I want to send mail using mailx command, in more specific way.
So, I googled how to use mailx command, I searched some questions and answers on stackoverflow, I found common answer for it which is
mailx -r "fromAddr" -s "subject" toAddr
: when i tried this command, it shows me nothing, instead it gone in infinite loop, I guess.
I am seeking information, that which SMTP server is used, what authentication is used, OR from where this command takes default values
Then I write a command by reading this and got the error
I am trying command as follows and getting error (executed with mailx -v option)
$ echo "This is the message body" | mailx -v \
> -r "abc#domain.com" \
> -s "hey, this is test" \
> -S smtp="192.168.XXX.XX:25" \
> -S smtp-use-starttls \
> -S smtp-auth=login \
> -S smtp-auth-user="abc#domain.com" \
> -S smtp-auth-password="xyz123" \
> -S ssl-verify=ignore \
> -S nss-config-dir=/etc/pki/nssdb/ \
> abc#domain.com
Resolving host 192.168.XXX.XX . . . done.
Connecting to 192.168.XXX.XX . . . connected.
220 something.domain.com Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at (time)
>>> EHLO localhost.localdomain
250-something.domain.com Hello [10.XX.XX.XXX]
250-SIZE 37748736
220 2.0.0 SMTP server ready
Error in certificate: Issuer certificate is invalid.
Comparing DNS name: "something"
Comparing DNS name: "something.domain.com"
Comparing common name: "something"
host certificate does not match "192.168.XXX.XX"
SSL parameters: cipher=AES-128, keysize=128, secretkeysize=128,
>>> EHLO localhost.localdomain
250-something.domain.com Hello [10.XX.XX.XXX]
250-SIZE 37748736
334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
>>> YXV0b21hdGlvbl90ZXN0QG5ld3Rlc3QuY29t
334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
>>> SW5mb3N5czEyMw==
535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful
smtp-server: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful
"/home/user-group/user/dead.letter" 11/398
. . . message not sent.
I checked for my credentials, SMTP address for multiple times, they are correct, stil it is showing
smtp-server: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful
I am not the root user
Thanks in advance for any suggestions, idea, which will make command executable.
I got this, It was the certificate issue, installed SSL certificate for the domain and it works.
trying to send mail to distribution list with attachment, but no luck
seems unbale to identified DL, but when specified with mail ids (e.g. "xzy#eee.com,abc#eee.com") it works fine.
I have Oracle Solaris 10.
code be like..
mailx -s "test_mail" -r xyz#gmail.com -t "DL-xzy#outlook.com" < text_file.txt
uuencode text_file.txt text_file.txt| mailx -s " test mail" -t "DL-xzy#outlook.com"
Ignoring recipients on command line with -t
No recipients specified
when using "mail" option
mail -t "DL-xzy#outlook.com" -s "test_mail" -r xyz#gmail.com < text_file.txt
mail: Options MUST PRECEDE persons
Use this command:
uuencode text_file.txt text_file.txt| mailx -s " test mail" "DL-xzy#outlook.com"
DL as such is managed by mail server, -t have totally different role
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer 90d2c018-73d1-324b-b121-a162cf870ac0' ''
The terminal prompted
"curl: (51) SSL: certificate subject name (localhost) does not match target host name ''
However, after I changed the "" to "localhost", it worked and I got the result.
Why? Is there a wrong configuration somewhere?
Meanwhile, there isn't any log information in file http_access.log.
When SSL handshake happens client will verify the server certificate. In the verification process client will try to match the Common Name (CN) of certificate with the domain name in the URL. if both are different host name verification will fail. In your case certificate has CN as local host and when you try to invoke using IP address, it fails. When you create the cert you can have single host name / multiple host name / wild card host name as CN value
For more details, see:
Fixing Hostname Verification
What is the SSL Certificate Common Name?
CN of the default WSO2 certificate is localhost. Therefore you have to use localhost as the hostname when you send requests. Otherwise, the hostname verification fails.
If you want to use any other hostname, you should generate a certificate with that hostname, as Jena has mentioned.
I actually had this problem and found a fix:
I was requesting a URI like 'http://some.example', but the variable for HTTPS was set to '1'
I had this problem when trying to pull from a Git directory after I'd added a new SSH key and my Git repository moved.
In the fray, Git's CN got confused. The solution for me was to delete the git directory and re-clone it via SSH. As the other users hinted at, you can't change the CN of a website's certificate, so you'll have to change the setting on your computer that has the wrong CN, or avoid using HTTPS (and use SSH like I did).
As others have hinted, this is failing because the TLS negotiation checks that the cert matches the hostname in the URL.
What's new is that curl now supports this scenario via a connect-to option. So, if your curl is sufficiently new (v7.18.1) this should work:
curl -X GET 'https://localhost/V1.0.2/stock/getNA?name=te' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 90d2c018-73d1-324b-b121-a162cf870ac0' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--connect-to localhost:443:
Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/50279590/1662031
Similarly you may be able to leverage curls resolve option:
curl -X GET 'https://localhost:8243/V1.0.2/stock/getNA?name=te' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 90d2c018-73d1-324b-b121-a162cf870ac0' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--resolve localhost:443:
I read this whole page
and I didn't see any -v or -k options for cURL
I have this curl request:
curl -v -k --user "bla/test#bla.com:BlaBla" \
"theUrlToTheServer" | xmllint --format - > something.xml
I started by trying to understand what do -v and -k mean, but I couldn't understand them, may you help please
-k, --insecure
(SSL) This option explicitly allows curl to perform "insecure" SSL connections and transfers. All SSL connections are attempted to be made secure by using the CA certificate bundle installed by default. This makes all connections considered "insecure" fail unless -k, --insecure is used.
See this online resource for further details: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html
-v - verbose
That means print everything while executing.
EDIT: Putting exactly what was done
I need to SSH localhost without password, the usual way of doing it (with public keys) do not work.
user#PC:~$ rm -rf .ssh/*
user#PC:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa > /dev/null
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
user#PC:~$ ls .ssh/
id_rsa id_rsa.pub
user#PC:~$ ssh-copy-id -i localhost
The authenticity of host 'localhost (::1)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is f7:87:b5:4e:31:a1:72:11:8e:5f:d2:61:bd:b3:40:1a.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
user#localhost's password:
Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh 'localhost'", and check in:
to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.
user#PC:~$ ssh-agent $SHELL
user#PC:~$ ssh-add -L
The agent has no identities.
user#PC:~$ ssh-add
Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa)
user#PC:~$ ssh-add -L
ssh-rsa ...MY KEY HERE
user#PC:~$ ssh-copy-id -i localhost
user#localhost's password:
Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh 'localhost'", and check in:
to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.
user#PC:~$ ssh localhost echo 'testing'
user#localhost's password:
So as you can see in the last command it is still asking the password!
How can I fix that? Ubuntu-10.04, OpenSSH_5.3p1
Adding some info about the sshd
user#PC:~$ cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Authentication
# Authentication:
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
RhostsRSAAuthentication no
HostbasedAuthentication no
# Uncomment if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for RhostsRSAAuthentication
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
# PasswordAuthentication yes
EDIT3: Ading result from $ssh -vv localhost
$ssh -vv localhost
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Trying private key: /home/user/.ssh/identity
debug1: Offering public key: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa
debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug1: Trying private key: /home/user/.ssh/id_dsa
debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method
debug1: Next authentication method: password
user#localhost's password:
I did following 3 steps to create the password less login
1. ssh-keygen -t rsa
Press enter for each line
2. cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
3. chmod og-wx ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Have discovered the problem.
Running the server with debuging:
$sshd -Dd
I found it was not able to read the auth_key
$chmod 750 $HOME
Fixed it.
Another possible answer: the authorized_keys file may exist and be readable. But if it is group- or world-writable, it will still prompt for the password. The answer to THAT problem is
chmod og-wx ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Two simple steps:
ssh-keygen -t rsa <Press enter for each line>
ssh-copy-id localhost
Enter password and you're done.
Do the following steps
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email#example.com"
# Creates a new ssh key, using the provided email as a label
# Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Use the default file and empty passphrase (Simply press enter in the next 2 steps)
# start the ssh-agent in the background
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
# Agent pid 59566
Copy the contents of ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Ensure following are the permissions
ls -l .ssh/
total 20
-rw-r--r--. 1 swati swati 399 May 5 14:53 authorized_keys
-rw-r--r--. 1 swati swati 761 Jan 12 15:59 config
-rw-------. 1 swati swati 1671 Jan 12 15:44 id_rsa
-rw-r--r--. 1 swati swati 399 Jan 12 15:44 id_rsa.pub
-rw-r--r--. 1 swati swati 410 Jan 12 15:46 known_hosts
Also, ensure the permissions for .ssh directory are. This is also important
drwx------. 2 swati swati 4096 May 5 14:56 .ssh
The correct and safe way of doing it is to copy the keys as has been said here.
In other cases, sshpass can be handy.
sshpass -p raspberry ssh pi#
Keep in mind that this is not safe at all. Even though it is not a good idea to use it in secure environments, it can be useful for scripting, automated testing...
this can be combined with
ssh -q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no pi#
to avoid confirmation questions that prevent scripting from happening.
Again, only use this in development systems where different machines share an IP and security is not important.
as the accepted answer do,
if you encount a problem of
Agent admitted failure to sign using the key.
you need to
I faced the same issue even after following all the recommendations, but found out that the issue was with gnome-keyring interference.
Go Search , look for “Startup Applications”
If you see “SSH Key Agent”, uncheck the box
Reboot the machine and connect to localhost.
I solved ssh login problem this way.
I generate the key pairs on my server side and then scp back the private key to my windows 10 computer and now I can login without password.
Previously I used key pairs generated by my window 10 laptop and there was no luck at all.
On Centos 7
1 create rsa key
2 vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config
# IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity
uncoment this line > IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa
# IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa
Note *I did this after copying the key and some of the other answers before this one. But I am pretty sure this is all you have to do but if not I would append the rsa key to authorized_keys and also run the
ssh-copy-id to username#localhost
I encountered the same problem when running unit tests on Docker container(golang:1.13-alpine).
After sshd -Dd and ssh -vv root#localhost debugging, I found the reason:
User root not allowed because account is locked
So, we should unlock the account by passwd -u
or set a password.
I fixed my problem setting the AllowUsers on sshd_config file.
Running the server with debuging:
$sshd -Dd
I found it was not allowed the my user
$sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Add a row with after #Authentication:
AllowUsers myUser
One thing to doublecheck if you have a known good configuration for ssh is that your /etc/hosts.allow includes a reference to localhost, since the source IP for a localhost connection would be coming from rather than your network IP. I was stumped on this for some time, but after adding the following to /etc/hosts.allow my configuration immediately worked.
I figured I would add this since none of the other answers mentioned it and this was the top hit from my search for the same error.
In my case after successful keys configuration it still did not work. I found following error in /var/log/secure:
pam_access(sshd:account): access denied for user `username' from `::1'
So I had to edit:
And add there '::1' to allowed hosts by adding a line:
+:<username>:LOCAL ::1
It immediately started to work, even without restart of sshd service.
Sending a message from the Unix command line using mail TO_ADDR results in an email from $USER#$HOSTNAME. Is there a way to change the "From:" address inserted by mail?
For the record, I'm using GNU Mailutils 1.1/1.2 on Ubuntu (but I've seen the same behavior with Fedora and RHEL).
$ mail -s Testing chris#example.org
From: foo#bar.org
Subject: Testing
To: <chris#example.org>
X-Mailer: mail (GNU Mailutils 1.1)
Message-Id: <E1KdTJj-00025z-RK#localhost>
From: <chris#localhost>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 13:17:23 -0400
From: foo#bar.org
The "From: foo#bar.org" line is part of the message body, not part of the header.
In my version of mail ( Debian linux 4.0 ) the following options work for controlling the source / reply addresses
the -a switch, for additional headers to apply, supplying a From: header on the command line that will be appended to the outgoing mail header
the $REPLYTO environment variable specifies a Reply-To: header
so the following sequence
export REPLYTO=cms-replies#example.com
mail -aFrom:cms-sends#example.com -s 'Testing'
The result, in my mail clients, is a mail from cms-sends#example.com, which any replies to will default to cms-replies#example.com
NB: Mac OS users: you don't have -a , but you do have $REPLYTO
NB(2): CentOS users, many commenters have added that you need to use -r not -a
NB(3): This answer is at least ten years old(1), please bear that in mind when you're coming in from Google.
On Centos 5.3 I'm able to do:
mail -s "Subject" user#address.com -- -f from#address.com < body
The double dash stops mail from parsing the -f argument and passes it along to sendmail itself.
GNU mailutils's 'mail' command doesn't let you do this (easily at least). But If you install 'heirloom-mailx', its mail command (mailx) has the '-r' option to override the default '$USER#$HOSTNAME' from field.
echo "Hello there" | mail -s "testing" -r sender#company.com recipient#company.com
Works for 'mailx' but not 'mail'.
$ ls -l /usr/bin/mail
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 2010-12-23 08:33 /usr/bin/mail -> /etc/alternatives/mail
$ ls -l /etc/alternatives/mail
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2010-12-23 08:33 /etc/alternatives/mail -> /usr/bin/heirloom-mailx
mail -s "$(echo -e "This is the subject\nFrom: Paula <johny#paula.com>\n
Reply-to: 1232564#yourserver.com\nContent-Type: text/html\n")"
milas.josh#gmail.com < htmlFileMessage.txt
the above is my solution....any extra headers can be added just after the from and before the reply to...just make sure you know your headers syntax before adding them....this worked perfectly for me.
Plus it's good to use -F option to specify Name of sender.
Something like this:
mail -s "$SUBJECT" $MAILTO -- -F $MAILFROM -f ${MAILFROM}#somedomain.com
Or just look at available options:
It's also possible to set both the From name and from address using something like:
echo test | mail -s "test" example#example.com -- -F'Some Name<example2#example.com>' -t
For some reason passing -F'Some Name' and -fexample2#example.com doesn't work, but passing in the -t to sendmail works and is "easy".
I derived this from all the above answers. Nothing worked for me when I tried each one of them. I did lot of trail and error by combining all the above answers and concluded on this. I am not sure if this works for you but it worked for me on Ununtu 12.04 and RHEL 5.4.
echo "This is the body of the mail" | mail -s 'This is the subject' '<receiver-id1#email.com>,<receiver-id2#email.com>' -- -F '<SenderName>' -f '<from-id#email.com>'
One can send the mail to any number of people by adding any number of receiver id's and the mail is sent by SenderName from from-id#email.com
Hope this helps.
Here are some options:
If you have privelige enough, configure sendmail to do rewrites with the generics table
Write the entire header yourself (or mail it to yourself, save the entire message with all headers, and re-edit, and send it with rmail from the command line
Send directly with sendmail, use the "-f" command line flag and don't include your "From:" line in your message
These aren't all exactly the same, but I'll leave it to you look into it further.
On my portable, I have sendmail authenticating as a client to an outgoing mail server and I use generics to make returning mail come to another account. It works like a charm.
I aggregate incoming mail with fetchmail.
I don't know if it's the same with other OS, but in OpenBSD, the mail command has this syntax:
mail to-addr ... -sendmail-options ...
sendmail has -f option where you indicate the email address for the FROM: field. The following command works for me.
mail recepient#example.com -f from#example.com
On CentOS this worked for me:
echo "email body" | mail -s "Subject here" -r from_email_address email_address_to
Thanks BEAU
mail -s "Subject" user#address.com -- -f from#address.com
I just found this and it works for me. The man pages for mail 8.1 on CentOS 5 doesn't mention this. For -f option, the man page says:
-f Read messages from the file named by the file operand instead of the system mailbox. (See also folder.) If no file operand is specified, read messages from mbox instead of the system mailbox.
So anyway this is great to find, thanks.
On Debian 7 I was still unable to correctly set the sender address using answers from this question, (would always be the hostname of the server) but resolved it this way.
Install heirloom-mailx
apt-get install heirloom-mailx
ensure it's the default.
update-alternatives --config mailx
Compose a message.
mail -s "Testing from & replyto" -r "sender <sender#example.com>" -S replyto="sender#example.com" recipient#example.net < <(echo "Test message")
echo "body" | mail -S from=address#foo.com "Hello"
-S lets you specify lots of string options, by far the easiest way to modify headers and such.
echo "test" | mailx -r fake#example.com -s 'test' email#example.com
It works in OpenBSD.
this worked for me
echo "hi root"|mail -rsawrub#testingdomain.org -s'testinggg' root
On CentOS 5.5, the easiest way I've found to set the default from domain is to modify the hosts file. If your hosts file contains your WAN/public IP address, simply modify the first hostname listed for it. For example, your hosts file may look like:
... localhost default-domain whatever-else.com
To make it send from whatever-else.com, simply modify it so that whatever-else.com is listed first, for example:
... whatever-else.com localhost default-domain
I can't speak for any other distro (or even version of CentOS) but in my particular case, the above works perfectly.
What allowed me to have a custom reply-to address on an Ubuntu 16.04 with UTF-8 encoding and a file attachment:
Install the mail client:
sudo apt-get install heirloom-mailx
Edit the SMTP configuration:
sudo vim /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
Send the mail:
today=`date +\%d-\%m-\%Y`
mailSubject='My subject on the '$today
read -r -d '' mailBody << EOM
Find attached the zip file.
mail -s "$mailSubject" -r "Name <$sender>" -S replyto="$sender" -a $zipfile $recipient < <(echo $mailBody)
None of the above solutions are working for me...
# Message
echo "My message" > message.txt
# Mail
mail_header="From: John Smith <john.smith#example.com>"
cat message.txt | mail -s "$subject" -a "$mail_header" -t "$recipients"
I recent versions of GNU mailutils mail it is simply mail -r foo#bar.com.
Looking at the raw sent mail, it seems to set both Return-Path: <foo#bar.com> and From: foo#bar.com.
The answers provided before didn't work for me on CentOS5. I installed mutt. It has a lot of options. With mutt you do this this way:
export EMAIL=myfrom#example.com
export REPLYTO=myreplyto#example.com
mutt -s Testing chris#example.org