Can't embed external content on website - intershop

I want to embed external content on a website in an iframe. I can only load internal websites and external are undefined.
How can I enable CORS in Intershop 7.7 and load an external URL in an iframe or data dialog?

There is nothing special in using iframes in Intershop compared to another platform. Simply put in your ISML:
<iframe src="">
Of course this may not succeed to load as you noticed. Some servers include the X-Frame-Options header with value e.g. SAMEORIGIN which instructs the browser that they don't want to be framed on other sites. This may be used to prevent clickjacking attacks. You may use Firebug or any appropriate tool to monitor for such errors during the frame load. An iframe may also not load if you mix http/s traffic.
If you want to programatically access content from an iframe on a different domain, you may use the Web Messaging API (window.postMessage and the onmessage event) to communicate between the page and the included iframe.
In summary:
you can't simply frame any site (maybe your 'internal' site permits that);
this question is not relevant for the Intershop technology stack;

This should be possible with the content security policy support since version 7.6.
Please check the documentation of file. The keys intershop.response.content-security-policy. should help.


Settings to block file:// urls to request resources from https:// urls in browsers

I am building an app which wraps some content in html. The users will be able to download this html file and view the content (which changes dynamically based on time and a few details fetched from our servers.
I would like to know if there is any settings on browsers that can block https:// requests from file:// urls?
It works by default, I am just concerned if there is any way users can do this. (browser settings, security zones or something like that)
I believe there is no code samples required for this.
There are windows group policy settings that can block browser downloads, but I'm not aware of browser specific settings. Here are a few links:

https, a subdomain and an iframe: Any alternative to purchasing an additional SSL certificate?

I have a website and an SSL certificate for this domain only. No subdomains except www are included. The site is based on Typo3.
On is an iframe (note the subdomain):
<iframe src=„“ width="400" height="300">
This doesn’t work with all browsers. Some browsers show an error (SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN) because the subdomain is not covered by the certificate.
The subdomain contains rather complex content which I wouldn’t know how to built in Typo3, that’s why I used an iframe.
Is there any way to insert the contents of into the page without purchasing an additional SSL certificate for the subdomain?
I see the following solutions:
Get a certificate for
Buy one
Use an ACME client, for example Let's Encrypt
Link: Instead of using an iFrame just link to the site
Set up a reverse proxy
Server side include: Write an extension for the website which includes the content from
Rebuild the solution as TYPO3 extension
It is difficult to say which one fits best for you.
A server side include may be easy in some cases, but in most cases it requires a lot of search an replace for the content which is going to be pasted. It also requires to include asset files (images, javascript, css) either in the TYPO3 template or dynamically by parsing the whole include content.
A reverse proxy is easy to set up in case you have the required software components already installed an the required knowledge. Otherwise it requires some reading and some hours to set up.

some CSS can not show when swith the website from http to https

I have a website written in Ruby using Ruby on Rail framwork, everything was fine when using HTTP protocol, but when switching to HTTPS protocol.
Some CSS material can not shown, but some of it can.
The font can not be shown, originally the font was designed, but now it is not.
Anyone know what happen?
Without any specific error I assume browser is probably blocking files loading from mixed content, i.e. using both HTTP and HTTPS. Use your browser developer tools network tab to confirm this.
You can use // instead of http:// so that resources load from the relative protocol that the page content is loading from; Can I change all my http:// links to just //?
Also read; How to fix a website with blocked mixed content

How do I refer to http resources on a https page safely?

I have enabled HTTPS for my site. Some of the resources such as css and js files on my pages come from another domain which is on HTTP. Now the problem is when I visit the page, browsers display an alert message. IE says "Do you want to view only the page content that was delivered securely" and FF says "You have requested an encrypted page that contains some unencrypted information. Information that you see or enter on this page could easily be read by a third party."
I tried the technique mentioned by Paul Irish which is not working.
Any idea how I can resolve this issue?
I use 3.5 for my site.
The assumption he makes in the referenced article I think you missed is
… assuming the site you're pointing to has this asset available on
both HTTP and HTTPS.
Those resources need to be served over HTTPS as well, or you will always get that message. I don't believe there is a way around it, and there likely shouldn't be a way around it. You want everything running over HTTPS for a reason.
You need to serve those resources over HTTPS.
The Firefox Mixed Content Blocking Announcement does a good job explaining the security risks.
If you own/control the other website where the resource files are located, a good solution might be to move the resource files over to the website where both HTTP and HTTPS are supported, and change both websites to point to those files at their new location.

Lack of CDN availability

I use both Telerik and Microsoft CDN, for their respective AJAX toolkits. Both work great 99% of the time. However, I was working out of two different cafes recently and went to visit my site: The first cafe did not permit the Telerik CDN, while the second one does not allow the Microsoft CDN as a URL request. I can actually see the status bar in IE shows "" as the file being retrieved as I am waiting for the website to load.
Lack of CDN access seems to be a very unusual problem. In fact, I cannot fathom why such URL requests would be blocked when the cafe seems to permit pretty much everything else. Any reason? Could this be an availability issue at the respective CDNs themselves (ie how reliable are these CDNs)? And of-course, is there a recommended fix, apart from discarding CDN use?
Update: I can now connect to my app. So my lack of access to was most likely a temporary lack of MS CDN availability, and not any domain blocking.
all you need to do is implement fallback to your local server, explained here,
The Telerik online demos use the CDN by default, but fallback to embedded resources if the Amazon cloud service is unavailable. If you have the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX installed locally, then you can see the source of the demo site. The files that you need to review are ~/Common/Footer.ascx and its code file ~/App_Code/QuickStart/Footer.cs, also
~/App_Code/QuickStart/QsfCdnConfigurator.cs ~/App_Code/QuickStart/HeadTag.cs. The Footer files set a cookie using JavaScript, depending on whether the CDN is available and the last two files provide support for reading the cookie on the server side and setting the appropriate configuration for the script manager.
