Meteor Blaze To-Do App Error, can't find npm module "meteor/Mongo" - meteor

Everything worked perfectly well until I made the changes that were stated while learning Collections. I also had a few updates done for Meteor through the command prompt. I don't seem to know where the problem resides.
The error says - can't find npm module "meteor/Mongo"

You've capitalised meteor/Mongo in the path in your import statement - it should be import { Mongo } from "meteor/mongo"


error deploying react project with font-awesome import

I'm trying to npm run deploy on my project where I'm storing the minified font-awesome css file and I'm getting the following error:
Creating an optimized production build...
Failed to compile.
ParserError: Syntax Error at line: 1, column 30
The app works fine on development sever.
The error shows whether I'm importing the css to the main css file or the main js file.
I only found some related old posts with potential solutions for a next.js project and yarn like in this link:
This is a react project and I'm using npm.
Any suggestions?
Can't comment on this unless there's more information regarding module-bundler and what is the configuration for the same. As it's treated differently according to module-bundler.
I would suggest you to use official package of fontawesome for react #fortawesome/react-fontawesome
PS. Module Bundler configuration should not be changed without proper knowledge as it can make whole application crash.

I am getting Error during connecting firebase with react native ios

At first i did npm install --save #react-native-firebase/app then cd ios and then pod install and get error like that..
[!] The following Swift pods cannot yet be integrated as static libraries:
The Swift pod FirebaseCoreInternal depends upon GoogleUtilities, which does not define modules. To opt into those targets generating module maps (which is necessary to import them from Swift when building as static libraries), you may set use_modular_headers! globally in your Podfile, or specify :modular_headers => true for particular dependencies.
then i use my pod file use_modular_headers! globally...then pod install done ,but when i ran the project from xcode it gives me the Error..."glog.glog.log_severity' appears within namespace 'google" please help i dont know xcode and can't solve the issue ...please help ...thanks advance
I just initialized a bare react native project yesterday and ran into this exact same problem when setting up Firebase. I can't remember the exact sequence of steps I took to fix it, but my current Podfile doesn't include use_modular_headers!. Instead, I used "use_frameworks!" globally in my Podfile, and commented out the use_flipper!() at the bottom as recommended in the comments. If you get the same initial error about static libraries, try switching the environment you're running from. I.E. if you've been trying from terminal by "npx react-native run..." use Xcode to compile the build, and vice versa. Hopefully that works, it did for me!

React Native Firebase only works on iOS

I'm fairly new to React Native so I've been following the "The Complete React Native and Redux Course" by Stephen Grider. On section 9, lecture 59 he installs Firebase using npm with "npm install --save firebase", and so did I, however this only works for iOS for me. Whenever I run the app on an Android simulator I get this error saying Objects are not valid as a React child.
Edit: I'll try to explain this problem better as per advice from akraf. The only thing I need to do to recreate this Error is create a React Native project. Then install Firebase through npm to the project directory. Once I add the line "import firebase from 'firebase';" to the App.js file, the error occurs. Nothing else, just the import causes the error.
Try to install the version 5.0.2. Use this command as administrator:
npm install --save firebase#5.0.2
As far as i see, the current version (5.0.4) is buggy!

Adding aldeed:autoform causes error in Meteor

I created a new app using below command;
meteor create --full test
The link application works fine. But then, I added aldeed:autoform to the project and re-run meteor.
the browser console shows error
Error : There is no route for the path: /
and the entire UI is blank.
NOTE: When I remove the package, the application works fine.
AutoForm 6.0 requires switching your app to using the SimpleSchema package from 'NPM' and aldeed:collection2-core package.
I encountered the same problem as yours, so when I ran command npm install simpl-schema, the error in the console went away.
Note: The aldeed:autoform was also looking for mongo-object which is present in simpl-schema from NPM. For better understanding, follow the below image attached.
Hope this helps.

How import npm module 'mapbox-gl' in meteor 1.3

The npm module mapbox-gl failed at import in Meteor 1.3.
This is how the import looks like:
import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl'
The error in the browser console:
Cannot find module 'gl'
Is it a problem of Meteor's packager?
Can this package only be used through Browserify?
I am also interested in solving this baby. Copied from the mapbox-gl repo...
Alternatively, you can npm install mapbox-gl and use it as a bundled dependency with browserify.
It seems like it may depend on browserify? Why mapbox!! If I come up with a solution will post here.. Until then may God have mercy on our souls c:
update:: it is on!
mapbox error of d00m
update2:: the require statements inside mapboxgl.js are causing the errors.. My previous console error stemmed from not having the npm 'gl' package loaded before mapbox.
Any ideas how to debrowserify an npm package??
This is a known issue and there is no solution at the moment. You can still include mapbox-gl with a script tag:
<script src=''></script>
