I am new at this correct me if I'm wrong . I want to take the name data from the input with ng-model but i cant take the data at the onTap: function. I tried to alert $scope.name but it is empty doesnt work,then i tried $scope.name="" empty at the init but it doesnt change when the user writes his name.How can i get the name .Thank you.
`$scope.data = {
model: "Choose",
availableOptions: [
{id: '1', name: 'dummyText1'},
{id: '2', name: 'dummyText2'},
{id: '3', name: 'dummyText3'}
var myPopup = $ionicPopup.show({
'<div class="list list-inset">' +
'</label><label class="item item-input"><i class="icon ion-person placeholder-icon"></i>' +
'<input type="text" placeholder="Your name.." ng-model="name"></label>' +
'</div>' ,
title: 'Profile',
scope: $scope,
buttons: [
{ text: 'Cancel' },
text: '<b>Save</b>',
type: 'button-positive',
onTap: function(e) {
if ($scope.name != null) {
} else {
here is the popup screenshot
Thank you again
I figured out with adding ng-change="foo(data)" to input ,now im able to use this data at scope .
Thank you.
Im using this plugin to create a smart table in angualar 2:
I need to customize the table.
ie) Only when user clicks on 'Create' link, the event should be trigerred, for which their documentation says:
'create' event : Triggered once a Create button clicked. Triggered only if table mode = external.
need to know how to set the mode external as I couldnt find anywhere in their doc.
As of now i am using like:
<ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" [source]="source" (userRowSelect)="onUserRowSelect($event)" class="table table-hover table-striped"></ng2-smart-table>
onUserRowSelect(event): void {
//But this event triggers whenever(wherever in the table) user clicks, which is dont want !
Suggestion required!
1) set settings object of ng2-smarttable as below
settings = {
mode: 'external',
add: {
addButtonContent: '<i class="ion-ios-plus-outline"></i>',
createButtonContent: '<i class="ion-checkmark"></i>',
cancelButtonContent: '<i class="ion-close"></i>',
edit: {
editButtonContent: '<i class="ion-edit"></i>',
saveButtonContent: '<i class="ion-checkmark"></i>',
cancelButtonContent: '<i class="ion-close"></i>',
delete: {
deleteButtonContent: '<i class="ion-trash-a"></i>',
confirmDelete: true
columns: {
id: {
title: 'ID',
type: 'number'
name: {
title: 'Name',
type: 'string'
lastName: {
title: 'Last Name',
type: 'string'
username: {
title: 'Username',
type: 'string'
email: {
title: 'E-mail',
type: 'string'
age: {
title: 'Age',
type: 'number'
2) in html page define setting and source
<ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" [source]="source" (create)="openCreateDialog($event)"></ng2-smart-table>
you can perform any action which you want on create button click.
define the openCreateDialog function in your ts file as below
openCreateDialog(event) {
I achieved by using (createConfirm) event of theirs like:
<ng2-smart-table [settings]="view_update_items_settings" [source]="source" (createConfirm)="onCreateConfirm($event)" class="table table-hover table-striped"></ng2-smart-table>
in .ts file:
onCreateConfirm(event) {
I tried several ways to set an icon, in the displayfield, when an item of the combo is selected with not luck, this is the fiddle for anyone to want try to help with this. very much appreciated any light.
fiddle example
The only solution is to transform the input type combo in a div with this:
fieldSubTpl: [
'<div class="{hiddenDataCls}" role="presentation"></div>',
'<div id="{id}" type="{type}" style="background-color:white; font-size:1.1em; line-height: 2.1em;" ',
'<tpl if="size">size="{size}" </tpl>',
'<tpl if="tabIdx">tabIndex="{tabIdx}" </tpl>',
'class="{fieldCls} {typeCls}" autocomplete="off"></div>',
'<div id="{cmpId}-triggerWrap" class="{triggerWrapCls}" role="presentation">',
'<div class="{clearCls}" role="presentation"></div>',
'</div>', {
compiled: true,
disableFormats: true
Override the setRawValue method of the combo like this:
setRawValue: function (value) {
var me = this;
me.rawValue = value;
// Some Field subclasses may not render an inputEl
if (me.inputEl) {
// me.inputEl.dom.value = value;
// use innerHTML
me.inputEl.dom.innerHTML = value;
return value;
and style your fake combo div like you want.
Thats because an input on HTML can't have HTML like value inside it.
Keep attenction, the get Value method will return you the HTML inside the div, and maybe you should also override it, but thats the only one method.
You will be able to get the selected value with this method:
Ext.fly(combo.getId()+'-inputEl').dom.innerHTML.replace(/<(.|\n)*?>/gm, '');
If I were you I would like to do something like this:
So add this property to your combo:
var combo=this;
return Ext.fly(combo.id+'-inputEl').dom.innerHTML.replace(/<(.|\n)*?>/gm, '');
Here is a working fiddle
Perhaps my solution is similar to a hack, but it works in 6.7.0 and is a bit simpler.
Tested in Chrome. Theme - Material. For another theme will require minor improvements.
Sencha Fiddle live example
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function () {
var store = new Ext.data.Store({
fields: [{
name: 'class',
convert: function (value, model) {
if (value && model) {
var name = value
.replace(/(-o-)|(-o$)/g, '-outlined-')
.replace(/-/g, ' ')
model.data.name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
return value;
}, {
name: 'name'
data: [{
class: 'fa-address-book'
}, {
class: 'fa-address-book-o'
}, {
class: 'fa-address-card'
var form = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
fullscreen: true,
referenceHolder: true,
items: [{
xtype: 'combobox',
id: 'iconcombo',
queryMode: 'local',
editable: false,
width: 300,
valueField: 'class',
displayField: 'name',
store: store,
itemTpl: '<div><i class="fa {class}"></i> {name}</div>',
afterRender: () => {
var component = Ext.getCmp('iconcombo');
var element = document.createElement('div');
element.className = 'x-input-el';
element.addEventListener('click', () => component.expand());
'change', (me, newValue, oldValue) => {
component.updateInputValue.call(me, newValue, oldValue);
var method = component.updateInputValue;
component.updateInputValue = (value, oldValue) => {
method.call(component, value, oldValue);
var selection = component.getSelection();
if (selection) {
element.innerHTML =
'<div><i class="fa ' + selection.get('class') + '"></i> ' + selection.get('name') + '</div>';
}, {
xtype: 'button',
text: 'getValue',
margin: '30 0 0 0',
handler: function (component) {
var combo = Ext.getCmp('iconcombo');
I'm using reactive table package from aslagle in my app and I want to create in-line editing, I searched and I found that there's x-editable package for Meteor, so how can I use aslagle:reactive-table package with workman:x-editable-reactive-template package?
I tried this:
Reactive-Table settings:
tableSettings: function () {
return {
collection: fLogCollection,
rowsPerPage: 10,
showFilter: true,
fields: [
{ key: 'name', label: 'Name'},
{ key: 'amount',
label: 'Amount',
tmpl: Template.xEditableAmount
{ key: 'cashFrom', label: 'Cash From'},
{ key: 'dateIs', label: 'Date', sortOrder: 0, sortDirection: 'descending'},
{ key: 'controls', label: 'Controls', fn: function () {
return new Spacebars.SafeString(
"<button class='editFlog'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-pencil'></span> </button>"+
"<button class='delete'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></span> </button>"
); } },
{ key: 'createdAt', label: 'createdAt', hidden: true },
xEditableAmount template:
<template name="xEditableAmount">
This code to get the x-editable rendered:
Template.fLog.onRendered(function() {
success: function (response, newValue) {
if(response.status == 'error') return response.msg; //msg will be shown in editable form
else Meteor.call('flog.edit2', this._id, newValue);
I succeeded in making x-editable render but
I failed at getting the field updated with the new value in collection...
You can inject templates into fields which makes it convenient to add almost anything you want.
Template helper:
tableSettings: function() {
return {
collection: foo,
fields: [
key: 'foo_1',
label: 'Foo 1',
tmpl: Template.foo1,
key: 'foo_2',
label: 'Foo 2',
tmpl: Template.foo2,
key: 'foo_2',
label: 'Foo 2',
tmpl: Template.foo2,
In foo2 helper (copied directly from workman/x-editable-reactive-template atmosphere page):
onSuccess: function () {
var id = this._id;
return function (res, val) {
MyColl.update({ _id: id }, { $set: { prop: val } });
In your Templates:
<template name='table>
{{> reactiveTable settings=tableSettings}}`
<template name='foo1'>
<!-- Any html (below pasted from docs (link at bottom of post)-->
<template name='foo2'>
{{> xEditable type="text" success=onSuccess placement="right" }} <!-- put your workman:x-editable-reactive-template here -->
This should get you pointed in the right direction.
I am trying to use reactive-table (reactive-table) in Meteor to display users and to edit. I have a major problem:
- I am creating the users with Accounts.createUser() method and I have an extra field "profile" (using meteor-roles package). I am defining the table format using the following code:
usersCol: function() {
return Meteor.users;
settings: function() {
return {
rowsPerPage: 10,
showFilter: true,
fields: [{
key: 'profile.lastname',
label: 'Last name'
}, {
key: 'profile.firstname',
label: 'First name'
}, {
key: 'roles',
label: 'Role'
}, {
key: 'emails.0.address',
label: 'Email'
}, {
key: 'edit',
label: '',
sortable: false,
fn: function() {
var html = '<button class="btn btn-info btn-xs" type="button"><i class="fa fa-paste"></i> Edit</button>'
return new Spacebars.SafeString(html);
The problem is that roles and email are displayed only for the current user. I have no idea why...
The profile fields its published to the client by default.
Now in order to get all the user objects, you should do something like this (using allaning roles).
For example you have an user with the rol of Admin, this is how the publish should look and the subscribe.
}else if(Meteor.isServer){
Meteor.publish("Admin", function () {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({_id:this.userId});
if (Roles.userIsInRole(user, ["Admin"])) {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields: {emails: 1, profile: 1, roles: 1}});
Witht his the Admin user will get all the users, also use a helper like this.
return Meteor.users.find();
I took sample code for the IonicPopup and I've modified the wifi password entry to be a username and password entry. It works as expected, but if you click the Login button without entering a username or password, all that happens is e.preventDefault().
Is there a way I can add an animation to the popup, perhaps a "shake" animation, if either field is left blank?
$scope.promptLogin = function() {
$scope.data = {};
// An elaborate, custom popup
var myPopup = $ionicPopup.show({
template: '<input type="text" placeholder="Username" ng-model="data.user"><br><input type="password" placeholder="Password" ng-model="data.pass">',
title: 'Enter Credentials',
subTitle: '',
scope: $scope,
buttons: [
{ text: 'Cancel' },
text: '<b>Login</b>',
type: 'button-positive',
onTap: function(e) {
if (!$scope.data.user || !$scope.data.pass) {
//don't allow the user to close unless he enters a user and pass
} else {
//console.log($scope.data.user + " - " + $scope.data.pass);