Good morning,
for my project I would need to interface a microcontroller with a SD card that is 128 GB or more.
I've read on internet that in order to communicate with a SD card I can use SD protocol or SPI protocol. On my microcontroller I have SPI available and therefore I would need to go for that way.
I've found a lot of information on internet. The post MSP430F5438 SD card using an SPI interface was very helpful to understand how to interface the micro with the SD. But, based on my understanding, the maximum size of a SD card using SPI protocol seems to be limited to 2GB. Is that true or I can use any dimension I need? Thank you.
The address you use is a block address, not a byte address. If you change the block size to something big enough (bigger than the usual 512 bytes per block), you should be able to access the whole memory.
For a project I need to make communicate in a CANBus network, ethernet network and with RS-232. I want to use one single MCU that will act as the main unit of CANBus start topology, Ethernet start topology and that MCU also will be transfering the RS232 data that comes to it to another device. Now I want to use high speed CAN which can be up to 1 Mbits per second. However,RS-232 is max 20 k baud. I wonder if it is doable with 1 MCU to handle 3 different communications ( CANBus, ethernet and RS-232). I am afraid of to get overrun with data at some point. I can buffer data short term if data comes in bursts that can be averaged out. For continuous data where I'll never be able to keep up, I'll need to discard messages, perhaps in a managed way. But I do not want to discard any data. So my question is: Would using 1 MCU for this case work? And are there any software tricks that would help me with this case? (Like giving CANBus a higher priority etc.)
Yes, this can be done with a single MCU. Even a simple MCU should easily be able to handle data rates of 1 Mbps. Most likely you want to use DMA enabled transfer so the CPU core will only need to act when the transmission of a chunk of data has completed.
The problem of being overrun by data due to the mismatch in data rate is a separate topic:
If the mismatch persists, no system can handle it, no matter how capable.
If the mismatch is temporary, it's just a function of the available buffer size.
So if the worst case you want to handle is 10s of incoming data at 1 Mbps (with an outgoing rate of 20kbps), then you will need 10s x (1Mbps - 20kps) = 9.8 Mbit = 1.225 MByte of buffer memory.
This question may looks like little dump. sorry about it.
I saw Now day routers communicate few Gbps. but now day mcu's running speed lower than 4 GHz per second. Please explain How do they do this magic.
No magic at all :) They use specialized hardware which is only controlled by a (sometimes) small processor. So, they don't have to process every bit and byte but only tell the specialized hardware how to handle those bytes.
Take a look at a policeman standing in the middle of a crossing. He (the controller) just has to signal the drivers (specialized hardware) when and where to go. They handle the rest of it.
Also this hardware could use parallelization in data processing, meaning it could handle many bytes within one cycle, multiplying the throughput in comparison to the actual speed.
And: We have hybrid technology now where you have a cpu and specialized hardware modules on the same chip (like a microcontroller with rs232, spi and ethernet support). Same thing.
Hope this helps!
I am trying to figure out the communication protocol of the transmitter chip found inside an RC remote (FS-GT2B). Originally, I thought it was I2C but after some research it seems less likely because it is lacking some characteristic lines. The silkscreen says "SCK", "SCS" and "SDIO". Here's a picture of the chip's pinouts: . Can anyone offer some pointers as to what the communication protocol of this guy is?
The pins correspond to clock (SCK), chip select (SCS), and data input output (SDIO). You need to toggle the SCK pin in the appropriate way as you change or read the data on the SDIO pin. the SCS pin is likely for data direction (read or write).
There is no easy way to determine the protocol from a black box. Instead, you need to remove the RF shielding case to see the chip. A soldering iron and a solder sucker will do the job. Be careful not to overheat the circuit inside.
Use the number on chip to determine what kind of chip it is, then find the datasheet by searching the internet.
Once you have all that and write some code, this is appropriate place to ask questions about it.
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What is the potential maximum speed for rs232 serial port on a modern PC? I know that the specification says it is 115200 bps. But i believe it can be faster. What influences the speed of the rs232 port? I believe it is quartz resonator but i am not sure.
This goes back to the original IBM PC. The engineers that designed it needed a cheap way to generate a stable frequency. And turned to crystals that were widely in use at the time, used in any color TV in the USA. A crystal made to run an oscillator circuit at the color burst frequency in the NTSC television standard. Which is 315/88 = 3.579545 megahertz. From there, it first went through a programmable divider, the one you change to set the baudrate. The UART itself then divides it by 16 to generate the sub-sampling clock for the data line.
So the highest baudrate you can get is by setting the divider to the smallest value, 2. Which produces 3579545 / 2 / 16 = 111861 baud. A 2.3% error from the ideal baudrate. But close enough, the clock rate doesn't have to be exact. The point of asynchronous signalling, the A in UART, the start bit always re-synchronizes the receiver.
Getting real RS-232 hardware running at 115200 baud reliably is a significant challenge. The electrical standard is very sensitive to noise, there is no attempt at canceling induced noise and no attempt at creating an impedance-matched transmission line. The maximum recommended cable length at 9600 baud is only 50 feet. At 115200 only very short cables will do in practice. To go further you need a different approach, like RS-422's differential signals.
This is all ancient history and doesn't exactly apply to modern hardware anymore. True serial hardware based on a UART chip like 16550 have been disappearing rapidly and replaced by USB emulators. Which have a custom driver to emulate a serial port. They do accept a baudrate selection but just ignore it for the USB bus itself, it only applies to the last half-inch in the dongle you plug in the device. Whether or not the driver accepts 115200 as the maximum value is a driver implementation detail, they usually accept higher values.
The maximum speed is limited by the specs of the UART hardware.
I believe the "classical" PC UART (the 16550) in modern implementations can handle at least 1.5 Mbps. If you use a USB-based serial adapter, there's no 16550 involved and the limit is instead set by the specific chip(s) used in the adapter, of course.
I regularly use a RS232 link running at 460,800 bps, with a USB-based adapter.
In response to the comment about clocking (with a caveat: I'm a software guy): asynchronous serial communication doesn't transmit the clock (that's the asynchronous part right there) along with the data. Instead, transmitter and receiver are supposed to agree beforehand about which bitrate to use.
A start bit on the data line signals the start of each "character" (typically a byte, but with start/stop/parity bits framing it). The receiver then starts sampling the data line in order to determine if its a 0 or a 1. This sampling is typically done at least 16 times faster than the actual bit rate, to make sure it's stable. So for a UART communicating at 460,800 bps like I mentioned above, the receiver will be sampling the RX signal at around 7.4 MHz. This means that even if you clock the actual UART with a raw frequency f, you can't expect it to reliably receive data at that rate. There is overhead.
Yes it is possible to run at higher speeds but the major limitation is the environment, in a noisy environment there will be more corrupt data limitating the speed. Another limitation is the length of the cable between the devices, you may need to add a repeater or some other device to strengthen the signal.
I'm new to microcontroller programming and I have interfaced my microcontroller board to another device that provides a status based on the command send to it but, this status is provided on the same I/O pin that is used to provide data. So basically, I have an 8-bit data line that is used as an output from the microcontroller, but for certain commands I get a status back on one of the data lines if I choose to read it. So I would be required to change the direction of this one line to read the status thus converting this line as an ouput to an input and then back to an output. Is this acceptable programming or will this changing of the I/O pin this frequently cause instability?
There should not be any problem with changing the direction of the I/O line to read the status returned by the peripheral provided that you change the state of the line to an input before the peripheral starts to drive the line and then do not try to drive the line as an output until the peripheral stops driving it. What you must try to avoid is contention between the two driver devices, i.e. having the two ends being driven to opposite states by the processor and peripheral. This would result in, at best a large spike in the power consumption or worse blown pin driver circuitry in the processor, peripheral or both.
You do not say what the processor or peripheral are so I cannot tell whether there are any control bits in the interface that enable the remote device to output the status so that you can know whether the peripheral is driving the line at any time.
I've done this on digital I/O pins without any problems but I'm very far from an expert on this. It probably depends entirely on which microcontroller you are using though.
Yes, it's perfectly fine to change I/O direction on microcontroller repeatedly.
That's the standard method of communicating over open-collector buses such as I2C and the iButton. (see PICList: busses for links to assembly-language code examples).
transmit 0 bit: set output LATx bit to 0, and then set TRISx bit to OUTPUT.
transmit 1 bit: keep output LATx bit at 0, and set TRIS bit to INPUT (let external resistor pull-up line to high)
listen for response from peripheral: keep output LATx bit at 0, and set TRIS bit to INPUT. Let external resistor pull-up line to high when peripheral is transmitting a 1, or let the peripheral pull the line low when peripheral is transmitting a 0. Read the bit from the PORTx pin.
If both ends of the bus correctly follow this protocol (in particular, if neither end actively drives the line to high), then you never have to worry about contention or current spikes.
It`s important to remember that any IO switching in high speed generates EMI.
Depending of switching frequency, board layout and devices sensibilities, this EMI can affect performance and reliability of your application.
If you are having problems in your application use an oscilloscope to check for irradiated EMI in your board lanes.