Call Arguments of Function inside Function / R language - r

I have a function:
func <- function (x)
arguments <-
1) If I call my function with specifying argument in the call:
I get:
func(x = "value")
2) If I call my function by passing a variable:
my_variable <-"value"
I get:
func(x = my_variable)
Why is the first and the second result different?
Can I somehow get in the second call "func(x = "value")"?
I'm thinking my problem is that the Environment inside a function simply doesn't contain values if they were passed by variables. The Environment contains only names of variables for further lookup. Is there a way to follow such reference and get value from inside a function?

In R, when you pass my_variable as formal argument x into a function, the value of my_variable will only be retrieved when the function tries to read x (if it does not use x, my_variable will not be read at all). The same applies when you pass more complicated arguments, such as func(x = compute_my_variable()) -- the call to compute_my_variable will take place when func tries to read x (this is referred to as lazy evaluation).
Given lazy evaluation, what you are trying to do is not well defined because of side effects - in which order would you like to evaluate the arguments? Which arguments would you like to evaluate at all? (note a function can just take an expression for its argument using substitute, but not evaluate it). As a side effect, compute_my_variable could modify something that would impact the result of another argument of func. This can happen even when you only passed variables and constants as arguments (function func could modify some of the variables that will be later read, or even reading a variable such as my_variable could trigger code that would modify some of the variables that will be read later, e.g. with active bindings or delayed assignment).
So, if all you want to do is to log how a function was called, you can use (or but that indeed expands argument names, etc). If you wanted a more complete stacktrace, you can use e.g. traceback(1).
If for some reason you really wanted values of all arguments, say as if they were all read in the order of, which is the order in which they are declared, you can do it using eval (returns them as list):
lapply(as.list([-1], eval)

can't you simply
return paste('func(x =', x, ')')


Declare a dynamic constant in Maxima

I need to declare a variable as constant, the variable is generated while the program is running, I tried this way:
foo(var) := declare(''var, constant)$
But that doesn't work and I get:
[kind(var, constant)]
[kind(x, constant)]
When I write code without a function, everything works fine:
var: x$
declare(''var, constant)$
I get:
[kind(x, constant)]
Does anyone know how to do this dynamically via a function?
The conventional way to ensure that arguments are evaluated, even for functions which otherwise quote their arguments, is to apply the function to the arguments. E.g.:
apply (declare, [var, 'constant]);
Or, in a function:
foo(var) := apply (declare, [var, 'constant]);
apply evaluates its arguments, so the arguments are evaluated by the time the function sees them.
The quote-quote ''var doesn't have the expected effect in a function because quote-quote is applied only at the time the expression is parsed. So any later assignment to var has no effect.
I recommend against eval_string. There is almost always a better way to do anything than string processing; in this case that better way is apply.

Can I add a method to a function to receive as an argument another particular function?

I've created my immutable Tensor_field and a function nabla that acts on the tensor (that is nabla(a::Tensor_field) = do something.
I've added a method to function dot for the tensor:, b::Tensor_field) = do something....
Now I want to define a new behavior to function dot with nabla as an argument.
Something like, a::Tensor_field) = do something different.
I know in Julia we are able to pass functions as arguments to other functions, but I couldn't find in the docs how to define a method for a "functional" argument.
If I type typeof(nabla) the output is My_Module_Name.#nabla, not a real DataType...
If you want it to work for any function, you can do, a::Tensor_field) = do something different
If you only want it to work for the nabla function already defined, you can take advantage of what you have discovered, namely that each function has a unique type:, a::Tensor_field) = do something different
This will match only the function called nabla, which will now be called f inside the function dot.
Note that you can write βˆ‡ as \nabla<TAB> and use it in your code instead of the word nabla. If your tensor field is called e.g. 𝐯 (written as \mbfv<TAB>), you can then write βˆ‡β‹…π― in your Julia code! (The centered dot is written as \cdot<TAB>, and is an alias for the dot function.)

Overloading R function - is this right?

consumeSingleRequest <- function(api_key, URL, columnNames, globalParam="", ...)
consumeSingleRequest <- function(api_key, URL, columnNames, valuesList, globalParam="")
I am trying to overload a function like this, that takes in multiple lists in the first function and combines them into one list of lists. However, I don't seem to be able to skip passing in globalParam and pass in oly the multiple lists in the ...
Does anyone know how to do that?
I've heard S3 methods could be used for that? Does anyone know how?
R doesn't support a concept of overloading functions. It supports function calls with variable number of arguments. So you can declare a function with any number of arguments, but supply only a subset of those when actually calling a function. Take vector function as an example:
> vector
function (mode = "logical", length = 0L)
.Internal(vector(mode, length))
<bytecode: 0x103b89070>
<environment: namespace:base>
It supports up to 2 parameters, but can be called with none or some subset(in that case default values are used) :
> vector()
> vector(mode='numeric')
So you only need a second declaration:
consumeSingleRequest <- function(api_key, URL, columnNames, valuesList, globalParam="")
And supply just supply the needed parameters when actually calling the function
consumeSingleRequest(api_key=..., valueList=...)
P.S. A good explanation can be found in Advanced R Book.

Confused by ...()?

In another question, sapply(substitute(...()), as.character) was used inside a function to obtain the names passed to the function. The as.character part sounds fine, but what on earth does ...() do?
It's not valid code outside of substitute:
> test <- function(...) ...()
> test(T,F)
Error in test(T, F) : could not find function "..."
Some more test cases:
> test <- function(...) substitute(...())
> test(T,F)
> test <- function(...) substitute(...)
> test(T,F)
Here's a sketch of why ...() works the way it does. I'll fill in with more details and references later, but this touches on the key points.
Before performing substitution on any of its components, substitute() first parses an R statement.
...() parses to a call object, whereas ... parses to a name object.
... is a special object, intended only to be used in function calls. As a consequence, the C code that implements substitution takes special measures to handle ... when it is found in a call object. Similar precautions are not taken when ... occurs as a symbol. (The relevant code is in the functions do_substitute, substitute, and substituteList (especially the latter two) in R_SRCDIR/src/main/coerce.c.)
So, the role of the () in ...() is to cause the statement to be parsed as a call (aka language) object, so that substitution will return the fully expanded value of the dots. It may seem surprising that ... gets substituted for even when it's on the outside of the (), but: (a) calls are stored internally as list-like objects and (b) the relevant C code seems to make no distinction between the first element of that list and the subsequent ones.
Just a side note: for examining behavior of substitute or the classes of various objects, I find it useful to set up a little sandbox, like this:
f <- function(...) browser()
f(a = 4, 77, B = "char")
## Then play around within the browser
class(quote(...)) ## quote() parses without substituting
substitute(...(..., X, ...))
substitute(2 <- (makes * list(no - sense))(...))

Can an R function access its own name?

Can you write a function that prints out its own name?
(without hard-coding it in, obviously)
You sure can.
fun <- function(x, y, z) deparse([[1]])
# [1] "fun"
You can, but just in case it's because you want to call the function recursively see ?Recall which is robust to name changes and avoids the need to otherwise process to get the name.
Recall package:base R Documentation
Recursive Calling
β€˜Recall’ is used as a placeholder for the name of the function in
which it is called. It allows the definition of recursive
functions which still work after being renamed, see example below.
As you've seen in the other great answers here, the answer seems to be "yes"...
However, the correct answer is actually "yes, but not always". What you can get is actually the name (or expression!) that was used to call the function.
First, using is probably the most direct way of finding the name, but then you need to coerce it into a string. deparse is more robust for that.
myfunc <- function(x, y=42) deparse([[1]])
myfunc (3) # "myfunc"
...but you can call a function in many ways:
lapply(1:2, myfunc) # "FUN"
Map(myfunc, 1:2) # (the whole function definition!)
x<-myfunc; x(3) # "x"
get("myfunc")(3) # "get(\"myfunc\")"
The basic issue is that a function doesn't have a name - it's just that you typically assign the function to a variable name. Not that you have to - you can have anonymous functions - or assign many variable names to the same function (the x case above).
