Cant make font-weight lighter (monsterrat) - css

I want to use Montserrat with a font-weight of 200 exactly like they have on the image text on this website:
I have the font working using this method
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
h1 {
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
font-weight: 200;
But the font weight can only be regular or bold according to google fonts, so where/how did that website use it with a font-weight of 200?

Montserrat light version isn't available on Google Fonts.
Google Fonts only has 'Regular' and 'Bold' version of Montserrat.
You can download more Montserrat types here:

it seems like they are loading font from their server
go to their main.css and ctrl+f url(../assets/fonts/montserrat-light.woff) u'll see ur self
you can find same font here, u can also load it from ur server if needed
to use any font which u want to host on server, u need to download that font and host it to ur server I suggest to place them in fonts folder and refer below code
you can replace lovelyFont with ur own font name
#font-face {
font-family: 'lovelyFont';
src: url(../'fonts/lovely_font.eot');
div { font-family: 'lovelyFont', sans-serif; }
for more details refer this or this links

They are using Montserrat Hairline font for the thin letters.


Google Webfonts in PDF generated by DOMPDF

I am using two webfonts in a page that I convert to a PDF using dompdf. I have this in the header:
<link href='|Roboto+Condensed' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
I then use them in CSS rules like
body {
font-family: "Roboto Condensed", sans-serif;
[ ... ]
h1 {
font-family:'Signika', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
[ ... ]
Now, when I generate the PDF, the h1 is displayed with the "Signika" font, but "Roboto Condensed" is replaced by Helvetica or some other standard sans-serif font.
If I open the "preview" file (i.e. the php page which I then include in the PDF generation script), "Roboto Condensed" is displayed as expected, but it doesn't make it into the PDF. But as I wrote, "Signika" is there in the PDF, and that's somehow odd to me. BTW, I also tried to include the font-face rule directly in CSS rules for p, div, li etc. but that wouldn't change anything.
Any suggestions how I could fix that?
Thinking about it, a difference between the two fonts is that Roboto Condensed has a space in its name. I wonder if that could cause the problem (i.e. dompdf not being able to handle such a font name)? But I can't change that as long as I am fetching the fonts from the Google server.
I found the solution myself:
As I had added to my question in an edit, the reason obviously was that the font-family name "Roboto Condensed" contains a space, which dompdf doesn't seem to like.
I downloaded the font, created three versions of it with the font generator on Fontsquirrel and put them on my server, together with this stylesheet:
#font-face {
font-family: 'roboto_condensedregular';
src: url('robotocondensed-regular-webfont.woff2') format('woff2'),
url('robotocondensed-regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf') format('truetype');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
Then, in my CSS rules I used that new font name roboto_condensedregular in font-family: roboto_condensedregular, sans-serif;
Now it works, also in the PDF.
You don't need to actually do all of this. Simply use the #importoption to embed the font in your html. Works like a charm using laravel-dompdf.

Impossible to copy light font?

I tried to copy the font of this website menu but when I put the style in my own WordPress CSS theme I still get the bold version of it. Is there a special trick so I can get the light version of the font?
Got the font the same way loaded in what they have.
If you are indeed looking for the font Montserrat and you want the light version, you can use this import reference:
#import url(;
And you can use it like this in css:
font-family: 'Montserrat Light', arial;
More information about this font can be found here:
It looks like the Google font Montserrat:
It seems this font only comes in Normal (400) and Bold (700):
For the Normal version of the font, try adding:
font-weight: 400;
to your CSS. Also, make sure you're referencing the font correctly by importing it first:
#import url(;
then adding the style to the correct element:
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;

font-face does not work with Chinese font

As title already says: font-face does not work with my Chinese fonts.
I have downloaded some Chinese fonts, but for some reason these are not recognized by my css.
This is the css I use:
font-family: 'chinese';
src: url('chinese.ttf') format('truetype');
html {
Now, if I change the url to a 'normal' font, it works; also for downloaded fonts (I tested it with Din). Unfortunately the 'normal' fonts do not support Chinese, so the characters will stay unaffected.
Both fonts are located in the same folder as the css file, so the url is not the problem. Also all character sets are correct (or else I couldn't see the default Chinese at all).
Is there maybe some extra thing I have to do for Chinese? Or what is it?
When declaring a Chinese font family, it’s typically a good idea to type out the romanization of the font (for example, “SimHei”) and declare the Chinese characters as a separate font in the same declaration. What this does is help reference the font file regardless of weather it’s been stored in the local system under its Chinese or western name – you’re covering all your bases here.
Example :
font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, "Microsoft Yahei","微软雅黑", STXihei, "华文细黑", sans-serif;
For Your Reference : Good Rules for Using Chinese fonts in CSS
I think this may help you to resolve your problem.
refer this post,
I think you need the same answer :)
convert fonts to "woff"
that will solve your purpose..
Sample :
#font-face {
font-family: 'Droid Serif';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 700;
src: local('Droid Serif Bold'), local('DroidSerif-Bold'), url( format('woff');
you need to modify font name and url :)
As far as I know, there's a service based in Taiwan can help you use different Chinese font.
Due to the large size of Chinese font file, it's recommended to use Google cloud service. But there's no appropriate Chinese font on it. So you can give it a try on this justfont web font service.
Select any font you want for specific font weight. Then it'll be added to your project.
Choose your selector like .notosans, #notosans or h2
Click "JS" button and get your code for your setting
Add it befor <body>
Insert your class or id.
Give it a try and get your beautiful Chinese font. :)

locally installed TTF overrides Google fonts

I'm using the Ubuntu font from Google Fonts:
<link href=',400,300italic,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
My stylesheet:
body {
font-family: 'ubuntu',arial;
It works, but if install a font with the same name (Ubuntu), it overrides the one from Google Fonts.
Is it possible to force the browser to use the one from Google Fonts?
The answer lies not in your code, but in Google's.
Here's part of the CSS you are requesting:
#font-face {
font-family: 'Ubuntu';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: bold;
src: local('Ubuntu Bold'), local('Ubuntu-Bold'), url('') format('woff');
Key line here is local('Ubuntu Bold'), which asks to load local file if possible.
The simplest solution is to copy all the Google's CSS, paste it in your own CSS, and modify this local name to be, for example, local('Ubuntu Bold NonExisting Name or Something Else'). Such font does not exist and will not replace font loaded by CSS.
P.S. I have not tested this myself. If 0ihfXUL2emPh0ROJezvraLO3LdcAZYWl9Si6vvxL-qU.woff URL is expiring, then you are in a tough spot. Try to see font's licence and consider hosting the font yourself, if preventing local override is a priority.

Using a custom (ttf) font in CSS

I have a mac, and have installed a font called "7 Segment" (it shows up in Font Book). When I use font-family: "7 Segment"; I get Helvetica (or similar) rather than the browser's default font, but it still isn't showing the correct font. The page only needs to be shown on this computer. How would I use the font on this page? Thanks.
You need to use the css-property font-face to declare your font. Have a look at this fancy site:
#font-face {
font-family: MyHelvetica;
src: local("Helvetica Neue Bold"),
font-weight: bold;
See also: MDN #font-face
This is not a system font. this font is not supported in other systems. you can use font-face, convert font from this Site or from this
