Spring Boot: Adding static content to web application - css

I'm using Spring Boot and I want to know how exactly we mention the path to static content in my JSP files?
I tried to make them in src/main/resources/static/css but it was not working, and in my JSP I called them by using:
<link href="<c:url value="/css/bootstrap.min.css" />" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
I have no special configuration in my SpringBoot Class just the call SpringApplication.run(...)
Thank you so much for the help!

you have to have configuration that extends WebMvcAutoConfigurationAdapter , it has registry implementation that has automatically scans for some default locations and adds them to classpath
Just add,
public class ServerConfiguration extends WebMvcAutoConfiguration{

using springboot 1.5.6.RELEASE my folder structure looks like
~/repos/static-content-example/src > tree
├── main
│   ├── java
│   │   └── com
│   │   └── example
│   │   └── demo
│   │   ├── DemoApplication.java
│   │   └── MvcConfig.java
│   └── resources
│   ├── application.properties
│   ├── public
│   │   └── test.html
│   └── templates
└── test
└── java
└── com
└── example
└── demo
└── DemoApplicationTests.java
and when I start the server, I can browse to
anything in the folder "public" is accessible by default at your context root (#1 above). MvcConfig.java allows for #2. I always setup that alias so I can ignore security on any URL that starts with /public. In order to do that without the MvcConfig setup, you'd have to put a folder named public inside the public folder, which is just confusing.
I have no idea why spring doesn't do that by default....seems like it would clear up lots of confusion...


How to apply Artifactory Permission Target to pip, and other non-human-predicatable/readable repo's?

To make Artifactory as self-service as possible for our users, giving permissions to users to deploy to parts of repositories using their personal or team accounts, I'm trying to figure out how to configure this.
For readable directory structure based repositories like anything in the java world, the Permission Targets work perfectly (https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Managing+Permissions). But I can't find any docs on how to use this for non-human-predicatable/readable directory structures, like PIP, or the flat directory structure, like NPM.
In the java world, repositories have a nicely structured tree like:
~/.m2/repository$ tree org/ | head -20
├── antlr
│   ├── antlr4-master
│   │   └── 4.7.1
│   │   ├── antlr4-master-4.7.1.pom
│   │   ├── antlr4-master-4.7.1.pom.sha1
│   │   └── _remote.repositories
│   └── antlr4-runtime
│   └── 4.7.1
│   ├── antlr4-runtime-4.7.1.jar
│   ├── antlr4-runtime-4.7.1.jar.sha1
│   ├── antlr4-runtime-4.7.1.pom
│   ├── antlr4-runtime-4.7.1.pom.sha1
│   └── _remote.repositories
├── apache
│   ├── ant
│   │   ├── ant
│   │   │   ├── 1.10.1
│   │   │   │   ├── ant-1.10.1.jar
│   │   │   │   ├── ant-1.10.1.jar.sha1
For example, to give teamantl permission to only read, annotate, and write to org/antlr/antlr4-master/**, the following json can be PUT to Artifactory REST API (PUT /api/security/permissions/{permissionTargetName})
"includesPattern": "org/antlr/antlr4-master/**",
"repositories": [
"principals": {
"groups" : {
"teamantl": ["r","n","w"]
But for example a pip repo is completely hashed:
Which is completely useless in the permission target "includesPattern".
How should this (Permission Targets) work for repo's like PIP, and NPM?
Your screenshot shows a virtual PyPI repo, which is generated and thus hash-structured.
Normally, these are backed by physical repos, filled using twine upload and thus having a ‹pkg›/‹version›/‹file› structure – i.e. perfectly usable as permission targets with package granularity.

How to structure Symfony projects inside /src directory?

I understand how and why to structure a Symfony project. I just wonder if is there any preferred structure under the /src direcotry. Beside the Controller, DependencyInjection, Entity etc. how do you organize your source code?
Just crowd everything under Model? Group larger logical bulks into dirs like Service, Model, Job etc? Some group their files by functionality like:
Order, Product, PopupManager etc. What is the most useful?
There are many answers to this question. I think it highly depends on what your application involves. The following are some suggestion but keep in mind that you need to imagine the structure of your application by yourself.
Little project (less than 6months and a not too much of maintenance):
├── Controller
├── Entity
├── Factory
├── Provider
├── Repository
├── Security
└── YourCustomThing
Or if you prefer a domain approach (I do) you can have more something like this:
├── Product
│   ├── DTO
│   └── Model
└── User
├── Model
├── Provider
└── Security
If you have a more complex application, then you should probably learn about DDD or CQRS. Here is a little DDD example inspired by the DDD Cargo Sample (but there is a lot more to tell about DDD apps, as well as CQRS ones).
├── Application
│   ├── Booking
│   │   └── Dto
│   └── Exception
├── Http
│   └── Action
├── Infrastructure
│   ├── Persistence
│   └── Product
│   ├── ActionFactory
│   └── BookingFactory
└── Model
└── Shop
Hope it helps.

Custom grunt configuration

I'm porting an application from php to node(sailsjs) at the same time trying to replace ant with grunt. I like the current project build structure and I would like to preserve some of it.
It looks like below...
project root
├── build (git ignored)
│   ├── coverage
│   ├── dist(to be deployed to target env)
│   └── local(to be deployed to local env)
├── lib
│   └── some library files like selenium..etc.
├── src
│   ├── conf
│   │   └── target/local properties
│   ├── scripts(may not be needed with grunt??)
│   │   ├── db
│   │   │   └── create_scripts...
│   │   ├── se
│   │   │   └── run_selenium_scripts...
│   │   └── tests
│   │   └── run_unit_test_scripts...
│   ├── tests
│   │   └── test_code....
│   └── webapp(this is where I'd like to place node[sailsjs] code)
│      └── code....
└── wiki .etc...
It doesn't exactly have to be the same way as above but more or less I prefer to build something similar. Now, pretty much all the sailsjs examples I have seen look like below.
project root
├── .tmp
│   └── stuff...
├── package.json
├── tasks
│   ├── config
│   │   └── grunt task configs...
│   └── register
│      └── grunt task registrations...
├── tests
│   ├── unit
│   └── selenium
└── Gruntfile.js
Where should I place Gruntfile.js, app.js, package.json to achieve what I want? What other detail should I have to make grunt function and create artifacts as I want them?
Note: Obviously I'm not expecting to get all the details of grunt configuration. But I guess it helps to see where most important things go and how basic tasks could be configured.
Thanks for your answer.
It's hard to give a precise answer without a detail of your build steps, but I would suggest:
Gruntfile.js and package.json go to your root folder
you setup your individual build tasks (whatever they are) to output to build: see the doc of each task on how to do that, it's usually the dest option
Hope this helps a bit.

Compass and SASS on complex project structure

I'm developing an Angular application and I'm using the following folder structure:
├── app
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── images
│   │   │   ├── brands
│   │   │   ├── coletaSeletiva
│   │   │   ├── quiz
│   │   │   └── vidaEmLem
│   │   │   └── avatars
│   │   ├── sass
│   │   └── stylesheets
│   ├── scripts
│   │   └── controllers
│   └── views
│   └── coleta
└── test
└── spec
└── controllers
This is the yeoman angular generated project.
The generated css that come from SASS is pointing to files with the following path '/app/assets/...', because config in at the project's root.
My server is starting from app folder, so I call my assets using just /assets/...
What should I do?
Should I place config.rb inside of app folder and change assets paths?
My config.rb looks like this:
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "app/assets/stylesheets"
sass_dir = "app/assets/sass"
images_dir = "app/assets/images"
javascripts_dir = "app/assets/javascripts"
relative_assets = true
You can minify your code with "grunt" or "grunt --force". Then i think there will be no issues.
If still you got the issue of images . Try to set the path like ../images/image.png [if image folder is in parent folder] or ./images/image.png [if image folder is in the same folder].

Meteor - correct structure and scope for javascript functions and files?

First of all, I am familiar with what the Meteor docs say about this, which I have summarized here:
Files in subdirectories are loaded before files in parent
directories, so that files in the deepest subdirectory are loaded
first, and files in the root directory are loaded last.
Within a directory, files are loaded in alphabetical order by
After sorting as described above, all files under directories named
lib are moved before everything else (preserving their order).
Finally, all files that match main.* are moved after everything else
(preserving their order).
(Not sure why they say "moved" instead of "loaded", but I think they just mean "loaded".)
My app has the following structure:
├── client/
│   ├── html/
│   │   ├── main.html
│   │   ├── nav.html
│   │   └── login.html
│   ├── js/
│   │   ├── lib/
│   │   │   └── util.js
│   │   ├── main.js
│   │   └── nav.js
│   └── my_app.less
├── packages/
│   └── some_stuff_here
├── server/
│   └── main.js
├── shared.js
├── smart.json
└── smart.lock
In client/js/nav.js file I have the following JavaScript code:
Template.nav.nav_close = function() {
return ! Session.get(slugify(this.name)+'-nav-close')
In client/js/lib/util.js file I have the following JavaScript code:
var slugify = function(value) {
if (value) {
return value.replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/\./g, '-').toLowerCase();
My understanding is that the client/js/lib/util.js file should get loaded first, which will make my slugify function available, and then client/js/nav.js should get loaded and the slugify function should be available to it.
In fact what happens is that I see the following error in my Chrome console:
Exception from Deps recompute function: ReferenceError: slugify is not defined
at Object.Template.nav.nav_close (http://localhost:3000/client/js/nav.js?4d7c7953063828c0e4ec237c1a5c67b849076cb5:2:26)
Why am I getting this error?
slugify has file scope because it is declared with var. Remove var to give it package (application) scope.
Meteor Namespacing
slugify = function(value) {
if (value) {
return value.replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/\./g, '-').toLowerCase();
