motorfan will toggle to LOW from HIGH, while the state of LED will still remain HIGH and will remain as HIGH as long as the serialPrint is '1'.
However, when user leaves the proximity of the IR sensor, the LED state will toggle to LOW from HIGH after 10s.
What I have done:
Code that I have done:
const int signalPin = 1; //wire pin to analog for IR Sensor
//Motor-Fan Relay
byte FanRelay = 4;
byte LightRelay = 6;
int IRSignal; //variable signal, will hold the analog value read by Arduino
long duration;
int distance;
unsigned long Timer;
unsigned long Interval = 10000; //teh repeat Interval
unsigned long MotorFanOff = 5000;
void setup()
//Execute only once at startup
//pinMode (FanPin , OUTPUT) ; // Set pinMode for FanPin as OUTPUT, display
pinMode (signalPin, INPUT); //infared sensor line will be an input to the Arduino
pinMode(FanRelay, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LightRelay, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(9600); // Open serial port to communicate with the Ultrasaonic Sensor
void loop()
//execute multiple times in a loop
IRSignal = analogRead(signalPin); //arduino reads the value from the infared sensor
distance = 9462 / (IRSignal -16.92);
if(distance < 30 && distance > 0)
Timer = millis();
// Write a pin of HIGH
//Set motor-fan to operate
digitalWrite (FanRelay, HIGH);
digitalWrite (LightRelay, HIGH);
//After a delay of 5s, MotorFan will toggle to LOW
//Toggle MotorFan to LOW after 5s
if ((millis()-Timer)>MotorFanOff){
digitalWrite (FanRelay, LOW);
//Check if Timer is longer than 10s
if ((millis()-Timer)>Interval){
digitalWrite (LightRelay, LOW);
digitalWrite (FanRelay, LOW);
At this point, when tested, both the state of the LED and motorfan will toggle from LOW to HIGH when the serialPrint is '1' from the IR sensor. However, the main issue that i am facing is that the state of the MOTORFAN does not toggle to LOW from HIGH after 5seconds, but both state will only toggle to LOW when serialPrint is '0'.
Hence, what have I done wrong? pls help.thanks.

Be careful! The first two pins on the Arduino are used for serial communication and break if you use them for something else. Switch over to higher pin numbers and the problem should go away.


Why 2nd PIR sensor is always HIGH?

I an getting a constant HIGH from 'inputPintwo' on the serial monitor. When 'inputPin' goes HIGH the relay is triggered and works properly because 'inputPintwo' is also HIGH (all the time).
I have a Very similar setup to: 2 PIR motion sensors +Arduino
I am not using pin 0 or 1 like the above answered question. I have replaced the sensor with a different one, in case it was bad hardware. I also unplugged the sensor and it still reads HIGH. The jumper is on retriggering on both sensors.
int ledPin = 13;
int inputPin = 2;
int inputPintwo = 4;
int pirState = LOW;
int val = 0;
int valtwo = 0;
#define RELAY1 7
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(inputPin, INPUT);
pinMode(inputPintwo, INPUT);
pinMode(RELAY1, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
val = digitalRead(inputPin);
valtwo = digitalRead(inputPintwo);
if (val == HIGH && valtwo == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
if (pirState == LOW) {
Serial.println("Motion detected!");
pirState = HIGH;
Serial.println("Light ON");
else {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
if (pirState == HIGH){
Serial.println("Motion ended!");
pirState = LOW;
Serial.println("Light OFF");
I expect both sensors to go HIGH only when motion is detected, which will cause the relay to go on and off several times, then stay on until the timer runs out on the sensors.
To identify the problem I recommend you to start with checking the hardware. You will need voltmeter/multimeter.
Double check if you are interfacing the sensor properly (check datasheet). Didn't you forget to connect e.g. the pull-down resistors?
Check power supply voltage on sensors – is the voltage within
manufacturer specifications?
Check breadboard connections if you are using one.
Check sensor output behaviour (voltage), if there is or is not a movement. Is the voltage constant or not? Constant voltage means that PIR sensor is NOT working properly. Before performing of this test disconnect output from Arduino input.
If everything seems OK or you do not have voltmeter, try to disconnect the PIR sensor and connect a wire between Arduino pin 4 and ground. Does digitalRead(inputPintwo) return LOW? If yes, you know that reading of the pin state works fine.
Below please see some recommendations related to your code:
use #define directive or static const int variable type to define Arduino pins as you do it with relay output pin RELAY1.
#define LED_PIN 13
#define INPUT_PIN 2
#define INPUT_PINTWO 4
static const int ledPin = 13;
static const int inputPin = 2;
static const int inputPintwo = 4;
In your case, where you are only interested in digital value (LOW/HIGH), use built pull-up resistor on the input pins. Thus the log. voltage level on the floating input pin is defined (HIGH). If you do not use pull-up resistors, voltage can be either log. 0 (LOW) or log. 1 (HIGH), what can lead to strange program/state machine behaviour
To activate pull-up resistors in the input pins, use
pinMode(inputPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(inputPintwo, INPUT_PULLUP);

Why in my Arduino test (about the blinking LED) coding the pin as an output or not does not change the final effect?

Here i commented the pinmode section:
void setup() {
//pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
digitalWrite(10, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(10, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait for a second
in my test is equal to:
void setup() {
// initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
digitalWrite(10, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(10, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait for a second
it only seems that the LED blinks weakly.
Thanks for your time.
From the documentation for digitalWrite():
Write a HIGH or a LOW value to a digital pin.
If the pin has been configured as an OUTPUT with pinMode(), its
voltage will be set to the corresponding value: 5V (or 3.3V on 3.3V
boards) for HIGH, 0V (ground) for LOW.
If the pin is configured as an INPUT, digitalWrite() will enable
(HIGH) or disable (LOW) the internal pullup on the input pin. It is
recommended to set the pinMode() to INPUT_PULLUP to enable the
internal pull-up resistor. See the digital pins tutorial for more
If you do not set the pinMode() to OUTPUT, and connect an LED to a
pin, when calling digitalWrite(HIGH), the LED may appear dim. Without
explicitly setting pinMode(), digitalWrite() will have enabled the
internal pull-up resistor, which acts like a large current-limiting

How to stop pwm after generate few pulse in Arduino?

I'm trying to generate pulse from Arduino to driver motor stepper 5 phase.
The driver only needs pulse to make motor stepper work. My problem is when I'm using code like this
for(int i=0; i <= 125; i++)
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
Stepper motor can work perfectly, but after more than 10 rotation,
the angle of the motor did not return to the original place. Can we use pwm in Arduino like that? So after generating 5000 pulses using pwm, we stop the pwm?
try this code:
#include <TimerOne.h>
const byte CLOCKOUT = 11;
volatile byte counter=0;
void setup() {
Timer1.initialize(15); //Every 15 microseconds change the state of the pin in the wave function giving a period of 30 microseconds
void loop() {
if (counter>=6000){ //With 6000 changes you should achieve the amount of pulses you need
Timer1.stop(); //Here I create the dead time, which must be in HIGH
PORTB = B00001000;
void Onda(){
PORTB ^= B00001000; //Change pin status
I just cant not eliminate the jitter. If you find a solution let me know

Arduino External Interrupt Not Fast Enough

I've been trying to measure the time that the line is high on the Arduino. It goes high, then stays high for a couple of milliseconds. Then it gets pulled low for 1us and then floats back to high. My code doesn't seem to recognise the line getting pulled low. Is 1us too fast for the interrupt? How can I slow it down?
Thank you
My thoughts are to use an RC filter in conjunction with a diode to slow the rise time enough for the Arduino to recognise the change, but only when the change occurs from the receiving line. Is this viable? Or can I use a pulse extender chip with a diode in the same way?
#define ESC 2 //the digital pin the esc signal line is attached to
int throttlePos = 0;
volatile unsigned long timer_start;
volatile int last_interrupt_time;
volatile int pulse_time;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(ESC, OUTPUT); //originally set the ESC's line to output to keep line high ready for throttle armature
digitalWrite(ESC, HIGH); //keep the pulse high due to inverted throttle pulse
Serial.begin(115200); //opens the serial port for use when testing
timer_start = 0;
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ESC), calcSignal, CHANGE);
for(throttlePos = 0; throttlePos <= 1000; throttlePos += 1) //these for loops arm the ESC by emulating an inverted PWM pulse, process takes two seconds
digitalWrite(ESC, LOW);
digitalWrite(ESC, HIGH);
for(throttlePos = 1000; throttlePos <= 2000; throttlePos += 1)
digitalWrite(ESC, LOW);
digitalWrite(ESC, HIGH);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(ESC, LOW);
digitalWrite(ESC, HIGH);
void calcSignal()
//record the interrupt time so that we can tell if the receiver has a signal from the transmitter
last_interrupt_time = micros();
//if the pin has gone HIGH, record the microseconds since the Arduino started up
if(digitalRead(ESC) == HIGH)
timer_start = micros();
//otherwise, the pin has gone LOW
//only worry about this if the timer has actually started
if(timer_start != 0)
//record the pulse time
pulse_time = ((volatile int)micros() - timer_start);
//restart the timer
timer_start = 0;
1/1us is 1MHz. Given that your Arduino executes instructions at 16MHz (at best, some instructions take longer), your interrupt handler could easily be missing things. However, the interrupt should still execute, even if the interrupt condition is cleared before the interrupt finishes.
Are you using the Arduino libraries for interrupts or configuring pin change interrupts directly at the register level?
Have you verified that the pulse into the Arduino is electrically sound? Without knowing more about your circuit, it's difficult to suggest a fix.

Read Mutiple Channels of 9 Channel Transmitter Receiver

I have 9 channel RF RX/TX,i want to connect 3 motors to it.I am able to connect channel 1 with motor1 but unable to connect channel2 with motor2 simultaneously with ardunio.Pls take a look at code. cant able to rotate motors with different channels
int motor1Left = 7;// defines pin 5 as connected to the motor
int motor1Right= 9;// defines pin 6 as connected to the motor
int motor2Left = 22;// defines pin 7 as connected to the motor
int motor2Right = 26;// defines pin 8 as connected to the motor
int enable = 5;
int enable2 = 10;
int channel1 = 2; // defines the channels that are connected
int channel2 = 3;// to pins 9 and 10 of arduino respectively
int Channel1 ; // Used later to
int Channel2 ; // store values
void setup ()
pinMode (motor1Left, OUTPUT);// initialises the motor pins
pinMode (motor1Right, OUTPUT);
pinMode (motor2Left, OUTPUT);
pinMode (motor2Right, OUTPUT);// as outputs
pinMode (channel1, INPUT);// initialises the channels
pinMode (channel2, INPUT);// as inputs
//pinMode (enable, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin (9600); // Sets the baud rate to 9600 bps
void loop ()
Channel1 = (pulseIn (channel1, HIGH)); // Checks the value of channel1
Serial.println (Channel1); //Prints the channels value on the serial monitor
Channel2 = (pulseIn (channel2, HIGH)); // Checks the value of channel1
Serial.println (Channel2); //Prints the channels value value on the serial monitor
if (Channel1 > 1470 && Channel1 < 1500) /*If these conditions are true, do the following. These are the values that I got from my transmitter, which you may customize according to your transmitter values */
digitalWrite (motor1Left, LOW); // Sets both the
digitalWrite (motor1Right, LOW);// motors to low
analogWrite(enable, 100);
if (Channel1 < 1460) // Checks if Channel1 is lesser than 1300
digitalWrite (motor1Left, HIGH);// Turns the left
digitalWrite (motor1Right, LOW); // motor forward
analogWrite(enable, 100);
//digitalWrite(motor1Left, LOW);
if (Channel1 > 1510) // Checks if Channel1 is greater than 1500
digitalWrite (motor1Left, LOW);// Turns the right
digitalWrite (motor1Right, HIGH);// motor forward
analogWrite(enable, 70);
//digitalWrite (motor1Right, LOW);
// delay(50);
//digitalWrite (motor1Right, HIGH);
if (Channel2 > 1480 && Channel1 < 1500 ) // If these conditions are true, do the following
digitalWrite (motor2Left, LOW);// Sets both the
digitalWrite (motor2Right, LOW);// motors to low
analogWrite (enable2, 100);
if (Channel2 < 1300) // Checks if Channel2 is lesser than 1300
digitalWrite (motor2Left, LOW);// Turns the left
digitalWrite (motor2Right, HIGH);// motor backward
analogWrite (enable2, 100);
if (Channel2 > 1500) // Checks if Channel2 is greater than 1500
digitalWrite (motor2Left, HIGH);// Turns the right
digitalWrite (motor2Right, LOW);// motor backward
analogWrite (enable2, 100);
I see a couple of problems:
You mention 3 motors, but there appear to be only 2.
You print out th value read, but don't have any help to identify which one. Consider adding "Serial.print("Ch1 = ");" just before the first println to differentiate.
About line 72, you are have mixed Channel2 and Channel1.
In both channels, you have some dead zones for your readings. For example, for Channel 1, what will happen if Channel1 is 1465? Or 1460 or 1470? In all those cases none of your "if" statements will fire. In Channel2 the lower dead zone is much bigger, and the upper dead zone is still there (what if Channel2 is exactly 1500?).
Lastly, it still seems like your motor should have done something. Maybe it was because Channel 1 was less than 1500. But if it still doesn't work, check your wiring.
Also, a style note: You use channel1 to be the input pin to read. You use Channel1 to be the value read from that. These are extremely similar looking. If you had mistyped one, it would be almost impossible to spot. You should consider naming these in a way that makes it easier to spot a mistake, and more obvious. For example, channel1 could become pinCh1, and Channel1 could become inpCh1. Others might suggest even more descriptive names, possibly with the first letter indicating data type. e.g.,
int iChannel1_PinNumber;
int iChannel1_InputValue;
