Customised Campaign - URL Builder - not working - google-analytics

Campaigns that where correctly tracked last week as:
source: LinkedIn
medium: cpc
are now not working properly without any change.
Taking the Analytics ID from a new lead coming from this source/medium today, it can be seen as coming from (direct) / (none).
No changes were made to the URL.
The only change made to the landing page is the insertion of a Remarketing tag.
Any ideas of where the problem might be?


Google Analytics 4 vs. UA: Why are Event and View Counts are Drastically Different?

I had UA property and was loading it through GTM on web pages. Please refer below screenshot.
Now, I created new GA4 property and loading that also through GTM on web pages. Please refer below screenshot.
View count and event count is working same for UA & GA4 for main domain. It's max 10% difference which is fine. But If I compare total page view of subdomain for specific or each page for specific date, it is more than 90% off.
Below is sub domain page view count for
UA Count - 9000
UA Unique Count - 600
GA4 Count - 200
GA4 Unique Count - 20
I read many articles but it says 10% off is fine but this is huge difference. Please help me if I missed anything.
I tried GTM debugging. While I open page using GTM debugger, it is firing both UA and GA4 tags. Even when I checked in real time data in analytics and GA4, both are getting correct view count.
This means GTM is running correctly and also analytics getting events from GTM. But not sure why view count is off for subdomain pages.

Facebook Link clicks higher than Landing page view

I’m facing a weird result from Facebook Manager by activating a campaign in a new SPA (asynchronous loading) website: only 10% of the FB Link clicks gets a Landing page view result. Same behaviour in Google Analytics, but more results (+/- 40%).
I’m using GTM to push the Facebook pageview tag with the regular pageview pixel script. Triggers used:
Pageview all pages (for each page loaded – new session or page refresh)
History change (navigation in the SPA pages)
List item
When I’m debugging the FB pixel, everything looks to be correctly set up:
GTM preview: I’m seeing the tag fired
ObservePoint + Facebook pixel helper + Chrome DevTools Network: I can see the following Facebook url sent by clicking on a FB ad: | 2022&fbclid=3q2s131qs1d32q132d&rl=&if=false&ts=1656328556245&sw=2048&sh=1152&v=2.9.62&r=stable&ec=0&o=30&it=1656328556200&coo=false&exp=p0&rqm=GET&dt=hi57gjmsg5j527ia92z7j27mmz1of1b9
Other comments:
I also tested to remove the cookie consent blocking trigger in case of huge opt out, but no specific increase of pageviews.
No redirect has been detected in the campaign
Does anyone already encounter this kind of issue?

Getting [not set] in Google Analytics only in one view

Thanks in advance,
I'm trying to fix the not set value in the google analytics google ads report.
I followed some of the posts around the web and stack-overflow, but with no luck.
the funny thing is that the not set is only appearing in the Master-view in google analytics.
I have 3 views:
All website Data
in the All website data all is working great. Iv tried to see if some of the settings are not the same, but couldn't find the reason.
any Idea why this is happening
You have to set link from Google Ads to that view in Google Analytics Property settings (for your Ads Account ID listed).
In this moment only 'All website data' is linked.

Google Analytics & Social Media Campaigns

I've been struggling for some time to get an answer, and still can't find it out on the web. I would like to to a seemingly simple thing:
1) Facebook page A sends me some visitors through a link to etc. etc.
2) I count the unique page views (not users) received from people that have clicked this link, and no other visits are counted as being part of these (e.g. direct visits of someone recurring that has first come across to the site through that campaign should not be included in the count)
This way, I'd like to monitor exactly the unique page views coming from different facebook pages which I have a partnership with. And another thing I cannot figure is: how do I make this work on subdomains too?
Best regards
Step 1 - You need to have different utm_campaign values for each Facebook page.
Step 2 - Create Google Analytics segment for that specific campaign.
Use "Filter Sessions" as you only want the sessions that came straight from Facebook.
Step 3 - Use Behaviour -> Site Content reports to see which pages those users visited.

Google Analytics statistics for one page on my website?

I want to display Google Analytics report of a particular page on my website ?
Is there any code/script which will help me to achieve this?
Precisely, i want to show TOTAL NUMBER OF VISITS & NUMBER OF UNIQUE VISTORS of a specific page on my website. If there's any other alternative (of Google Analytics) to achieve this, please do suggest?
If you're already tracking for every page, you could set up a duplicate Google Analytics profile which excludes every page except the one you're interested in.
More details here.
