Can't write to Qt5 textEdit box with ui->control->setText(message) - qt

I am trying to put the data passed to a mainwindow.cpp function on the screen with the typical ui->control->setText(message) without success. The same line works if it is in a timer loop or a button function but not from display_that_data function
"MainWindow::display_that_data()" is called from myudp.cpp with the following lines
MainWindow show_tlm;
show_tlm.display_that_data(data_source, buf_copy);
mainwindow.cpp (updated to include emitting a signal for a SIGNAL/SLOT connection)
The SIGNAL/SLOT connection is set up in the constructor with the following line
connect (this, SIGNAL (showdata_signal()), this, SLOT(showdata_slot()));
void MainWindow::display_that_data(QByteArray data_source, QByteArray tlmBuf){
QString msg ;
msg = " in display_that_data";
qDebug() << msg ;
//generate a signal which will trigger showdata_slot
emit showdata_signal();
msg = " in display_that_data after emit showdata_signal()";
qDebug() << msg ;
void MainWindow::showdata_slot() {
QString msg = "showdata_slot called";
qDebug() << msg ;
Runtime debug messages show that code is making it to the showdata_slot but it is still not writing to the ui->tlm_vals
" in display_that_data"
"showdata_slot called"
" in display_that_data after emit showdata_signal()"
but.... neither one of the ui->tlm_vals->setText(msg) lines are putting text on the ui
"MainWindow::realtimeDataSlot()" is called by at timer timout signal as follows:
void MainWindow::setupRealtimeDataDemo(QCustomPlot *customPlot) {
// setup a timer that repeatedly calls MainWindow::realtimeDataSlot
connect(&dataTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(realtimeDataSlot()));
void MainWindow::realtimeDataSlot(){
QString temp = QString("%1").arg(epochTime, 10, 10, QChar('0'));
And this works perfectly (of course I have to disable it to see if showdata_slot is writing to the ui)
I thought the problem was a needed SIGNAL and SLOT connection to trigger the write to the ui but generating a SIGNAL/SLOT connection (which debug shows as working) still does not write to the ui from the slot function.
For completeness mainwindow.h contains the following
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
void setupRealtimeDataDemo(QCustomPlot *customPlot);
void display_that_data (QByteArray data_source, QByteArray tlmBuf);
private slots:
void realtimeDataSlot();
void showdata_slot();
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
QTimer dataTimer;
What am I missing/doing wrong?

Somewhere deeply embedded in Qt there is a difference between gui mouse click generated event and code generated event and this somehow caues Qt behavior to vary with the same lines of code. I will repost a more more "root level" question on this topic.


qt6: Connect QFileDialog::filesSelected to a slot

Essentially I want to trigger some code after the my QFileDiag has 1 or more files selected and is accepted ("open" button clicked), the problem is that I can't seem to actually trigger my code in the slot.
Here is the code in my main widget
file_select_diag = new QFileDiag(this)
connect(file_select_diag, &QFileDialog::fileSelected, this,
auto files = file_select_diag->getOpenFileName(
tr("text (*.txt)");
void MainWidget::connect_test(QString str)
cout << str.toStdString();
And here is the header declaration
explicit MainWidget(QWidget *parent = 0); //Constructor
~MainWidget(); // Destructor
private slots:
void connect_test(QString str);
void connect_test2(); //like above but cout << "HIT" << end;
QFileDialog *file_select_diag;
I've tried connecting to both connect_test and connect_test2, when I run my app and select files, hit open, nothing happens.
Solution (copied from G.M.'s comment below)
Note that QFileDialog::getOpenFileName is a static member of
QFileDialog so the call file_select_diag->getOpenFileName(...)
effectively creates a QFileDialog instance independent of
file_select_diagand calls getOpenFileName against that.
So effectively the two approaches here are either go entirely with the static method getOpenFileName and do not initialize file_select_diag or go entirely for the instance approach, configure the file_select_diag then use file_select_diag->show(), in which case the signal will work.

Qt Multi-Thread Queued Connection Signal / Slot Issue (SLOT does not trigger)

Struggling emitting a signal from main/QML thread to another thread with a QList< QStringList > parameter. Variations I'v tried:
Using EventExport vs. const EventExport& in signal and slot profiles
Sending empty EventExport in prepareExport() so emit has no/low data amount
Checking connect statement (always returns true)
Having qDebug() in prepareExport() and signal always appears to be emitted
Calling emit right after connect as a test (Works! Think you're going to tell me the main thread or cryoUtility objects don't exist but they do!)
Tried qRegisterMetaType with () and ("EventExport")...some say use text for typedef types
Any thoughts much appreciated!
sqlquery_model.h (not certain I need Q_DECLARATIVE_METATYPE but tried with and change)
typedef QList<QStringList> EventExport;
Q_INVOKABLE void prepareExport();
void updateEventListDataSig(const EventExport&);
sqlquery_model.cpp (this is connected to a qml page using TableView model...this emit does not seem to work)
void SqlQueryModel::prepareExport() {
if (this->rowCount() > 0) {
EventExport eventsList;
for(int i=0; i<this->rowCount(); ++i) {
QStringList eventInfo;
emit updateEventListDataSig(eventsList);
qDebug() << "Emit updatedEventListData" << eventsList.count();
main.cpp (includes sqlquery_model.h, need this as cryoUtility is a separate thread using Qt::QueuedConnection)
// Use string if using typedef method
void updateEventListDataSig(const EventExport&);
mediator.cpp (connects mainly live here, this test event works)
bool ret = connect(this, SIGNAL(updateEventListDataSig(const EventExport&)), cryoUtility, SLOT(updateEventListData(const EventExport&)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
EventExport ed;
emit updateEventListDataSig(ed);
qDebug() << "Event list CONN: " << ret;
void updateEventListData(const EventExport&);
utilities.cpp (this is the slot, trigger once on test call)
void Utilities::updateEventListData(const EventExport& el) {
qDebug() << "Load event list: ";// << el.count();
//eventList = el;
So, after more study, sqlmodelquery connection would have to occur in its constructor as it isn't active yet until its QML page loads.

QProcess ReadAllStandardError()

I need to connect a QProcess to an error handler, but I'm unsure how to pass the error string to the slot. What's below compiles, but doesn't work.
QString MainWindow::RunProcess(QString cstring)
QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
connect(process,SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()),this,SLOT( adberror(process::ReadAllStandardError() ) ))
void MainWindow::adberror(QString errtxt)
qDebug() << "error handler";
qDebug() << errtxt;
I can induce a a process error, but adberror() never triggers.
When run, in the Application Output pane I see:
QObject::connect: No such slot MainWindow::adberror(process::ReadAllStandardError() )
QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'MainWindow')
edit: this is Qt 5.6. I did a new qmake/clean.
you have two options
1- wait before reading the output
QString MainWindow::RunProcess(QString cstring)
QProcess process;
QString str = process.readAllStandardOutput();
2- make you process a member variable and remove your 1st argument from adberror. So,
in RunProcess
then in adberror
QString str = process->readAllStandardOutput();
note that in your code you have a problem since your signal and slot args don't to match .. Also, ReadAllStandardError is not going to be ready anyways !
Edit: more code for the 2nd solution
class MainWindow
void adberror();
QProcess* process;
QString MainWindow::RunProcess(QString cstring)
process = new QProcess(this);
connect(process, SIGNAL(finished(int)), process, SLOT(deleteLater()));
void MainWindow::adberror()
QString str = process->readAllStandardOutput();
qDebug() << str;
To process the readyReadStandardError() signal you should define the slot as:
private slots:
void adberror();
and use it:
connect(process,SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()),this,SLOT( adberror() ));
i.e. with no arguments. Keep child process as a field of your MainWindow class to read data when it will be available.

Qt: Program crashes when it emits signals

I am using VTK and Qt, and I need to know, when which mouse-button is pressed or released.
That for I created a new class, which inherits QObject and vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera:
class CModelMouseInteractorStyle :
public vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera,
public QObject
virtual void OnLeftButtonDown()
std::cout << "Pressed left mouse button." << std::endl;
// Forward events
// emit signal
emit leftButtonDown();
virtual void OnLeftButtonUp()
std::cout << "Released left mouse button." << std::endl;
// Forward events
// emit signal
emit leftButtonUp();
// I have similar functions for right and middle mouse-button
void leftButtonDown();
void leftButtonUp();
// and similar signals, too
I get the right couts whenever a button is pressed/released and I can interact with my scene as I want to, but only as long as I don't emit any signals.
As soon as I emit a signal in on of the functions, I get a symbol lookup error and the whole program crashes.
Am I doing something wrong? Do I have forgotten any thing?
I am using Qt4.7.4 and Vtk5.8.

Open QDialog and run the QProcess simultaneously

This is my btconnect.h file
#include "scandialog.h"
namespace Ui {
class BTConnect;
class BTConnect : public QWidget
explicit BTConnect(QWidget *parent = 0);
private slots:
void on_ScanButton_clicked();
void ScanBTDevices();
//some slots here
void ScanDialogShow();
void ScanDialogClose();
public slots:
//some slots here
Ui::BTConnect *ui;
QProcess BTscan_Process;
scanDialog *scan;
#endif // BTCONNECT_H
BTConnect::BTConnect(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::BTConnect)
//set the userinterface as BTConnect.ui
scan = new scanDialog(this);
void BTConnect::ScanDialogShow()
void BTConnect::ScanDialogClose()
void BTConnect::ScanBTDevices()
//Command to scan nearby bluetooth devices
//"hcitool scan"
QString cmd("hcitool scan");
//start the process
//Wait for the processs to finish with a timeout of 20 seconds
//Clear the list widget
//Read the command line output and store it in QString out
QString out(BTscan_Process.readAllStandardOutput());
//Split the QString every new line and save theve in a QStringList
QStringList OutSplit = out.split("\n");
//Parse the QStringList in btCellsParser
btCellsParser cp(OutSplit);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<cp.count(); i++)
//writing in listwidget
void BTConnect::on_ScanButton_clicked()
//Scan for available nearby bluetooth devices
if I use the above code, the qdialog scandialog does open when the process begins and closes when the data is loaded in qlistwidget, but the contents of qdialog scandialog are not displayed. If I were to change show() to exec(), the contents will be shown but the QProcess does not run until the dialog is closed.
I want the dialog to open when the Qprocess starts and close when the qlistwidget is loaded with data from the scan. And I want the contents of scandialog to be displayed. It has two labels. One with .GIF file and another with text saying scanning.
Any help is appreciated.
you never return to the event loop when you do show (because of waitForFinished) and you never continue to the processing code when you do exec
instead of the waitForFinished you should connect to the finished signal and handle it there and use a single shot timer that will cancel it:
void BTConnect::on_BTscanFinished()//new slot
//Clear the list widget
//Read the command line output and store it in QString out
QString out(BTscan_Process.readAllStandardOutput());
//Split the QString every new line and save theve in a QStringList
QStringList OutSplit = out.split("\n");
//Parse the QStringList in btCellsParser
btCellsParser cp(OutSplit);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<cp.count(); i++)
//writing in listwidget
void BTConnect::ScanBTDevices()
//Command to scan nearby bluetooth devices
//"hcitool scan"
QString cmd("hcitool scan");
//start the process
connect(BTscan_Process, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(on_BTscanFinished()));
QTimer::singleShot(20000, scan, SLOT(close()));
The problem is that QDialog::exec and QProcess::waitForFinished functions block event loop. Never ever block event loop. So you just need to do things more asynchronously.
QProcess class can be handled asynchronously using signals like readReadStandardOutput. And QDialog can be shown asynchronously using open slot.
The example:
void ScanBTDevices() {
// Open dialog when process is started
connect(process, SIGNAL(started()), dialog, SLOT(open()));
// Read standard output asynchronously
connect(process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), SLOT(onReadyRead()));
// Start process asynchronously (for example I use recursive ls)
process->start("ls -R /");
void onReadyRead() {
// Write to list widget
The data will be appended to the dialog during generating by process.
Also using QProcess::finished signal and you can close the dialog.
