Ninja Forms 3.0.11: <noscript> - wordpress

I am getting this no script error, and am unsure as to why.
Javascript is allowed in my browser, and the adblock is disabled. I see Ninja Forms 3.0.11 has a JS directory with several files.
<noscript class="ninja-forms-noscript-message">
Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.</noscript>
Has anyone come across this upgrading? If so, could you please explain how you resolved this?
Thank you.

I was having this same problem today so I decided to switch themes and see if that fixed it. And that did fix the problem. So I switched back and it was still broken. I inspected the page and noticed there was a JS error in the console and I resolved that JS error that had nothing to do with Ninja Forms and it made my form show up and work fine now. So it seems if there are any JS errors going on it will affect it.

Make sure all of the scripts from your header and footers are getting added to the page correctly. I experienced this issue with an add on for ninja forms and my call to get_footer wasn't being included on the page and created this issue.

i got same error:
Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.
i removed my cache plugin Autoptimize, SG optimizer, the plugin used to combine js/css files etc,
it will solve your problem :)
Thank You

Мy decision: add code <? php wp_footer (); ?> in the template file footer.php


How to submit contact form 7 without page refresh in wordpress?

Hi I'm pretty new to contact form 7. I've seen on Youtube tutorials, that contact form 7 submits without page refresh. But when I install the plugin it's working with a page refresh.
Please advise on how to enable it to work without page refresh. Thanks.
I found the fault, the issue was i haven't included the wp_head() and wp_footer() functions in my theme.
There's a page in contactform7 site on this:
there they have mentioned the requirements for ajax to work.
Add wp_head() funtion in your header.php file and wp_footer() function in footer.php file.
That's it solved :)
My problem was solved by changing the jquery used. Check the version you are using.
enter code here
I have recently experienced this problem. I have opening a form inside popup and submit would refresh it.
So, after some much hair pulling I happened to view source and there I noticed some part of footer code wasn't highlighted. Why? turns out it was my silly mistake. I forgot to close one iframe tag. Once I closed it. view source code was perfectly highlighted and the problem was resolved.
After verifying that one of the main reasons why the page refreshes when submitting the form are:
JavaScript file is not loaded:
If you are using themes downloaded from the store, usually the problem is with page optimizers like Lite Speed Cache.
Otherwise check that your themes are loading the Ajax file correctly.
This was my case, the Js files were loading in delay, I was using a Page Cache which was speeding up the web page but not loading the javascript files correctly.
Conflicts with other JavaScript
HTML structure is not valid

Wordpress: media library grid mode infinite loading

So this problem is very strange because for me doesn't work Wordpress media library in Wordpress admin menu only grid mode, its very strange problem because this problem occurs ONLY on 1 account/ That would be same account that yesterday i was trying upload bunch of pictures to media library and it gave error:
Try again later...
Since that i have tried many things but besides logging with other account nothing helped.
Tried reninstall wordpress via wordpress admin panel
Tried disabling all plugins, changed theme to default wordpress
Tried inspect elemet for JS errors nothing there except
upload.php?mode=grid:46 Consider using 'dppx' units, as in CSS 'dpi'
means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not
correspond to the actual 'dpi' of a screen. In media query expression:
print, not all, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25),
(min-resolution: 120dpi)
Tried include in theme functions bunch of codes that i found on internet didn't helped.(i don't have them now since nothing helped and i didn't saved them sorry...)
Tried flushing cache, proxy, different computers, different operating systems(max,windows), tablet nothing still on that particular account media grid view doesn't work
View that 'm seeing is this:
I don't understand whats wrong, why on 1 particular account it doesn't work i even tried flushing Wordpress cache but it doesn't work after i received that error which i showed above. Did somebody know how can i solve this? Thanks in advance!
Got exactly the same problem and some ajax error on revolution slider too, and after searching for long time i resolved my problem.
It was just an HTML comment in functions.php on child theme, after remove it, everything work perfectly for me.
Same problem with space in function.php don't cut your code with space between php tag
this type problem is create by functions.php file , remove the code of you added in functions.php and than see it work proper.
standerd code write in functions.php file
In my case, there was an error in the backend. You should check your network tab in developer tools and find admin-ajax.php. Even if it returns HTTP 200, it shows an error in the response body.
From the information provided, you can work on which plugin, theme, or whatever file causes the error.
If the problem is with the user and seeing that you have tried almost all, you can try deleting the user and creating it again.
I had exactly the same error. I could not search for plugins, get the list of my uploads, everywhere where an ajax function was triggered, I needed to reload the page to see the results.
clean your functions.php and see if it works now. if yes, clean up your functions.php search for spaces or not set closing tags.
Solution was simple – I just had accidentally added a closing php tag in my functions.php (?>).
After I removed it the problem was solved.

custom error page not being used

I'm having trouble getting my custom error page to work. I have followed the instructions on and added an error.hbs template into the root of my theme. The code inside this template is really simple:
{{!< default}}
<section class="error">
Each time I try to test it by going to a non existent page, the blog shows the default ghost error page every time.
Have I missed anything crucial?
If you are using ghost 0.4.2 I'm sorry this is a bug and would be fixed in 0.5 release
see the bug issue at github
Have you restarted Ghost? Whenever you add or remove a theme file you need to restart the application for it to become aware of the changes to your file structure. Edits to files are detected automatically, but new or removed files need this extra step.

RequireJS text! plugin and Load timeout

I'm using the text! plugin with RequireJS and Firefox seems to hate my text templates. My code seems to work just fine in Chrome and Safari. Here is the error I get.
Error: Load timeout for modules: text!templates/a.html_unnormalized2,
text!templates/c.html_unnormalized4, // _unnormalized# <- What is this?
text!templates/n.html, // I don't see _unnormalized here... why?
First, what does the _unnormalized# mean? It seems to append itself to the file name for some of my templates but not all. However, all of my templates are listed in the error message.
Looking at the Net inspector, it seems to be downloading the necessary template files.
I think I figured it out part of the mystery, although I'm not sure about the details. I noticed that this error occurs when I'm using Firebug and in the console options, ShowXMLHttpRequests is turned on. By turing this option off, the page loads without a hitch.
What do you think guys, is this a Firebug problem? Or a requireJS issue? I'd love to understand why this occurs.
In my case, if I just disable the "Script" tab of FireBug, I have no more freeze or time out error.
Firefox 27.0.1
Firebug 1.12.7

Wordpress Custom Post Type CSS & JS 404

I'm having a weird problem on a Wordpress site that I've built. I set up custom post types for a portfolio site, circa Wordpress 2.8. Everything worked out great and it was on auto pilot. Somewhere between Wordpress 3.0 and 3.1, the style.css file started throwing out a 404, but only on the single post pages.
EDIT - It's actually every included file. CSS & JS. The plot thickens...
I'm baffled, and I don't even know where to start. I changed the permalinks, re-did the .htaccessfile. Has anyone else ran into this problem?
Here's the link to the site if you want to FireBug it -
Sorry, I would post some code, but I have no idea where the problem even begins... but let me know what you need to see, and I'll post it.
You're not linking to the style sheet somehow. I'll look at it in detail when I get off work. I would check the names of your classes in the CSS and make sure that the body class for the single post is named correctly. It appears that the reference to the stylesheet is in the head; I think that's ok. Nice photos!
Your problem is that your files are specified with relative path, so you get wrong url.
Here patty-boring/ messes up your urls.
I don't know how you specify urls in theme so I can't tell you where you're doing wrong.
Turns out it's something with mod_pagespeed screwing with the custom post types. Thanks for your help!
